HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-12-1, Page 5Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired from practice having had placed in his hands by au East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and perm a- ueilteure ofConsuniption, l3roiteliitis Ca- tarrh, Asthma, and all throat ausl J'�ung Affections, also a positive and •adioal euro for Nervous Debility and a31 r ervoes Com- plaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his sug- aring fellows. ues'aringfellows. Actuated by this motive Ana a desire to rolievo,human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all whodesire it, this regi ie, in Sherman, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addrossing with stamp, naming this paper. W. A. NoYus, B20 Powers lllocic, Rpoltester•, N. Y A. strong branch of the Imperial Federat- ion Leegue was organized at London last night. His Lordship, the bishop of Huron, who presided, was elected president. Oh, What a Cough! Wilt you heed the warning. The Signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Consumpt• ion, Ask yourselves if you can afford for the sake of saying 50c., to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure your sough. It never fails. The McKinley bill will probably be re - periled at the next' session of Congress: This information has been obtained from a can- vass of the men.bers elect. LITTLE JENNIE WAS CURED. DEAR L�Sm.—MySm.—My little Jennie was very bad with La Grippe which left a bad cough. I gave her Hagyard's Pectorial Balsam and it soon cured her. MRs. MaAarirus. Copeland, Ont. It is said that the Hamilton Grits are making an effort to capture control of the Municipal Council nextyear. A full tick- et et will be run in each ward. . My friend, look here! you know how' weak and nervous your wife, and you know that Carters Iron Pills will relieve her, now why not be fair about it and buy her a box. The wife of Mr. Thomas Hall, a respect- ed farmer of Eramosa township, suicided Tuesday morning by jumping into the cis- tern. "TT CURED MOTI.IER-" GENTLEMEN,—My mother was. suffering from dyspepsia and had no appetite, Every- thing failed to cure her until one day, while visiting a friend's house, I saw a bottle of B, B. 13. on the table: on enquiring what they used it for, I soon found out what it cured, and when I went home told mother she should try it. she said she had; no faith in anything and objected to try it, ,isTotwith- standing her objection I went in the evening and brought home a bottle but it was in the house for a week before we could induce her to take it. At last as she was getting worse all the time she consented to try, it, .and' on taking half a. bottle found itwas cnr ing hsr. Another bottle cured her, and we believe, saved her life. We are never with- out B. 13.'13. now': It is such a good remedy for heudache as well. E Was'oN, 15 Dalhouse St. Montreal. The French Cabinet has resigned. having been defeated yesterday in the Chamber on .a vote in connection with the Panama scan .dal. LITTLE MEN AND LIrTLEWOMEN sometimes suffer from worms. Low's Worm Syrup is very highly recommended as'a cure. Hamilton coal men cannot agree as to the price of coal. The present rate is $6 per ton. MADE WITH SKILL. Dr. Wood's Pine Syrup, the modern suc- cessful cure for •coughs, colds, hoarseness asthma,bronchitis,sore throat and all pulmon ary complaii.ts, is made from the best pec- torial herbs and barks by the most skilful .and scientific methods, and cannot fail to give prompt relief, Two persons of Danville, Va.. bitten by a mad dog, were iuoc.ulated at the. Pasteur institute, .New York, yesterday. A woman, who is week. nervous and sleep- less, and who has cold hands and feet can- not feel and act likea well person. Carter's Iron Pills equalize the circulation, remove nervousness and gives strength and rest. Two sons of Mr. John Dougherty, o£ Westwood, aged g and r1 years, were drowned in a mill pond on Sunday. BLOTCHES CURED. DEAR SIRS —In: r8do niy body was cover ed with blotches and I was at last induced to try Bnrdock Blood Bitters; by the time 1 had used 3r/2 bottles of it I was com- pletely cured, ane I cannot speak too. high- ly of it. Mas. JAMES DESMOND Halitax, N S. The net earnings of the Canadian Pacific railway last month were over a million. 