HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-12-1, Page 1Subscribe for The EXETER ADVOCATE, Only Si. from now WI januarY, /et 1814. Give it mtrial. =01.-7-= The ADVOCATE OFFICE -,--•when. in need of.. - Sale Sills, Hand Bills, Lotter Heade and Envelopes• -in fact ainde of printing. VOL IN1 TIIU.RS:DAY.....PECEMBERI.....1,89.2„. • NO 285, Th( -3 olsotils Bank. (Chartered by Parliament, 1855,) Paid up Capital. .... $2,000,000' Rest Fund.. , . 1,100,000, Head office Montreal, WOLFERSTAN asomAs, Esq., GENERAL MANAGIDR, MoneY, advanced to good Farmer's on their own notes with one or more endorsers 1st 7 per emit per anrium. Exeter Branch. Open every lawful day from 10 a. ante 3 p. mn Saturdays ILO a, rn. to 1 p. m A generalbanlein sr business transacted CUTtRENT RATES allowed for mon- ey on Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank at 3 per cent. N. DYER HURDON Exeter, Jan 28, '88, Sub Manager •PaininawaYamoman.r..21•11*.r0 naninftwirumwel*otram.•••••••ffia,ma THE emeter gLbrorate, Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, MAIN -STREET, - EXETER. By the SANDERS' PITBLISITING COMPANY, TERMS OF ST.TBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance. 231.150 if not so paid. O. No paper aiscontinued un til all arrectrages are paid. Advertisements without specific Creations will be published till forbid and charged. accordingly. Liberal discount made for tra,nscient advertisements inserted for long perioas. Every aescriptiou of JOB PRINTING turned out in. the finest style, and at moderate rates. Chennes,money ord- ers. &c. for advertising, seibscriptions, etc. to be made payable to Sanders & Dyer PROPRIETOR Church Directory. TRIVITT liM011 CAL Cuunert.--Rev. F IC Fatt, Rector. Sunday Services, 11 a. m and 7 pon. Sabbath School, 3 p.m. Holy Communion, 1st Sunday of each month at Morning Service. and in months of five Sun- days, after Evening Service of eth Sunday of the month. Holy Baptism on 2nd Sunday of each month at morning service. Manton/se' Calfrant-James-st , Rey. A. L. Russell, Paste*. Sunday Services,10.30 m. and. 6,30 p. m. Sabbath School, 2,30 p.m. MAIN ST REET-Itev. McDonagh, Pas- tor. Sunday Services, 1.0 30 a. m. aud. 6.30 p.m. Sabbath Schoo12.30 p. m. PRESBYTERIAN CHERCH.-Rev. W. Martin, Pastor. Sunday Services, 11 m. and 6.30 p. m Sabbath. School, 9.45 a.m. 0.••••imanaroviramma•Mm-1,,eleame.*ONIMMITSMSIO• Professional Cards. OeirM•MeWommornankM*.fflimacialzeo•MalleMil a.a. H. EINS MAN, L. D. S, Eanson's Block en..,.. two doors north. of Carling Store, MAIN STREET, EXETER, extracts teeth without pain. Away at Ilensall on ist olliik ariaay; Ailsa Craig on 2-nd and lth Tuesday. c- and Zurich (....„...................._...m last-Thux...... CR. INGRAM, DENT/sT, 114:ember Royal • College Dental Surgeons, successor to II. L. Billings. Offiee over Post Office Exeter., Ont. .A. safe anaesthetic given for the painless extraction of teeth. Fine Gold. Fillings as required. Medical. , ,.........-.......------------.....-.....----.......-- 1- B WHITELY, 1I.D., C. M., PHYSICIAN al . and. Surgeon.. Office and resiaence- Corn,er Victoria and Elgin streets, Goclerich, O.L.!!..tLi..c.L._._____........______...r...._ raR. S. A. ROLLINS, OFFICE -MAIN ST. 1, Reeidence-Corner Andrew and North Streets, Exeter, Ontario. -ran, T. P. MeLAUGHLIN, MEMBER OF ..1-/ the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Accouch- eur. Office, Dashwood, Ont. Mnronlireetadawm.................M.,-. TaR. T. A.. AMOS, M. Dt, C. al , Member of ini College of Physicians and.' Surgeons, Ontario; licentiate of the Royal College of' Physicians and Surgeons Edinburgh; licen- tiate of the Faculty of Physieians and Sur- geons, Glasgow; Fellow of Trinity. Medical College, Toronto, Office -Dr. Cowen's fer- nier residence. ,..n...,'.