HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-01-01, Page 2k�•q ' b ♦ �,�. il,.
"annua1� carol service .. •and�u., Jennifer Grange sang .,
;sponsored - 'by' " the, ,.Aubut n accompanied',. by V[rs. Norm an
'Branch of the Canadian.Bible: Wightmai'i. A , gding„w?S given
-$0.01041_. was . held last' S.unday... by Mrs. _ Thomas traggitt -and a .:
evening -,',..in: Knox Presbyterian) solo was.su►ng by Ed. Raines,
Church under the direction of
the president,. Donald Haineg. To the strains of the
The service . was led by the astronauts' recording from the -
beyond, Instead of the dread :or
the atom„ bomb; Mr. -Thoni.pson
said ---that the fear' ` today is,
' population, e`kkplosion, poverty
r. and pollution., with 'poverty'the
main concern. He closed his
._message_ •
by v stating that , we
should look up into the sky and
remember the '- tar,-,,v�o r
l3ethlehein, gain; courage and' go``T';,
into the future with Christi and
have hope and vision.
Many carols were sung during •
.the service.
Rev. Robert U. MacLean with journey to the moon, Rev. John:'
Mrs . Donald Haines at ie organ. Thompson, secretary -pi the
Sunday School
After a welcome -. to members •caidian •Bible ,Society' of the "�. C �'
f�r�om. all'the churcliies in the” London district, began' his
hila e, the . Rev. Keith Stokes, ,,_ins - irin messa a -- "A Satellite
pheld at KnoxUnited
rector of St.. Marks, read the Among the Stars. He•said many
•:Seripture.:Lesson. Pastor A. Try ry. people , today worShtp...science
led: in prayer-. ' •. but God is still ;revealing H nisei f _
lido' composedo! Misses to mankind through the Bible
r. P
'Nancy' . 'Anderson, : Betty, Moss which is. the listening post from
The annual Sunday School
Christmas concert was he1d"witi.•,,
'Knox United r': Church last
Saturday evening with the :S.S.
room filled to capacity =-with
child renan.d their parents.
Pastor _ A. Fry was the
chairman - and welcomed all. to
Deepsleep -Deluxe Mattr-e-ss • _,_
The ultimate in low-cost luxury.
405 Adjusto-Rest*' coils for the level
support ,lou'"need, and. the lasting conn--
#orf ybu want. Bonded=to-foam.
Micro -Quilt*' cover of rayon
faille reinforced with„ nylon
} - provides years -of r°estful. sleep.
{ Sizes 3'3", 4'0", 4'Q"
Matching box
,spring prolongs.
mattress -life: •
Juiiio*` Girls did auMaction song.
Mr. Oliver Anderson played a
vioifn solo accompanied by-Ids-
y his-
daughrter Miss Nancy Anderson
and Mrs. The Arnold Intermediate' ..-,. soak gave .a
reading. _t rmediate and
Seniors presented a,
' play--``osher' Christmas".
the 'program- which began with Santa; Claus arrived and
the Nursery, class of ---Mrs. distributed the gifts- after he
Leonard Archambault singing, received- each child at the door
Mr and Mrs Hugh`Maclnnis, London tq ' Sault Ste: Marie to "I'll welcome, you" and "Hang and gave a bag of candy to them. •
Jacqueline, Gerald and ,1Patrick 'spend- t ee ,Christmas vacation,_ my gstocking,".: along,, with a Special Service •
of London sent Christmas Daywith John" ac ay,'s parents �Mr :manger scene. , . A special Christmas service
"th. , her. sister, Mrs. Gordon - and Mrs. Duncan Maclay,. and The primary class under M rs. •
was -,
United held
_Church Sunday w hat Knox
owell,' ' Mr. Powell, '� Wayne, Miss ,Barbara MacKay. ,Jack Armstrong and
Bobby,', Terry, Vickie, Wendy, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer"Keller of Jennifer Grange : 7nx sented�� =Alfred Fry in charge.
