HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-01-08, Page 5en ,n
it ,. „;,,,. noug yep _'to sll Bohn
ki phis i
t �',
t,. o . a • • Leo Fell WS 18'1 O'f' lyd St,,
Decernber- was • eiertainl . a , dIlle. teaeli -
Y . F from, underfoot, au a Va>>tiety Show was � huge success Godericki, ' '
busy month for most of us, With . '�;.,4,. ''
artiestere ..there,.. d take over, p�lrel�t`s'begin to plan • and the Bobby Cz'aftsao� held r�� �r. ,:dFellow�-• �v;�s !pi'+ssgned-•
Christmas, p an , their activities for .the winter in Clinton n Apr wasreal ye
. , -• each club and.season,• , . P, , ,.,. - ..._ r ,. , some handsome i"rshing gear,
everywhier- adee .fit classes' • orf ° � opens: ,
upon -his retirement Wednesday
-::• curling �-, many, many • The months:of 'annum? and � , '
.�organizat�,on, church and school,,,, _wbowlingz_
M gifts • and good wishes, were i ore interesting thing's, to do, . February were 'busy with Gard from' Domtar Cheinieals• Ltd.;' "
• Sifto Salt Division ^ Evaporator
.'..`Taxoadcast and everyone thrilled keep you young in body and parties, K of C Valentine Dances
to the ,Spirit of Christmas, mind - and you can cope with bonsplels,, GLT ' Play and 'the • Plant:
' Most of the organizatioua and' `• this younger.generatioin, " Figure Skatfiig •Club airnival.: The ,gift` who &ore his fellow
groups shared • their *goodwill • _Jly and August are our 4uiet• The 'Kin Mardi• Gras, iS always Qworkers, the presentation hei'ang
With those less fortunate and. 1 m months."... QUIET T•-: ?. Well 'that's ' just before Lent starts .and', this :made ,by Ra;47%etond Barker. •
sure no one was missed, at least only , ONE rxlan's -version • of it:. . year it will be -on February 7 -- ' Another gift vas presenta 'on
: they TRIED reach everyone, Actually, -- if' ou t *to look so mark �,
Y . Y rJ' ° r behalf of the company,,. °
-and they were most generous. back to these months'you will • There are so' any interesting -
• " Getting' entries ,ready for the- ' recall how quickly the days flew. happenings I know I 'have Plant manager `A• P. Boutilier
Santa Parade" also' helped to get " by ' .and. hew much - W SN'T : missed, but you: will recall many and elmployees, gathered at the '
people` into the 'right moos' for' actompli`shed, .We did ' enjoy a ' pleasant.hour,s spent'in 69 that!M
three o clock cof, ee. br k 1.6
Christmas •-- and the few people wonderful •,Art Ma and,;it reall • k5 n thing -about nd o-1-- en '-best wisher Lb T�"
who worked so .h r rx' rn - ,� """ "" Fellows Who first joined the
---•and���ed�•is..bn�9i'1��fg ' Godericli .Days" as think We Have.. had an interesting 1 •
4 - ""Tiundreds and so set the spirit of-; some ire calling it. Many 1969 and I'm looking forward to company November 1, 1926,
• - -Christmas spinning. I know you .vacationers "even plan their stay a greater '70;_ , .- February 1 1937, •1V.ir.
alt agree our `first parade was a in this area at this time to enjoy " Here are a few words from the Fellows earned his fourth 'class
great success. We are grateful to %pm, .• show„`-`Barrraby” that we can all stationary engineer papers and in
our hard , working. Santa who
May and June see; a round of use -and remember -May love :May, 1,9438,, he moved up to
carried on the next day lalldng "Teas.. and "Suppers"•;and the and joy and merriment go with third class stationary engineer.
to hundreds of children -- taking -'Sorority ,Ball at the Chid°iof Maya you Miro' the years, togetherness : His second class ,certificate came
ri► time to listen to their"I wants" • C.F.B. Clinton t• held the is nurtured where mistrust through September•26., 1958.E
and .making them feel ' there successful "Sing -put" by the disappears. Accept each others °
really is a Santa ''Trenton Group and, this was a ` reasons ' for things not . -4 In", a� brief address; Mr,
The Christmas Bazaars, Fairs most thrilling evening since the understood - discuss a paint - Boutilier�lauded Mr. Fellows for ' f
and what have you -_-...even whole show was organized andDON'T•argue, it maybe for -your - his accomplishments through the •
rummage sales; - were a huge Conducted --'and sung - by a good -- And when the years have yd. rs• a,
success this late fall. ' •large group of wonderful passed you ' and children bless' 'You showed your capability•
The fine old Carlow Hall was - teenagers, your way - you can 'look back as a leader when from February •
bursting at its seams again, even - In March the Rebecca Lodge, on the joy and Merriment of all •1; 1962, to January " 1,; 1965,
after adding three more rooms n had their afternoon for Dessert those happy days. Taken from . while our -boilerhouse was
• -:far the crafts and goodies to be • and Cards. The round of bake. . Brian Markson's writings, temporarily rated second class,
Love Martha.. you took over „as Chief
Stationary" Engineer and did a
t 1 d s ce but °� ° ""
�: - ...-- ►1ghy--_satis cto . job;_" added_
also more time, At the rite they • Boutilier.
