HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-12-25, Page 1h_
The annual Christmas party of the Goderich Lions Club was held provided the accompaniment. Shown at the Fonclution of the
at the Harbourlite Inn on Thursday with the jolly old man from evening are,- left to right, back row: Mary B. Alexander, Griff
the north making, his usual appearance and leading the children of Murphy, Cathy Britnell and Doug Britnell. Front row: Jennjfer
the Lions Club members in singing , Christmas. carols. Ed Stiles - Baird, Ellen Murphy and Richard Baird. — staff photo.
• Three Farm
koi Vtlid
eek '70 c
Farm Week''70, to be held on
Jan. 5, 6 and 7 at the University
of Guelph, has three main
N objectives this year; according to
Dr. W. S. Young, co-ordinator of
agricultural extension for the
Ontario Agricultural College.
It will be used as a forum for
current comment on the farm
and related industries, as these'
are seen .by members of the =_
faculty of the University; it will = Goderich Ministerial Association
provide the latest available
information on farm -related =• —_
topics; and it will explore the On erful it
th a.."
and discussions will run through
from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Further
opportunity to visit departments
will be available after the end of
the formal program each day.
For further information on
Farm Week, those interested
should contact either the
122YEAR -52
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1,;�iji1111111111111Ut11111 uTown to sexpropriate Robarts:land for EllOin storm sewer_:
Goderich Town Council will
start proceedings to expropriate
land owned by Mrs. • Paul
Robarts on Elgin Avenue, it was
decided Thursday night.
The ,land is needed -for an
extension of the Elgin Avenue
storm sewer which is under
Expropriation was approved
by couikcil after several meetings
with the Robarts family had
tailed to bring about an .
An attempt to obtain an
easement across the land had
also failed.
Time to say goodbye
North Strec'! United Church
Since we leave this Town As a person delegated a
within a few weeks, 1 acept with responsibility in the Church i
thanks the gracious -offer of have seriously sought a meaning
space in this Christmas issue of '-to the words so frequent on the
the "Signal -Star," to express to lips of Jesus, words like "love,"
our Goderich friends sincere and "peace," "Kingdom of God"
warm good wishes at this season and "Kingdom of man." Your
of the year. interpretation will not be the
A few days ago I requested same as mine and it is good that
some Grade 8 students at the our thinking should vary. I
Robertson School to write down believe that Jesus was saving "it'
what they felt to be "the real really is up to- you," because
meaning of Christmas." The 'every relationship, every
maturity of their replies quite contact, and every person we
surprised me. Most felt that meet permits the opportunity to
Christmas is still the time when let "love" and "peace"-, have its
we pause again to remember the way. Being si) very in perfect,
birth of Jesus. Most sensed a' even our sincerest efforts in this
kind of warmth and happiness irection will meet with only -
that seems to grip people at this limited `.`success." But try w'e
time of year. Some described cap - try' \Ve nl6st, all of Ifs. All
Christmas as a time when "love" of us are engaged in a struggle oI
sort of invaded a rather hostile life that creates loneliness,
world and, . they felt that we 'insecurity and frustration. The
• should try to keep this flame of light keeps burning ii little
love , burning by our own
s personal faith, by thtirwarmth of
our friendships at home afld
Dr. G. F. Mills, mayor, said he
was sorry the Robarts family
had not agreed to the easement
and that the town had now to
resort to expropriation.
"The Robarts family has been
given every opportunity to
co-operate.' It will mean a delay
on the sewer work of eight of 10
months," said the .mayor.
Department of Information,
University of Guelph, or Dr. W.
S. Young, extension
co-ordinator, Ontario
Agricultural College. The college
and the Ontario Department of
Agriculture and Food are
co-sponsors of Farm Week.
directions in which the farm F
industry in Ontario and Canada =
should and will move. Dr. Young = • •
also noted that Farm °Week n erfulmission
would .attempt to provide =O
answers and information
concerning the latest E.= And she (Marv) shall bring forth a son, and you shall call his
developments in the agricultural _ name JESUS; for He shall sar'c' ,his people ,from their sins.
