HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-12-18, Page 3515, ilIOTKE, to CREPIIIVR, 5. TO' RENT 8, HELP WANTED 111 FORMAL WEAR RENTALS Dress right for all occasions We are agents for: Freeman's Formal Rentals PICKETT & CAMPBELL LTD. Clinton MODERN, three-bedroom, heated apartment , Reasonable rent. Phone 524-7898. — 51tf FURNISHED, one-beclioom apartment, private entrance, available immediately. Phone 524-6246. — 51x 14. SERVICES AVAILABLE HAVE your rugs and chairs cleaned by dependable cleaners. Call Superior Maintenance, phone 524-8892, Goderich. — 24tf SMALL farmhouse eight miles from Goderich. Available immediately. Phone 524-6318. — 51 • EVANS' APARTMENT — one -bedroom apartment available January 1. Phone 524-9445. — 51tf FARM house, all conveniences, close to town, no snow problem. Available January 1. Apply Box 41, Signal -Star. — 50tf OFFICE space for rent. Contact Malcolm Mathers, 46 West Street. Phone 524-9442. — 39tf TWO-bedrbom, heated apartment, centrally located, furnished or unfurnished. Phone 524-7885. — 51 8., HELP WANTED Here's your key to a big income. Mail today.' THEW. T. RAWLEIGH COMPANY LIMITED, 4005 Richelieu gt. at (Dept. J-K-L-216-HY) Gentlemen: I am interested in the World Famous Rawleigh Line on a ( ) part-time basis ( ) basis. Please» send me FREE catalogue with full details. Name Address City CARETAKER» REQUIRED.FOR COUNTY OF HURON Full...time employment. Good working conditions and employee benefits. Apply in writing to the undersigned no later than. Monday, December 29, 1969. JOHN G. BERRY,- CLERK-TREAS., COUNTY OF HURON, COURT HOUSE, GODERICH, ONTARIO. 51 TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN ROAD SUPERINTENDENT Applications addressed to the Clerk of the Township of Stephen will be received by'him until 5:00 p.m., Monday, December 29th, 1969, for the position of Road Superintendent for the Township of Stephen. Duties to commence January lst, 1970. Municipal experience preferred. Apply in writing and mark on envelope — ``Application Road Superintendent." Wilmar D. Wein, Clerk, P.O. Box 99, Crediton, Ont. 51 TWO • WAITRESSES — one full-time, one part-time. Dishwas,her for nights. Apply in person after 4 p.m., Goderich Restaurant, West Street. — 51tf 10. WANTED (General) 45 EXPERIENCED typist twat ao typing any time in own home; COMPANION for elderly couple also babysitting. Phone in Goderich. Apply Box 43, 524-6669. — 50,51 Signal -Star. — 50,51 » — , COMPLETE household effects or small lots wanted. Call C & E. Furniture, 524-7231. — 42tf „4 • COOK -housekeeper for one adult. Apply to Box 39, Signal -Star. — 50tf CLEANING office man Or niIman to clean an office one ht per Week. Maximum three hours. Write to Box 42, Signal -Star. — 50tf CLERK -RECEPTIONIST Mature woman wanted for full-time work in local office. Typing and knowledge of basic bookkeeping essential. Apply Box 44, Signal -Star, stating age, experience, references and salary expected. — 50,51 Applications will be received by the undersigned up to December 20th, 1969 for the position of Caretaker at the new Land Fill Site' at Holmesville to be • operated by the Township of Goderich, the Town of Clinton and. the Town of Goderich commencing January 2nd, 1970 or soon after. This isa full-time job. A» Caretaker will be required on the site DAILY from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Usual employee benefits will apply on a 50-50 basis after one year. State weekly salary expected. S. H. Blake Town Clerk 57 West Street GODERICH„Ontario. 