HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-01-01, Page 1kg. -.-_,„
'.11TOW Oi. • th'i-nOw badge Consti:ne40.4 otthe $27t000 - . The bridge 4* %WI of A $1
'tliannitig‘ the lland-Itiver at,77-p1;0,10t ii'being,*han. dieckby, ',;.041100-.icntd and br4100,:proiebt
4, yienminer. has topped for the county Coutityr,Angirieerffiefirdifeltnent, that All 4opIico, the.' exiotirig, .
Winter, To011tils now v101;4- Of .- under County Enginee,r-:4104 facilities,. frorn ' the... IienniTer„,'•
the Tib • strict -Om of; the sbrldqa ; filltnell:a.t4 IS' the largest bridge school house to -01glOay S. '
. tonlphiNd. • " • ' -ever,built ;ti,y the department. ' The 'bridge is 506 feet ' di
. 4 is 'ode, up' ot sli span--
p-PSatXtessegd:Clio piers:'dcre:Ijoe .i.i 'sb:aatrilet ?
early. in 4969 witiVeOffer dams .,',,
'erected ,to bold ,back the: 'river-,
„flOW ivh1W.• 'tli.e"suppOrt-l3t,'
were -.Tler beams •IV,.'arC.. 'e4-. b
, .
ou adTthyl w i le t altProvincialfofseophv,4e- r yr Governmentestxblbeitaxpayer
tyiI,.i, . : startW4rp,nio-ivia;l#L 7Athffeto- :rpis:sses,,m1sumis:etnetr,4e:ilud4ttat4;°;":etir?erse'llter;.bog'i j:e41:9:4"nin.Pdadet:r. :cs°00.bhocs6a1:ttop.,
--Ontario,,:- prOperty reassessment Dare'ir-- - 1Vielteeught. , whQse, ;Tmhorieeir)othwes virg;:higroe;ttehre 401:ddering: ,
fo the bridge -as -thefflatten ou
A . . . • ii, piassessmentnrcoot1iertpfirtiinconsistent
tear in: atio. ir forgi ::ffiwo., t. ., , t. ay inadequate,li the s datan.,t: i,Tc. i umi:: z., :inventorymand . preparatory , ,os3,:: : i)o.f,. si. . :91:t. 7n0; e, : n':. I raj.if: suchuk4ini;.:47,_i. sn, necessaryd:e 4:: ih,n Ltrrd hg bridge
gathered 'by. -different' metliOds, 'Collection, record conversion effort as well as providing easier
, - Pailthr:PPreitYPMe4te'vali:e:S:intils7t1-14•1131P'rarc)et;i:e*Sci°711t: ifvZAe nassessiny* 19P7inrligrn- ta' tiiii. 11-'t'I.11144altrilralte.a'cleyt. ' :9prulit;;;;:nr Zeaai;qfa::::::::::.s'hltarp:1;
.7-PropeAT -taxition,..* Mill rates,
- ''aarte-17,--a-kt,. v4..4.1;1.,°_,-....,„. . -'---1 .--. department is
i' s province wide '
'governments, are based ution ..-
-.-• which--.-7are------set „ by local 1,Wough said. _ , .,.
value. The -government intends been started by a municipality - r, ,r. north ,,, ,,,,‘ ,,..,... ,,,,,,,
to do this by 1976. .. •,0,r county will be continued. and 7„„ext"'Pr,i'r11•"sa•i7,t-P•hiWs, Pu-eelukr '
occur '' - ' -
. , The goyernment'A ...obiectirs., asse§sment-;..explairied- ' that tie.
