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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-12-18, Page 18
A OOPS 1 U $IQNAL,STAR, THURSDIY, DECEM/3111R 18,190 • CRANBERRY BAVARIAN 3 cups cranberry juice 2 3 -ounce packages lemon jelly powder 3/4 cup whipping cream, whipped 3/4 cup cranberry sauce / cup chopped walnuts Heat 2 cups of the cranberry juice,. dissolve jelly powders in it and. add remaining juice. Chill until slightly thickened. Beat in about 1/3 of the whipped cream and then fold in the remainder. Fold in cranberry sauce and nuts. Pour into 6 -cup mold and chill until firm (about 3 hours). 6 to 8 servings. ALMOND SHORTBREAD COOKIES 1 cup butter 1/2 cup sugar 1 egg yolk 1' tablespoon grated lemon rind 1/2 cup finely chopped almonds 2 cups sifted all-purpose flour 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon cinnamon { W Cream butter and gradually beat in sugar. Beat in egg yolks and lemon rind. Add almonds. Sift remaining ingredients and gradually stir into creamed mixture. Turn out on board and knead until smooth. Divide in half and chill about 30 minutes. Roll out half the dough at done time on lightly floured board to '/4 -inch thickness, and cut in fancy shapes. Bake on greased c okies sheets at 350 deg. F util very lightly! browned (10-12. minutes). Makes about '4 dozen cookies. To decorate — Add enough milk to 2 cups icing sugar to make . a thin icing that will spread easily. Stir in a few drops flavoring and food coloring, if desired. Spread icing on baked cookies and trimwith glazed fruit before icing hardens. CREAMY FRUIT FUDGE' 2 cups sugar 1 cup light cream 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons corn syrup 1/2 cup chopped glazed fruit '/2 cup chopped nuts f and corn syrup and bring to a boil stirring to dissolve sugar. Cover for a few seconds to allow steam to melt down any sugar crystals on 'sides of pan. Boil uncovered" -=to 238 deg. F, or until a little mixture dropped in cold water form a soft ball; stir occasionally. Remove from heat and cool to lukewarm (about 110 deg. F). Add vanilla and beat until creamy. Stir in fruit and nuts. Pour into buttered, 8 -inch square pan. Cool and cut in squares Makes about 1'/4 pounds. MOLD. PEAR LIME MOLD - 1 19-oynce can pears 2 3=ounce packages lime jelly powder 2 cups• boiling water 1'14 cups . syrup from pears ( syrup plus water) t4 teaspoon -salt '/ cup lemon juice 1 cup cottage cheese, sieved Combine sugar, cream, salt 2 tablespoons mayonnaise • • t4 • • • .I . FLOWERS For You LET US HELP YOU TO CREATE A BRIGHT WARM ATMOSPHERE IN YOUR HOME THIS CHRISTMAS WITH COLORFUL PLANTS, ARRANGEMENTS, TABLE -C,,ENTRES , i& AND UNUSUAL CHRISTMAS IDEAS DESIGNED 11 11 ESPECIALLY FOR YOU SEND FLOWERS • TO'A FRIEND -TOO 0 •x CUT" FLOWERS.' SNAP DRAGONS MUMS Gf X14 4 G A GARDENIAS -ROSES CARNATIONS ORCHIDS, dtc. • " POTTED -PLANTS MUM, PANTS, POINSETTIAS CYCLAMEN AZALEAS MIXED PANS W.J. DENOMM E FLOWER 5248132 4' 1 Christmas dinner menu comes 4 maraschino cherries Drain pears; save syrup. Dissolve jelly powder in boiling water. Add syrup from pears, salt and lemon juice. Cool: Pour half the mixture into an 8 -inch square pan and chill until, firm, Combine cheese and mayonnaise. Spread• over jelly mixture. Cover with a layer of thinly sliced pears, decorate with pieces of cherries and chill. Chill remaining half of jelly mixture until slightly thickened. Pour on top of pears and chill until firm (about 3 hours). Cut in squares to serve. 