'Whew ! MILBURN'S COD, LIVER OIL EMUL- SS'ION with wild Cheery and Hypophosphi- tes builds up ants strengthens the; entire system. The gold fever has reeppeat•ed at Mar - Mora and the Caladar mining regions. A REMARKABLE`CASE GENTLEMEN, .About five years ago. I notic- ed on my hands a great number of soft, spongy warts, very painful, and which bled when touched. I never witnessed anything like it, and was quite, alarmed, : "We are never without Hagyard's Yellow Oil, and one evening my little girls applied it to each wart; They did this several nights and in the morning the paun;and itching was so bad' I hall to' cool my hands with snow; but finally the warts dropped nut and I never been troubled since. MRS, WM. CRAIG, Brighton, Ont. A new 87,000 Methodist church was de .dicated on Sunday at Enterprise, Ont, BURDOCI{ PILLS cures Liver ills. They are small and enently coated, sure in effect and pleasant to use. The federal election of Soulanges " has been fixed for December 13. A man's wife should always be the same, especially to her husband, but it she is weak and nervous, and uses Carter's Iron Pills, she cannot be, for they make her "feel like ° a diifferent person," so they all say, and. their husbands gay so tool Buck tilsen must die at Moncton on Thursday. DR. WOODS NORWAY PINE SYRUP 'cures Coughs. Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, 3ioar mess, t Consnmption if taken in time London, Ont,, has had another heavy all of snow. peso's itefnody for catarrh is the nrst, Vagfest to_tTse anti Cheapest. Hoirl by. 11rne,lsts or sent by nail. chicle do Ai ' rlAtiti.ii.iia Dr. LaR08B C9TT6N ROQT PILLS. Safe and absolutely pure. Most powerful lreatoa,lo Regulator known. The only safe, sure and reliable pill for sale. JradieS ask druggists for LaRoe's Star and Crescent Brand, Take no otherkiud, Beware of cheap imitations, as they are danger- ous. Sold by a11 reliable druggists. Postpaid on receipt of price. AMERICAN PILL CO., Detroit, Mich.. For sale in Exeter by J. W. Browning. Stanley, The Council met at Varna Nov. 21st,, 1802, according to notice. Members all present. Minutes of previous meet ing read and signed. The following gravel accounts were ordered to be paid: John Cameron 7.76; Chas Logan,, 25,36; Chas alecks, 21.84; Wm, E. Reid. 27.76; Jas. Parke, 20:39; Andrew Reid, 21,52; John Lapier, 3.44. Also A. S. Weekes, Engineer on G. Park's drain, $11; Wan, Purdy, wood for Mrs. Scotch mere, $1; R Holmes, printing $150; Arbitrators, School award, $14; Arthur Kitchen, work $3, '1' he council then adjourned to meet again on Thursday`. Dec 45th next at 1 o'clock p, m: G. L. STnwARm, Clerk Dehorning of Cattle.. The report of the Ontario Commiss• or theeh ium of cattle as is ion o , w ®a sued Tuesday in a nut volume`of 130 pages The Commission makes the following recommendations:— Fi- st, That the practice of doho'rn- ing be permitted where performed with reasonable skill, with proper ap pliances and' with due regard to the. avoidance of unnecessary suffering and that the Ontario Government should bring to the attention of the Dominion Government the desirability of amending tiie law relating to cruel- ty to animals, Second, That the Ontario Govern- ment should direct the management of the Ontario Experimental Farm to experiment with'chemizals on horns of young calves, and also cuttingout the embryo horn, witha view to ascertain ing whether these methods are more desirable than sawing off the horns when they have attained their full .rowth. Clubbing Rates, The Weekly Empire and premium the Conservative members of the' House of Commons, and the ADVOCATE from now till the end of 1893—$1.75. The weekly Globeand ADVOCATE from now till tliecud of 1893—$1.75. The London Advertiser, weekly. and ADVOCATE from now till the end of 1893—$1.50, The London Free Press, weeldy, and ADVOCATE from now till end of 1893 —$1.75. The Montreal Weekly Iferald and the ADVOCATE from now till the end of 1893-$L50. The Montreal Witness, weekly, and ADVOCATE from now till the end of 1893-81.75. Reduced rates with all other metro politian weeklies. This is a grand. op- portunity. Subscribe at once and re ceiye the balance of the year free. CHRISTIE3S Firs Class RIGS And HORSES ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWK SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. Terssara =eaaonut.lp Telephone Connection tmeolaix P:ALAGE BAKgRY The undersigned having handsome- ly fitted; up his parlor and restaurant —will serve— ICE CREAM during the Sumtner Season: large supply of Also a Confectionery, Bread, Bins, Cakes Sze. Visits Exeter every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon. A11 orders left with George Sanders promptly attend- ed to. Oysters and fruits of all kinds in their season. 