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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-01-15, Page 12
X1!Iy' hearty.thanks to all :those who, ealte : me , last week ---with ', social items for the women's Pages. It was most encouraging to , ?rue and I.'m looking forward to hearing *from more of you in the,weeks to `come. • Soil, 'where Guiding. is carried on for: the daughters of Canadian Armed' Forces abroad. ` - Nattional Scout -Guide Week is set for February : 15-22; Browniep Revels will be , held across Canada, October 17. * ,it's 4. * * . * a I. was interested in a Out of the mouths of .babes.:... • know that :the Beta Sigma Phi a ' telephone_sonversation I had last That's what kept cropping up week w h 'a few of the women in my mind a --week ago: Monday involved in Brownies, Guides evening as I sat listening to the and,Rangers in Goderich. three young men from Goderich I'm supposed to, be a District Collegiate Institute 'chamion of the young reporting to the Huron County • Q butBoard of Education concerning according to some of you,• . Mire than that, I'm concerned I. the.future of-Godetich• ai --- - -.the proper • development Although the, problems listed • 610.1. 6UIBFj R�dio ndfl0n- radio stations from 'oasE` toy. coast will offer . a -nation-wide',:, salute to . mark the • Diamond . Jubilee of the Olin Guides of Canada — Guides du Canada. At. 7:15. _ p.m, on Wednesday, January, 14, 3Qo oo0' , Girl' Guides, Brownies and Rangers' gathered at birthday .celebrations across.Canada and joined ,hands `'in a symbolic tribute to Guiding. Canada's first Girl Guide ' =Company was -founded in u;$t. --Catharines,; '. Ontario, in .1910, 21 . members. Today, iridin .has' :390, Canaldian g 090 interested in babys�ttexs and members. rn every province, the their work? Yulcon a'n:d Northwest • Babysitting`* , of course;- the , Territories and in Companies main source of ineonle;'for many and Packs ° on Foreign •• Soil, teenagers these days It is big 'Where Guiding is carried' on for busrn y y Armed .Forces abroad: people, boys and girls, take their work seriously. Card party:y held --You may b be interested to • ass and man oung the daughters of Canadian Sorority, in the .town of Exeter is sponsoiing a - course in, babysitting for the young people of that town. The idea isto provide 'some concrete instruction, for the,kidswhothus far have been doing the job of. babysitting without much, training. .of the minds, of our Young - by these young fellows pertained Sounds like the folks in people. I like to see our youth specifically to Goderich, similar , e: n g aged in - something prcrblem,s -exist in.: every .small Exeter think,that babysitting is constructive 'town. As 'I .heard what these not just any menial-tarsk: , V. •Thats why I'm 100 percent -students tad- to --say, -say;.I.aealize ..~�*w..i m.:-Wri•- ting._.to-.he-• ©ntari behind the . move . to 'obtain .a ,they might have been analyzing safety League for information - . i tr of _..-10: V V., n�cpai[_ , Q c©neerni he ---business 4 -of --�-.-•••permanen - --camp. _ a _ a ng_ -t • Ideal girls who are members of citizens or less, 1- babysitting. I hope -to + be Brownies, Guides. and. Rangers. Every _municipality • today is reporting back to you soon on • -: -I'm convinced there is no better interested in attracting industry. this matter. • investment for the future. Industry .. is considered the :w • � was surprised:to leer that- -miraculous cure-all, €ox every a , *. * . * there- are -about 200 girls economic ill but industry . - ,, 'ns as ellusive as enrolled in the programs for quicks, ilver. A common complaint heard Brownies Guides and Rangers. . Why? - at Benmu er A card party was held January 9 at Benmiller Forresters Hall. Winners were men's high, John Willis; men's low, Reg ' Brindley; ladies' high, Jean Ginn; ladies' low, Hazel. McMichael. A bushel' of apples was won by Jerry Ginn. - nation-wide radio tribute ° f .owship and -adventure. In her spoken iii 'Can a d l an-,. own way, each girl will be using Guiding Corn munition at 7.15 this time 'to "'re -affirm the local,; time read:.' promise she .made alt. her •- "Tonight .we. salute the three enrolment."' _ • • hundred thousand Girl Guides in w theirSpecial events will •mark` tlie<., Canada Who are marking Diamond . Jubilee _. Year Diamond Jubilee across the nation. Let us join them -in their throughout 1970. .'hese include • balding chain. and honor their National Scout -Guide V�eek, 60 years • of ' service ' with February 15-22; an ,International Canadian ..