• 2, ' - To achieve equity -in i' es,O1:::ettiteerw,dis-7sb:: wilh, ppanpossible,iotviz ti , n. spend
1 .vi' .nar.a.-iti::. i6set e'vf: ae„rini :1 t ha effortreea natural:aisrtab. 9, .. tsii ibilm.ce:inbdd'e'w:;ut:hiToe' ..:::
1.- - TO achiste uniforinitY' hr.- teasseSsmmit at market value Will :_4:!±:..3:191-1.::::drase:h:a.collne:Pruet4-Inctioit:'-
. 0,.... , - - . latest valuatiorteelmiqUes." . -- . ._._ .
ponsi e , Or .. ... , ... .. • . - ,.
. ..
V° I_Sr:!Tdgt.:tw II tew i,, en no ial le. tEritt: l•inge x area i recommence'nedifi 11°t 7 mot: , , :ii,j11.6s,.'
.• . , . .
What does alit' 'mean to the ,,- Mr. McKeough- said that one,
In its AsiMplest form, Division will absorb- close to
province' taxpayers? -." . Jan. ". 2 ---the -- new _AssessrneUt• -;
reassessment at market value 2,000 as,seSsors and aSsessment .-b . at, GDC
- means • some - property - -owners- staff- , now - ,•working 7 --,for
:will find; that their tax 'bills will municipalities and counties,, , • - - , ... - •
. • .
-,.• ,,,. 4-• • •••:-•
, - increase, some will decrease, and . Generally, the de - Canada's_ _ Harlem Diplomats
are - two: mdentical. 'residential• • headed ' by ,,t. •an.:, assessment -
department is
- the. Harlem Diplomats, Often -
sow, • .willt-- remain unchanged. • well prepared for the assessment. basketball team. is- expected, to •
-Olds ,is apart from any general .. changeover, - -, .. . ' - •-• playzjto -a,-fi_dit..h9use ,..W.hen_it
increase in the mill rate).: - . • The province has been divided eets.:the ' senior "Vikings --at • c, _ -
For- '. example, suppose 'tl?,-eice into seven assessment *east each ,
GDCI on 'Saturday, Januaryl_th....---- -
• . • . .-.. - 4,
•propertiesArra municipality.";'9directly,. ..
E t . - 'called Canada's. 'team, is very,
- „Poi uctiOn of the new_Bentnillerlifidgellas stopped for the winter, mOnths now
......, -work will recommence in the spring. The bridge has been corripleted as far as
e,'4s14,.ttry,ctiire and only the decking and handrails will need fitting t� complete
the projeiVE'stirriated cost .is $275;000' of which_$125,00,0-has been perit,,,tOs date.
• The work is carried out by the Huron, County Rngineering department under
County Engineer Jim b-rittiell.
county crew. -.staff photo.
The bildge is the largest ever constructed by the
• • , = - • , • -„, is "aise'sSed-- at $5,000 and the • Each assessment , area is much like the failed, • Harlem-
-. - • _
'11,41 -ITY2 otlier is as,sessed-at-$16,00: The -dlAded,into four or‘five-regiont
second - with 'the- higher
• . - -assessment - would liay",more -arid „g7graphic size. Thirty-two
• • Goni,se. Jr., already- listectai-the---;-•,-
mosb . pOpular ---hasliefriall player
411110 aC-COrding to_property density Globettotters.2.-The team --has
re,gickiraj .,. assessment. -
'1 -s -taxes. than4,,,the Amt. :PIA both inTCanada and. ret.ognizeitas the --,.--,..,----
L-- • properties are identical, - and _commissioners -were liPfainted best balI handler to come along •
— .
, . _ . • - E. worth $25,00 eh at -mrket
a . • , . in -October, •• . '
----,--• . - S I N GL E foll-----Ikl-:7-'171 ;317;,. -: 1
= 'Ed - ---- - ' " k‘ ,. . • Special-':, .tetiplion-e-
th in a decade, -
. 124,1 -EAR THORSDATJANUARY 1,-1,970 oa
$1..- arrangements are being rnacleio -2 .- tied t
TiclietS- for, ' the • giune;
- ,, - g4,„• :.• ..,---- — . = • . vious y, en, . e secon , . c,_
ty ownersan
, In. each - expet , .o go•vifor . about Amet
= . _ 4 . _ ..