• __________,rmwsom.amasartorjo.Onm*MamaidaraleemenerearMIr.eva Legal. illao H. COLLINS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT033, - Conveyancer, Notary Public, Office -Over O'Neil's Bank, Rioter, Ontario. Dioney to Loan. H. DICKSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR . of Siipreme Court, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Commissioner, &c. Money to loan Office--Fiinson'e Block, Exeter. LLIOT & E LLIOT, BARRISTERS, SOLIC .12,1 itors, Conveyancere, &c. B. V. Ef,a10.e. j• Ettneer Auctioneers, T.T BROWN,. Winchelsea. Licensed Aue,t • ioneer for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township of -Osborne Sales promptly attended to and termsreason able.Sales arranged at Post office, Wincheisa 1...neennpvenn9001.4arnensmenimanrweau•mmIlisMernmeasattloa" A J. ROLLINS, late of 1VCanitoba, Licens- lamed. Auctioneer, for the counties of Hur- on and Middlesex. Resiaence: 1 mile south of Exeter, Ont. Sale Orders by mail or other- wise promptly attended. to at reasonable prices. TJ BOSSENBERRY, Homan. °uteri°. Lie- • onset" Auctioneer for the Counties of Huron and Peeth. Charges moderate and eatisfactiOn guaranteed. T HARDY, Licensed Auctioneer for the 1.4• County of Huron. Sales Conelueted on reasonable terms. Berm and. Farm Stook a specialty. Full arrangements can be made at this office. mr.vonwarnraotwitearileottlaanmeoclarnins..M1eres•MONIN.11 VRFAD • W FARNCOMI3, Provincial Land ..12 Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office, Over Post Office, Main street, Exeter, Ont. TNAIVD a/T.11LE% Veterinary Surgeon, ill Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Oollege, Toronto, (Successor to 'Wm. Sweet, V. ) Over 18 years practice. Office' and residence one block east of RieharaPickards store. Opposite Skating Rink, Exeter, Ont, EARNEST ELLIOT. AGENT 7011 The 'Western Fife Aseuranee Company, of Toronto The Phoenix Fire Instirance Co'y., 00 of London, England The Alliariee Fire Aseur,Oo'y., Of London f England. Offieet--Main-street, Exeter, Ont.• nOW WANTED. The tindeesigrieel wisheie tO procure a re. .nevred etrcy at once, l'attiee having eanie fot sale apply at thnt Office or te w. DEAitiNG, Rxeter LoildonHuron & Bruce Railwcty Passenger Time Table,. GOIXel NOnTit, aan..pan• London,aopite.05 4.25. LucanCros'g 547 5,20. Olandeboye 802 5 2$. Ceritralia 0.05 5.45. EXET1C1R 9.16 5.57. Minoan 0.28 6.09 1Kippon 9.84 0.17, .13rueoeeld 9.42 0.20 Clinton 10.00 6.45, Londesboro' 10.10 7.03, Blyth 10.28 7.12. Belg,rave 10.42 7 27. Win chain 11.00 7.45. 00/NG SOUTH. a.m. p.m itililvaera 777,1.208.851 4:.:01t50):. BlyLendeSboro, 7.47 4.26. Brneefiela 8.26 5.04:, Clinton 8.07 4.45 Xippen. 8.84 5.1.2 Eiense,11 8,11 5.19 EXETER. 8.57 5.57 Centralia,' 9.09 5,45 Clancleboye 9,18 5.56 DUCall Oros'g 9.24 6.0 Domain) a,rr 1010 6.4 --EMU MARKETS. 6 Wheat per bushel., $0.63 to0.65 Barley . . 85 to 40 Oats Peas -- Butter EggsChicken per lb Ducks " Geese " Turkeys " Potatoes per bus .... 60 to 50 Hay per ton ...... 5.00 to 6,00 26 to 27 56 to 57 • 17 .to 1 . 5 to ...... 6 to . to 8 8 6 TENT LOST. Miring the sunirder (camping season) a tent, between Dash wood and Grand Betha. The finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving the some at this officio, or giving in- formation as to its whereabouts. St ImArrmiarrnalrrnItt.S1736-...........4=inaleasaloanN026.0116•Xte .TO RENT. That desirable clwellieg situated 011 'Will- iam street and owned by Mr. John Mathe- son, containing eight, commodious °ems, For further particulars apply at this office. JOHN lliATIIESON, Prep mnrcsararnarampeamamommamohnaseasecemsm• COTTAGE FOR SALE Or to rent. frame. containing eight rooms and a good trick oellar, situated on Eliza- beth street, south of James at. Methodist ehurch. Hard and soft, water on the prem- ises. Possession given 16111 Nov., '92. Apply to T. D EAR] NG or at this office. •e.....,%a•Inca••araeccn•mllSrwe.a.=scs• BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will keep for service on Lot 15, Con, 3r1, Stephen, a thoroughbred „Berkshire Boar. • TERMS: -$1, payable at time of service, with privelege of returning if necessary. JAS. Wiams, Prop. pROPERTY FOR SALE. Situated on the corner of Waterloo and William streets, consisting of three lots, on Which is atuatecl a frame house, stable, a number of fruit hushes and trees. The loca- tion 10 111 splendid part of the villa eia For further particulars apply to Mn. A:LIME MET - Weekly Free Press --AND-- FARM AND HOME ---FOR 1893.