HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-12-25, Page 6r , 6. 006E111'61 giGN ATrST4R. TH JRSDAY, MEMBER 25.1969 �.k :}{{':;}}:� ;�:{!.• Y1 •yy: X14}:•Y.;:.;:•i .;:: ,Y,:::.ti. •;';':'•� {{; {'� CLASSI FIFI RATES WORD CLASSIFIED • For Sale - For Rent, Help & Employment Wanted Services Available Lost and Found To Give Away 5c PER WORD MINIMUM $1.00 CLASSIFIED DISPI AV Real Estate - Tenders Auction Sales Public Notice Business Notice , $1.40 PER INCH $1.20 PER INCH with contract (10 -inch weekly minimum) NOTE; A charge of 25c will be added to Classified Accounts REQUIRING BILLING or pnpaid in 30 days. Deadline for taking Classified calls is 12 NOON, TUESDAY THE SIGNAL -STAR PHONE 524-8331 1. ARTICLES FOR SALE SEE the new Sno-Hawk, the sporty one for the 70's, at Rouse Auto Electric, West Street. - 40tf VACUUM cleaners; sales and service for all makes. R. K. Peck, Varna, phone Hensali 17262-5748: 4'8tfn COINS y, sell, trades Also ` coin collection for sale. Contact Mr. Pope, 87 Kingston Street, 524,'7359. - 44tf CHOICE ' quality refrigerated apples*. Del Mac Orciards, Charles' Burgess, turn east' the Bayfield Golf Course, turn left at Second Concession Road, proceed one mile. Phone 482-7289. - 46tf HYGIENIC supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelopes with price list. Six samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept.' T-53, Nov -Rubber Co., Box- 21, Hamilton, Ont. - ltf EAVESTROUGHING on house or., barn. Metal flashings. Roof repairs.. CHIMNEYS built. Free estimates. Morrison Bros., Lucknow. Phone 528-2546. - 8tf SCANDALLI four reed accordion, grey, forty-one keys, like new. Phone A82-9643. - 51,52,53b McKee Sno-lander SNOW BLOWERS Model 520 Phone Lloyd Lounsbury 524-7080 49tf BEAGLE dog, one year old. Phone 482-7423 after 4 p.nt. - 52x 1. ARTICLES FOR SALE a WEEKEND SPECIALS Lamp table lamps, pole lam , boudoir lamps, tree lamps. Pre -Christmas special 10% to 50% discount. Lane cedar chest, walnut finish, secret drawer. Sug. List $105.00. Only $79.50. Large high back vinyl cover recliner, separate reversible cushion. Sug. List $139.95. Only $109.50. . Use our Lay -away and choose your rocker recliner, swivel chair, cedar chests, lamps, mirrors, etc., while the selection is at its best. A small deposit will hold any article until Christmas. BLACKSTONE FURNITURE 34 WEST GODERICH 2. CARS, TRUCKS FOR. SALE 1967 GTX Belvedere, bucket seats and automatic floor shift. Good condition, 39,000 original miles: Reasonably priced, must sell. Phone 529-7956 after 6 p.m.- 51tf GOOD Selection of used cars in A-1 condition, fully reconditioned and guaranteed, trade-ins accepted and terms available. Rouse Auto Electric, West St. - 41tf '1962 CHEVROLET Half Ton Truck- in good condition.. Contact Bob Wallace at 524-9372. - 50tf 1965 $UICK LeSabre, four -door, good ..condition Phone 524-9537. - 52tfnc l .ti1A 1 •: .h.. 4 ti{ti1:.,'� ��iti}:;:�}1'ti; 1}}:+::::<v:;TTT:�.t? �.t;.}•{,;:}}1\:�;}: 3. Rik. ESTATE FOR SALE 5. TO RENT ALEXANDER AND CHAPMAN REALTY LIMITED PHON I" 4-9662 -' 3% Commission Rate On Houses in Goderich TO ALL QUR CLIENTS AND'FRIENDS A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR BRU4O LAPAINE Phone 524-8957 LES PENTLAND Phone 524-9007 51,52 MAY THE SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS • BRING YOU HAPPINESS THROUGHOUT THE NEW YEAR Best Wishes From Anne Masterson Peggy Cunningham Jack Cummings DON HOLST REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTOR 43 WEST STREET GODERICH - 524-8951 illEMMOMMI . W. J. HUGHES Real Estate -General Insurance Office 524.8100 -Res. 524-8491 38 EAST STREET THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON TO ALL OUR FRIENDS. 3. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LARGE size retail store on the Square `with two apartments;oli' second floor now renting. This store has dual future expansion realities in attached rear building and extra land. Excellent rear alley facilities. P.hone 524-7775. - 48tf HAROLD W. SHORE Real Estate Broker General Insurance 38 Hamilton St. Real Estate for Sale MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR i4. Dial the office at 524-7272 or • Mrs: Fran Rae Representative 524-9557 AND CUSTOlyIERS Rita Allen 154 Essex St. -524-8480 Deb Shewfelt 223 Huron Road -524-9581 Ebb M. Ross 92 Newgate St. -524-8786 5. TO RENT FARM house, all conveniences, close to town, no snow. problem. Available January. 