HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-12-25, Page 16• g4tICII.SIONAirS'1'+A►. DAT,, DEMO �}f+. .,j 2►,1969 Woman to Woman By the time you read this and 25 grandchildren? -- but your Christmas baking, 'there is always that element of ;hopping, cleaning and primping wonder and excitement at will be completed. Very likely Christmas when grandma is the you will have settled down with hostess. your family and those nearest "rhe kids may ' have received and dearest to you to spend the expensive presents from home happiest Christmas ever. but a special glass of punch Every home has its very own mixed by grandmaor a piece of Christmas tradition, I suppose, her secret homemade fudge is even though it may not be better than all of them recognized as that. Every family somehow. has its own special way of Christmas Eve begins with the celebrating Christmas and that's church service. Everybody goes. w4at makes homecoming at It is as much a part of Christmas, Christmas so extra special. as turkey. There is only one place in the Eight o'clock December 24 whole world to be at Christmas, year after year is the time of the isn't there. Home may not mean Sunday School Christmas much at any other time of year program at our church. Every but when Christmas rolls round, single year the concert takes the most everyone begins to think exact same format. Oh, the about home. I know I do. songs may vary and the words It makes a big difference may = be slightly rearranged, but when there is no longer a home basically the Sunday School to go to. I know that; too. Christmas program.. proclaims the Perhaps parents have died or birth of Jesus, the Saviour of -the are too ill to be at home. Maybe world. you've moved miles away from Our children have been home and can't possibly get involved in these services ,since there for Christmas. It could be they were tots, and every year that harshly spoken words have their eyes shine with the thought severed the ties between you and of performing at the front of the your home. Or for some reason church for grandma, mom and or other, you may be too proud dad and all those uncles, aunts to go home, even at Christmas. and cousins! Whatever the reason, After church it is back to Christmas isn't quite • the same grandma's house where she when you aren't at home. Do begins to haul out her culinery you agree? surprises. It might be hot cocoa * * . * and Christmas cake - or warm And when does your, , own cider and cookies. • We've even home become a real home? had hot turkey on a bun! But There's an old saying that it whatever it is itis delicious' and takes a heap of living to make a so much better than 'anything everybody tries to get into the act. And Christmas is the time when all the women in the family `bring home their, special cooking triumphs.' Everybody contributes sgmething to the dinner. That's why we wind up with a smorgasbord Christmas dinner fit for a king. One of the girls makes tremendous bread and rolls. Another loves to experiment with gooey cookie recipes. Still another makes salads which are tempting and delicious. There's always turkey, usually ham, sometimes duck or goose — mounds of potatoes, wet dressing (that's a favorite with everyone), turnips, cranberries — the works! What is wet dressing? 'Well, it is dressing made in the normal fashion (but with homegrown sage for extra flavor) that is cooked AROUND the bird rather than INSIDE the bird. It is a kind of combination gravy and dressing and so -o -o very good. After dinner? Well, there's the usual solo game (a German card garne) and the happy pastime of just chatting. We don't serve supper because everybody just picks at the leavings from dinner. At the end of the day we are usually so stuffed there is no way to eat another bite and remain anywhere near comfortable. Before leaving for our own homes,° we generally have another carol sing. You only get Now , is the time , to rejoice in'�' the blessings .. . g and be moved by the inspirational meaning ... of the season. And t i to express sincere 4 s. thanks to each customer, whom it has been a real pleasure to serve. DORIS and HARRY LITTLE ' Photo by MA LA K, Ottawa. ALMOST HOME Soon it will be time to untangle the tinsel and hook up the lights. Evergreens are an ever present Christmas tradition. A tradition of more modern times is flowers — on the table, the mantle, the bannister — anywhere, in fact, that they best reflect the joy of Christmas. sassamosssassesszerszossaszssamsszssassgszivmassYsagtMsssammmrsarszsmsszsszsszssamssasslassts Winter television viewing Students c�mpete in quiz Trans -World Top Team, a special 13 -week color television series featuring high school student quiz, competition between bright young scholars from Canada and Hawaii, will be telecast over the CBC -TV network during January, -house--a---borne.