50,51 HURON County Board of Education requires part-time custodian for Queen Elizabeth School for the mentally retarded. Duties tq commence January 1, 1970. Written applications should be addressed to R. M c V ean, Plant Superintendent, P.O. Box 370, ,Olintob, Ontario. Applicants will be notified if required s for interview. J. B, Lavis, Chairman; D. J. Cochrane, Director. of Education. — 51 Wants »Your EGOS She will pay 2c to 5c per dozen above top market price. She also wants your old hens. Lucy will pay 12c to 15c per pound. She giveS a good egg grade. She is an agent for Fischers Hatchery, Ayton, for Canada's best pullets. Won't you let Lucy solve your poultry problems. She will pick up eggs and hens and chickens. Call her today at 105 BRUSSELS TEACHER would like room and board commencing January 5, 1970. Phone Thursday evening, 18th, 524-7649; Friday daytime, 19th, 524-8972. — 51 WANTED — Roomer or boarder. Breakfast if desired. Home privileges. Apply Box 46, Signal -Star. — 51,52 14. SERVICES AVAILABLE TR I -TOWN BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Income Tax and complete record preparation and maintenance. , Lawrence Beane • Brucefield-482-9260 51tf SEWING MACHINE SERV ICE ' Experienced service and repairs to all makes and models. Call for free estimates 524-8916. 49tf Effective Dec. 1 OPEN Mon.,. Wed., Sat. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. for winter months ofilY C-& W SALVAGE 205 Nelson St. At other than above days phone 524-9514 Buying all scrap metals; handling both new and ussd steel products. AL GRANGER'S TV Repairs To All Makes Of TV By Licensed Technician 258 Huron Road Phone 524-8925 34tf FOR your Antenna Sales and Service contact Alvin's TV, 162 Mary Street, phone 524-9089. — 32ff SEWING MACHINE REPAIR For all makes and models of sewing machines. Free pickup and delivery in town. Phone 524-7756. — 42tf DAILY CAR RENTAL Reasonable Rates McGEE'S Goderich Phone 524-8391 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED MODERN EQUIPMENT - WORK GUARANTEED Write or Phone Harvey Dale, Clinton PHONE 482-3320 13tf IN THE .ESTATE OI ROLP PENNER, All Peng;^ns hairtng ekaiMB against the eat:ate of Rolf Penner, late of the Town Of Goderich, who died on November 23rd, 1969, are required to file claims wall the undersigned by January 3r4, 70. WALTERS, GREATREX, FLE,SliER & CkIRIS, 151 Frederick Street, Kitchener, Ontario, Solicitor'for the Administrator. 50,51,52 IN THE ESTATE OF HARVEY PRESTON FISHER, LATE OF THE tOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE; IN THE COUNTY OF MYRON. All persons claiming against the above Estate are required to forward full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of January, 1970, after which date the assets will be distributed. DONNELLY & MURPHY, 18 The Square, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. 51,52,1 T.1 Er, CARPS OF THANKS 18. PERSONAL The blessings of the» Christmas season and» best wishes for the coming year to all our friends. We have contributed to a charitable fund. — Iris and Gordon Sampson. — 51x Wishing neighbors and friends a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year: — Oliva and Les Anderson. — 51x Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to our friends and neighbors. — The Bannisters, Lyle and Cec, Carlyle and Marilyn. — 51x A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all our friends and relatives in the Goderich area. Instead of sending cards, we are making a donation to a charitable organization. — John 'and June Clark, Leonard and Elma Jenkins, and families. — 51x To all our friends and neighbors, we wish a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. — Elgin Chambers and family. — 51x Wishing relatives, neighbors and friends a Merry Christmas and Stratford »Electric Limited , REWINDING and REPAIRS To all makes of motors, generators, » transformers, •welders. 