HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-12-25, Page 88 GO ?ERtCH SIGNAL.STAR, THURSDAY, DECEMBER Zia, 1969 BLUE'S SUPERMARKET OPEN 1�rt 8 A.M. to 10 P.M. 4-S-11 •1 0,2;t) Best wishes for the [Yew Year. Thanks for your .loyalty. 118 St. David STUDIO 524-8787 Goderich To all our fine friends, we extend our very best wishes for a most joyous -holiday and offer our appreciation for your patronage. BOB SWARTMEN, Manager KEN BOB PICKETT 81 CAMPBELL THE SQUARE LIMITED GODERICH Christmas scenesry on CBC Christmas can be many things. It is the sound of carols on a quiet, starry evening, the twinkle of colored lights, the crunch of fresh snow underfoot and' the delicious odor of roast turkey. • Christmas evokes a myriad of memories and emotions but most Canadians share the same fond thoughts, especially when they think of the Christmases of childhood. All these emotions have been carefully captured on film in a special program to be seen on C BC television Christmas morning at 10 a.m. EST. Entitled Christmas Remembered the film is a lyrical montage of scenes which look at a wide variety of Christmas settings throuth the activities of the young and old, of the past and the present. Directed by former Czechoslovakian film maker Miroslav Ondracek, Christmas Remembered moves from the cheerful bustle of children cutting down their own tree in the forest to the reverent calm of a candle -lit church service. It shows the excited faces of children helping to prepare Christmas dinner, and watches the lined faces of the old as they wistfully eat their meal in ° a senior citizens home. Christmas also means the family, and Ondracek's unpretentious camera lets the viewer act as an invisible participant at the- joyful moments of the season in a typical Canadian household. One scene seems to tell the whole story. It's Christmas Eve and the littlecones are carefully tucked away in bed thinking of morning. Suddenly, the camera focuses on two tousled heads lying close together. It's a small boy and his collie dog, both fast asleep and lying like brothers on the same pillow. The dog licks sleepily and with affection at his little master and they ,continue to dream on. The, mood is peaceful — and so Christmas should be. Christmas afetr Susan Vogt, Goderich, one of the lucky winners ,of Bauer Skates presented as prizes by the Kentucky Fried Chicken Take Home Store on Kingston Street, is shown receiving her prize from Donna MacDonald, an employee at the store. Susan must consider herself extra lucky because the winning ticket was in the name of her brother.. He already had skates and asked that his sister be given the prize. -- staff photo IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIQIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Druids, Teutons contributed to Christmas Mistletoe in the doorway? It's not so new. Druids did the same thing in distant days. Holly in the hallway? Teutons hung it to give sylvan spirits a refuge in the depths of winter long ago. • . Not many of our decorations at Christmas are as modern as we think they are. Electric lights, angel hair and tinsel aside, most of our decorative ideas used during the merry twelve days go back a thousand Decembers. Christmas approximates the time -of the winter solstice, a portion of the year considered wo'rt.h celebrating by Everyone knows that Christmas is a wonderful time of year.37 but not •as many realize that it can also be a season for accidents unless the proper precautions are taken. Mr. Hal Wright, Provincial Farm Safety Specialist with the Ontario Department . of Agriculture and Food, suggests these safety measures at Christmas time: The Christmas tree should be stood in water and kept in water until it is time to take it down. This is not only good for the tree but is also extra insurance against fire. Flameproofing treatments are not always reliable and should not be relied on completely for . fire prevention. . If your tree is a metal one, only indirect lighting should be used to brighten it. Don't have Christmas tree lights .festooned around it, as this can cause electric shocks. Check all lighting strings for frayed wires, loose connections or broken sockets if you have a natural tree with direct lighting. All lights should be 'turned off at the power source itself whenever the house is left empty or when everyone has retired for the night. To Our Customers who have shown such a tnewed interest in the quality of our product since the busines came under new management, a sincere and heartfelt THANK YOU Every effort will be extended to continue the quality of our product and our service in 1970. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND BEST WISHES FOR THE NEW YEAR • KIXek9 fried.Chicken TAKE HOME SHOP 87• KINGSTON STREET Located Beside The Gulf Station At The Five Points pre -Chins. Northern tribes burned huge• bonfires to coax the reluctant winter sun into strengthening its rays. Of those bonfires, today's yule log is a remnant. Southern lands,°•'rich in their vegetation, held festivals of thanksgiving at this season, and decorated profusely with b 1 ossoms. Christians have adorned their homes with bloom or twig ever since. In modern times, the quantity and choice of Christmas flowers have kept pace with the jet age. The world's largest florist cooperative, Florists' Transworld Delivery Association reports two relatively new species which will be available in quantity in Canada for Christmas this year. They are the Paul Mikkelsen poinsettia and the Forever Yours rose.. The poinsettis, says FTD, will remain in full bloom up to four months. Some sold last Christmas were still blooming in summer. The new rose also has a long life, its four -inch blooms showing a rich red velvet texture. The plant life used from the earliest Christmases can learned from carols. Green leaves were about all northern countries could find in those days..."among the leaves so green", "the fennel that grows so green". Dolly, a green leaf; had an added attraction. It bore the crown, berries. White berries alternately symbolized Mary and Christ in traditional carols, while the red represented joy. Harbourlite Inn CHRISTMAS DANCE DEC. 25 THE CLOCK 9:30 - 1 W. J. Denomme FLOWERI SWOP Phone S24- $132' DAY OR NIGHT Avant for 24.hr. PIM DEvewpiN6 With its partner, ivy, legends grew from its use in ancient pagan rites. In England, holly was considered a masculine plant, ivy feminine, --carried by 'lads and lasses while dancing. Refined into modern .times, a that in season grows." superstition still exists in parts The great dramatist, no of Britain that, if prickly holly is doubt, was just being realistic brought home, the husband will be boss of the household for the coming year. If it's smooth, the wife takes over. Good enough reason for legions of men and women, since medieval times, to old but brighten them up with sing "deck the halls". the gayest of the new. Plants for But holly -picking is no longer- gifts and decoration come to our a risk to the fingers_ li l.oxists.„__--ho•rnaas•.. from florists supplying,. holly from the west coast, hSve made life easier for sensitive hands. Evergreens get their share of attention in song too. For the first Christmas tree, we can thank a missionary who, fourteen centuries ago, introduced the decoration of trees to Germany. Martin Luther, some time later, took to gracing the needled branches with candles. Royalty stepped in still later, when Prince Albert brought the custom to England at yuletide. It didn't take long to become a tradition, the world over, and for - "Oh tannenbaum, how lovely are thy branches" to become universal lyrics. In the middle of the last century, a carol was, written whose refrains ordered celebrants to "twine the bay, holly strew; laurel wave, baywreaths bring". Greenery was everywhere. Blooms were not forgotten, however, and many carols sang wistful memories of the rose—"Oh the rose, the rose,' the gentle rose", "Lo as a ,rose ere bloolning" and "of flowers the rose is she". , Shakespeare, on the other hand, didn't want a rose at Christmas any more., than snow` in May, preferring "each thing about what was available in his time. But ' summer meets winter, south meets north, now. Modern Christmases save the best of the luxurious array: poinsettia, azalia, 'mums, begonia, cyclamen, Jerusalem cherry. And, for those who think nostalgic, heather—even if it is shipped from California. For a hint of the tropics, tiny orange trees are favorites. If possible use noncumbustible materials such as glass, metal or asbestos for decorations, and dispose of all gift wrappings promptly, in the trash can outside, rather than in the livingroom fireplace. Harbourlite inn NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY THE DEL-REYS 9-2 Tickets Now On Sale Reservations Phone 524-9371 or 524-9264 ✓, f ✓• ✓• :%. ✓• .�•:•%sa f,..,�;, • : Peace and J� `y~ May you enjoy the fulfillment of all your hopes and prayers, bring- ing yoi, peace and contentment this Christmas season and always. SKY RANCH RESTAURANT & SERVICE STATION Hwy. 21 N. of Sky Harbour A//fhe Best for CHRISTMAS The treats of `the Christmas season are many and varied, and opr wish for you, our customers, is that you and your families may have the good fortune to enjoy them all. Thanks for your patronage! From the Management and Staff at Goderich Frosted Foods • •.. ft ':' ..\ v'�+lV .t• JY,;• a\,.•`,M,\ `• +,' ie c.\`'.i.2: `,eM MERRY HRI STMA May we- take this opportunity 10 wish the people of Goderich and the surrounding -area a very happy, safe Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New Year. To those organizations and individuals who have supported our efforts to become established, a special thank you. • THE GODERICH. COMMUNITY SAFETY COUNCIL Safety is everybody's business Ct ..... As the story of the first Christmas unfolds, may the Tight of love and understanding shine upon you arid bring you everlasting peace and happiness. Best wishes .for a joyous holiday. To The Boys Of The FIFTH GODERICH CUB PACK Their Families And Friends' Akela 1 • R N M or