1. Apply Box 41, Signal -Star. -+ Ott - 'MODERN, th re e=bedroom; heated apartment, Reasonable rent. -Phone 524-7898. - 51tf OFFICE space for rent. Contact Malcolm Mathers, 46. West Street. Phone 524-9442. - 39tf 8. HELP WANTED Here's your key to a big income: Mail today. THE W. T. RAWLEIGH COMPANY LIMITED 4005 Richelieu St. (Dept. J-K-L-216-HY) Gentlemen: I am interested in the World Famous Rawleigh Line on a (- ) part-time basis ( ) full-time basis. Please send me FREE catalogue with full details. Name Address City 45 COOK -housekeeper for one adult. Apply to Box 39, Signal -Star. - 50tf TWO WAITRESSES - one full-time, one part-time. Dishwasher for nights. Apply in person after 4 p.m., Goderich Restaurant, West Street. - 51tf 10. WANTED (General) COMPLETE household effects "' or small lots wanted. Call C & E. Furniture, 524-7231. - 42tf ° TO RENT - $1.00 per day rents yo. an electricrug shampooer. Rerrloves spots, grease, etc. Service Electric, phone 524-8581. - 40tf POR CHRISTMAS We've been steering our, thoughts in the direction of the season, and have come up with the wish that..you and yours have a very Merry Chrietnxas. Our, thanks for your patronage! G'oderich Motors (Ford) Ltd. ' Oum % 'StI'iEET - DOC$ERICH MODERN, heated, furnished apartment; built-in cupboards, fridge and stove. Utilities paid. TV hook-up., Couple only. Apply 92 Cambria Road North, phone 524-8144. - 49tf LARGE ground floor, four-bedroom -apartment. Heated. Furnished or unfurnished. Children allowed. Phone 524-8538. - 50tf BACHELOR apartment. Panelled, fridge and stove. Suitable 'for one adult. Phone 524-8344; after five 524-8170. - 38tf HEATED modern two-bedroom apartment with stove and frig. Separate entrance. Not suitable for children. Immediate possession. A. Bedard, 524-8346. - 41tf THREE -bedroom home, 129 St. George's Crescent, available any time after December 15th. Phone 524-8831. - 51 ONE -bedroom apartment, self contained, electric heat. Frig and stove if desired. Available January 1. Phone 524-7594. 50tf. THREE -bedroom, two-storey house; living room, dining room, kitchen; three bedrooms and bath upstairs. Well kept. New oil furnace. Phone London 433-0218 after 5 p.m. --- 50 ,.1 {.:Y •:: •:::T�: •:: •.{1 '{}'::'• 11�::'::•:: 'r•T'r'11}: $ ♦Y; : •T:+.: ':}. Y:{•T};v T.....1 .....: , 1.. .. T\ 1 r.1 . } , •`+�.•.,, . 1r, .1, p •.v�. . Y .,•. .1•: •. 1.Y••••,.1 L; ... .4 .h t. �• 111• .1•, T• :},J •.,1.{...•:SW •• :1,.L \'t. .:4.1 .•11•, 14. .i'dG }:.1r... 1:1;}.•:;:};,1:. Vti44•:4�T:11:1:: ::}:}}�{.1,;1, ::}, ;.!`.•1 .:.Y:•..}: 5:.;:\{'!.•';r•:::4.t •TT 111 .� 1•J •. • 1 .1 •r}}T'r:: 1•r.., h:S}r?r.Y}'•i$'•:•::;•. 1 : :14. SERVICES AVAILABLE 17. BUSINESS -NOTICE GEORGE SAGER Upholstering & R,epairs` X55 Mary Street Goderich, Ontario PHONE 524-6582 BRECKOW'S Massage, •118 Anglesea Street, will be closed December" 24611. tp Janu 5th. Phone residence 520*? 7, or office 524.4281 , for appointments. -50,52 D. IN MEMORIAM 38tf 18. PERSONAL .t' :• •'i •:{:. :: tit .... 19, LOST AND FOUNT LOST - Grey and white cat with brown leather collar. Name "Smoky." Please call Judy. Fisher, 524-6865. - 52x HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL. CLINTON We pay $5 to $15 for fresh dead or disabled cows or horses. We pick up calves and small pigs as a service to you. Call collect 482-9811 Lic. 169-C-68 50tf BENNY BJERG General Contracting 202 Queen St., Clinton Phone 482-9372 25tfn GRAHAM ELECTRIC Complete Electrical Service Residential - Commercial - Industrial 155 Keays Street Phone 524-8670 Goderich, Ontario. ELECTRIC MOTORS LRewdund and Repaired Watson Motor Service 133 Britannia West 524-6891 51-8 WANTED - Roomer or boarder - Breakfast if,' desired. Home privileges: Apply Box 46, Signal:Star. - 51,52 14. SERVICES AVAILABLE -\Stratford Electric Limited REWINDING and