Eill illithallifillffinginilliilliffinliniffilillffil0111111109191111111111i111111111111111iMiffilliffillillili'll'IMIRMPOR110111111117111011,1111111111011Mili111111111111111;011011MMOMMIlliirittiffili -IIIIIMPIIIIIIMIRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I --PrOPer_VALuIassessment,region Can call„their d one --,half hours, arc
ditort , Set r-etirement.;
, iiiifri- • ' '-' -----1 t-taklY i*Vrig-r.itore, .,
that proper
. ••
or irelc ers 'InOr
• ..„: . lintr-Lirofierties'dre,,,..assessed at regional1-11117 twits than the first proper*. If .-,
-diserindriatiorn; • - insect:T-2_ •on i : • •The.aSsessment ofpce for the- • -- •Garne time_ is sehediffed for 8
ket Nall,,,reig;Adf•Aype "of ' tO paY,1Ong,,distance,ehargeS'.
offices without having
...... . . , . , ,
obtainable from QDCI students
and also will be available at the
door. - • - • "
., • •
in separate . sr •-•.$ystem--:
• .
_ . ...:....
.diffrpo tiines„ would disappear. , Namer Street,: G. ., odench. • • the. main gkin. 7_ " ,. _ ,,,- , • •
different asiessmenrinethods at western. region is located at 57 p.m. on Saturday, Jghuary 10; in'
• , --• . •
-1-, -- , • , . ..
-Separate School teachers ineSt-Both . " I. • t1 ...._ , .•
A strange accident took.-plade• The 1960s re -gone and with them years of pragress in-lnany
. .
.December 17 on Highway 21 • fields; 'advances in medicine and science, ,,hriprovements in
. -
_Jus_......,po, .....9 c. •ad18 construet-km--andactufing - .4 ,--- - - - •
' when, a, -Car driven by Victor The 60s will probably -be -remembered for science; space Shots _
Arthur Hood Was in collision-; . and sex; promerity and poverty ; marvels ariernistakes. .
-'1 with some Canada geese. - . . Tile pfoierns that have _ipeen with Lit doting the 60s 'will, '
- '
Only miri,of damage to the probably stay Witi.i. us well into 'the 1 76s. Goderichhas a. few " •
- vehicle- was reported by OPP problems of its own that will, pernapE, be .solved in the decade
opiDeeceersm, .bge;d1erizichifiiid4eltiagebrayent8.,,
, ahead and Many other.problerns that will•occur or re occur unless
4 , .
east ..ef county road 15, : james_ :steps are taken now to.cyffset-them. .'.
Sallovis Jr., Seatorth, wa's • - The situation ofthe waste disposal site for the town will no
involved in a"-sTrigle car accident ._ . doubt come up again Within the near future and possibly the only
. . restiltilt-in. minor d#Mage to -his way to sblve the problem stfitably. Will be -for the townlb install „
ve Ve.,,_ ' . '' • - ' -' _an:incinerator plant -The city of ,Port Colborne has one now that
unknown vehicle struck a --has-created interest among many of Ontario's larger ce tres, and
. .
parked vehicle owned by James • , also created interests with cities out of the country: hat- the ,
...... .• . , , _ . .•
Douglas, tell, • Londesboro, - population of Port Colborne is xe do not know; it is erfainly •
resulting' iffininor damage. ,The greater •than, Goderich, • - Clinton any, Godericfi, i-low.iiship
. •
accident happenid_on Silver -St. combined, and their cos( Or waste.diSPOsal,per year, is $22,000 -
in toridesboro. „;-....__ * _ , . about the same as it will be costing Gi;detich-alorie 'dig year: It
• A two -ear - ace -Went at Cp13 might be worth' while for council, to have an eye on the future
Clinton Dece,mbei• 20, resultedTinT_. and look into the costs of such an incinerator now.
