HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-12-1, Page 4S..A.N• EIe'S ,& DYER, Props.'
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UTSD,A, I DEC. lett 1892
11 A'S NEW FRE'111'ER
It has pleased his Eeeelleney, the
Go\ernor•Ge114alal to appoiet Sir John
°T'hornpson, Premier of the Dominion,
owing to the fact that the late Premier
Sir John Abbott, is compelled by the
infirm State of his health to resign his
office. ;Mr. Abbott accepted the posit-
ion of premier against his indlination
It was represented to him under all the
circumstances of the case, the business
of the county would, for a time at least
be safer in his hands than in those of
any other mau. His name would coma
meed general confidence. The death
oaf Si• John Macdonald had not left the
Couservatiye party in either dismay
+ordisorder; still firmness and prudence.
Sit:re, needed in the man who should
take up the work which has fallen from
the great Leader's hands; and, above
all it was necessary that the people
should have coufi.dence in his firmness
and prudence. Sir John Thompson
had become the government leader in
the House of Commons; and many cir-
cumstances pointed to him as the com-
oming premier.. He could have been
premier had he desired. He was asked
to form a government, and he declined
the task, not because he feared failure
but because he was in harmony with
the get,eral sentiment of the country
that for a time, Mr. Abbott would tie
the safer man. Having done the work
he set himself to do, Sir John Abbott
has retired from official station. He
has done his work well. The country
has greatly prospered under his hand;
the people have given evidence of re-
newed confidence in the Conservative
party and its policy, and the minister
ial strength in the House of Commons
has doubled. It is greatly to be . re-
gretted that Sir John Abbott has serv-
ed his country at ruinous cost to him
self. His health has materially failed
under the burden impressed upon him
and he is now compelled on that ac
count to lay down the load. Some
months ago it was arranged that his
retirement should take place during-
uringthe closing months of this year, but
afterwards the Manitoba school ques
tion took on new conditions, and it was
thought better that the new- premier
should not be called upon to face that
difficulty on the very threshold of his
new office, There is not a doubt that
the question will present difficulties
and dangers to a Roman Catholic which
it would present to a Protestant. It
.will present difficulties and embarrass-
went to the new leader,*Bich it would
not have for the old. For that reason
it was hoped of late that Sir John Ab-.
bott would be able to meet parliament
once more and to continue in office un-
til site Manitoba school question should
be settled. That hope, cannot be realtz•
ed; the state of Sir John Abbotts health
imperatively commands him to resign.
his office, and, Sir John Tnompson in;
the nature of' things, becomes his suc-
cessor. It is unnecessary to say that'
the new leader is a man of great abil
ity. That has been greatly demon-
strated during the past quarter of a.
century. He possesses all the quali-
ties desired in the leader of a govern-
Ment—honesty prudence
overn-anent—honestyprudence a firm grasp
of the policy, of his party, a broad view
of general principles and steady cony •
age in maintaining them. Sir John
Thompson takes office under favoroble
circumstances, The country is pros
perosis, its trade is increasing, its fi-
nances are in good shape ;and behind
the premier's stand fully two-thirds_ of
the members of the Rouse of Commons.
The 1llanitoba Free Press is a paper
not practically friendly to the Domin
Ron government. Its trade policy is,
favorable to the revenue tariff But it
contends that the Conservative party is
deserving of the support of the North.
West. It affirms that the Liberal ]ere
ers never lose an opportunity in parka•
relent to show their hostility to that
part of the Dominion: They oppose
every measure or proposition intended
to assist its development, and endeav-
or to excite such prejudice as they can
by dwel1ilig on what they ale pleased
to consider the enormous 0081 it has
been` to the Dominioe, "From the
Liberals," says the Free Press, "it has
been all kicks and no ha' pence; we•
di �t as e will t '
may dispute w about the. ha
pence;but from the Conservatives we
have at least received no Icicle." To
the Conservatives it is dice that the
county.y . is opened u s et all and to
them especially, and the, bold policy of`
their great statesmatnr that it was put
411 temm11ni.cation tyi h `astern l an,
add, As for immigration, it has been
slower than was hoped for; but years
rl are vgiiired to overcome ancient prej-
udices against the climate of the
country, anti to minimise the superior
reputation of the western states. How
ever, the Conservative policy is not one
of sloth or indifference, and the time is
rtt 11uid when even the Free Press will
give more than a grudging acknowl
edgement of its merits,
One who desires to contrast the con-
dition of the Canadian farmer with
that of his rival in the United States,
miist take taxes into account as well
as other matters. And rural taxation
in Canada is a mere fleabite compared
with that on the other: side of the line
We have before us the treasurer's tax
notice for Morgan county, Ohio, - It
gives the several items for which taxes
are required for state, county and
township purposes. These vary some.
