HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-01-15, Page 11
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Roy n
Me 'am a member of the..town's Pub rc- orks-cwew'-for 4 years•and'foremen
of the department for the past 26 -years, retired in December and on January 9 was
honored at a testimonial dinner held at the Harbourlite Inn, Many local dignitaries
were present for -the event with over one hurfdrecl perCOns in attendance. Left to
in ion r•in • lie everiin and
- • � � ' ivied-aandr �
�Pu-blrc�lto�rlts 'Mr--MeriaXrrS rete 9 -duet -9-,f
'received'compliments and congratulations from 'Dr. Mills on behalf of the town;
' George Filsinger, .chairman of the Megan ,behalf of the commission; Goderich
Poli e . Chief Fred Mtnshall on behalf of the depertment;..former Goderich Mayor
.• rs ._.m _._ - - f Pu.blic.Works,.}le will spend his
'' Mrs. Stan:Nferiam• 'Met: �. Milts and�'pr; G:'F: Milts;. -mayor, 'Mrs-U.-D:-�Mooney-and•-Reeve-.Wor-sell-on behal�,d p
•right ,are Mr" and •
' Roy and Mrs: Meriam,' Mrs: Harry. Worsell and Reeve Harry Worse#I. Stan Meriam, a time now working at his hobby, breeding, training and racing standardbred horses.sort
y _ _r. and _ _ -- .. ill take over from c..tt.,... as -foreman: Of lie owns five pacers. staff photo. '
A ' motion to ' have towrt
,council revert to Committee-afT •
the -whole meetings, excluding
the - press and public, tailed to -'
get a vote Thursday night when ..
MayoiDr.• G. P'. Mills recognized
a pont of • order raised by court
Paul` Carroll. •
Deputy Reeve Walter
Sheardown and Reeve Harry
Worsell asked .for council
approval, for "meetings every 'two`
weeks- ' with committee -of -the -
whole meetings on .the . Tuesday
prior to fegutarmeeting.
Coun. Carroll pointed out
that . a motion` had been passed
during the first meeting of the
p`*esent council, Jan. 13, 1969,
setting regular weekly meetings,,
opeiti to the public. `
Dr.. Mills, in upholding Joun.
Carroll's point of order, -
suggested to the deputy_ reeve
that he present r a motion
rescinding the 1969 motion, and
then try his motion for
committee "of ° the whole. :Mt.o
pheardown declined; , The
motion would have required' a
two-thirds majority to carry.
T mayor suggested that the -
matter be pondered for a week
and discussed' at the next
°Deputy R•eeve Sheardown said
aetivities ` .o ' 04110il
he had • been a., .member pf, e
cciunciil• fpr `three years when
closed committee meetings were
regular and • three , years under
the: present system.
"In.,conlmittee, you felt more
relaxed, you-- asked more/
questions on- issues, and hada
better chance to come up with
what 1 felt was a,. better.
decision." : He said ° some •
membersof councilwere'-"afraid
to say too muuh'",with.the press -
The deputy reeve said that in
presenting the motion he did not
want~ anyone to feel it •was a
backward step. He said he felt It
was • a step in the right direction
and in the best interest of the
"I have always felt good '
discussion 'brought ; .out. good
points both pro. and con and I
feel that meetings of the
committee of the whole of =
council---is1:what7-we-needi" -he-
said. -
nvdu ge . open 'djussiOn •an+ij
while ''.lie• jhail' ay'mpath'' "utith'
those' .iOn berss of council, who ...-
felt ;they , could _hot- -tour
dis fissions to front' of th�.e press•
Ile wouldirge 'them to stay
open meetings: , i1
Dr. Mills said to hold clbsec
meetings of cojrneil was to invite
criticlsin from , the public and
encourage a distrust of council's.
actions. De suggested "the public
would sense something was "not
quite right," .
Dr, Mills said the' frequency of
meetings was important with the
council, handling " over one and
one half •. million dollars for
taxpayers.- "The'ratepayers
deserve at least weekly ;meetings.
I do not say this to, ,create any
hardship for members of council.
but we . must keep in close
contact with the affairs. of the
town," he said. n '
"I a am not critical of the
said Dr. Mills, "but merely -wish
He said it would 'not affect to ~express my opinion of what
"the standing committees .' of we have to doe to justify our
• council -but- should help` them.-- actions- .and - render fair.:.. -ands
'At times we all know that small efficient service to the town:
committees could be a bit Let's.'. have openness ' of
talllllllllllllllllalllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllltlllllllllllllltllllllllll�lllllllllllllll' meeting. `
rr annuai
• little matters._ to open council concluded.