--- $1.00 Both Papers for $1.00 ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. A HIGH-CLASS FAMILY PAPER. EACI1 :1011.T1IBER WILL CONTL'AIIV; REV. DR, TALMAGE'S Senmox aelivered the Sunday previously. WArocuAN's WANDERINGS, AGRIGuLTDRAL MATTER-1.111.1Strated. LADIES' P.a.rmi-Illustrated, A. SERTAL TALE, and. other interesting read ing matter, - SUBSCRIBE NOW Price, One Dollar a year in advance for the weetRaTiLY FREE PRESS and YARN AND 110111E -in all 36 pages. Balance of 1£402 free to new subscibers. Agents wanted in every efarepresented district to solicit subscriptions, , Free Press Printiain• Co. 9 London - Otitttrio Shooting Match. rhe annual shooting match ill CObl. nection with the Central. Hotel, took place on Friday afternoon.last. Mr. T. Sweet and Mr. Fred. Farncombe 811C- ceeded in piling up the largest score of the day. Sides were chosen by Messrs A. Sheere and Thos. Oke, to shoot for the supper, which resulted in fatter of the former by two birds, A svreep- stake was entered into by 12 of the competitme, which are indicate thus * and resulted according' to merin-The following is the score: SI -118 ERE . A Sheen, 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 -*2 1 1 1 1 1. 1 t 1 1 1-10 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1-48 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 -*3 0 0 10 0 0 1 1 1 0- 4 0 1 1 0 0 1 00 0 0-4'3 0010000000-1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0-63 1 0.0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0- 3 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 1-- 1 1 1 1 0 1 01 110- 9 000100 100-3 1 0 0 1 01 00 1 0-4 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 T. Sweet, Jas. Bissett, T, Sheardo wn, .1. Wood, N. D. TIurcl on, Gillispie, F. Trimmer, John Ford, W. Dearing, W. Farncom be, Marsland, Geo, Bissett, Ed 13issett Total T. Olce. O. Vesper, W. E. San ers, T. Rowtley, 3, Sweet, Stanlake, G. Hinckley, W. Grigg, W. Folland, W, Carling, H.B Samuel, McDonell, T. Acheson, lIunte0i 68 OKE. 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 °LIT 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 -*2 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0-4'4 ' 0 1 1 0 e 0 1 1 0 0- 4, ei 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0- 6. ' 1 0 1 11 0 0 0 0- 4 0. Olitt1101-9.8 0 1 0 1 0 i i 1 0 1 -*7 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0- 2 . 0000100111-44 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 /- 4 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 / 03 - 0011000000-2 1 / 1 111 0 0 0 1- I Total 61 THE PLAIN TRUTH Is good enough enough for Hood's Sarsaparilla -there is no need ot em- bellishment or Sensationalistin Simply what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that tells the story of its merit. If you have never realized its betefita a Single bot: tie will convince youit is a good mull elaS. leave to Ingle tiralae;ete. Not one in tWeilter kilOWS 110W tO Oat I AI'S WANTED. the delicious Florida omega belt all, 0 earl learn how by eending ten cents in stamps to E, 0, MeCormiek, G. P, & T. agt. C 1 & D. Cincinnati, 0, and re- ceive by return mall prepared the pew edition of Mertha Washeigton cook- book, it contains 320 page of tried receipts ully illustrated. Iecidentally the Ciueinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railroad the direct and great through car line from Miehissap and Canada via Detroit and Tolello to Cincinnati and thence south to Florida'the laud bf oranges, Send to E. 0. McCormiele Ciucinnati, 0 for the cook book but for C. H. & D time tables, rates, and tic , kets to the South call on or address D. B. Traew, 165 Jefferson Aye, Detroit, Mieh. Personal Mention. Mr. Richard Seldon and wife and Mrs, Williamson, of Ingersol who were visiting' at Mr, Geo