HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-01-15, Page 144A t I)ER ICH $IGNAI STA •I.T IUttAY4 JANUAR '` 5,.1 7Q 1410nto`t Iegram.$hd' cate • r isappoint DEAR ANN NDFR$; "(Ou DEAR ANN LANCERS: should stick to advisxkt people What is a 'Itiot"her to "say to her who have. personal problems and U teenage daughter who believes. it not et, . into .things you don't. ``just ,*beautiful" that, a movie know anything about.. We had actress had .a child wits laver =company for dinner, Sunday "and : "whozn she doesn't tbink she• Will My 'wife decided -to try a recipe. marry 'because her last divorce: she ;clipped from the �Deixoit ..was -too much` trouble. NiyN Free Press, It was.Ann Landers' daughter : has also 'expressed ni at.loaf... admiration , for, another "InOvia-. `star, who is appearing -earin public y. ,,'wife has been making . . r pP � _� in �. �.. it bi .' as' e. hou . with at�smile an: rnea.t loaf' tor years end r has . � .. � always s turned out just dandy._:.._. Ther. face, This pregnant girl is Clot y Slice 'we were -having guests for married. The t;. father of -the dinner, shedecided to give Ann's . 'expected OM can't seeM to get: recipe a •try because she thought loose from hiswife.. • • • How pap a mother talk about soa�xxehow---it would: be betterta than`her own. decengy: and morality when 'such Well, Ann Landers' -meat 8af stuff isbgQi ig on What do'YOU "'was very .mediocre. Nobody said think . about these -people, Ann. Who couldresist this little glut's appeal? i't's as though Susan kiiows she has no home o€ her own and is pleading for a mother and father. • But Susan IS 'only 14 ` on�t s old, so `whate'v ,r woes she. has are fleeting.She is a delightful 'little girl • of Negro, Indian and white background: With those big, dark eyes she s-etirl� -r. ed-hai-r-=ant •golde Susan is a. chubby, healthy baby, normally, good-natured anything but there was plenty Lan ders? -- diATTLING THE left over for the dog: dust TREND thought you'd like to know. ' ' , DISAPPOINTED :IN ADRIAN, MICH. • DEAR ADRIAN.: I' am terribly sorry my meat loaf Was a flop. How is the dog? Please let me know. I worry about things like that: For the life of me I can't understand what -went wrong: I have given my -..meat loaf recipe' to several ' friends ' and no'- one ever complained 'until crow. Are you sure your wife followed -the recipe?: ,, • I'll• repeat it on ,the chance something was left. out. I hope some of you good Cooks out- terwtreci • e and let me'know the results: " and . - always eti �tlre a chats Ghee -iIot pounds ground ro n steak_ minding in the least, that much of what she says isn't yet understandable. She ,,is walking • on her own, can drink ,well from a cup -and is developing very well. This little girl needs a loving .stimulating‘ home with parents who will value her heritage: To inquire about adopting Susan please write to Toda_y,',s Child, Department' pf Social and Family Services; Parliament Buildiregs, Toron-- s. to 182. 1a�es _:Rich. ardsQn:_ � _Sons _,Ltd �. f- Westes Qntarii) 2 eggs 11,,.eu_ps bread crumbs, 3A cup l etehup-.,. l tsp. Accent• • - r l cup warm water 1 pkg. Lipton's onion soup mix thoroughly. - • _ - Put into loaf pan, cover with .. 3.- strips of bacon (if it• isn't against your religion). Pour over • all one 8 oz. can Hunt's Tomato_ Sauce: ' Balk 1-- hour -at -350. Serves 6. s Good luck, and let me hear better than mine, please send it. DEAR OAT: do 't ha re to think about them.; I ,,on't. know thein. They have0 ,asked for advice and what they do is 'noconcexn• of mine: .• If . 