-girls ''arid *wish .them. ;Conference for Young Adults many more., years of fun, from many -countries and across Canada, to be. held. ?Uri Banff,- Aland "berta,CarousAugelustc21anaria", a *Sept!berseri:4 es; -.of . , Inter -Provincial w 'adventures enabling Canadian Guides to learn - ° of life, culture'- .and ‘industry fin: *Other parts ; of Canada.` Btownitilffefelrwilk bo held across Canada October 17.. AN TO.: .f PRAISEANS SPECIAL INTER -CHURCH SER .VICE OF PRAYER • PANE L • D ISCUSS�ION: ,Prayer Time 7.0�..-p.tni. 8:00 p4 m. followed_- by `Guest Soloist and ` ENJOY THE FINEST FOOD „ • IN�� 'TOWN Chinese, h nese, Our:Speaal`ty ALSO 1 AKE•OUT onDERS' OPEN, DAILY 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Open Friday and Saturday Until 12 Midnight The E Ui re Resto U nt "024444r x". . by most newspapers is that That's no smallup' ... and I a The kids may have touched everything is geared to the • ;.-.feel ;it; warrants some special , on the . real. answer. They - younger crowd: Even.the news is �' 'consideration : on the part- • of questioned whether Goderich: designed to keep the young set - service groups. in, town. " "citlzens....kand I suppose any informed, so it seems. l as drawn to my attention- - .population -4n. any _small town) w to attract indust y ` I'd eke to initiate' somnethi 1--�- e -there -art -prc�grams-for-�- ea�Y ng ._:. rs •there an underlying -fear , new. forthe women''i -page—irr" men••-�n€l��.a,w~:��,.�...�,.... t � ��"" ��.� �ti�h:; d ld€e� tom'-recegn�e`�.,C ,. Goderich there is very little done that if industry -=does eve; ec and I -- for the girls. This -may :.be the will drive away all comfortable the_senior citizens of to situation in most towns but that • niceties about small town --living? can think of no better' way than • are -mean Atm. shouldn't be . ° There are all kinds of theories by reporting on thebirthdays-of .. about -indust ..•and-I-have-nne_f lks.,. who have.. reached 'their ---- Panel Moderator: REV. GARWOOD RUSSELL, B.A.,. B.D. TUESDAY, January 20th . 7:00 p.rf:, in co pc ny in a p. 'ogress le - ? industry VICTORIA, STREET UNITED CIWR.CH (Sponsored by Ministerial Associatronl GORDON, T. WESTLAKE' Phone 565-5333 Bayfield • SUN . LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA 7 TI ESENT _ • changed here. . - •m "80th birthday or better. After May, be it is time that some too: all, that is -an oc ision } ' organizations got behind the I'm convinced that if there Brownie's,, Guides- and ' Rangers could be co-operation among all We'll , call , it ; "For with 'some financial support, and the people in ',,,Goderich, for Q c togenarians .. and • . Those now w u d e`ti e -ideal -tithe 11- l c,e o ' put ' :: forth---a:--Alder-" ItT- It will>' he., a space'. reserved may-,-_-- - - � �dt"wel;�,�lYere could d a .sderich" imilar ffort ,° � vvornen'.s .Page somewhere on the When I , lived, in -Clinton (that to announce. the was many years .ago)' I attended effort extended throughout the birthdays of 'all those people. Brownies. Do you know that I entire county with all the petty„ who are 80 years old or more. can remember some of those inter -town differences dropped. • ' Brownie .meetings more vividly in favor of a view toward 'a I invite anyone who is having than I can recall any other single bigger and better industrial an 80th birthday or better ... or >., obie knowin someone who' Will have that distinction soon to write .or telephone me at this office ; with the - name, address, age . and birthdate of the• - celebrant. There is no charge * for this new service and we are pleased to hear from all, of you fa . ..n . , e? <�e e -i -,„,� ter, t3 _ niL1 ' I . 