Samwell's returned home on Tuesday last. -Mr. Lame - ford of London township, occupied die pulpit in the James St. Methodist church Sunday morning and evening in the absence of Rev. Russen-Mr, N. eicAvoy. who has been -visiting at Mr. Thos. Snen's returned to his home in Kincardine yesterday (Wed.) -Miss Wintermute, a missionary from Japan, gave a letture in James St, Methodist church ou Friday evening last which proved very interesting. -J. A. Stew art was in Toronto on business yester dav (Wed.) -John Grigg jr., had busi- ness in Toronto Wednesday of this week. -Mrs. James Grieve left yesterday for Cobourg, where she will join her hus- band who preceded her. -Mr Ed Mor- gan, wrio has been in Braudon, Man., for some months is home agiun.-Rev. A. L. Russell preached in St. Thomas, on Sunday last. -Miss liodgins, of Lucau Crossing, is the guest of Miss Bertha Willis, Exeter North, House of Refuge. By request of the Reeve arid Depnty Reeves of se,veral manici panties Ree,ve Manning has called a conference, to be held in the council chambee' on Friday Dec. 2ncl, at 11 o'clock a. ns. In view of the submission of the ques- tion of the erection of a House of Refuge to the popular vote at the coming Municipal Elections, it IS thought ad visablethat there should be some substantial agreements-(lst) As to the form of the question t� be sub mitted; (2nd) As to • the peohable amount necessery to be expended in the purchase of lands and erectioSi of building's; and (8rd.) the cost of main tenance nethee pertinen t questions may also be discussed. The invitation is extended to all Mayors, Reeves,Deputy Reeves,Councillors and county Officials in the County, As it is the design of the conference to afford reliable infor mation for the, electors who will vote upon the matter, it is hoped that there will be a full representation of all shades of (minion. Any suggestion as to the business of the conference will be gladly reeeived by Mr, Manning. Greelleetajs• Mr. Alfred Day, Provincial secretary of the Sabbath School asseciation will address a mass meeting of Sabbath School workers in the Presbyterian church at Corbett on Saturdey even- ing, Dee. 3rd and on Sabbath Dec. 4111 Shipka in the morning, Greenway in afternoon arid Grand Bend in the eveu ing at the Methodist Church. -A Bible society meeting was held in Grace Church Tuesday evening, last when interesting addre.sses were delivered by the Revs, T. Beaumont, D. D. and J. E. Homes. -The party who picked up horse blanket between here and the school house, is requested to leave same at post office, Master John Wilson lost it. -The Boston Methodist Sabbath Christmas tree entertainment will be held Monday everdeg Dec. 26th as Monday is the day that will be kept as Christmas. -Mr. Andrew Pollock has a good dwelling house and. farm to let on easy terms. --Mr. nes. Bullock receiv- ed the sad intelligence from Plattsville a few days ago announciug the death of his grandmother aud left on Wed. of Last week to attend the funeral -One day recently Mr, Rufus McPherson cut a large tree in the woods and found two swarms of bees and a large quali- ty of honey. Notice to Creditors In the matter ef the Estate of James Willis, lete of the village of Exe ter, County of Huron, gentleman deceased. Notice ie horebygiven pursuant to chap- ter 110 of The Revised Statntes of Ontario 1887, that all persons haying claims against the estate of James Willis late of the vil- lage of Exeter, in the County of Huron, gen- tleman, deceased, who died on the 22rtcl day of September 1892, are required to deliver ox send by poet prepaid to the undensignecl Se- licitors for Thomas Willis and David Mills, Executors of the said deceased on or before the ist day of February. 