—That's---so true else you've eaten ll year long.... ging-singFebruarvAnd __Mh.arc My husband and I will soon be There's usually a carol sing. once a year so you have to make The series, a co -production married 16 years,- and although One of grandma's Prized use of them when it is their between CBC and ABC we love our home we feel it isn't possessions is an old "pump and. seaso.n. (Honolulu), will be aired on Christmas unless we can spend it. pedal" organ. None of , her Home again, it is time for a CBC -TV Saturdays, at 1 p.m., at grandma's house. daughters or sons are musicians bit of reflection. The kids stop starting January 3. Grandma happens -to be my but fortunately, some of the ' ' longenoughtogive theirgifts a . H O' l y PP The three. teams (in panels of : husband's'' mother. My parents in-laws ,can play the organ so careful, . inspection. And it is four) representing Canada are both dead. (Incidentally, there is always lots of music. about this time my.husband and Highlighting their visit to Toronto was a tour of the new Science Centre_ and attendance at the National Ballet of Canada production of Kraanerg. In between, they had a ride on the subway and rent ice skating at City Hall. From Calgary, they went on a bus ride h, throu .the Rocky Mountains to Banff, thin flew to Vancouver and on to • Honolulu. - Film of the students' activities are someone suggested that I should •Sometimes we wear out more I initiate a discussion about tell you who my parents were than one organist! being thankful. ' since they were both born and Late Christmas Eve the party • 'there's a wonderful family to -- father in the Goderich area. My breaks up. My, husband 'and I was Gordon Pearson, son have set our own family be part of; a warm home to live of the late Nets Pearson Sr., Port tradition for the next few in; a well -laden table to sit down Albert. My mother was the minutes because just before we to; eyesight; hearing; the ability former Sylvia Seguss, Nile, . retire for the night, we gather to walk and to run; the blessing daughter of the late blacksmith our children round and read of conversation; fresh air; Ernest Seguss.) "'Twas The Night Before freedom; good government, the Our grandma is a dear, sweet. Christmas" and the wonderful list gets longer and longer as we lad with a definite German Christmas Story from the Bible. all add our own thoughts. tiiiiiround. Christmas at Then it is off to bed. At bedtime we're exhausted.' iir • ndma's house certainly isn't Bright and early the children It has been a long day but a very commercialized in any way. It is are up. Well, I shouldn't lie happy one. Life is so good! * * •* the genuine Christmas which about it. Usually I'm awake as This year Christmas will take revolves around the centre — early as they are Christmas Jesus Christ. morning because I don't want to a slightly different turn for us. It actually begins about a miss a' single expression on one This is the first year we have month ahead of Christmas when of their facesas they get their lived away from our hometown. Grandma gets out her Christmas first glimpse of the tree laden It will mean we will have to greetings for her family — eight with gifts. move in overnight with relatives. • boys and three girls (one Although we don't actually We will have to either begin daughter died about eight years push Santa Claus at our house, new customs for our family or ago now). The cards are rather we do give an illusion of Santa involve our hosts in some of our formal, addressed to everyone in by putting out the children's activities. Either way, it will be the family and using the names gifts afterthey have gone to bed. different. which are entered in the official . So first thing Christmas morning • Still we will be together and records of the land. they are down to the tree sizing that's the main thing Somehow or other, those things up. And we will be with grandma! cards always arrive at the door By the time we've finished I wonder if there is any way 1 before