are going with _ such crowds `..
jamming every; _inch of space, it .. • • _ ' ., ��., t_ • .• During ,,Mr. Fellows' years.
seems they need one or two ' ;' with- Sifto, he saw the salts
- extra afternoons - and I'm sure ourses,
•producing facilities change from' W • t`"-- they:w ll Ivor -it out somehow:-Coffore old east iron -vacuum ons >t:
It did seem too bad to hear so r capacity of less than 35,000 tons
-- • ` per 'year to the present steel set
• many say they ebuldn•t get near - y
so many--off--the--displays for the , St. John Ambulance today- • . The Standard •First Aid which produces, in excess of
- crowd-, `-,, U,n, - :: Month a new ro am of First more extensive training_._;and
announced that beginning this Course is for people who need 100,000 tons per year. •
There was lots ,of space in the m l? Mr. Fellows . was- born in
morning and early evening—but -- d_:courses.._wil1 be launched_in_:_meets .:the_requirement`s of_ the Presets'' Decettrbe�r' ;1905: Heb
you can see- that most of them Ontario. The training has. been Workmen.'s Compensation
came to ,Goderich with. his. restructured to provide a -series Board;,_It will take 1'6 hours 'to family in 1907.
want the afternoon. So Girls
GIVE. them more afternoons! �.Qf courses which progress from- complete .. and. covers the
Goderich Little -Theatre's play Emergency through ,§Standard to, ..essentials necessary for industrial:,��: He 'and his wife,o the former_
'`'Barnaby'' an adaption frome-.:• Advanced, as the new . sertl s is workers to cope- with most First Eileen . Marie Hill,, have ' five
titled. Under this •system a Aid situations. Thefee of $11 children: Mrs. Neil' (Ielen)'
Babes -in Toylan was 'a huge
trainee Will be able to upgrade also covers text 'books and . Gioin,- Moose Factory; John,'
success and.an tri afternoon • t
was' needed to .give more his First Aid ability from one supplies. � CFB Trenton; Jim, Goderich;
'course to' another. Requirements are.•specified by ,Mrs. Wilfred `(Marion)°Austin,
Brian Markson and Comapny are The Emergency _._,First Aid. the Workmen's Compensation Goderich;' and Mrs. `j Charlie
al real find, and young Ralph; course will be an eight hour Board for trained First Aid (Eileen) ' Baker.,, Orangeville:'
�.,o,ley certainly .showed us we course concentrating' on practice_. personnel. iii industry. To ensure There are 16 grandchildren.
. have • a musical genius in our of the basic skills to`-'-sto that ' a certified first aider is r
p � In his, . 43 years -with the
midst, ' bleeding, immobilize fractures available -.a.t all times, additional company, Mr. Fellows has lived
The-Goderich Art Club was _and restore breathing by mouth- personnel should be trained to no more than a three-miiriute
• covert each' shift, sickness
very pleased. to have,.that well , to • mouth resuseitation.. tri walk from his job, Asked how he
time off- and
known artist Alex Millar spend a ':addition, students will be taughtvacation,split:1;elt about men who `drive miles
weekend.here and the class -of casualty care and how to deal 'shiifts:'�For exa_mple', a medium and , miles to- get to their work
- 0 about 3Q people look forward to with cases of poisoning. The cost • size industrial plant working each' day, Mr• Fellows stated
meeting him again. - , of this course, • • including three' shifts will ,• require simply that he "wouldn't want
approximately • six trained - ,
That lively group of Foresters textbook and bandages, is $5.: • to do it."•
at Benmillex had, their big.dance , personnel. a.zardumber will vary
William�� Gibson, Director of with the •hazards 'involved and Excellent health has been one
at this time and a large crowd Training, in making the the size and adjacencies of the
blessing enjoyed by Mr Fellows
look forward to their next one. anno n • I, • w•th throu•h hi f•.t'ue
The Jolly Millers also had 'fun- the many activities• in which a be
.-,..__.this year with their Rhys and , eo Pie are involved today, the "I've never•had to stay in bed
R p y tool h separate
• spread. around. I think the ladies sales were started, the school
of this Carlow group realize; they
no only nee • more pa
rk-ing---areas. Underee
circumstances -----it _m y
« i „ necessary to establish a sick," e claimed
sing -a -longs and certainly shortened` eight hour` course r si " h ,
thrilled many homes with : thei7.r designed by St. John Ambulance `working-, area, as defined, fo• r Mr,. Fellows is looking
touring. carollers.. should be most popular. Mr. each working gang. forward to his retirement years
Beta Sigma Phi Sorority had ''Advanced Courses will be although he' will miss his friends
Gibson went on to say that available, later in 1970 to persons•
at:-the-'plant. _____
three new pledges and a almost 50% doll 'accidents occur__
trerriendous pile of • oadies for" • --,. wha`"have taken the -Standard- «I plan to keep busy,' Mr.