' :;chain from producer to Matthew 1:71
consumer. _ ' JESUS birth was unique, for we are told that "Mary was
Sessions will begin .at 11 a.m. = found with child of the Holy Spirit." When God thus stooped
and close at 3 p.m. each day. = to become a man He did a new thing in the earth, a thing so
Monday, Jan. 5, will feature •_astounding it is one of the great mysteries of the ages (1 Tim.
sessions in horticulture with• 3:16) By a special creative act of the Holy Spirit, our Lord
special emphasis on fruit, = received His humanbody (Hebrews 10:5). Thus "the Word
vegetables and ornamentals' = was made flesh (John 1:14), yet without being tinged by bur
improved breeding programs for = sin Holy and pure, He came to redeem a fallen world. A -little
iy swine; and discussions on farm,
tractor power.
Taxation and the capital gains
tax will - be discussed on
Tui day, hewed by talks on -.
e breeding and raising of
replacement dairy heifers, and a
, comprehensive outline of weed
and disease control in plants.
Tuesday also features the start
of the symposium on Air Blast
Equipment and Pesticide Use,
sponsored jointly by the Ontario
Department of Health and the
Ontario Department of
w Agriculture and Food.
Market -outlooks for the
agricultural industry as a whole
are featured on Wednesday, Jan.
7; there will also be a discussion
on corn production and soybean
The horticulture talks will
-include discussion or the new
advances in technology including
mechanization, new planting and
production systems, and storage
Agricultural engineering will
concentrate on the selection and
cost of farm tractors, and will
feature news and information
about imported tractors.
Agricultural economics, in
addition to dealing with taxation
problems, will offer computer
analysis on the cost of owning.
a nd operating machinery,
provided farmers bring cost and
use figures from their own
.From 9 to 11 a.m. on each,of
the three days, certain
departments will provide
' opportunities for consultation
on agricultural and educational
programs and problems. 'Talks,
• boy, who was frightened because of the lengthening shadows
in 'his , room, called for his mother.- She told him he should
▪ never be afraid of the dark becauseVGod is here with you." =_
"Yes, I know," responded the child, "but I want someone
2,4r,ith a face!" The little fellow did not intend to be
• sacrilegious, but was simply expressing a deep longing of the
human heart. It is hard to conceive of God as infinite Spirit,
s but it is easy to picture the Lord Jesus Christ when we pray or
1 reflect upon Him. Even Plato, the philosopher, had declared
that he hoped one day to see God walk dovrh the streets of
E. Athens. The desire of the youngster who wanted "someone
I with a face," and of the Greek philosopher who v4ished God to
reveal Himself in HUMAN FORM, was realized when the baby
I Jesus was born in Bethlehem's manger. Wonderful birth!
"• Mary was found with child of the Holy Spirit," Wonderful
Mission! "For He shall save His people from their sins."
brighter if w•e st'nse that there
* .r• *
In other news council learned
that no date for a hearing on the
application for a licence for
Bluewater Cablevision .,ervice
for • a cable TV'" service in
Goderich has yet been set by the -
Canadian Radio and Television
Commission. Council had.
enquired of the commission as .
to a time for the hearing:
Mrs. E. Hayden, Warren
Street wrote td council to
compliment the town on the
Santa Claus parade. Mrs.
Ilayden, who was present at the
meeting Thursday night, was
thanked by the mayor for her
Council will study a 13 page
hrief on the possible merger of
Consumers Gas and Union Gas
before making any decision as to
whether to oppose the move. ;
No applications have yet been '
received for the position of a
caretaker at' the new waste
disposal site in Hblmesville. The
chairman of public works and
the chairman -of finance will
represent the town on the
comnlittee,for the control of the
site. Reeve 1larry Worse] is
chairman of public works, and
Coun. Dave Gower is chairman
of . finance. Their successors on
council will also assume the
$10,000 quoted from Dr. Mills
in the. Signal -Star on December
18 with reference to the waste
disposal site. Coun. Gower said
he had only the figure of $2,000
difference between the two sites
that he had released to the press
earlier and had nothing to base
any other comparison on. 9iaokir
Mills offered to provide
comparison figures if council
desired but no action was taken
on the offer. Reeve Harry
'Worsell suggested the new site be
used for one year to ascertain
accurate costs before discussing
the matter further. Council
Sandy Profit asked if council
had received application for a
trailer park in town from any
individuals. He was informed
council had received a request
and it had been forwarded to the
planning board. Mr. Profit said
town businessmen were
concerned at the closing of
the trailer park and Dr. Mills
asked if the businessmen could
make representation to council
on the matter early in the new
Council will consider
tendering for a new dog catcher
early in the new year.
agreed. ,
Mayor commends
Santa parade
Dr. G. F. Mills, mayor, last
Thursday• commended the
Goderich Recreation and
Community Centre Board, Mrs.