1893, etatement 511 'Writing containing their names and addrese- es ana full partic,ulars of their claims duly Verifiea by statutary declaration and the nae titre of the Security (if an -y) held by thein, And that after the eaid last mentioned date the eaid Executors- will proceed to dis- tribute the aseets of the said estate among the partiee entitled theroto hay- ing regnaa only to °Jaime of which notiee shall have been received. as Above requited acid the said 11xteti tors Will not be liable for the said assets 00 11015' part thereef so distri- buted to any person or persons �f whose claim notice shall not have boon received at the eine of Snell distribetion. ELLIOT & Selieitoes fee etliecntnet, Exeter, Ontario. Seated this 26th day of NoVernber 1802. Good. clean white ants. Prosont prices 20 t,o onnts. Having contraoted with a ,Liverpo 01 Arm for all the ineitl, I can manu- facture this season. Farmers having oats to diepose of elmnia call at the Hensall Oat- mealinills. D. Ilatquumve Bodoni, A meeting of the Sodomites is called foe on Wednesday evening 7t11 December at 730 for the purpose of re orgamein,g the debating club and to discuss the poor house questien with a view of yoting thereon trusttng to see a full house. liappen Neves -Over thirty persous have giv- en in their names as members of the singing class. -Mr. Ruse, of Exeter, will be on hand, Frida V Dec, 2nd, to bessin giving instructions. Any others who wish to join will get the full bene fit of the term by coiniene on the above mentioned dile -The Christ= Erideit vor Society is growing and we hope will do much good. Oromarty, Mr. John Currie Jr. left for Rome N Ywhere he has a large practises as a yeterimtry durge9n. He was ,home tb SOO his brother Hugh who has been on the sick list for some time, bat who is now recovering. , All are glad to learn of his turn for the better. -Cromarty can boast of many successful soeieties viz --Patrons, Chosen Friends, and Christain Endeavor but the Literary society has taken its legitimate place along with the extinct "Dodo''. -The boys intend organizing a foot -ball club in the spring. They vein have to "play. :up" if they want to ke,ep even with the Staffa eleven. -W. W. Thomson's con- cert on December 2nd. It promises to be good. A large crowd is expected. Bethesda. SPARROW UONTEST.-Abont three weps'ago sides were chosen by Messrs John Oke and James Wood, to, take part in a sparrow exterminating con 'test, the losing side to pay foe an oys- ter supper. After each side working busily for several nights they succeeds: ed in capturing nearly 3000 of the little pests. The former'sside won easily 300 heads. Consequently on Friday evening the oyster supper took place at the residence of Mr. John Dew at which 4111 did justice and .e., pleasant time was spent. The oyster supper over, all repaired to the 8011001 house where a very interesting proeeamme was carried out, and all enjoyed them- selves immensely. Varna. Mr. John Reid intends to ship a lot of lambs to Buffalo shortly.e-Mr. •Jas Abbott, foremati of Mr. Bobier's evan orator, is engaged as clerk in Mr. Mor- row's store. His quite a favorite and a great hustler. -Mr. Wm. Duncan moved a let of apples and stored them in Clinton. waiting a better market. He has about 200 barrels. -Mr. James Turner, Parr Line, killed a porker last week which tipped the beam at 247 lbs, It was only six months old. This is the kind of hoe. to raise. -Mr. Bobier has now stopped' the evaporator and has cured several tons of dried fruit of the best quality. He also intends to make about one thousand barrels of eider. He shipped several cars of it to Toronto and is now storing a lot of it in Exeter. Biddulph. (Too late for last week.) A surprise party assembled at the residence of Mr. Wm, Lewis, Adair on Thursday evening last and on behalf of the members of Nursery church made their organist, Miss Maggie Le• wis a present of a well filled purse con- tainin'-'some $33 and an address to which Miss Lewis made a suitable re- ply, thanking them heartily for their kindness and assuring them that it was from a sence of duty only that caused her to take an active part in the choir. The Rev. Mr. Williams, their pastor made some Suitable remarks af- ter which a pleasant, evening was spent -The committee on sparrows met according to agreement on Thurs. day