P g irr fire 'home�'i every d b d
�tfie Children s Aid at Christmas ld tra><run Fel ow
- - , - Course. It is desiigne tobroaden,. Fellows said, °It• is the only
• parent shoe have this g, ,the scope of •-the, .candidate's; way » •
The Goderich Lawn Bowling particularly now that so little .
Club '< had a very successful time is invohred in acquiring it. knowledge, improve, the
summer -- and a -most' -enjoyable' • q g standard of -his practical work.
"If a person trained in First and teach him the use of special
banquet at the end of the
season: Now, there's a game • --Aid is close by when an accident - -equipment acid techniques. This
which both the young and older •
occurs, the risk of infection and i course will 'be useful ' to those '
can really enjoy together, • You the effect of the injuries can be having a s u pervisory
should try it sortie ime. This minimized,''he stated. responsibility in: -Industrial First
is not like alley- bowling"Frequently- hospitalization. is - Aid and to those who work in
gameY avoided," he said, "or the stay in such_ industries -_ is ; forestry, CCS I
it is similar to curling and most
enjoyable as a team effort, hospital shortened.". - mining, etc:
The Curling Club activities ,got
underway • in November,- I •
believe; and are still going:
The month of October saw
M our Thanksgiving Day and the - n
delicious "Fowl Suppers and
Dinners" given by- different
church groups " got into full
swing -
The. Lions had their c'Peanut,
Drive," ' the Rooster Club had
their "Stag Party"" p e ,_Cancer
Organizations , were educating
hundreds and GDCI h'ad their
graduates night. The Art Club
had Lee 'Lytelltalking about
pictures and .framing and -Jean
McKee had her flower arranging--
P . classes 'ending their ,seaso n.
In Septerriber I started- talking
Santa .Parade and on'the 25th we
had a very interesting meeting at
the' home of Mrs. Blue and the
plans : Were - aired and . get into
When the children get out
BAY;FIE'LP- 004L11,,;
• D�
u. Atnd•
John Leo Fellows (left) retired last Wednesday after 4 ` ears
with the $ifto .Salt Company. Mr. Fellows is seen 'h e with
somesome fine fishing gear presented to him.by -Raymond B rker
on behalf, of Mr. Fellows' working companions -at Sifto.
THURS., FRI , SAT. Jrinuary.
Nine men who casslteton late and :sta, ed_:Xq,o to .9_
Excej tionaF'�'Vi/esTern _ Starring William Holden. and Ernest B•r.nine
A ADMITTANCE. ' Thursday—C e Showing Only at 8:00
,Friday " aturday.--Two .Showings, ,st: rti
'at 7:30 and:9:50''p.m.'
DON'`,KNO'TTS st Erring in
Fred Jewell of Jewell' Brothers Appliances presents Mrs. C.' "'
Cranston of Auburnwith the Hoover•Constellation Vacuum
Cleaner she won in the Hoover Christmas Draw. •
14 STAR-rI r i , ANN 0
WINNER OF ° 'tri 2Y S� i.,t M ,t`t,0
r `< { max• C' � ` :P� `•,,<e'. t.,,x<.:•�:
i'ram•the On by
13()i3EIrI' Boer TECHNICOL'R'' I
; �.•.•.,• -4 +o- t4 a;X�,�,v•r:: ;.;;•;'••: ;"�4i.'+'> t., } t - ; fn •ry .t.-
_ice+Ma°My c ..u. .,wrutriu and Wendy Hitler -- Recreated an -':his •rical`
dramatic conflict between a statesman scholar and man cif pri ciple
Dianne Armstrong,- right, of Jewell Brothers Appliances
presents Mrs Roy Anderson of Goderich 'with ----the Iona
Bleradgy 4 ich she wo,,nkaur_monthly bonus draw;. •
Located Beside The,Gu -,Station At The Five Points
Not a Western in the true.,sense,=, set against the bacicgroUnd
,_ of the Civil -War. `
Wednesday and Thursday—One Show Only at 8:00 ppm.
Friday and Saturdac,--Two Showings at 7:30 and 9:30 pall.•
Each major appliance purchase entitles, you to enter your .•`
name for next month's draw for a `Westclox kitcien'clock.