•. min& damage to Vehicle,s, owned .. The town ill continue to look for iu'tabl "industryd 'with:
vy- i e . an, .
' by.? . -Serge Joseph BrOusseau; - , ' -industry. one , plant going' ioo .the .industn'al Park this year, _others will
Adistral , Park' , and Kevin patriek • follow more readily. 'But the town e.mchuk'• Regtna n should not forget the tdutist
'. f ' a
SalcatCheWan. (.. .,.,,
. • . Regional GOvernment will come, in 'what form we .do not yet
-*le-Bauer, .RR 2, Goderich, know, .1;14Fowith it will be regional assessment This year the
liras involved in a .single -car ' •
'province has taken:civer assessment and we Will ,have some form
-cidenton.County road:10_0st
sixf Highway 21 December 20-.
, of e---i-zed asessnient fairlyoon.- • - - ' -°- ..
-,. ...
'image. 30_,,,. highlivay property .It seems -logical--then for,.,the province .c6' set areas aside for
.tesnitedr t-•-,- ' : ,,-. . purposes to livhicirtiley are best suited. Goderich is best suited to
, .
' •Tuesday;llecember23,-• ear t ' ideallyled to it and. the town cOuncil should take,
, •- '
owned. by \ Kenneth , • Ritchie, '' steps now .toisee. that We are in a position to offer the ° best
Egmondville, was struck by, an. facilities to the most people. -
_ .
known_ vehicle. The Ritchie ' „ There will be an.' increase in, tourism in the next decade that •
Car-VWfka-i4---'it,h,-,Eionceiadnity,2-04.zierlwilf,...outstrip. -any. increase in the -past 'decade. BOating-will-
lvIcKillop, Township; wed Of' continue to be a major 'recreation for tourist' and townspeople
. ., ,
County road 12; Only_mmor alike and facilities at the rna1i boat harbour should be expanded
,clittnage Was reported. - . now in readiness. Let's make a name for Otirseives before regional
, ,
, • ..
A:: ..!tingie.ear: - accident-:-. ill government tells us what)we can or can not do here.
'Highway 8 just west of
, Trailers Will continue to rise An popularity F. 4 . a - In e a n s of
• 'Clintdn
*Saturday, Decernbeal; teAultedvacation accommodation and the town needs, trailer courts badly -
in injuries to two Persons, driver if we are to attract the people vvho use them. Parks could be
Ilarold-AiterY,./OrontoAnd. his developed that wolacLoretain the natural scenery as Yell as
liasseriger, .mary Avery. 'There ' 'providing space for tii.e.accorninadatioi. Money spent nov7WOuld-
Wet ,only minor damage to the . be well spent. For every year we*Wlit there will be added costs, if .
vehicle, ,' .- '. . ' % ,
. wecan keep our capital eNxpenditurel,nwn we increase our
profits. .,. . -
A Or -driVen- bi''' Joseph. , .,t . . .
•Silcdck Clinton stiticiwa parked So . * , .t _ :pa many areas need to be looked at, and.looked at with ..a view' •
,Vellidle '• oined, by Antie; ,, on, the future, (If:this towni.,.. ,4tAis athope that the, 00.9,pes, of
,Ivitusktioti . Ill ' 2, ' 'ahltonj' the 70s will havi•the'faresighi to do somethintabpu ern.
pecenibei . 27', ' on tlayfiel-; .' - • , 1... *
.concession .Road, Godetith ',. • , . k Ilia Ina it
. ... .
, .
To*rithip " eta of "tfi slitthj, ,,, ;,,, ''-:-'--
eotletositon. Minor datnige--iclis , . ie , . 1)0ft:forget, kids! Take ,,, The 'fantasy, written.and
sufferea'hY.hoth,Vehibies:.-- 4,11. - ..o rribror'"and #44,. out ' Sunday . dirpett4' by, priAn.',Maritspn
, , . -- --,afteinoori,,,,,January 4, to see 'Witti,mosic,bir FlaInh Moxtey
Another poked vehicle, tins' --, .