evening aid after counting bills found the sum total to be 4061 killed and decided Mr, Earnest Abbotts gee lect few the winning side by 21 spar tows. After partaking of a splendid supper furnished by 1. W. Armitage the young folks enjoyed themselves till the wee sme, hours Of morning. The suggestion *e would make is that the counctl furnish the necessary funds to Ripply the supper. The splendidsleigh- ing for the past week makes business lively. Dashwood. Seldom do we have sleighing so ear- ly in this vicinity, but is welcome now as the "beautiful" is covering up bad roads. Guess no comet struck the earth hereabouts or the climate would be different. -Some of the boys were at Exeter, one at Zurich Sunday, --Mr. M. Perin and wife were out driving San- dey SeWete titheil,-The; meeting in the ititereet tirehe Bible sod:ay held, here last weelt was not very well at- tended owing' to the storm ou that even ing-The "Alliance" elected officers last week, Miss M. Snell was chosen President for the ensuing yearn -Mr. Jno, Siebert -is expected back to town this week. -Mr. Hobbs the gentleman who is to teach in the school north of here was in town last week selecting' a residence. -Mrs Jno. G. Soldan pre- sented her husband with a bouncing boy a few days ago. -It is in order GO say jnst here that your correspondent in communicating to your paper E par agraph on the doings and events of life in this teem has not to this, mind given any event or charaettir undue importance and he is very much sur. prised to learn that one or two indivici uals should be somewhat "niffed" in consequence of what he has said. Therefore it seems fitting' that . your correspondent should withdraw and no he will from this onerous task and leave the duty to some one who may with superior tact and honeyed words seoth the iediyiduals mentioned and at the same time eulogize the inhabi tants, institutions and important event of this towu in a manner becoming them. Around About Os. While operating a buze planer in the Maxwell Works, St. Marv, on the 19th ult. John D. Henderson' had his hand badly cut. Mr. Robert Cann, Usborne, who fell from an apple tree some weeks •ago, and received serious injury, is able to be around again in his usual health. Mr. Jos White, St Marys has sold his celebrated hackney stallion, "Real Confidence" to Mr. Jas. Brooks, who proposes exporting him to the United States. This leaves Mr. White with only "Lord Russell" in his possession. We notice by a despatch that the C. P. R. Company have sunk a salt well at Windsor. They have drilled through 40 feet of solid salt and the well has been pronounced by competent au- thority to be one of the best in the country. Nnw Lneen FIRM. -E, Campion, Q. C. and M. 0. Sohnston, barrister. &e.,God- erich, have entered into partne.rship. The new firm are gentlemen of shrewd ability and integrity, and will make a strong legal combination. Their fu ture success is assured. NOTES. -On Monday last, Walker, son of Mr. George Kerslake, of the North Boundary, Usborne, met with a bad accident. 'While engaged in load- ing a cow, the animal became unman- ageable, and jerking him off his feet dragged him for some distance, strils ing his head on a stone, and inflicting a rather ugly cut. At last report h wns on a fair waysfor recovery. Jrmes Crawford, a farmer, at Pur- ple Valley, was killed Friday night last on his way home from Wiarton. A gravel pit has been dug within six in- ches ofhe road, and the right hand runner of his sleigh ran off, upsetting his sleigh. The bex fell on the pros- trate man in the pit, holdingshim down till suffocated. He was about 50 years old and leaves a wife and eight child- ren. Says the Parkill-Gazette-Review:- A police magistrate case has created considerable talk in town this week. A young inan of this place and a dis- reputable young womanfrom Toronto, who had broken into a house were fined by the P. M. for trespass, the for- mer 1$ and $3.75 costs and the latter $4 and $8.75 costs. The plaintiff in the case is Captain Standick of the