What according to the expenditures
of the several tewnships. The highest..
is $3.85k oa the $100 valuation;, and
the lowest is $2.901. The first town-
ship named is Bloom township, and the
rate there is about the average. It
.dills for $3.901 on the $100. We do
not knew what the average Ontario
fcirmer pays. We doubt if his direct
tax for all purposes exceeds 5 mills on
the dollar, or 50 cents on the $100
And, it seems pretty certain that the
($lii'o, farmer pays from six to seven
times a1«much as the Ontario farmer'
pays.•a-Let us suppose a man in Went-
worth county and a man in Morgan
•count, Ohio, each to have a • farm of
16O acres; assessed at $50 an acre, and
buildings assessed at $2,000. The for -
liter will`pay ,in direct taxes about
*42,:a4;the roan in Bloom township,
Morgan county, Ohio, will pay $231.35.
Those..who try to make Canadian farm
ersidiscontented with their condition
cenceelfacts of this character.
Nevis of the Day in Brief.
Da'treit has had 12 murders during
fisc ag
frhe past week.
The new:post-office at Waterloo, Ont.
is now.leoinpleted and occupied.
N,Iasleed, burglars are still operating
in Ciiinego. Two saloons were robbed
'I W Carey, the veteran bandrnas-
tci. of 1,ngstonis dying from conges
tioii' of the brain.
Alex. 11,. Wyant;. the famous Ameri•
can painter of landscapes, died Tues
•daylin.;N•ew York.
•Ageneral •strike on the "L" road in
Chicagii is threatened owing to the dis-
char&e of a number of employes.
Myer Greenburg, 10 years old, died
in a dentist's chair in New York Tues
dap`while having a tooth pulled.
Mr: Napolean Lefebvre, the well.
.known jeweller of Montreal, fell deal
in his office Tuesday from apoplexy.
11,p00barrels of apples have been
shipped from Port Elgin this fall • for
England and the United States.
The private Bank of O.P. Bills & Co,
at'Tecumseh„Mich., has closed its doors:
Thefailurs is blieyed to be a serious
.,At 'Enterprise, Ky•, Carl Burnham.
killed his wife by cutting her throat
with a razor, and then committed sui-
cide by shooting•
A Mrs. Derrnody, of Hamilton, was
seized with a fit of coughing yesterday
which couutinuedsome hours and re
suited fatally.
"I was deaf for a year, caused by
catarrh in the head, but was perfectly
cured by Hoo l,s Sarsaprilla.” H.
HICKS, Rochester, N. Y.
A,number of aliens who were: on the
..way to America have been returned
.firom• Liverpool to Ilamburg; under the
.now'. emigration regulations.
' It was announced on Tuesday ni•Iit
that Dr, Vauglien, archbishop of West-
minster, will be raised to the cardinal-
ate on the oceassion of Pope's episcopal
Owing to his affliction, President
Harrison cannot complete his annual
messagein time for the opening of
Congress. The document will contain
about 15,000 words.
Zech Usury, the slayer of five men,
has just died in Kaneeis City. ,In 4
figkit with a iniin .and his four sons
Kentucky lie shot the whole fiye,iiring
only six tines.
The ternI )erance workers of London
will wait ou the city council and ask
that a vote be. taken on a proposition
to close all saloons iii the city et 7
o'clock every night of the week.
Tuesday was the twentieth anni
versiry of the election of Sir Oliver
Mowat as the representative of North
Oxford in the Ontario legislatuie.
While crazed with liquor W.F. Jones
living near Chester, Pa,, went into his
cellar and killed by cutting his
The hie•host praise has been won by
}Loocl's Pills for their easy, yet efficient
action. Sold by all druggists, Price
25 cents.
A three years' agreement between
the Q, P. R. management and the
cinployes has been obtained from one
end to the other. of that road.
s. A, meeting of taxpayers in Montreal
Tuesday passed resolutions protesting
against the scheme of taxation adopt-
ed at the last session of the Quebec
Three masked mon overhauled the
overland west boned Northern Pacific
train near Hot Springs on Thursday
nista. Every gentleman in the sleep-
er was robbed.
A Chicago despatch says wool rates
are to be advanced Dec. 15. The spe-
cial tariff adopted last spring on that
commodity will be cancelled and the'
full classified rate restored.