...... found a-little�m ':. A - f »
' ' We Bare- pleased to report that with their daughter, 'Mrs. Harry short address was given by the with music and words by
; yni .. _ •. Arth-n Gregr'-"atid Miss Judy Sunday School superintendent, °� Vi113am Bush of =Toronto was
- Ra - and Redmond -^d � is -
M_.;Unmoving , i V'tctona Hospitaller._ Arthur rf Qw.en. Sound. , Mr• Harold Webster. Mr Fry , sung by Mrs. Emmerson l Odgers` -
London,: where • he' !vas taken Congratulations 'to • Mr; J,' -'J gave a reading -- at special request:-* -Jesus
after he fractured his-•hip}:in..a,fall Robertson- Qf Huronview who y ;The Junior - . g i rls'- Bambino was sung by 1V1isses
• atGodericii. - • celebrated his 92nd birthday last presented --"The ; way to Nancy . Anderson- and Betty
Christmas' . Day -guests_ :with ---week ... `, etn" ``I '
Bethleh and the s"li;it• t Moss �,, - •
-. Shelley and Kevin. • Dublin spent- Chrtstt'tt s Day `'Santa b A solo -"Child o Bethlehejn
Clirtstmas guests -With -Mr
Mrs W. Sharon and - shouldn't lappen here". The •-There, were. several anthems
Bradnock, and
_' George ° bi ns were Mr. and .rs • Elmer Trommer•and Connie `Junior boys' classdid ; a sand by :the members of the.
Mrs. Hugh- Bennett, John, ,- ill --were .-- their sons, Ralph of Hippies Christmas and the-- Junior and Senior
NJim ,of ,Potto lbert; Mr. and Kitchener and Bill of . Hespeler,.
ir-Niclhrrls -tr`and" r t" ' ...s es -1 ea e'° of -ton on_
of Sea forth; .Mr, and . Mrs. John _ - i ' 'his me
sp'�tl>ie".itoliday at - home:
Menheere, ' Stephen, David sand here in`° the villager -
Paul• ' • of St. Columban, ' 'Mrs.
Ronald Pentland of North Bay;_
58TH ANNIVERSARY- .. c_:�- •
Mrs: Charles, Straughan a; id.,. Miss Mr. , : and, mi.& William - The CGIT ,_ of Knox United The offering , received- , by
Margaret Jackson. - '-Straughan-celebrated their 58th Church; under the direction of Jayne Arthur; Barbara Empey,'
.Mr. and : _.Mrs.: '.Ronald
wedding anniversary' at -their ' the ` 'aeaders, ,Mrs. .: John... Paye : - -deers and ' Cathy
Livermore of Fordwich_.and Ed • home last week with their family Hildebrand and Miss Betty -Moss, _ McClinchey, was dedicated by
Haines • of Waterloo _spent the present, . Mr. and Mrs. Clayton presented its Christmas -Vesper.. Shelley Grange. Pastor `=A: Fry, ,
. holiday:- with- their parents, Mr. Robertson ;of Copper' Cliff and= . service In the church on Monday closed -,-thy,. service : with the --
and -Mr .. na-1 ;Haines. - - --% -=-and Mrs Thomas Tardin.of evening,, 3 benediction
and 1LI.1 and Mrs. Tom Lawlor
an Jim, en - mos a Goderich in this' com unit are -young people assisted . in the head , for Florida by' car, surveys'
with-.M�r. � an'd._Mrs l�oy. F'i>rii}igari-� _ ....- Y, _ . ,.... , . - � `
sa to hear that she: ts_a- a tent choir with . some of -the' C.G T shoal_ When : an° infant_ is--ainong,
and Mrs. ".:::Laura Fowler of
o te bers. The . Ex lorer. , �s?