24 -Hour Service , 136 East Street, Goderich 524-7409 44tf GEORGE SAGER Upholstering & Repairs 255 Mary Street Goderich, Ontario PHONE 524-6582 38tf HURON DEAD » STOCK REMOVAL CLINTON We pay $5 to $15 for fresh dead or disabled cows or horses. We pick up calves and small pigs as a service to you. Call collect 482-9811 Lic. 169-C-68 5Gtf BENNy BJERG - General Contracting 202 Queen St., Clinton Phone 482-9372 25ffn GRAHAM ELECTRIC Complete Electrical Service Residential — Commercial r -- I ndu strla I 155 Keays Street Phone 524-8670 Goderich, Ontario. ELECTRIC MOTORS Rewound and Repaired Watscin Motor Service 133 Britannia West 524-6891 51-8 Happy New Year. In lieu of Christmas cards, we »are making a donation to ° a charitable organization. Reta Johnston. LOST —tn GladeriC 49g, German Pointer,, abort bob tall. lheiah'grey, biown eare» and brown patch on back. Phone 524-9168. — 51' LOST — On the „ Square, Westfield gold wrist watch with gold expansion bracelet, Saturday, December 13. Reward.; Finder please phone 524-7439. — 51 LOST — A yellow and white cat. Vicinity of Dr. Raithby, RR 2, Goderich. Anyone seeing the cat phone 524-6288. — 51x FOUND —. Shepherd type dog. Owner please phone 524-6212. — 51x 22. TO GIVE AWAY Homg for kittens. Phone 524-7487. — 51x Thanks to all who In any way helped with our float in the Chriatmaa "tirade. It won a prize which has been contributed in its enth'etY to the Retarded Children, Season's Gieetmgs to — Ken Boyce, Ewan Ross and Earl Willhuns. —‘51x JENKINS: We wish to thank our many relatives and friends who were kind to us during the loss of our wee daughter; especially Dr. J. W. Wallace and Dr. D. Allan of Stratford. We would also thank those who sent towers and cards: — Len and Elma Jenkins. — 511 r G. COMING EVENTS A SERIES of prenatal classes FARM raised border collie pups, will begin Wednesday, January • male, free for good home. Phone 7, 1970, at 2 p.m. at Knox 524-7065. — 51 » Presbyterian Church, Goderich. These will be beld at weekly SIX -month-old dog, part Collie and Police. Phone 529-7629 Dungannon. — 51 A. BIRTHS .MacDONALD: At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on December 4, 1969, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank MacDonald, Clinton, a daughter, Tracy Lynn. and ktilliTrousins. — 51x » »f Bill and Ettabelle Bradley and . family wish our friends and neighbors the merriest. of Christmases and prosperity in the New Tear. — 51x Edna and Stan Jones wish. their friends a very Merry Christmas. They have made a donation to the Goderich Retarded Children in place of sending Christmas cards. — 51,52 The blessings of the Christmas Season and best wishes for the . coming year to all our friends and neighbors. In lieu of cards, donations have» been forwarded to charitable organizations. — Madeline » and Tone Wisser. — 51x I would like to wish my relatives and friends a Merry Christmas and» a Happy. New Year. Instead of sending Christmas cards, I am giving a donation to the Cancer Society. — Harvey Lassaline. — 51 To MI my friends and neighbors I wish you the Compliments of the Season. I have made a donation to the »Heart Fund in lieu of sending Christmas cards. ,— Mrs. Ross McPhee and family. —51x We wish all our. friends in Goderich warin wishes for Christmas and » a Happy New Year. — The Festers, — 51 , To all our friends and neighbors we wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. — Arnold and Pearl Graver. — 51 Instead of sending » Christmas cards, Mr. and Mrs. John Morris are »cpntributing to the Canair Relief -Fund and we wish all our friends a Merry Christmas. — 51 FOWLER: At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on December 11, 1969, to Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Fowler, Goderich„a son, Brad Garett Stewart. PETERSON: At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on December 14, 1969, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Peterson, Goderich, a son, Edward James. IN MEMORIAM C LBERT: In loving memory of o u dear mother , and gra dmother, Mrs. Ella A. (Sproul) Culbert, who passed away so suddenly December 23, 