. ' re at **mance of,, ,, Jr., is p..deligkt to ciii1Oreir
4,4, ....... . . , ....,
, .... .. .
••, . - • • • .
retire aLage•65 under terins of a Charles
policy set by the Thrron,Perth•
Separate . School hoard- at •Dkvis,
meeting in Stratfbrd on De' 19 "said.
Beeause-soMe-person -s--,Ontrt
instructional staff ,nov,v are' over
65, the ---policy will - take - effect.
,gradually over three years ---- ageN-
for, retirement irk 197y4lLbe.
68, in 1971 it andin
1972 and thereafter it will "be
In • other 'business, the board
MacNaughton and
...-Nlinister William G.
.;;56'claii;-"atitend he
Winriers in' the Chnstmas
agreed ; to a plan ,toRrovide home- lighting contest were '
fluoride- dentaL treatment t R aYmO'nd Young,. 1 a 4
Huron County students e Such -a- Palmerston, most religious
plan is already in operation in -theme; Donald Riehl, 96
Perth. . •• . - Gloucester Terrace, best all •._
John Vintar, superintendent ' round; and H. A. Appel, 232
'of iducatio, said the official: _Warren,lmoSt original. •
'opening of the addition to St. These people will -receive
Mary's Separate School in electric blankets donated by the .
-Goderich is .set .for--:Pebruarsr...• PUC.
ers ode-d-dh--BulitliTetentre; Mrs:
Merchants'; 'Win-a-011ie 'A. VairDiepen, itit-a;Goderichi'
promotion and klibirrizes'are as $26 "gift , certificate, .iilackstone
follows: Helen O. tanaway, 288. Furniture; Lloyd Brindley,
- Huron. -dinner.-fdr-four,---,3, Goderieh,- -50- gallons -gas,
Club Grill, ShEan Anstay, 180 Baird Motors; Yirgr:TIOV Mete, an, 0'
Quebec Street, .,two $10, gift 129 llityfield Road, $29 'gift
certificates, Ross Slibe Shop; certificate, Fineher's, Smoke.
Mrs. G. Caldwell, ,:58 Market- Gift- Norirnin Wightmaii,
• Street, $10.,flOw0attiatigeMentriz7"71?, 2, Auburn, $20 attache`easei-
Flower" Fashiotrs; IVIrs. Betty Anderson's' -Book- Store; Mrs.
Reid, .RR 4, Goderich, $25- Cliff Eppe, one:pair:A' 'L.,
bitroi dry.61eaning,131tiewater Mukluks, Squire Gifts
Cleaners; M. Filinigan,-20 Alen, .
Avenue, 5 gift certiflcate, 0011
MacRae Jeweller; Agnes rWaleh',„..._
take a copy of this news story..
1.'7 Wateribo - Street, '$20: mgift stor
and suitable identification to the Ninety two skaters entered the ,arinuat Western •Ontario_lot,erolub Eigure___Skatio
resenti riZes as soon annual' competifon 1.4Id in Clinton Sunday, up from 26 last year. Winners were, left to ri
_ •
•t- Garland Chil ie es p ng p
row: Bonnie IVIcOhee, Goderich; Debbie Ferguson, Walkerton; Giien Kahle and Patty HarWood,
both , of Goderich. Front row: Mary McFadden and sister ShirleY• both of "Goderich: %rho.
oltecompetition attracted entriesfrom 34 clubs, - staff photo.