:o -operation
- pointed out certain instances was told it was legal in every
- . -. ; .. during;--.the::-past: �yeanQ,which-.he-•..._���._._._He"; asked--.Drt,.,.. �Ila.:�if�,4;=�.,_
whereas in committee of=council : In answer~_. to the point. of
they,,: would probably ,discuss order the deputy ,reeve said he
them freely. had • asked the town 'solicitor
_ Deputy.. Reeve Sheardown about the clause in question and
felt could have 'been improved council wotrid accept • a ruling
•Dr. G. F. Mills, mayor hi his comparable with any other wishing all.members of council -meetings. = t m t the or ea a an was
by committee o he so t d
endeavour that With regard to. relocation of told only the speaker . of the:
. :-the--town , dump he, said there house was able to, give such `a
. council' urged all members-. of province, he said: He, said the ,woe impr e the • town. "were°:many questions that might ruling.
council to work together -fora park would have good services • ° • •
have .:,been, . `answered : in . The deputy reeve askedif this ,.
common goal .for the -good of and a ,good . location to offer Exprop:nation '
, . • committee that were not asked . could be• dune . and was- told it .
the town - •-• potential iiixdustry. in_open--council." There was• a could if he. wished. No Motion
o Q � lot of little, `questions I would ' was made to; that effect..
opening address to the 1970 y,, ipd_u trial facility m . the success in
» old
• '
He said he•, would , remind He said he hoped council n
•council of the necessity of, would continue its . discussions have -.like. to.,.h e�asked. fZl
et "er_Ae complete" on the renovation work needed ' W• everyone there would 'haveliked.
- projects, pointing •out that one at the arena `urge cou c �-'Town-":"CDUITCH decided to discuss rugs , more in �I
advantageof a• two year Germ support the recreation board in . Thursday night .not" to proceed committee," he said. _tk ,
was that projects - could be its efforts `_`...to complete this with, expropriation sof land Re stated there were probably'
planned and completed within facility that is so important to so owned by the family of Mrs. many more 'instances he could
-the term
many a q, • le of our town." • Paul Roberts on Elgin Avenue. , name ', but felt .he had stated
He said it was a wonderful Str:lig th ing rograrns are The family:has agreed to gell enough to give a clear -picture fif -
thing to see the Elgin Avenue expe d to- he completed this land. •needed for the Elgin- •iihat is involved. •IM
storm• sewer project proceeding ,year as Dr. Mills pointed' out Avenue storm sewer project to Dr. Mills said he
-so we an was oo ing orwa
had a stated in
a un • • ° • • e-towxi-tor42,549 ' his nomination address when he The captains ' for this, year s -
to the completion of it this year. Sheardown the residential areas A.bylaw approving .the
i was first' elected hp- would' not ° campaignare •Mrs. Verna 'Kane,
urchase was assed,with-a rider He said it • would `relieve a had been completed- and it was.P approve of committee meetings Mrs. 1V ire= Evans, Mrs.
" for -the expected a new system for the stipulating that the 66-foottractand he saw no reason to 'change' ,Cochrane, Mrs. R Betty
frustrating problem P Y
town's people in the area. ' square- would' be recommended would be used for underground now
He said he also looked this'year. 1 d right of way•
work only an no g Campbell, • Mrs. Janet
He 'also urged -Council
He said Ile would be willing•to albfleisch, • Mrs. Madeleine
would-be givena� tai vehicles or n `' adjustments in the • d JVIrs.- Ellen Huck Mrs.
forward to the completion• of to su•pport this request, mane any 1 Edward,
• the program to install .services • Dr.: Mills Itemized plans by pedestrians.
tuber, council Sherratt, Mrs. Marionrs
' - In .late Dece� Leona s
right , and Ross Crawford ganged up on Roy Meriam to into the industrial park this, year each committee urging, for decided, t expropriate the !arid Mills, Mrs. Ann Leitch, M
Sgt �•
-Goderich• Police Chief. Fred Minshal
give'fisrn a whip last vveeiC. 'Mr. Meriam,.41years a mem.t�er of, thetown's public Wor
soon. "This wild -bring our progressive and better for its property arY Signal -Star � Money �_ Th a campaign . .,xuns
industrial ' par'1 to a' point citizens. He - said ' he: hoped over it had failed. Goderichg
Dr. G. F. Mills, mayor, said he Hungry) we have received word throughout January and finishes
council this year would' approve with, the traditional one-hour
r•'a -recommendation by Coun. i, had received a telephone c' I- -frail- the store in question that
from Mrs. Robarts asking the failure to refund the 63 , "Mother's March" for fends ,on
Deb Shewfelte q for a new fire of ex ro p riation cents to the ikoixran 'Who* wrote Monday February, 2 Please
�,�• ,,`,, - truck. The request was presented clarification' 1? P , • •_,
,& to council last. year and was
dY d subsequent was a mistake and has been contact- Lee McCallum a
all from her -son Richard, corrected '>rlie money
• rejected.