1 had a teenage cidaughter: who " expressed'''t)adrpiratiou a for these women, 1 would. tell her that. people who choose~ to live , life on the air ,travel plan — fly 'now ,.and, pay f later, roust be+ • prepared *lb: ',face - critic ism -ands' s a metiinus , exel�u-sion. Uii rtiinately the onus often - falls on their, innocent children as well;A great many y xlrvid als ,who insist .; they are willing to pay the -price for doing their own --thing learn too late that the hing" wasn't worth it. GEORGE & TANYA' cq, °to 01,0'1)44 loin enough. Oh,, I ave - you hadNa pairty .lately. ��. nose, and. the. ''old ticker run- • g :� � t ease. about Pd .eight .pound`s 1pf cheese, auc' murcler.you, • physir"ally •and f i• '•; "fished • feeling a� though,. If You haven't, , ddn t, It xa�cr' ,ling like a snowmobile.. in. . f org4}*.,; I e Q ch -. a • . Grate nahcially run the 11oston Nfarathon just sprinkle it over the casseroles, , s• the alit, esti' arrive " And One more thing. Be' sure W �d the b`g�bs for a frs � � h o, M a.ZL1 a o , * ,. you have ';enough,., 'We had several ear and -decided it o e rrterel the lit r years, but th se are- � ¢ . ..• wit ("111140'F.or stX Y• `./� gp ll z carefully ,, a incidentals that gp, h. . ' w�� tide.. We. -went tl .• ^ ,. t*f „,�., over our list of friends, . neigh,- ha a • ar It took: four 'These. are just the basic " in ving •party. ,�..._ ....,.....-. bolus and ea le-ire*aviwe,,. and , 'weeks of 'planning• and three gredients ,,for . Parti!,: of came. up ruthlessly with • 68 names', We • solid 'days of domestic labor,` , course, •Add one wife Who ,cut it hasn't' slept for three nights l"iecau e . one daughter, ;has de- s g y. ci.,ded,, that university is dor mo- rons, and- you get the real' fib - pared. Leave nothing to the • A week later, the house still vor._. • - - last ,minute. Check •the little reeks of garlic,.."and we're nib- Then pour in thirty -odd peo- things. tiling with total uninterest at, ale, the odder the better, who left-over`cass�eroles,. o€'some ex have apparently just crossed Have you enough wood for otic dish called something like, your fireplace? 1 discovered I 1Vlarmosdtste. the Sahara without water -bot - had two chunks, but. with old ties, and stir. fruit baskets, cardboard boxes,: The guests, their . slates can have got. v And you P You've aparty- E and 'the bottom' step of the deadened by a Mafia combine- • The stairs, managed quite tion of Martini and Rossi, nicely. seemed to like it. Perhaps Then, of course, there's the Be sure your wiring works. you'd ,like the recipe, if you're garbage. Yoj'd have thought The switch for our bathroom d nse'enough to have a party. we were ruinning a 'hotel if you d seen me trucking. it out • lights hadn't worked for four First, ^ you must catch • the afterwards. days, and 1 couldn't - get an marmots. This is your problem. • electrician because they, were ' 'Put them through a: meatgrin- 'Not that it wasn't „a swinger. all . in Florida or somewhere. der, gently. Simmer with on- , The Christmas tree alniest .fell But we installed candles,. and ions, celery and the insole of into the party, and my wife some of the ladies who used ' an a tient ski boot. Drench the - almost fell , into the oven. But the• facilities. ca down glow . mess with garlic,, oregano, chili we sang ' carols off and on, ing. They- `;had�-_ looked so '" powder, tabasco-sauce and any- mostly off, and everyone had a glamorous in-iyears:• - • thing else you find on your roaring. good' time, or so they • • - ' shelves. ° Place in: casseroles and roared as they were leaving. - Hake a • last-minute ° look at heat through..Serve promptly, our sidewalks • They might1 And you' are all invited to r... , • i when• the guests have..bee'n •in-. _- our.._.next _'party-. In_.1984.._, _ ___. seem all`"rlglllr•"Cu you;-a-t:u`1~ not t Tarty. P,- , all people 'are mountain goats. checked mine about . half an hour before . the . party,. Back , walk was fine, ifne. had FOR YUUR"u • snowshoes. Shovelled.it out. Front walks was`' fine too. Ex- -4 " cept for a four -foot bank of solid ice and snow. between the -street and our.r sidewalk, a gift from the town snowplow. I- went, at it like a man look- ing ` for 'a heart attack, and almost' hoping -l'd have one, so the damn ,.party would be can - _celled. .,I....'could feel my. fresh_ _ deodorant going ,up in smoke, !'uvea 4U u . mai.