...: .. _ ��. _....:._ ...�.. >r .,.in,., St+ ��-Jose h s . Hospital, ,�► � P P � . 'the ~gasser► q, '�risi'iY.t�d�er=
..Geider�clx, . - ` . `> l° � T .with their .leadeirs-Mrs: Robert - ,u s `
• , . Eldon.-„ These include :Winners at the Christmas draw ' London, Suffering- from a broken With -and Mrs. pace savers scan- be .takennioii
' htp ude disposable diapers,
field- at : Trommer s- H' divatb' < p•
- Metennan- attended .i n a
•°� Store ;were. radio, I� Swan, - ,•,- 4. and .' .. .' Andrew the
z � _ body.-a� thermometer ' � Vitamins. �' ° a
� �,�,. the Dior t`he serer'• was „ . , - --� _- • . ' � y ' • , . � ...
, _ ' aster, B .
Tru-ComfQrt -
Something'neW. - for
people who want firmness..:
• 312. coils .g.i' e years of
supped under .an'elegant,'
scrolt-qutlted.cov_,•er. -
$i 4x
es.3'3•"f 4'".4'6"
M tohing box- spjing
.mattress life. , ..
Mr. 4and Charles Scott .. ,�
. - Wingham: . Miss Jennifer Granyge was the • * * .
Friends `of Macs. A Barr --of organist, for the • service and- Eight out of -1t Canadians
d. J• t Christ D _
Beadle, chocolates, Gordon • , conn spen ns mas ay peace. •.Shelley Grange, the
: witho their daughter, Mrs. Louis
'- - Dobie ;and Gordon- McClinche president,. lett-,in the ,�:'yA, e•
;; Blake, Mr. Blake, F-ae and assisted lby Marie Plun
Winners at Slaters Store -we Maryanne at Brussels. .
fiirsfr. rixe . of ♦,�:$iff�.-vouchier, = . choral reading was_�ion
_ rg .. . $q Il ,Mrs.
siin and both Mrs. George Christmas Day with lVl
Geo " Millian; 5 vo Choi William J. Craig _ pent py Yvonne Wean..
gr. and Mrs. Chamney, '..,Sherry
Donna Baechler took the
'"1Vldli d' Robert Arthur' won Robert- Craig and family at
bo'elates- Lucan.
The candlelighting servi was
prepared formulas,,, such as__m
Enfc : Ready to ,U se formula
t. The . y Mad Johnson Canada
part . Limited, Pre -sterilized, henna :,=-_
orrai»e refrigeration nor heating is
er and •- required. Just open and d pour.
;�,w1ni Omit*
.Continental Bed
a51Mi�i ONS
Save ;$25.9,6 on this :superb
-value .Famous Simmons S
Adjusto-Rest"' cols. Floral
rayon over luxurious fele--
ele"--Complete with matching. box •••"""'"
p? r 3 spring ' and leg's:- Size 3'3".
I •c r.`s �. ,��F `k %i Choice of °headbQarits (extra).
� 4 k'�Gh vi•
hfry ��ff+D `"�YY
save $90.001 Contemporary styling, •with
Nimbus seat cushions. Full length full ,k,idth
Slumber King! mattress.'Choice of decorator
cblours in 'a heavy -textured tweed or .vinyl
fabric. Includes.2 front orbital -caster's: -
er: Trout/net and- ' ` - _ Arthur Youngblut and his done by -Shelley Grange' and
ss- Connie Trommer sister, . Miss Lila Youngblut of Marie Plunkett as'the lea 1 erg. -
t Sunday' With Mr. and Goderich', spent Christmas Day Candles were alit by Wanda
Odbert and '"Lillidn "at vt h their . sisters Mrs. Clarence Plaetzer, Mariec Enipey; •Lo`irraine
S . , . Walden, M>r. -Walden and family �Qhamney „Doris Naylor,,'Lynn
* .-(� orcfon ''Taylor spent. the at Seaford: - � Turner -and Sherry Plaetzer.
Christmas _holiday with her , Mr " and Mrs. William
daughter, Mrs. 'Ronald Rathwell id Janice with _g . thei' daughter, Mrs.