Raglan Street, $25 worth of dry
cleaning, _IG6derich French Dry
Cleaners; - Mrs. A. 'label, 165:'
Picton Street West, --$20. gift The concern three
i • ,
certificate, Schaefers Ladies Goofed& youths .may have
Wear; Mrs. Cathern prevehted a oirliondA disaster at
211 Bast Street, $125.', gift the,tedfnui lido last Thurs., ay.
Lassaline, 204 Stranglkrult_ „.$25 Ninety-twb • skaters twirl pt Gwen Kahle and Patty, Harwood. Shirley and Mary McFadden
' Hobert taMarSit were " driving
Mrs: Corti Oke, 69 iitannlit when they nOtiCed what they - L" • d Goderrelt. plate wenttoOoderich sitaters A
--certificate, Fashion ShOPP4; Paul uy Doll Ralph 'Gilles and .
Irwlfl, ER 7, tit
Decemberstruck :27 on ate
Street tueknow.:Tho driver' .
the.other toi.„ was :Sim*
Ittti 40
Ve* 'The. mishap;tesiitted
blot darn 'both
auditorium rit•li
Th tline, is'
Aditliton 'Imo thanks t
the Goderich Lionts Cltsb4,1
co«,operatfort * 'With AO.
Goderich- Little thoatto
12. It is Completely
ent'ertaintruint for;
,ki‘bliikieen 13 and 100 and
adults are also welcome at the
shoWing, although the
performance( ...in mainly for
• n
. gift certificate, Lodge TAW -re'? ," down South Street abont6 Nit Western Ontario clubs 800ild skaters Becky WO,nf to'. fat the Gaderich chih, Second
Road Wot man
* fl one Of • annual )rifer -club competition at at.--.CraWfOrsl', and ' tiOnnie NieGhee. Fran • JohnstOn and .10rielie.
there Carol Chapinari. andF4MiCe McConnell.
• for Third plate Went t0'. the::
lvv° $1°-"gift:titi46a,te:,"0SPO,t1IV CliSSer inspection, -roveided, CoMpetifors froth
insfer•thought vi4s- fa4theel riedford . Clinton Sunday. 3t,,avmeconnsen. *oh with place
I 26 dntrants.., the ooderiefitatipt, , ° NO.
'Clinton club, WOri by rift nay
the arid JoYeCilexwag,.
h* was.
McArthur _ Reilly;, R. the windows 0
. Duke 1:4843ritannia It4;ad. test Hotel. • „ 'were on y
Shoes Mrs. Frank HaWlana478 Z14
wat a candle in a centretneee oti junior free Ad! event 'with The -A mown trop y
• Stratford. St "Mhryit AttIttheil ere. We . eia es
.Keays Street loll change, filter, one of the tables:told Seaf0rtho AdOstai ,Patici Clinton, , , , .1volt - - - hots
• dotterich • te6eavatiar rtOn. !list and Second places "presented h,
'0,•• 'attneig -41.0.,-.4,414,r0toVit4t44,f.Aihtfto
et,ov,4*ofosii;447.'.1,iSlt •
Albert) The' three youths rushed into' 13Iyth 'VC7ingharn skated in IVIeGhoo Ina unice, *Coate% senior fro Ong. t;
hotel tour olastosjunior ddice tint.„ '1%10 0,14:0#'SVati "*.•'60 Othy Prate W VrOrt , DebOie
1 b Ferguson for Walkerton,
ttittdittes itobinseti. tom, -gitibh6d the tablecloth Tie juiller dance • tOrApetitioni.c. presented to,Nlies McGhee; , • *StratMid aii4 third' Part4
Coverings; DaVid *arid sed flames; in ...the 'with' g5i etompoting 'seniof'danco',..everiti, with' Chapman:for UuVLJUUd
electric drill, Gower's Industrial the hotelatittealled for the
end- 'tilideri Centro Gordon kiwtier) P.tok Noy. ldrt dory junior .ftee altati* onior - nee Cartlidge for the Stratford o
1106tidho .$25 and the boys JAtont-to the dining pairs and senior trof skating. ! The 4.1147 13.etth ttolAY , was ;place * by WO; for
pau Won for-thr Stratford club by ye 'Pahl c(?10Peting, was *6h (Continued° page
° •