H. L. Blue, the Goderich
Kinsmen Club and , Doug
Cruickshalnk, for the Santa Claus
parade which he described as
"...the best parade that our town
has seen in its recorded history."
Dr. -Mills said he would like to
recognize in particular the
efforts of Mrs. Blue who
donated the Santa Claus float
and everything that went with it,
as well as devoting much of her
time toward the organization
and planning of the event; and
the efforts of Mr. Cruickshank,
parade marshal and his
posts on the committee. assistants.
the amount of work and
planning that went into the
Tribute was paid to
individuals in Goderich and the,
surrounding area who had
contributed to the parade and
Dr. Mills said that while
donations were not asked for he
thanked those who insisted on
donating toward the event in
order to be able.•to, participate -in
some way.
"The Santa's Court that was
held at " GDCI auditorium on
Sunday was also an outstanding '
success and to Santa and his
helping elves and their assistants,
on behalf of the thousands; of
children who visited it, and on
behalf of our town's people, a _
sincere thank you."
Coun. Deb Shewfelt asked the With reference to the Dr. Milts also gave ,thanks. to
really are others who care and chairman of finance Thursday if recreation board, Dr. Mills said the Goderich Tourist Committee
an; anxious to demonstrate suet'
he had any figures to that having. sat on the board for and the town promotion office.
concerti. .21.4,1e event that
ta n� th
-every«heiTr "aIC(1 l '` tht'- tru
concern we should show others.
Some replies by the students
indicated a kind of wistfulness
that the warmth that is
Christmas ends so abruptly and
often is not carried into a
brand-new year. Some felt that
Christmas and New Year dome
so close together that we should
try to carry the spirit of the one
into the life of the other. How
discerning young people can be!
Something of vast significance
•occurred to this Old world when
that Babe was born on the first
Christmas. Every new-born child
is a cause for wonder and
gratitude y but ,with the
Bethlehem Child the significance
was earth -shaking. Ilere we are,
over 1900 years later and the
meaning is as vivid as Over.
Christmas demonstrated this •
.)ncern and left no doubt about IIIIIINIIIIINIIIIIII11111111111111111IIIIIIIIII111UIIIIIIIIIIIl1111I11111111I1111111111111111111111111U11111111I11111II1u11II11II111111I11111111111111tN111111111I11II111II1111111I1111I111NII111111111111111t ,
a or. the piOmntiof-=Af-t le• -$-vent_
Our all too brief stay in
Goderich has been happy
beyond words. We have met
persons of v aried
denominational backgrouncd
from carious social and
economic levels. We hope that
these factors never proved to he
a barrier to friendship.
we leave this Town with
warm feelings for it and its
people. We feel We are better for
having lived here and conte to
know you. My family loin in
offering to all ail age old, but
somehow "ageless" greeting,- •'
:A Very Merry Christmas." \lay
1970 be bright and good for
you. (rod's Peace Be :Among you
and with you.
1. South Beach
designated as
municipal park
= Says Dr, Wilbert Welch, "An angel stepped into Joseph's
• consciousness through the medium of a dream and delivered a
El -
d• ivine message, which for sheer good news has never been
surpassed: 'You shall call his name Jesus; for He shall save his ti
E. people from their sins.' Here was the climatic moment in
li history, toward which all Old Testament prophecy and types
▪ had pointed.•Socrates, four centuries earlier, had reasoned that
E maybe God could forgive sins, but he couldn't See how.
P. Stepping down an invisible stairway from a Throne above to a g
= manger in Bethlehem, Christ entered the arena of human
• existence that. Hemight meet the greatest need of our fallen
,," race; namely forgiveness of sins and transformation of life." _
A clergyman, preparing a Christrpas message, fell asleep in =necessary bylaw to be drawn up.
