HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-12-25, Page 262A, 0QUERIOR 8 ONA TAR,
Christmas season folklore is fascinating. Whether true or
not, there are innumerable tales on traditions of the holiday
Animals are prominently mentioned in many legends and
One Christmas legend tells of the little gray lamb with a
longing in its heart to be white. It wandered to the dwelling
of the Holy Family, lingering at the door. The Christ Child,
seeing the lamb, beckoned it in. He laid His hand on its head,
and it became white as snow.
Norwegians, Swedes, and it is believed that on Christmas
the Swiss make it a special Eve all animals can speak.
point to be extremely friendly In Worcestershire, it was at
and hospitable on Christmas, one time the custom to give a
both to domestic pets and wild � oe to the cow
at first bore h of atcalf after New
birds. -
A persistent Christmas Year's Day, to bring good luck
legend is that bees hum a to all. the youngest
carol in honor of the Christ In Syria,
Child. In England, holly is camel which accompanied the
placed on the hive to wish the Three Wise Men is called the
bees a Merry Christmas. camel of Jesus, and it is this
Spaniards are taught to G a m el which brings gifts to
treat cows- kindly: they believe children.
that cattle breathed upon the In Bohemia a horse is taken
Christ Child to keep Him into a river at Christmas and
warm. Tradition holds that walked against the current.
cows and horses kneel in The rider tosses an apple into
adoration at midnight e ach the stream and if it hits the
Christmas Eve. Among the horse it will be stronger during
residents of the German Alps the coming Year.
Safety Suggestion
Christmas Lights Indoor and Out
1. — Avoid frayed cords, cracked connections or chipped.
2. — Disconnect lights at outlet when not in use, or when
family is away. plugs, sockets and bulbs
3. -r Make sure all outdoor' cords, p gs
are weatherproof.
4. — Mount bulbs so they won't touch foliage, cotton or
5. — Keep connectors above wet ground.
6. — Avoid pressure or friction on cords. Hang with
electrical staples plese rto hold light strings, olastic hooks or t nails, tacks
insulatedments. Use
nr hrar1A_
It's the • season
of ioy and
,good will ,f £ '—
together for
happy times.
May your
Christmas Holiday
be filled with
many such moments.
Style Shop
in these days of internal strife these words apply
as well today as they did in the lith century
On n day towards the end
of 1682 (we) made a Treaty
of Amity with the American
Red Indians. (We) carried
no weapons; (they) were
fully armed. (I) addressed
them as follows: "The Great
Spirit who made me and
you, who rules the heavens
and earth, and knows the in-
nermost thoughts of ,men,
knows that I and my friends
have a hearty desire to live in
peace and friendship with'
you, and to serve you to the
uttermost of our power. It is
not our custom to use hostile
weapons against our fellow -
creatures, for which reason
we have come unarmed. Our
object is not to do injury, and
thus provoke the Great Spir-
it, but to do good. We are
met on the broad pathway of
good faith and good will, so
that no advantage is to be
taken on either side, but all
is to be - openness, brother-
hood, and love."'
William Penn, 1644-1718
pule Cutonno
ate fact to
'ourttj Centurp
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why do children hang up a
The first St. Nick was a
real person, Nicholas, a
bishop in Asia Minor in the
Fourth Century.
" According to legend the
bishop heard of a poor man
who was about to sell his 3
daughters into slavery be-
cause he could not provide
a dowry for them; this was
not only customary in those
days, but obligatory, to avoid
St. Nicholas saved them
by gifts ofold. Each time,
he threw the gift into the
house, in order not to be
Plum pudding, to the con-
trary, signifies the humbler
virtues. Legend has it that in
the early days of England a
king and his men were lost
in. the forest on -.Christmas
Not having provided for
this delay in their journey,
the cook threw everything
he had to make one dish for
all . . . thus the plum pud-
ding! We're just guessing,
but we are sure' plums have
had some good reason to be
part of th
Rejoin and be merry in soti► and mirth! 0 praise our
Redeemer, all mortals on earth For this is the birthday of
Jesus our King, who brought his salvation, Ii
we'll sing!
• phpibtrr)ci
The best oFhopes are extended to you for a
warm, happy holiday with friends you hold
near and dear. And it is time to thank you
for your loyal patronage.
.The beauty and spirit of
the season brings to mind •
most wonderful gifts friend-
ship,. loyalty and good will. We thank
you for yours and wish you a Merry Christmas.
Management, and Staff. Of
liardwere -- Plumbing — Heating
e name.
Ailrzsc-mnpionvinninnmnnnEwn",; ',2; 35 3.5. 35 3.535-MrorrAWWWWWW
One -version tells it -that h
threw the gold down the
chimney, where it fell into a
stocking hung there to dry.
And so to this day children .
hang up their stockings for
gifts from this real Saint.
4 4
why are mince pies and
plum .,pudding traditional as
Mince pie has been tradi- •
tional for as long •as history
records. It is usually full of
spices and fruits, represent-
ing the exotic treasures of
the .East, the home of the
Wise Men. Originally it was
made in a loaf shape, to sim-
ulate the manger. •
(It's time once more to
turn aside from the routine of day-to-day business and greet our
fine patrons and neighbors with hearty wishes for a merry, old-
fashioned Yule. May your holiday be filled with the happy sounds
of laughter as you tejoiee in the .company of family and friends.
Sincere thanks for 'our loyal trust and support.
Rosy cheeks sparkling eyes, happy voices ... children in
everything that Christmas brings: the familytree, stacks
n resents, bells ringing out sweet carols, stockings filled with goodies.
Santa Claus...and the solemnity of each tiny creche. Watching the delight,
the awe, the tXonder in a child's face is knowing the Spirit of ,Christmas.
To all, our sincere greetings reetin s of the,season plus our gratitude and thanks.
L.I7 .