�;eiYtaei' aat Chatham.: Strau hon spent �Christmas-Dayg
:: Arthur nccom_panied Thomas ,Jardin, Mr Jar -din and
B(ib -Weir. rand John MacI y of -fai'nily at Wingham.
p P
Celebrate._5f-ter ,wedding. anniversary
Mr. and Mrs Maitland Allen Allen entertained, nek' by sbawirg.
were' honored on the occasion ofpictures Other
guests were Mr.
their 56th wedding anniversary Alien's br'others,-Mr. and Mrs♦
ati the home of their nephew, ,Norman Allen ,;of Bei zniller. and
* Mr, and Mrs. R. K. Alleni. Plcton 'Mr. and , Mrs 4laai old Ailin
..East, last` Sunday:- ' Goderich. Also' attending were
Mr. ' and Mrs Allen were Mr ,sand Vlrs. Bob. Steep- and
Married on Christmas .I 6'''`f amily o oderich and 1Vir, and
yearn ago:, . ,• Mrs. Frank Smidt•. and famil of
-After- a 'family- dinner, Mr. Benaniller.
J;'airitirrg-=Reopen ForBusiness Jan 1
. .�
For Renov t'an &'.-
Y• -i K /rY/ �l%%/S� . ! r'.Aad/%•tel-'{.!•,1{%t:f..FH/•.,rlfi wii4 ice"' ;f.
,Jgry.�� •
••Y'�p?Y/r13DS0h's.•r�r Y/.�v�y+'�f�i`c�'/S'��Fnl�?9�.W�%rCdYi+//GrV•,.,?�ca .
rSAVE $70
Cape Cod, Colonial.,. - spring.
cushions, arm caps included,
f�itiful needlepoint covering,
:. Rea: 466.00
Sade Price $396
..Cape Cod,, Colonial,',reversible
foam. cushions, arm caps,,beavy
blue tweed cover: . ; <:' -.
'Reg, 469.95
. -4 o.....: 4114; 0 for yo
your : i lit the brand' New Ye ahead.ac
V 6
To have aul .customer's is a mai pleasure.,,
.. .f.J. 4;i5.!.h..Y:;. '; l' /:y r�i.Y�'YS�'lrG'/r ✓4✓•N"n.,., •I•i/ MNl;nv e. .
4 seater'Contempory style, zippered foam,
cushion" s, coil spring construction, heavy
bronze tweed cover. RegM 3
•le. Price -$2'
2- IT
Traditional . Style, atm • caps,
Scotchguard treated cover', , floral
design, zippered foam. Cushions.
Reg. 379.0
SAY*: $70
--66 9
r triple 1
e dr"
vertical framed' mirror; 5 drawer
chest -on chest' • spindle
headboard and w,,fraiiie, .m41_6 Or
5/O:1-DeT^R'rci Brittany finish.
Reg. 528.50
►ale Peicee $4585°
p .SPinish Style- by Kroehler. Large
oval table -ex 1nds•to.74", 3 side
chairs, 1 arm ,chaur buffet and,..
hutch, Marden amber' finish'
Reg. 69$.00 -., ....
SAVE° $70�:
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Rig. '200.907- -
Ie PrMc . $2279!'
Avanttw desiign�"'perfom mi
ce .tested,' blue
ed.covering,, floral design on,c`hair.1
,Reg. 109.00
y po
.lin 010 110.$ 01411,0. ife „vViSir..your '+un014ourrs et ma
;.. eeith . roux New Vv' e d
As for spur lo�rcltty. Ma the `fortlicbniin,°� year bang you
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-all Hie: kappiniiiss, and°success po �c lot
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C$a lic design, .0' year' warlran -y, ,. m . caps
illn >zrd4`dr 'beautiful batter sweet COVerliv4' °..
ft eg 410:00 .'. v..
;• '?r.• �=v;,, s, •"`SUITE
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cushlon,, aim` calis iriCitidad,
,.. beautiful"fnl t, '