Mistake correct el
Works departsieYl't'"'�""'"""'nt�ttng -'"that. tenders for ' the co-operation between , theme' o Connie Cover, and Mrs. Rene
° e'l, ' after attempts to purchase the 'Following` 'a letter ' to the , .
d• Tier
andforeman for 26 years retired at the end of December.. He was honored at a testimonia. in
Friday night at the Harbourlite Inn with over' 100 persons present. Mr., Meriam breeds, trains and
races standard bred horses. -- staff `photo.
Roy ..Meriam.
teive ,,
e, tow
..._. , .
Roy Meriam; a member°of the devotion, honesty apd above 'all new whip., t,
sanitary sewer would be opened committees to make~-*lt town t obtain an easement editorin- the -last issue of the Hey.
t testimonial;
40: ,years
The town - presented Mr.
town's Public Works Department good humor that Roy put into .Reeve Harry Worsell, Meriam with -a color -=.-television
for 40 years and foreman for the thin town?" She said Mr.•Meriarn , chairman •of the town's Public set in. time for the Christmas-
hristmas past 26 years' . retired in had never been:in a bad humor • Works Committee said •he had holidays and a pre nt4tion was
December. Op . Friday ,evening; and wished him and his wife been associated with Mr. Meriam also made by the PUC. 4•
January '9, he was honored ata - : good health in retirement: through council for the past . Dr ""'Mills_' suis -ed up the
testimonial dinner by the town ^ PUC Chairman , George three years but first became feelings . of those who. had
With. aver 100 local dignitaries, . Filsinger - congratulated' Mr. involved with Mr. Meriam worked with Mr.. Meriam with a
and fellow workers present. •- Meriam ' on behalf. of the through business 20 years ago. sincere- "thank you" for his
Dr. G. F. Mills�mayOr, acted commission and said the He said the greatest tribute he efforts.
as chairman for the evening and commission was really going to 'could.pay to Mr. Meriam was to Mr. ,Meriam sal he had been
. Meriam -i him. -"He has always say he. , was an honest, , hard very pleased to' hive done the •
paid -high tribute to Mr, • mss
for his work. He said Mr. Meriam. seemed like part of 4he working man. , • • work but was too overcome to
had started with the town as a . commission," he said, saying Dr. Mills in his closing address say mote. -
teamster and worked his way that Mr: Meriam's .co-operation said a number of people hacf He received a standing ovation
throughhandyman to foreman. with the PUC`had been shown their appreciation to Mr. by all .present and received the
He said to work" for ' 'a' "exerrlplary." F. ''' Vreriam'during'the latter part of congratulations of everyone
n• a municipality Air 40 years was "There is really only ,one way•. December with presentations of present personally at the
exceptional land said Mr. Meriam to describe Roy,"he' said, "and gifts. conclusion of the evening.
was an exceptional man. • that is to say that he is just a:. "' _ r
procee n'gs, are a su segue
was 524-7345 if you Would Pike to
e Avolunteer as a Marcher.
Dr. Mills , concluded by , offering to sell the lana. , refunded - with interest
lutuniiimailiutuutmuumuuiiimaiiiiiunnmluuninulumtiitimi numinnnlaii mugiiinlininmlimniiiiii unll11utmeiiiiii shim utlnunuufuuuiiipunitulotuutuloumnuuttllunitoamulttaantalIIIiwulto
2 • . „� a
"11±2 vuas.,willing at all times to damn fine'citizen." •�
do what was deeded. There was ' - -He • concluded by adding a: u�•, k.
never a' time when he failed to T wish for Mr. Medan) 'that in -his
go out even it, it was in •the new 'phase of life he can at last - . • '- v
middle of the night," said, Dr1 A concentrate on breeding : a•• "...