By the will of'the deceased million
afire, W. Z: Gordon, the city of Cleve-
land is. given one of the handsomest
private parks in the west. It com-
prises 120 acres and is worth $1,000;
Mrs. J. F. Parkhurst, ccife. of Gen.
Parkhurst, and Mrs. Laving Williams,
of Coldwater, Mich., are left half a mil-
lion eaehby the death of their brother,
Edward Crouse' of Ryracuse, N Y.
Three brothers named Connor, who
have been wanted by the authorities
in Tennessee and Alabama for some
time for robbery and other crimes,have
been Captured after a hot` fight with
officers and citizens.
The telegraphers on the New Jersey
Central railr+.ad on Tuesday presented
a demand for increased salaries and
shorter hours. The railroad company
declined to grant all the requests, but
agreed to some concessions.
At Independence, Mo., Tuesday
Prof. T. A. Volrath, a .musician, was
horsewhipped by Mrs. Mary Wasson
for alleged slander. The professors
wife aided Mrs. Wasson by throwing
her husband down and holding him.
London Truth says: It is generally
understood that the betrothal of Prince
George of Wales to Princess May of
Teck will be officially announced after
the anniversary of the death of the
Duke of Clarence;
A Boston despatch says the import-
ers of mother of pearl have begun pro-
ceedinge to test the section of the Mc'
Kinley bill which imposes a duty of 40
per cent. ad valorem on "articles, cut,
ground, sawed or manufactured:"
Johnson Minis.
(Too late for last week.)
SHOOTING MATCH.—A shooting match
was held on Mr, John Krueger's place
on Thanksgiving Day. In the fore-
noon some 12 or 13 pigeons were to be
given to the best marksman. Of these
W Scha"ze secured nearly all. The
afternoon's work was to dispose of 5
ducks. Seven person were to enter
for each duck, paying five cents each
and the lucky one to have the prize.
In this way W.' Smith secured 2 ducks;
J. Hey 1, W. Schatze 1, and C. Fossald'
the remaining one. Good shooting
was done around but according to re
ports, it had to be extra, or it would
net be rewarded with a duck. --A lera•e
fox is promenading the creek almost
daily. Who will get him?.—WEDDING
BELLS,—A happy event took place at
Mr. D Scrams last week. This was
the marriage of his eldest daughter,
Jemima, to Mr. Henry Walper of the
Bronson Line. The interesting cere-
mony was performed byRev•J,Stremp
fer,'of Zurich, and was witnessed by a
number of relatives and friends. In the
evening some czme,as is usual,to wind
up the day, with a gun, a cowbell etc.
They did not make much disturbance,
however, as,with their combined efforts
they did not even sauced in arousing
some children who were sleeping.
Then, atter singing a farewell song,
they dispersed to their several homes
Ras demonstrated its
wonderful power of
No wonder then that it is found on.
The Surgeon's Shell'
The Mother's Cupboard
The Traveler's Valise,
The Soldier's Knapsack
The Sailor's Chest
The Cowboy's: Saddle
The Farmer's Stable
The Pioneer's Cabin
The Sportsman's Grip
The Cyclist's -Bundle
Dr. Scott, father of the late Mrs. Har-
risdied on Tuesday evening,
Mrs. Emma A. Eliot, of Toronto is
said to have been defrauded out of
$50,000 worth of property by ;her at-
torney at Chicago.
Homestead, Pa., continues very quiet
The applications for evert: by the old.
meu continue, and the weeding out
process at the mill shows no signs , of
abatement. Nearly 200 non -unionists
left the works Monday and their places
were filled by amalgamated men.
The -finest, completest and latest line of Elect:
trical appliances in the world. They hero never
failed to cure. We are so positive of it that wo
will back our belief and send you any. Electrical
Appliance now in the market andyou can try it
for Three Mouths. Largest list of testimonials
on''earth. Send for book and journal Free.
W. T. Baer & Co., Windsor, Ont.
Mrs Elizabeth Butt, a widow living
on Wood street, Toronto, committed
suicide Tuesday by hanging herself in
the cellar of her house with clothes line
The United States life saying service
cost $1;009,235 for the past fiscal year.
There are 242 stations, 48 of which are
on the lakes, The efforts at .:rescuing
life were successful in the cases of
2,899 persons, while 27 were drowned
parent AND ASr$I
':1`834 QIt, 4AT SPAIQIS'S nwitnDY, easily, qqu�icklyy and
permanently restores Weakness, Nervousness and Zost7tiatatood.