1966. Please forgive us dear Lord, in tears we pray, She was so precious, Why couldn't she stay? Thoughtful, Helpful, Loving and Kind, We are proud of the memories she left behind. Her place on' earth, no one can fill, We loved y_• ou Mother, and always will.» Sadly • missed 'by daughter -Patricia, Ronald, Susan and Bill. r GRMG: 'Irf Thiii'ng» inenibry ° ; a 'dear husband, father and grandfather, A. Gladstone Grigg, who passed away December 20, 1968. "Memories are like threads of gold, Never tarnish or grow old, No longer in our lives to share But in our hearts he is always there." — Sadly missed by Mary, Joyce, Pat, Dick and eight grandchildren. — 51p ACE RADIO and TV Servke, Frank Wilcox, 60 Picton St. W., Goderich, Ont. Phone 524-7771. — 1 tf CHARTER BUS TO .LONDON RACEWAY, BOXING DAY,. DEC. 26 SATURDAY, DEC. 27 LEAVING LEGION HALL -AT 11 A.M. HURON AUTOMOTIVE & SUPPLY AT 11:15 A.M. For Information contact All Star Tours Ltd. Phone 524-6271 or 524-8462 15. NOTICE to CREDITORS ALL » personhaving claims against the Estate of FAWCETT EMILY STURDY, Retired School Teacher, late of the Town of Goderich, in the Counly of Huron, who died» on or About the 18th day of November, 1969, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 10th day of January, 1970, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. DATED at Goderich, Ontario, this' llth day of December, 1969. PREST and EGENER, Barristers, etc., 33 Montreal Street, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. 51,52,1 (1j) THE RED CROSS IS PEOPLE LIKE YOU HELPING PEOPLE LIKE YOU We would like to take this way of wishing all our relatives, friends and neighbors a very Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year. » — , Linda and Catherine Larder. — 51 In lieu of Christmas cards, we are making a donation to UNICEF. To all our friends and neighbors best wishes for ti Merry Christmas. — Mr. and Mrs. » Harold Bettger and Dr. and Mrs. Alex Walker. — 51 In lieu of Christmas cards, we are making a donation to the C.P. & T. fund. Wishing -ill our friends the Compliment% of the 'Season. — Gertrude and Gel-ry Whaley. — 51 In lieu of Christmas cards, we are making »a donation to.,our favorite organization. We would' like to wish our friends and neighbors » a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. — Ted and Ila — 51 E. CARDS OF THANKS REDFORD: I, wish to extend sincere thanks to family and friends for cards, flowers and visits while I was» a Patient in Alexandra Hospital. Special thanks to my fellow workers at Dearborn Steel Tubing, Dr. Wallace, Dr. Watters, nurses and staff of -second east. — Norm Redford. — 51x CULBERT: The family of the late Wm. Arthur Culbert would like to extend their thanks for the kindness » and sympathy shown by relatives, neighbors and friends during their recent bereavement, also to those who visited him while in the hospital and the Goderich Nursing Home. — 51 intervals for nine weeks. Those interested are invited to attend dr » phone the » Health Unit, Goderich 524-8301 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. — 51,52 STURDY: I wish 10» thank neighbors, friends and relatives for their kindness during my sister's stay in Alexandra Hospital. Special thanks to Dr., Doorly, Dr. Leitch, nurses and staff Alexandra Hospital. — Gertrude Sturdy. — 51 HODGES: The family of the late Mervin Maxwell Hodges wish to express their most heartfelt thanks and apprecidtion to all -their many» friends, neighbors and relatives for the beautiful floral , tributes, messages of sympathy and donations to the C.T. & R.D. Association during our recent bereavement. Special thanks to Dr. Mills, Rev. Russell, Rev'. Odendahl, pallbearers, flowerbearers, Mrs. Fowler, nurses and attendants on • first floor and McCallum Funeral Home. — Mrs. Myrtle Hodges and family. — 51 NEW YEAR'S EVE dance and smorgasbord