6 to 8 servings. or • � j^ Kw • w • FESTIVE CHERRY CAKE %4 cup butter 1 cup fruit sugar 3 eggs 1/2 teaspoon almond extract 1.1/2 teaspoons grated lemon rind 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 pound candied cherries 3/4 cup slivered, blanched almonds 13/4 caps sifted all-purpose flour 1/2 teaspoon baking powder '/a..teasoon salt Cream butter and gradually beat in sugar. Add eggs, one at a time, and beat well. Stir in almond extract, lemon, rind and .juice. Mix cherries and nuts with _ '/4 cup of the , flour. Sift remaining dry ingredients and gradually stir into creamed mixture. Add cherries and nuts. Turn into 9 X 5 -inch loaf pan lined with 2 layers of greased brown paper. Bake at 300 deg. F, until a skewer inserted in cake comes out clean (1'/2 to 2 hours). Cool in pan, them remove and wrap. *Freezes well. CLOUD OF` CHOCOLATE 1 envelope unflavored gelatine 1/4 cup cold water - 2 squares (2 oz.) unsweetened chocolate, melted - 1/2 cup confectioners' sugar 1 cup milk, heated 3/4 cup granulated sugar �/4 tsp. salt - • . 1 tsp. vanilla 2 cups heavy cream, whipped 1/2 cup finely chopped pecans '/l cup flaked coconut • Sprinkle • gelatine over cold water in cup.; allow to soften. Combine melted chocolate and confectioners' sugar in saucepan. Gradually stir in hot milk. Place over low heat and stir until mixture reaches the boiling point. Do not boil. Remove from heat. Add softened gelatine; stir until dissolved. Stir in granulated sugar, salt and vanilla. Chill until mixture mounds slightly when dropped from spoon. Beat with rotary beater or electric mixer until light and fluffy. Fold in, ,whipped cream, pecans and coconut. Turn into 2 -quart bowl. Chill 2 to 3 hours. If tlesired, garnish with additional whipped cream and chopped pecans. Yield: 6 to 8 servings. ,I,ELLIED.- WALDORF SALAD 1 3 -ounce package lime jelly powder 1 cup boiling water 1 cup diced unpeeled red apple 1/2 cup diced celery 1/2 cup miniature marshmallows '/4 cup chopped nuts ' cup mayonnaise '/4/2 cup whipping cream, whipped Dissolve jelly powder in boiling water. Chill until slightly thickened. Combine and fold in apple, celery, marshmallows, nuts and mayonnaise. Fold in, whipped cream..,Turn- into 4 -cup mold and _chill until firm. 6 servings. HOT MINCEMEAT SAUCE 11/2 cups mincemeat 3 tablespoons brown sugar 1 teaspoon grated orange rind 1/2 cup orange juice 'A cup chopped toasted almonds. Combine mincemeat, sugar, orange rind and juice. Bring to a boil and simmer 5 minutes to blend flavors. Serve hot on ice cream, sprinkled with toasted almonds. Makes about 2 cups. • TOP VALU ASSORTED FLAVOURS ICE BREAM HEINZ (IN TOMATO gAUCCEo)=' TOP' VALU PURE CHOICE Spaghetti...] 100 Apple Juice .... 4z28Tns S■ GRANULATED FINE ST. WILLIAMS (ASST'D) JAMS, JELLIES g White Sugar .... Bag481 Marmalades 4 88Ie P•.U.REX --ASS©RTED.......__..._._.__..__..-.._____..__--•-..-_-ULT-RA• &RITE -roll Bathroom Tissue P2kg. I Toothpaste . ',— King Size Tube 9¢ HOSTESS REGULAR • TULIP COLOURED 3 -Lb. 690 Pkg. Potato Chips ... 'P9z. 69¢ Margarine SHIRLEY GAY ( WIoHING WELL 83 Apple Pie ....Z 24 -oz Pies. ` Soft Drinks.. (Asst'd Flavours) ▪ 30-oz. ▪ Btl 99¢ (plus deposit) MAXWELL HOUSE (SPECIAL. PACK) PUR'LAsE GROUND COFFEE - FRESH FLORIDA "EASY- PEEL" N.GE R-1 N -ES Doz. Gal. Sunkist (Size 88's) U.S. No. 1 (Size 24's) For Christmas 2 gloom Navel Oranges od2. 890 Head Lettuce ed. 29 POINSETTIAS 5•• Pot 12. 1-16. Inko • Bag REPEATED BY POPULAR REQUEST ! "WINDSOR" BLANKETS Take advantage of this outstanding value . .. just in time for the fall and winter seasons! Available in Rose, Green, 0014._ First (udlity---Fully guar- anteed. Machine washable. Shrink resistant. (72" x 84" srze). .49 EACH With every 3.00 IGA Food Purchase .l d d *b r� A