Salva- tion Army. Richard Martin Hendee, aged about 54 years, has been employed at the G. T.R. shops,Stratford, for n bout 18 years, in an easy position, having only one arm. On Tuesday his wire got up at 6, and, as was her custem, proceeded to assist her husband to dress, but was horrified to find that, although he seemed to be sleeping peacefully, he was actuallydead and cold. A doctor was sent fee, but he found that life had been extinct some hours, although the night previous he seemed as well as usual. A sad afair tools. place on Friday morning on a farm on the Huron road Tuckersmith, nearly four miles west of Seaforth. An aged woman, about 70, named Mrs. Gibbens, went out to the barn, and her daughter in.law, thinking she was rather long away, went out to look foe her, and was hori fled to find her hanging by a rope from a beam in the barn quite dead, he feet nearly touching the floor. Dr Smith, Who was passing at the time was called in and took the body down. Temporary insanity is supposed to have been the cause of the accident The coroner thinks an inquest unneees eery, Mr. Rich, Webb has purchased from Mr. Wm. White, of Stephen, the black- smith shop and tools in Elimville. There are 9504000 persons in 875 gaols le Russia, The pristine are built to hold only 570,000. A Poughkeepsie young Woman is suing the Central lindson railroad for $40,000 because the man to whom she was engaged was killed in a collision on the railway, Brelvi3ter. The merry jingle of sleigh bells eats be heard at all boure dutiog the last, few days and it is needless for us lottay jr 18 a happy release fienn muds -Mr. & Mrs. M. W114111010 were visiting. friends in Hullet last weele.-Mr. & Mrs, T, Vine were visiting friends near 13rucefield during part of laSt week. - Several from this vicinity attended J, Hardy's sale of harness, robes, etc., in Zurieh on Saturday hist. -Mee. Robe Jennison is at present spending a few days yisitiog her chtngliter Mrs. J. j. l'atylor.-Miss Agnes Inernbull, who, has been yisiting friends in Hamilton and Toronto &trine'cthe past three months, has returned home. --The hull of the wrecked barge,Nashue, of which mention was made in the ADVOCATE some time since, is breaking up itud. large quantities of lumber is drifting e ashore. .Farquhar. Most people have been watching for the solar tramp with great irtterest,a,nd saw the stars fall last Wednesday even big when the earth sinashed him all to smithereens but few have been taking notice of the human tramps that infest - the neigliberhood. 'The collision be- tween the human tramps and some of our money drawers will probably be more disastrous to us than the comet WS to the earth if people, do not do something to rid the neighborhood of these scamps. TWo able bodied young men slept in the school house the ether night. They evideritly nickeel the lock as the doors and windows werie all locked . -Mr. A. W. Hotham intends having a concert in No, 5 sebool ou December 22nd, aud has already se cured some excellent talent to rake part in the concert. -Mise Annie Camp bell has gone to London for a few months, -The Patrons here are rushing; things in the line of interesting de bates. -There is some talk of having a, shooting match here at Christmas. Go ahead. • MCGilliVray COU110111 Council Met -pursuant to adjournment pres ent W. I,. Cor bett, Reeve; Cr. J ohnsen and D. Drummond Deputy Reeves; T. Prost and E. Morgan Councillors. Minutes of last meet ing read approved of and signed.. J. D.Drum ont-G. 1.J ohnston, theta% Prest is hero - b commiesioned to oversee the building of ilson' s bridao,on the 7t11 con. E. C. R. -car- ried. J. D. Drummond -E. Morgan, that in compliance With a resolution passea by the municipalcouncil of the County of Middle- sex at its Jane sessions in 1891 rea pplicationa for assistance towards the construction of ,bridgee over streams one hundred feet in width and over in local municipalities. That this eat-knell:hereby e,greee Ito aeoept the of- fers of thirty-three per cent of the east of the bridge