A GvARANTEap specific for Fits and Neuralgia, Hysteria, Dizziness:,
Convlsions, Nervous Prostration caused by the use o f Tobacco or
Alcohol, Loss of Power 10 either Sea, Involuntary Losses caused by
over -indulgence. We guarantee six bores to cute any case. or refund
the money, itx a box, 5 boxes for $5. Address II. 5 Agents Span.
usi.. ishMedioine Co„ Detroit, iiYich, Sold by druggists,
For sale in Exeter by 3. W. l8xowning,
111111Dflaii, FOR lit litNi AND
Exeter, COFFEES,
Tills: A ,&&midst all Blow & Bluster
OBT..8:`� N. ROWE
Still takes the lead in the Furn-
urn-itu e business. I am too busy to call on people in need of
furniture, but please drop in my warerooms and see my stock
and I will try and slut you in this line.
®lidera., work neatly done on shortest notice.
Remember I have also a
handsome line of
Undertaking Goods always on hand,.
Any calls in this line will be promptly attended to and satis-
faction guaranteed every time,
Stand next Molson's Bank.
]I E.
When in need of a
The Clothier,
Who gives the best satisfac-
tion obtainable in
the village.
He also has a
In his quarters:
Over F. J. Knight's Grocer
Your Patronage Solicited.
A complete stock of
Pure and Reliable Drugs
Ptrtt PattoOrilogiolus,Spillos,
Ongst's Sala
At right and reasonable price s.
and Family Receipts
Carefully Prepared..
Ooiirfltiaii IawrIer
the best in the market.
President of the United States, Great excitement prevails
But the excitement is not half so great as that caused
by low prices at
Having purchased the Furniture Warerooms and Factory lately occupied by W. Andrews
I wish to inform the people of Exeter Knd surrounding country, that I have just placed in
my Show Rooms, a first-class stock of furniture my own make.
REMEMBER, These are r
not factol3 made goods, that you buy one dayand they fall
in pieces the next, but are guaranteed to be of first-class dry material a ndut to- •ether in
p g
the strongest possible manner and of the latest designs and finish with p rices lover than
the lowest. p
All kinds of ordered work receives my prompt attention.
W. Andrew's Old Stand 2 doors North
Town Hall; Exeter.
(In the alcove Sketch Six Vetoes are to be Found.)
The proprietors of Tfs, LAOO R ,Henn M0f i til v will }five a first•class t ipriglrt Plaixo, of the
i•Arybest make (valued at £150) to the persen who can first find the Ali faces, A reward of a sdfot:p'
ilio%'ele (valued el r) l), for the set:ond correct answer. A fine 7 .
Cs c nextBeaten:nuWt. c rj-e (valued s. $SA
rot the}:bird correct answer, A Soi:id Gold ^ti%n,toh for eachofthe next Wt. corroiit answers: A
Teo Dollar (sold Piece fol the .next three correct answers.
v }y eohtestant is to cut oat the ntehes, and make a tress with a leadends on the sit faces and
send same to as with ten three cent postage stamps (or 80 cents in a}Iver) for tint d month stibscrip
sten toThe Ladles Hone Monthly, whioh is the best ladies puhlieation n Canada.
We will give to the last ten Correa answers received each a handsome Banquet Lamp, and at
valuable' prize Will also be given to every person who Is Able to answer the Debits correctly until fifty
pates. have been awarded.
The envelope which contilnseorreet answer hearfng fSrbt pootinerk wilt receive first reward,and
the remnind5I In of dei as f•eeelved. Every prize in tide competition Will be faithfully awardcd.Our
bona -tide• offers aro made by tellablepirubhshers, ;.
etl Ctrs find an8 er t0•dayy and endlose 80 cents: r
tit Intim receive a Velilabie' etre for ;vent
soublle, Address Mr) Lilclt8d 'Uinitti IRIntlll )^, �E°a , u ,: r, li ts4
They ' ill Cold T1.iey Ht Couico
From all the Sideroads and Concessions to
Of Stoves, Hardware, Tinware, Paints, Oils, Cil.:Lss.
n fact, everything in the Stock --which is first -class -will be sold at a Bargain.
Having purchased, at the low rate of 49 cents on the
The L ROE Z " °' UPT STOC y ,, ,;. Bil,SSETT BR
We will for the next 3 0,,•°°,e, Slaughter the Goods,
If you require nn. thing in'our line buy. at once and money, • o
y •,,, cl y �, y save fol never before were
such bargains offered,
1 r.,t.is O1r.•l C' •o j E`,. .
.x...crsa:. i. � rs Old ➢� teli:IC:7 �.:..C1;Crl