Mills two minute horse." '"
or provincial meetiflg
He. said he . "felt the town Mr. Meriam is- a • breeder, _,
Would-- . have to .call- on.. Mr. _ trainer and, raeer: f standardbred At a..tneeting of the Huron ' Zurich, Paul. Steekle, St. Joseph
Meriam from ~line to time ".". hobby years.P ed '', Provincial Liberal Association m and John Westbrobk, :' R 2,
horses, a. he h follow
fore' those . li
the bits .; tof ', fo Goderich r of „, hief held, at Hotel Clinton • Qn Clinton. A -•-M: Harper and D. J.
information to which onlyhe T ' Fred Murphy, OC ediderich and Dr.
A Wednesday, - January 7, 47 mrSniitli`� of Bayfield are ex
has the answer.") `'' Minshall, speaking on behalf of r e p r e s e n t a t i-ve s f r o mMorgan
Mr. Merian'r s succeeded ' as the police department, himself - x
i p nitinicipalities°. thro{ightSut the- officio delegates because of their
re • by n Meriam, _ _and ,"gt. Ross Crawford, noted ridinggathered to choose executive positions in-- ...the,,..,.
Fortner Goderich ma°
' Meriam was a into who was j -_,delegates to the ,annual meeting "••�ssociatic»i. • ' -
fo man -his�son•
' yor Mi«s Mr
. Moose said he had beef, dedicated' to i his wolxk. Ile of the'"f.iberal Party in Ontario, ' Murray taunt, *MLA: for
Y " referred to Mr. • Meriam's hobby id February 19 to 21 in Hu on-$ruceti was introduced by
sssociated with Mr. Mer>tam for to lie the ru ry �,
D. y ,..
.' when ears first • ber�+ wfth�.,the 'horsesysayng:'tliat now Ottawa . • � .,the association president, A. many �'
husband *as on town ' council he • would°` -be able to pursue it Named as delegates we
minutethe rovince:
_ horse r� Filsin er ..,. .. , , Albert and assess~,~ tinli
,. two . M la .. erich A
�gy .Ht
-a~a ",tID*CifiiC ,.;,.' ''i" ,? " '%iicx ,° ' 'r h,~� tin i'i��ii 7t + , ; � ' �ttt � ill ? it+➢a�ed ,hy r
iondr , Crawford and.gottogetnefand. R,zutchr IVlrs, M`atoicy, ' Mii yw
re: 'Mrs: Harper, a d addressed the
•"To help hila, get that O.
Mrs. "A. ixieettn co cerning _ education
late when she herself s'eirved full time• p g ij J Murphy Goderich g
and f'
.. ..:..:. i M r seve�i'.,..',
:r�ri:.a�unp�"• �b Y
"'"I'nm "lea`se-fit iitrs00'
o anizat ons present t
Roy," 'die said, "1 won
many'' people realize' the
• s- - Thexnext association function
er how decided to give him a token of Bayfield; Ivan I�albfleiscl>i, ,
x „„, .. " . � -ante
" , . for the area lea d
ouzlt "'roar • �ro a>�d� said the chief, �ilrich, Glare Vincent, Mannedin
of','work attd t`he ai 'built .of -:preforitiog Mt. Meriam with a."" Londebboro Gordon•
(u:'6 {Y ,x,a„t� ar;�+ara,, via+.,, °rr_,:rra u�.�W: ...... , e a . 'r r. °.: 4 r w,•
rtiSSels ala rlr.
. ice end
.t e Alexander Henry ashed her He smashed up ridge ice forming at the eastof the
The Government breaker h t"1►
° ,the lake ain. Rnroute. ftrom
ice t enter Goderich Hardee!. •on harbour basin and'headetl out into
'Way throe h heavy ridge - o ,�
„ t . ., .. , eriA'�
tif` ., w
,M - ,-fir E#f, ,, �'
�� �" .us< �1'Cetc�"
. �/.�`�,',.�{ ,. ��j .. - !!-�itl�i�lr1C�•� �tS'C+�r .�'`+cl�a f'� t�►.,, �l "i' �f�=�illl��,�" r
y'\may{, �y C{` \�� 1��� � y. -k..-. �. -.The
,,'e � ...,; .,
., . - e.. ri. The H in" to) cart t"tte�da r'notrt'llt p
out in thealrted tato the ire y �
breaker has. eve .been salted rn tc� helpnight lino . st r~3 «� Y� .. .:
earliest �ihe aCe!r . • , . � ;;, :•. . .... .. . ...
.,Saul runs into
. ld It�arrne �u Co. were•standirt� by:to is standingby hi iia the last be►11t to !cerin the � runs harbourw Tugs of Nll�Icborra g r � .0
remove the ice ho'or i' ail theAentra,nce to the inner harbour"' The heavy ,
lee. steff photo „.