at Maitland Country Club. Music by George Bolton. $9 a couple. Tickets available from Ben Chisholm or at Maitland Country Club. — 49tf DEAR CONSTABLE: I have Met ,cars On the road at nights with their light; on, think they are out coon hunting because their lights are more up in the air than they are On the road. Ili this permissible? ' ANSWER: The Highway Traffic Act states that lamps on the front of a motor vi3hiele shit11 be so constructed, located, arranged and adjusted that when lighted as required by subsection 1, they produce under normal atmospheric conditions and on a level road, a driving light sufficientto render clearly discernible to the operator of the motor vehicle, any person or vehicle on the highway within a distance of 350 feet ahead of the motor vehicle. DEAR SIR: Would you deem it practical to put in a flasher or buzzer that would prevent operation of a car before doing up seat belts? ANSWER: This question has merit, but this could pose many technic al problems. For instance, if someone undid their belt while the par was in motion., would the engine stop? If not all the seats were occupied, and perhaps there was only one passenger, how could the tar start? raatening oat beitsshould become, a habitand thk can only be by faatenlng up before you turn PEAR CONSTA With the multi -lane high highways hnving • speed limIts raised over 60 m,p,14, Is there 'going to be a mandatory right lane for slower moving vehicles, to prevent titicica and aower moving vehicles from using the, faster lanes, impeding Other road users and becoming a RO6Sible Cat1S0 of accidents? ANSWER: Section 70(e) Of the Highway Traffic Act ,requires that "Any vehicle prOceeding' upon a roadway at less than the normal speed of traffic at the time and place and under conditions then existing shall when practicable be driven in the right hand lane then available for traffic or as close as practicable to the \ right hand curb or edge of the roadway except when overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction or when preparing for a left turn at an intersection or into a private road or driveway." GIVE so more will live HEART FUND AVVVAVAVAVAVAV:N.!_:_VAVAVA-VAVAVAVAV SAVE On The Handymans Gift ROCKWELL »Life Guaranteed POWER. TOOLS POWER JIG SAW Use to cut wood, steel, aluminum, copper, etc: Cuts straight lines, or can be used,for fancy cutting. Com- plete with' blade and rip fenec. Stick with Allont sole price I-2.97 With geared chuck — drills holes in steel up to le" and up to 1" in wood. Stick with Allont sole price.. 17.97 POWER SANDER Has popular orbital action, sanding surface of 25 sq. in., life -time self- lubricating bronze bearings. Stick with Allont sale price 37.97 WALLY POOL TABLES 959 4 x Only 2 Left 2-48" Cues—Boston, Balls—Triangle 1 TRUCKLOAD MIRROR SALE 24»X 36ABEVELLED WITH MAS0NITEBAC 17si24t48.... 30 X 48... 27.95 18 X 54 .... 17.95 STORAGE SHEDS 95 NO. 71 WHITESTAG 12716SAVE 179 "W x 771/2"D • WITH CUSTOM MADE PLYVV.00D FLOOR With Platform 25.00 . SAVE 22.00 With SAVE 1055 1055 CASH & CARRY PRICES — DELIVERED IN TOWN NO. 69 WHITESTAG 106"W x .771/21'D - NO. 65 GREENBRIAR '77Y2"W x 63'3) 1699' With Platforrn 79." /2 PRICE PANEL ,SALE1 FREE INSTALLATION FLOORING SALE » » kt HUNKING: We wish to ehank all our relatives, friends and neighbors for the lovely gifts, flowers and cards and also the many who visited us on our 50th wedding anniversary making it such a lovely day. Also those who helped at the house. — Harvey and Evelyn. Hunking. — 51 TURNER: Many thanks to all friends, relatives, Dr. Walden, Dr. Harrett, hospital staff and the Rev. E. J. B. Harrison for all the kindness shown me while I was a patient in. Clinton Hospital, Your cards and flowers were so greatly appreciated. — Sincerely, Vera Turner. — 51b SAVE 10% 524-8382 ifik ICH BUILDING a T AvmtAvAtamt*v=avAvAuhv:Av