REPAIRS To all makes ' of motors, generators, tYarisformers, welders. - --24�Hour-Service- TRI -TOWN BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Income Tax and complete.' record t •.;y pre-paratit n ai zaz. j*tea{y�„w'» > Lawrence -Beane Rrucefield-482-9260 136 East Street, Goderich 524-7409 • 44tf '15. NOTICE to CREDITORS ALL persons having claims against the Estate of FAWCETT EMILY STURDY, Retired School Teacher, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died on or about' the 18th day of November, 1969, are required to - file the same with full particulars with the undersigned b"y the 10th day of January, 1970, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. DATED at Goderich, Ontario, this 11th day of • December, 1969. 51tf SEWING MACHINE SERVICE -Experienced service and repairs to all makes and models. Call .for free estimates 524-8916. 49tf • ACE . RADIO and TV Service, Frank Wilcox, 60 Picton St. W., Goderich, Ont.'Phone 524-77.71. -ltf HAVE your rugs and chairs cleaned by dependable cleaners. Call Superior Maintenance, phone 524-8892, Goderich. - 24tf AL GRANGER'S TV Repairs To All Makes Of TV By Licensed Technician 258 Huron Road Phone 524-8925 34tf FOR your Antenna Sales and Service contact Alvin's TV, 162 Mary Street, phone 524-9089. - 32tf SEWING MACHINE REPAIR For all makes and models of sewing machines. Free pickup and delivery in town. Phone 524-7756. - 42tf DAILY CAR RENTAL Reasonable Rates McGEE'S Goderich - , Phone 524=8391 • SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED EVANS' APARTMENT -- `' one -bedroom apartment available January 1. Phone 524-9445. 51tf FORMAL WEAR RENTALS Dress rightfor all occasions We are agents for: Freeman's Formal Rentals PICKETT & CAMPBEL L ClintonLTD. Goderich .MODERN EQUIPMENT WORK GUARANTEED Write or Phone Harvey Dale, Clinton PHONE 482-3320 13 tf Effective Dec. 1 OPEN Mon., Wed., Sat. 8 a.m. to b p.m. for winter months ohly C & W SALVAGE 205 Nelson St. At other than above days phone. 524.9514 Buying all scrap metals; handling both new and used steel products. PREST and EGENER, Barristers, etc., 33 Montreal Street, +� Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. 51,52,1 IN . THE , ESTATE OF ROLF PENNER, ' All per$ons having claims against the estate of Rolf Penner, late of the Town of Goderich, who died on November 23rd, 1969, are required to file claims with the undersigned by January 3rd, 1970. WALTERS, GREATREX, FLESHER & CHRIS, 151 Frederick Street, Kitchener, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administrator. 50,51,52 Due to illness in the family, we are unable to send Christmas cards, but we would like to take this opportunity to wish all our friends and neighbors a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. - Mr. and Mrs. John Spooner and Ted. - 52 v We would like to wish aj1 our friends and neighbors a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. - Lou and Theresa Fulford. - 52 Wishing all our family, friends and neighbors a Blessed Christmas and a Prosperous New Year. = Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schoemaker and family. -- 52 Al and Anne Dowds and family wish to extend Christmas greetings to all their friends in Goderich. - 52 Rather than send Christmas cards this year, we are making a donation to our favorite charity. Season's greetings to s11 our neighbors and friends. - Mr. and Mrs. Erich Mueller and son Frank. - 52x Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McCharles take this opportunity of wishing one. and all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks to all those who called giving news for the Lochalsh column'of the. paper during the year. - 52nc The Season's greetings and best wishes for the -New Year to all our friends and neighbors in G(pderich.._-_Instead-•,_of sending_ Christmas greeting cards, we are making a donation to the Cancer Society. = Evelyn and Wilfred Peachey. - 52x Wanda Wilson would like to wish her friends a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Never a Christmas morning, Never the old year ends, But someone thinks of someone, Old days, old times, old friends. 