over the river Aux Sauble in this. tp. known as the Black bridge as said co un- , ty proportion, pursuant to the said cotincils committees report, James Gilmour chair- man, That said sum be paid to Alexander Smith Esck, Treasurer of this tp., and. that the clerk forwarcl a certified copy of tide resolution to the county bridge commissio; ner and that the clerio prepare, and. the Reeve and. Clerk certify to a statement of the eost of said. bridge to be authenticat- ed. by the corporate seal of this Township and. that the elerit forward the same to said. co mmissio ner. (.,arrinel. G. T. 3 olinston-E. Morgan that the herein named iudiviclnals be paid the several amounts as set forth.- G.L. Shipley' gravel IWO. 10.21; A Louden. plank 1500, i0.68; j. Rosser aec for spikes and galvanized sheet iron, 13.95; j. Mathers sheep killecl by dogs, 524;U. Lynn, repairing aPProaCheS to Bices bridge 2nd eon. 51.; E. Steeper, planking bridge 2204 Con, 1.50; W. Ride, repairs to San.dhill bridge 8th con. W. 0. 11. 1.53; W. Youn g putting in 2 concrete, cueverts,Glenclinnings side road, $3 J. Laugh. lin, tile across road 4th con. 1.90; J. Barry, gravel contract No. 5 N. Boundary, 48.25; N. McLean, repairing culvert McLean's side le -m(111.25; G. Charlton building, bridge,. E.. Williams town line afcCeillivray portion. 875; ,T. Ryan overseeing gravelling contract. No. 5 N$5,• D. Gillies gravel aec. E. Wil- liams town line McG portion, 11.79: 3.0. Mc- Kenzie building black bridge, payment full, 1.36850; J. Thompson overseeing crievele Hug and. repairing bridge front road Meer ' portion, 25.50; T. Brown payment for eaxth for approach to black bridge and right of way $40; H. Robinson gravelling on front read. Meer portion, 42.80; .H. Robinson gravel- ling on jog frontroad, $15; Dixon, Mountain. & liodgins gravel ace. McG portion 10.40; T. McInnis p at g in. concrete culvert' McInnis . side road, 53; j. Gibson repairing bridge 14th coia. 52; R. Reil, plank ace, 41.02; G. Glend en- ning:two lambs killed by dogs, 138; a- 7 Johnson commissioner building bridge 24th 0011, 21714 1.1 Amos Tp engineers ace. 12,25; D. Robinson cutting hill. Robinson's side road and ditching on lth con E 0 R 14.25; D.. Robinson, putting in culverts McLean s r. 2,75; j Hasliett repairing Bice's and Slacks bridges, 2.50; do, repairing culverts Harcl;y's and Cockwells sr, $6; W.Do win ditching on Williams town lino, 5115. T Lewis building 2 culverts Lewis s r, S3; W Tortligrave tile ac - cross s r ana con Se; T Bruiting repairng Marsden bridge e2; .3 N Faultier reparing top preaches to Piarick's bridge, 5i;R Neil com- missioner shovellinggravel 050; T Cotter cliitteheitnslgoon; N B, re clinches awl water cour- ses W MaRann ditching on 8th con; E CR S3; Graham Brosstatute labor per- formed returned =don, 511; .7" Paterson bal.- . ance concrete 1100 S2; do 1,ico. for bolts, 3 85i11 Henderson, gravel ace- E Williams town line McGportien 9.06; dogravel acc. 24.20; J' Brad. 1 ,eyrepairing Morgans bridge 4111 con 21.75; W. MeRann cleaning ditches Lin tolls hill $9- j. Nichols cleaning ditelies on Bins 11411 Oin(1 con, 7.75; NV Bice reParing Marsden's bridge $41; T Jaunting, gravel, grant 4t11 con. 58; ,T. ' McRann, grading on Lee's s r 2neeon 15,40; Wlrontllreai:ingliing°fSlack'a briagi?t;iDDrumnond balance oversee- ingbclingof;ltlbrid57; IVL. Cor- bett, balance attending special 001111 ty Com- mittee meeting re 131ack. bridge 3.70; J Me Rann grading on }lodging r 1st eon 4.88 Glendinneng and McGregor gravelling on ihe e451i con. 53 -Carried. J Dru.mniana- E MOrgan, that this cou-ncil adjonrnto meet in the Town Hall oil the 1st Monday in De- cemberat ten o'clock ene.--Citeriee. FRASER, Clerk., .11111.11PiS. MANS03.--In Exeter, on 28th inete the wife of Mr. Geo. Maneon, of a daugh- ter, JOHN8,-In Eliinville, on the 271h ult., the wife of Joshua Iohns, of a daughs ter DEATIIS. CLARED.-On Monday Nov 28th stt tho. residence of her blether in law,D. Donaidson,Lonbn, Edith Ellen Mewl. Clarke, youngest daughter of Mr. Mark Clark, Exeter,