* ua�+ Pull. •- big ns tea bags ,come to ; my • The main point, when you're'. •.: eyes every time r I think of : it. giving ,a party, is to be fire- • • • PHONE 524-8388, GODERICH • That s tap..Cagadian pro, golferfurry GeorgeKnudson and the -feline on,the other'end, of,the leash is a cat named Tanya---- but. she isn't your usual' household 'pet: She's a Wild South :American cot called a Marg`ay and she can-b:epretty vicious: She's remind Ing George of his exciting golf match at the San Fernando Golf. Club in Sao Poulo Brazil fast summer 'which he played against Lee Elder and George Archer for television's Wonderful World of - Golf series. George__vsr_as one Of 12 fop golfers competi Q g in-. . _ the $1.24,000 international elimination tourna'meflt,which wit be , .sl wn on -M e n'e`-two i- Motu -Mays at -51007 p.m. "m °-fol be seen .Saturday, January 24. a . .41 -AUTO IN'SURANCE wear"titin ; d a n—nry MALCOLM Phone MATHERS GE Al.! INSURANCE AGENT -46,10/EST St.�� 5249442,.-., e • THIS SPACE _- 7-•-•- * 'FRtGLDAIRE * WESTINGE,LOQ1SE 4 GIBSON * -HOOVER' Sales and Service Geo. 8:'C jrrell 213 =Camor,)n. St:" MEN'S WEAR• `TELEVISION . ��� - 1� .�.�. -.�"�"r►-`-•�' PHILIPS PHILLCO Mrs Win.. Roope. 145 Palmerston St. For That , CERTAIN • THIS SPACE GERRY'S APPLIANCES The Square"— C}oderich Now Owned and Operated "r, -` by -Chuck Jewell ,, (N: MEN'S WE,AR ,EARL —:-SAW SO N - MEN'S WEAR -On The'Square, Goderich RESERVE!) - 524-9432 RIVETT'S TELEVISION—1RADIO 34'The' Square •Goderich WORK BOOTS 20th CEiNTURY•FO%F'RFSE 1$ EXCELLENT SeL'ECTIO.N Regular or Safety Toe 14' Diff ererit Styles Industrial & Garden Centre • Herndon St. 6244761 SEE REGULAR AD ON :;PAGE 5W OR DATES AND.TIM LADIES WEAR ' bards For. Alt Occasions.. * Gifts b T * Books ,) * Stationery Supplies • Records •Ani DER$OMS BOOK CENTRE —. 33 East Sty "----Goderich Mrs. Nelson Mill ' . 68 Pictorr St. W.'", • BUILDING IIIIAi`ERI►i- PAINT, WALLPAPER * PAt 4T n * WALLPAPER • *. CARPETS * TILE * LINOLEUM "Your Complete Home Decorating Centre" Earl•P. Allen 1/78 BBriit-annia> Rd.MIcAR-1•�UR and REILLY LTD. West Ste G oderich THIS SPACE v ` Now a good salary Opportunity -security • : foryou in a:busi'ness career. .Goderich y B:esi e s NIGHT SCHQOL _Typing,. Bookkeeping, Shorthand (Tues. & Thurs.-Evening) 4-85?.1 SHOE STORES: For FASHION • ° RIGHT H'OEA' • 14. S. Turner 72 Montreal St.' YOUR COMPLETE • TRAVEL SERVICE 29 East Street GODERICH 524-8366 , . Painting and .Decorating Contractors ' Painting, Wallpapering, Draperies, -Floor Sanding 33 Huron Rd. -482-9542 Clinton THIS -SPACE LAbIES WEAR-LIMI,Tgo ' ---Ground' floor Fabric Centre Bedding Lunge• Gift sets ' Fashion Floor Dresses Coats Oft -swear FOR- YOUR ' AD • rib too At C THIS• SPACE ,yy ( .S 1.!yap rwniture +.� �e.7t r z1er1ch •- ,ems °rep Be Sure To See - Ou r Display Of OIBNOINAL OIL PAINTING, pootwear For nt+vr ' ArThe. am i Iyii'xrk x ... - . 5249174 Cingston t0, Go Iers a , K µvs e • • Each week ,the names end addretsexof 6 subscribers will • appear in the Business Directory. —Look foe your name and address in' the ads: -F--Tnke • heeBusiness• ueotory and, sftltableAdo t)# nation tp iettl'Sot'iii'"Whose l%Ci fnamoappesied td. W -Pick uer year passos by Saturday night closing. Only Subsc "ibers td ;the Signal+St r at i hligible. , :