52 IN THE ESTATE OF HARVEY PRESTON FISHER, LATE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF COLBORN1 , ,IN THE COUNTY OF HURON. All persons claiming against the above Estate are required to forward full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of January, 1970, after which date the assets will be distributed. DONNELLY & MURPHV, 18 The Square, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. 51,52,1 - To all our friends in Goderich, we extend our best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. - Ken ' and Lenore Aitken and family and Canadian Association for the • Mentally Retarded, Hamilton. - 52 ALL persons having claims against the Estate of JOSIE 'G E R A L D INE SAUNDERS, Retired Social Worker, late of the Town. of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 30th day of October, 1969, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 17th day of January, 1970, as after, that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. DATED at> Goderich, Ontario, this 17th day of December, 1968. PREST and EGETER, Barristers, etc., 38 Montreal Street, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. 824,2' MITCHELL: In loving memory of our darling son and brother, Alfred, who left us 5 years ago, December 24, 1964, at the age of 24. , Day by day our thoughts do wander To a grave not far away. • Where they laid our darling son Five years ago today. The days that we had him They're over and yet He'll always be near us, Tho' life must go on, For God gave us memories And a faith that is strong, Sheltered by the Rock of Ages Anchored on the golden shore, In the loving arms of Jesus Alfred is safe forever more. - So dearly loved and sadly missed by mom, brothers and sisters. - 52 G. COMING EVENTS NEW YEAR'S EVE dance and smorgasbord at Maitland. Country Club. Music by George Bolton. $9 ,a couple. Tickets available from Ben Chisholm or at. Maitland Country Club. - 49tf A SERIES of prenatal classes will begin Wednesday, January 7, 1970, at 2 p.m. at Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich. These will be held at weekly intervals for nine weeks. Those interested are invited to attend or phone the Health Unit, Goderich 524-8301 between' 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. - 51;52 E. CARDS OF THANKS JOH,NSTON: We would like td take this opportunity to express our thanks to the people of Auburn, and surrounding community, for their patronage during the past years, and we wish the same co-operation for our successors,c, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Trommer, formerly of Hespeler, who have purchased our business as of December 15, 1969. Wishing one and all the Season's Greetings. Lucky Christmas draws at this store Wednesday, December 24, at 9 p.m. - Jr. and Mrs. Thos. Johnston. 52x Lorne Humphrey, agent with Hessenaur and Shantz, Ltd. of Kitchener, wishes to extend congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Trommer, formerly of Hespeler, who have on December 15, 1969, purchased the Auburn Hardware from Thomas S. Johnston. - 52 Harbourlite Inn NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY THE DEL-REYS 9-2 ' Tickets Now On Sale '. Reservations Phone 524-371 or 524-9264 SISTER DE MEY Spiritual Reader and Advisor - CARDS And PALM READING Helpful Advice On All Problems Of Life CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT 439-1759 AN.NOUNCEMENT DON HOLST REAL ESTATE LTD. IS PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THAT Mr. BILL CLIFFORD Of Goderich Has successfully completed his Ontario Real Estdte Exams, and is fully qualified to trade in all types Of Real Estate Property. We are very' pleased that Mr. Clifford has joined the large Sales Staff of Our Company. Bill is well known in the Goderich Area and is looking forward to serving his many friends and former pustomers. Whenever you are thinking of buying or selling Real Estate contact Mr. Bill lifford at his residence Phone Goderich 524.9091'. "We use the, Photo.EXclusilie Luting System." DON HOLST AEA L ESTATE LTD. 43 WEST STET GOLL ERICH, ONTARIO