any others and maybe opening our gifts itis lime to get can be as wonderful to my •- • that's why they make such an ready for church once again. children and grandchildren as • impression on everyone. They Christmas, morning service is she has been to us. set the ,mood for the whole another family tradition. What * * * '` holiday — a mood of Christian better way to celebrate the If I could have anything for love and goodwill. Saviour's birth than by gathering Christmas, what would it be? Grandma • begins hording together in church to thank God Well, I'd ask for a stockingful groceries about the same time. for the gift of His Son. of faith ... faith in God, faith in She puts a little of this away for After church it is back to mankind, faith in my family and from Neil McNeil High School, Toronto; Sydney Academy, Sydney, N.S.; and 'fit. Pius -- Ottawa. These teams, in t order, were the winners of CTC -TV's national championship series of Reach For The Top, played last summer at St. John's, Nfld. The three teams of Hawaiian students consist, of outstanding youngsters who participated in a similar quiz program called Hawaii -High. These teams are named Lunalilo, Kalakana and Kamehameha named after Hawaiian kings. During their visit here in November, 'the Hawaiian students together with the Toronto, Sydney and Ottawa teams, enjoyed 10 days of work and fun as they travelled across Canada visiting places of ' interest, attending luncheons and banquets in their honor, and meeting with dignitaries. In Nova Scotia the students visited the Alexander Graham Bell Museum, the Miner's Museum and the fortress of Louisburg. In . Ottawa they attended a hockey game, toured the Parliarnent Buildings and met with the Hon. Robert Stanbury, minister without portfolio. In Hull they were entertained aboard the theatre boat L'Escales, as guests of the government of the Province of Christmas and a little of that grandma's house where faith in myself. Quebec. • away for Christmas. There are Christmas dinner is , well * * * never tangible gifts at grandma's underway. And 'what a Let me take this opportunity house — how in the world could confusion! Grandma's kitchen is to wish you and yours a very she possibly get around to 11 small — too small for 12 women, blessed Christmas and happy, children, 11 wives and husbands 11 men and 25 children. But healthy, prosperous New Year., GPEETING9 Santa's on his way with a sleighful of merry wishes for you, plus a hearty "Thank you" froth us, tool THE MANAGEMENT AND STAFF OF , ERR4 ltD S 1 while in Canada, as well as in Hawaii, will be inserted in the Trans -World Top Team programs. Producers of Trans -World Top Team are Sandy Stewart, Canada, and Pat Pantonini, Hawaii. Co -hosts and" quizmasters are Alex Trebek, anal and Dick 'Graham, Hawaii. Directors are Robert Gibbons, Canada, and Marvin Pienta, Hawaii. LITTLE BOWL Traditional To Christmas Holly has long been con- ' dered the most sacred ,gf hristmas greens; and The, red berries are said to rep- resent the ,blood of Jesus. "Of all the trees that are in the wood, 'only the holly bears the crown !" A display of holly was long a sign of Christian worship: Folklore has it that holly in the window will keep evil spirits away from the house, and holly at a maid- en's bedside, on Christmas Eve, will protect her from goblins ! 4 4 As another year of pleasant association draws to a close we pause to extend with sicnere appreciation our best wishes for a Merry Christmas anda Happy New Year. REIDS UPHOLSTERING East Street — Goderich Be not forgetful to enter- , lain strangew For thereby ;'some .•ha. .:tertained an- gels unawares. — Hebrews 13:2 • y • • ♦ • • • 0 . •.. MERRY \ CHRI5TMA5' To all good sports, glad greetings. Here's hoping you'll have a great Christmas. And for your patronage, our'warm thanks. Gord's Sports & Cycle' GORD CRAWFORD AND STAFF BAYFIELD ROAD GODERICH Wa hope that Santa is bringing good--tk-� ng -s -your way. Thank you for your loyal patronage. B. BRADFORD Of ALLISON 1S MEAT MARKET • owishqou the ;0q9 or In the fine and happy tradition r ,. of the holiday season we wish to extend ,,,w ;: � % — . ,". our greetings to our customers, old and new. May you enjoy the festivities and delights of this special' time as your families . gather in joyous celebration. Thank you for your loyal trust and support. Your warm friendship makes us feel very proud. Merry Christmas. GERRY DENOMY AND STAFF