P. his study and dreamed that he was in a world in which Jecus The building will revert to the
E had never come. He walked out on the streets but no church town if the site is required for
edifices or spires pointed to heaven. He was summoned by a `__ industrial development and may
weeping child to visit her dying mother, but on arriving he found = not be sold or disposed of.
ti that all the New Testament, 'with its promises of Heaven, had _ Council hopes of passing the
▪ d▪ isappeared from his Bible He bowed 'his head and"wept in = new traffic bylaw were downed
P. bitter despair, for he could offer her no hope beyond the = once again when it was learned
T grave. Suddenly he was awakened with a' start by the choir a another • change had been
practicing the familiar carols. Joy filled his soul as herealized = recommended by the Ontario
g at never before the importance of Christ's coming (1 Tim. = department of Transport.
• 1:15). r The bylaw has been passing
.- Indeed, His was a wonderful birth — a wonderful mission! backward and forward between
G Goderich since the council of
1967-68 and is now entering the
third year of consideration.
The latest recommendations
have been passed along to the
Council Thursday night
passed the necessary bylaw
making the area of town known
as the South Beach , into a
municipal park under the parks
assistance act.
The bylaw must now be
approved by the Lands and
Forest minister.
The action was taken at the
request of Coen. Paul Carroll
who earlier this month expressed
concern over ,the possible loss of
the town's ,main beach when
commercial development started
at the harbour.
The only other bylaw passed
at the meeting, the last for 1969,
was to convey the• building
occupied by MacDonald Marine
to tug company owner Donald
Bert Mac Adam.
Council had agreed to convey
the building earlier this year and
has been waiting for the
ti F. 0 matchless, gracious m Iyst'y
P. The Lord of Heav'n' and earth
1Itt thy poor contrite spirit
May once again have birth!
fire, traffic and safety
committee for consideration.
• Council will call tenders for
1,800 Wet of sewer for the
town's industrial park, it was
decided Thursday evening.
Estimated costs will be about
Council made the move at the
request of engineering
consultants B. 'M. Ross and
rn a letter to council Mr. Ross
pointed out the existing sanitary
sewer is not large enough and
recommended the installation of
a 12 -inch line.
Provincial Police Constable Tom Jansen, one of three Goderich detachment men' trained' to
administer blood alcohol tests on the breathalyzer, has'an empty chair waiting and hopes Huron
County motorists will keep it that way this holiday season by not driving after drinking. — Staff
Brea.th tests will reduce
The -much-needed compulsory
breath test legislation has come
into force in Canada. its main
aim is to reduce traffic accidents
caused by drinking drivers.
The Canada Safety Council is
in full support of the new 'law
and urges everybody connected
with safety to back up the
legislation. The Canadian
Highway Safety Council,
predecessor to the CSC, first,
proposed such a law 10 years
Council witnesses testified in
favor of the compulsory breath
analysis legislation before the
Commons Standing Committee
on Justice and Legal Affairs
which investigated the matter in
Council again re -affirmed its
support of the law earlier this
year when the legislation was
before Parliament.
Alcohol is a major contributor
to the epidemic loss of life and
limb on Canada's highways.
Earlier this year, the Traffic
Injury Research Foundation
published a solidly -documented
report showing alcohol was
involved in 54.5 p. 'cent of
1,163 Canadian driver deaths
studied and that 43r percent of
them had • blood alcohol
concentrations • of 0.1& or
• There was every indication in
• the report that drinking drivers
contributed to many .of the
deaths of non -drinking drivers.
.The new Federal law makes it
an offence to be in control of a
motor vehicle if the driver has a
blood alcohol concentration of
more than 0.087'x. A driver who
refuses to take the. • breath
analysis test when requested by
a peace officer is guilty of a
Criminal offence carrying the
same penalty.
Both offences are punishabl"
by a fine of upt:o$1•,000and up
to six months imprisonment.
The driver can also be banned
from the roads for up4o three
The latest - figures cover
October, 1968 to May, 1969.
They show a decrease of 1.1' in
fatalities as compared to the
same 10 months just prior to
introduction of the law. Serious
injuries were down 10`r.
Even more striking was the
decrease in fatalities and serious
injuries in the period between 10
p.m. and four a.m. — 25'x.
'Traffic increased 7''; over the
t wo years and alcohol
consumption 5'; annually. There
are strong indications that more
alcohol is being consumed
home ...and Tess in the famous
pubs. In other words, there .3s
less driving after drinking, a
result there is every reason try
believe the new Iegislati+Grtl' �.w►'i1I ,°
also have in tanada.