'understand ' from most . commuting distance of all • women who work. ,w ith . coufy residents, conditions' Brownies,• Guides and Rangers could improve here. • that the stressis on service. That. Now, tell me I'm crazy- may ' ' account, for my recollections of Brownies, for * they .say that persons are never happier than when they are There is still no word from giving of themselves. council on the proposed }-' I -understand. that if the..Ladies , . homemaker service ,for the town Auxiliary to .Guides and or Goderich. • �, Brownies, find a suitable location Some questions, please. , ` for their, camp, ,e they will_ be looking for some means . of Is it true that the homemaker ` financing -lie project. service could be ' - established ~ Some of. you who belong, to without council's approval? And service groups may like . to •-once established, could a , investigate the need and: see just homemaker' service be sold to w , :whet can be done in your town, council ° for persons who •r _ help, .'- kids could not,.afford to pay ,for the • service themselves? , Could . council • "then ' apply for ander:. A ,. a .* •*.*. receive-' - an” S0- . percent grant - toward the cost of>such `services? • along. q; "J- There are still no ideas from you . concerning stories you - would like to see in the women's pages of this -newspaper. Please let me hear from you soon. • • Incidentally, there is a note on„ -;,my desk reminding me that January 14 (yesterday): marked `the Diamond Jubilee of the Girl Guides of GJah"adaui °~€des, du ° Canada:: .,.. '` A National- 6th • Birthday Patty was'- held at Hart House Theatre on the University . of Toronto campus, too, at which ... time a pageant including the • history of Guiting was presented before: the' Chief CCominissioner, , Mrs. K. ,B. Clysdale of St, Marys. „ Canada's - first Girl. "Guide Company was founded in . St. • Catharines . in 1010 With 21 Members. Today, Canadian Guiding has.300,000.members in every province,. the Yukon And 'iskrthwist Territories and in ' .; Co paries anid'Packs ori Foreign In any events, the i ominittee which did .the exploratory work on the hornemaker service' is - ekpeeting- some, kind f -- - answer from council.. - Surely .... c ouncil - can advise the committee=soop concerning their thoughts ons the subject., *• * Did you , know that -the Ontario Safety f .eagtie is vitally WISE • SHOPPERS KNOW QUALITY PRODUCTS w 4 b ✓i`+ . EXPLOR1NG CANADA'S WEST` FREE atL'ci-bectut u!I colour V. The great' Buster Keaton's Last °Movie THE CALGARY STAMPEDE w ALASKA w. t • • MOUNT ROBSON • COLUMBIYA,I EFIELO VANCOUVER -- ,. , _ or A SPROULE SALE CONTINUES itclinson Rsdle =� TV Appliane rs Huron 5241$31 • JASPER PARK ar . •BUICHART GARDENS .. FRAASER.: CANYON Tire. Goderich SignaI'$tar and. The Goderich Recreation and . CoMmunity Centre Board in co-operation with Canadian National Railways invite you to see this full color ,movie panorama of *estern Canada" Included-- in this two-hour show will be the award National Film Board film "ChuckWagon"; with. "City •of Many.Faces", a' profile •of '' /ancouver, and films that show the' spectacular beauty of Canada's West. Tickets ar"e. F if `E -E .ister first'erved psis; simply'`by nailing' l e coupon below; .with stamped self-addressed envelope. No phone orders .manbe accepted.'Admisskin b ,ticket onlye Valuable door prizes will`be presentedw-A.:maximum of 800 tickets w(il be available. • FILL IN THIS- COUPON AND MAIL TODAY •TElt-GODERICH-SIGNAL-STAR, WES:1 ST. ' **** : ' ' 1. ';'' to learn howyoa -hlay obtain ' ''''' ' '''''' an.lOB loan to p.,§8iq in star:tin9, _ • ' # ''' :. . ' our buirie's an h'efe iln pan, a • DE VEL OPMEN $ANK - FINANCING ,fpfl CANACIIAN BilS,114„ESSEi t STRIAL INOOSTR