1), W, FOSS, Iyensall. READ AND LEARN.. That our Planing Mill, Sash Door & Blind Factory is fitted up with the latest improve mon 6s. We are prepared to do planing and matching, band and ueiollsewing turning nroaltling, grooving and all kinds of mach- ine work on shortest notice, In our LUMBER 'YARD you will find a largo and well assorted stook of all kinds of building materials lino and hemlock lum- ber dressed and not dressed. free our stock of x x and xx x Pine Shingles VIanufuetured by the best makc-rs'in Ontario. We also have a largo stock of A 1 Cellar Shingles which aro excellon t value. leo, 1 Pine Lath con- stantly onstantly in Stock We have a liirge stock of barn such which we can furnish with or without glass. We are fitted up with mach - hiorcy s Iecially adapted for in a l.flr'al1 kinds of Tanks and Clisteres,which woCall .furuish to our customers onshort notice, Wo show' screedtIse iris uewiw in this line for watering cat- tle In ffeld or .bpi ityard. Our ale Watt udHakiur On linet is still et= traeting much attention, duel giving entire sat,isfn.t tion whenever uscad. Gall and exit Mine the above named stook, all of which will be sold at lowest prices toss & TAYLOR, Main St„ lseter -surto POlt— ILLUSTRATED G,Zl.TALLi GUT of Ladies Specialties. ADDUflSS: The Parisian Medical Appliance Co., 19 Queen-st, 1 ,, Toronto, Ont. Mention this paper. Egtni h6Idag Eon I' og3 Wanted. Dressed Dressed Hogs bought subject to the following conditions: -2 lbs per cwt, off; 5 lbs extra if shoulder stuck; 3 lbs for either bung -gut or gullet, if left in. All Hogs to be cut through from Tail to Throat. Highest Price paid for Hogs weighing from 100 to 200 pounds, dressed. SHELL OROS 8s Do. 'regulates the -Stomach, Liver andBowels, unlocks the Secretions, -Pu rifies•a he 'Blood and removes all im- purities from a 'Pimple to theworst Scrofulous Sore. i CURES � DYSPEPSIA. BILIOUSNESS: CONSTIPATION, HEADACHE SALT RHEUM. SCROFULA. HEART BURN. SOUR STOMACH DIZZINESS. DROPSY RHEUMATISM. SKIN DISEASES 7 5,000.10. --Ail persons who want — CHEAP CNEY at 5*, 6 and 6i PER CENT should call —at the -- QM= of E. E. COLLINS CAUTION. EACH PLTJG OF THE MYRTLE NAVY! IS MARKED IN BRONZE LETTERS. NONE OTHER GENUINE ItsOfig all ° 3 iowa s And you may spend a lot of money in visiting several parts and see lots of excitement,but you tire of that and set tie down some day, and when you do and have to buy furniture, call at GI L Old established warehouse and see their immense stock of FURNITURE, from the largest appointed mauufact- nries in Canada, who have the best machinery money can buy and (If the latest improveindnts, and also the fin- est diving kilns in the above "Round World" and first-class A. 1 finishers to the bargain, and then visit some conn by firms who cannot compete at all with them in wear or tear, and even in finish, for their machinery is old fash- ioned and in some cases worn out. Some of Canada's furniture men have won World Prizes, and from such we buy. Having been forty years before the, public we can without boasting say we have stood the wear and tear of public opinion and still are flourish- ing. Come end see our new styles just in whether you buy or not, especially our patent Extension Tables. Romero ber we have the largest stock of pict- ure moulds in the county. S. ===L Y. Odd -Fellows BIock. Opposite J GrIgg's Stationery. Extr Ii11llIllIeIh1 EMPORIUM. A. J. 4 st- EXETER ONTARIO Has now in stock lidlain and Willtu a-00=tom.. IN THE FOLLOWING LINES West of England Suitings and Trous' cringe, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser ings. French and English Worsted Cloth All made up in the Latest Style, at best Rates. A.Z.SNELL W. GBissett's LiYery First Class Horses and egg's. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Eros:Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS - REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED. W. G. 3ISSETT.. —THE-- BM:Ea:JAL— SHAVING --PARLOR. EXETER, ONTARIO. A. Hastings, Prop. Every attention paid to Ladies' and Children's Hair Cutting. A. EastinTs. 'Lear N1.1 IF YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell a Farm . rr< 'cm WANT TO Puy or Sell Town Property IF YOU WANT TO lBorg ow or Lend Money IF YOU WANT Collections 1MIake. Gall at lir. Juo. Spacl;man's Real Estate Agency. Business, Transactions strictly con- fidential. Intending purchasers . will receive the best advice in selecting land or town sites. Also agent for Allan Line and State Line Steamships. Office- Main Street, Exeter, Ont, Address:—JOHN SPACKMAN, Box 44 Pt.R W S & MARK PROPS. We cary the most complete stock of Musical instruments in the county. PIANOS, ORGANS. VIOLINS, ALSO SEWING MACHINES, BICYLES. FARM IMPLEMENTS &a, The above instruments always on hand. Terms to suit Purchasers. GIVE US A (;ALL; EVERYTHING AWAY DOWN —Bargains in— Harness, Trunks, Valises, Whips, ugs, Boots, Slioes,Bubbers &c. —AT— John Treble's, Main -Bt. DIN NOTE A FEW PRICES: Half fax Felt Boot, Grain, Felt Boot,.Loose Socks, Grain, Men's Rubbers, Women's Rubbers, Misses' Rubbers, 82.00; $2.25; 50c; 30c; 25c; Skilled Workmen are em- ployed to manufacture the goods, and the best of ma- terial is used. 1�Iliiuitl:S1 II x iii: Po talri s .91,r, - [e'r`e- ..,,i coquet• tf.roct tp cure ev. rl/, >/rnK,c ,t 'aells1;tillhearl- t 'sns Coot they (4-: lar They are not a Cathartic. JIJS:T OPENED, O1T! A full line of GENERAL GROCERIES, FRUITS. ToaAccoEs, CON F ECTIONER'Yi ETC., ETC:, RYEOLIEPS OL® STAND, Fanson9s Block. Well furnished Oyster Parlor in connection. RESTAURANT a Specialty,. where lunches will he serv• ed it' all hours. GIVE US A CALL. G, Hyndman, M. Vincent, Man. P r.Ip FAIRY FAIRI; Call: and see H. FISH„ Fie E. H. $'ISs:111 Tonsorial .41,rtist, web Visiting the Fair. He will give yo at Clean, Easy Shave. E Ud a 'Hair Cu' in the Latest Style. Shaving Parlor near the Post Office osztrumareas Farmers' Attention. n PRICE LIST: Zurich S. B. 1"lour 82.10 Family, Choice 1.75 Pastry 1.90 Bran 0.60 Shorts 0' 5 Royal' Spice 6.00 Wheat Chop 0.90 Oat " 1:00 Pea 1.15 Any quantity in lots of a ton or over can be purchased by calling. Wheat taken at Market Prices. In the Brick Store OPPOSITE TnyVN HALL Prompt attention giyen to all kinds of repairing. My Stock is well assorted and every customer is guaranteed satisfaction, The Prices mean a Sale every time. Call and be convinced. JOHN TREBLE, Mai Street, Exeter. Satisfaction Guaranteed. A . CALL Solicited! R S. Richardson, John Richardson, Man. Prop .W necurcae..-,mur. DR. WuvI) ,: ��f,"e it Fa �%,4,7 li A orway Pine. yrup. Rich in the lung -keeling virtues ofthe Pine combined with the soothing; and expectorant properties of other pectoral herbs and barks. A PERFECT CURE FOR . I COUGHS AND COLDS Hoarseness, Asthma, Bronchitis, SoreThroat, i Croup and oil THROAT, 13RONCHIAL and I LUNG DISEASES. Obstinate coughswhich 1 resist other remedies yield promptly to this pleasant piny syrup. PRICE 25C. AND r:ciC. OWER noTfw. BOLD DY ALL DRUGGIST.. u6LLUP mmucO UOQ A E OUR We hear a great deal in the papers about the PURITY of Baking Pow- ders, but as a matter of fact if you want it absolutely pure you should. make your own, and especially when you can save 2() cts a pound by doing so. If you send us $1 for two subscriptions we will also send you formula for making , own Ess Lemon, Vanilla, Ginger, Pep- permint, etc. Cut this out and send with money,or mention this paler. YOUR OWN KE The Puritan Baking Powder. Is guaranteed absolutely pure, and the formula and full directions for making it, so that you can seal it at a nice profit to your neigh- bors, will be sent absolutely FREE to every one sending us 50 cents for one year's subscription to our journal, which is the best paper for, the money published in the English language, and no family tail rt,Fdip afford to Io without it. Address MED141AL ADVISER, Bowmanv11i Oni