HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-12-11, Page 214 • r Psi its le 4M fit 0 8. HELP WANTED COOK:housekeepe!k for one adult: Apply to Box 39, Signal -Star. --- 50tf CLEANING "office man or woman to clean an office one night per week. Maximum three hours. -Write to Box 42; Signal -Star. — 50tf CLERK -RECEPTIONIST Mature woman wanted for full-time work in local office. Typing and knowledge of basic bookkeeping essential. Apply Box 44, Signal -Star, stating age, experience, references and salary expected. — 50,51 Applications will be received by the undersigned up to December 20th, 1969 for the position, of Caretaker at the new Land Fill Site at Holmesville. to be operated by the Township of Goderich, the Town of Clinton and the Town of Goderich commencing January 2nd, 1970 or soon after. This is a full-time job. A Caretaker will be required on the site DAILY from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Usual employee benefits will apply on a 50-50 basis after one year. 14. SERVICES AVAILABLE a State weekly salary expected. S. H. Blake Town Clerk - 57 West Street • GODERICH, Ontario. 50,51 10. WANTED (e-eneral) EXPERIENCED typist will do typing any time in own home; also babysitting. Phone 524-6669.. — 50,51 SEW1NCaMACEIINE SERVICE Experienced service- and repairs to all makes and models. Call for free estimates 524-8916. 49tf ACE RADIO and TV Service, Frank Wilcox, 60 Picton St. .W., Goderich, Ont. Phone 524-7771. -- i tf HAVE your rugs and •chairs cleaned by dependable cleaners. Call Superior Maintenance, phone , 524-8892, Goderich. — 24tf Effective Dec. 1 QPEN. Mon., Wed., Sat. 8a.m.to6p.m. for winter months only C & W SALVAGE 205 Nelson St. At other than above days phone 524-9514 Buying all scrap metals; handling both new and used steel products. AL GRANGER'S TV. Repairs To All Makes Of TV By Licensed Technician .258 Huron Road Phone 524-8925 34tf FOR your Antenna Sales and AlviCOMPLETE household effects Service contact s 162 Mary Street, phone 524-9089. — or small lots wanted. Call C & E. 32tf Furniture, 524-7231. — 42tf WANTED — Homeworkers. Envelope addressers wanted. Send stamped, self addressed envelope to Henry Smith, Mail Order Service, Auburn, Ontario, -Canada. �5,0tf- SEWING MACHINE REPAIR For all makes and models of sewing machines:, Free pickup and delivery in town. Phone 524-7756. — 42tf 14, SERVICES AVAILABLE GEORGE SAGER Upholstering • & Repairs 255 Mary Street Goderich, Ontario PHONE 524-6582 "38tf 'HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL CLINTON We pay $5 to $15 for fresh dead or disabled cows or horses. We pick, up calves and small pigs as a service to you. Call collect 482-9811 Lic. 169-C-68 5Gtf BENNY BJERG General Contracting 202 Queen St., Clinton Phone 482-9372 25tfn GRAHAM ELECTRIC Complete Electrical Service Residential — Commercial — Industrial 155 Keays Street Phone 524-8670 Goderich, Ontario. 15. NOTICE to CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ' ROLF PENNER, All persons having claims against the estate of Rolf Penner, late of the Town of Goderich, who died on November 23rd, 1969, are required to file claims with the' undersigned by January 3rd, 1970. WALTERS, GREATREX, FLESHER & CHRIS, 151 Frederick Street, Kitchener, Ontario, Solicitor for the 'Administrator. 50,51,52 17. BUSINESS- NOTICE BRECKOW'S. Massage, 118 Anglesea Street, will be closed December 24 to January 5. Phone residence 524-7617 or office 524-6281 for appointments. -•50,51 Dlst'Jet NO. 2 of the Ontario. Region of the National' F' a,e. Union head its annual meeting and election of officers on December 2 in Clinton 1,egion Hall. Lorne Luther of Ashfield Township was named director, Mrs. May Govenlock of Seaforth, lady director and Bev McNay of Lucknowt junior director. • Otto Prues, Ontario Regional Director for the N.F.U., conducted the election. In his remarks,. Mr. Prues 4eminded' members, that, at Winnipeg, at the N,F.U. convention, they had decided to build a strong organization. "To do this, every member must be ready to accept responsibility and carry out functions when requested to do so. Farmers should take time to think," he said. Every time a farmer says "I have no time," he its really saying that he has no time to -take care of his own business. Farmers should work toward, putting a price on their product so they will get a profit, not just the cost of production. The first step is Unity. Mr. Prues introduced Peter Meyers of Chatham, N.F.U. member and organization director for Ontario and Blake Sanford of Essex County, also a N.F.U. regional director. E. CARDS 00 THANKS MERIAM: I wish to extend my thanks to friends, relatives and neighbors for cards, gifts, flowers and visits I received while a patient in Alexandra Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. N. C: Jackson, Dr. A. B. Deathe, nurses, girls in .green and 'everyone who was so kind and thoughtful; and for the splendid care I received on 2nd east. — Euphemia Meriam. — 50 WILLIAMS: My sincere thanks to relatives, neighbors and friends for flowers, gifts, cards and visits while I was a patient in Alexandra Hospital. Special 'thanks to Dr. Jackson, Dr. Doorly and nurses on second west, housekeeping staff . and Mrs. Ross and her dietary staff. — Andrea Williams. — 50 The family of the late Aubrey Walter wish to express their gratitude to relatives, friends and neighbors for their sympathy and floral tributes; to the pallbearers and ' -v. Warr. eial—thanks t t A;; Stiles, LUCY Wants Your EGGS She will pay 2c to 5c per dozen above top market price. She also wants your old hens, Lucy will pay 12c to 15c per pound. She gives a good egg grade. She is an agent for Fischers Hatchery, Ayton, for Canada's best pullets. Won't you let Lucy solve your poultry problems. She will pick up eggs and hens and ch•ickeni. Call her today at 105 BRUSSELS DAILY CAR RENTAL Reasonable Rates McGEE'S Goderich Phone 524-8391 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED MODERN EQUIPMENT WORK GUARANTEED Write or Phone Harvey Dale, Clinton PHONE 482-3320 1-3tf Stratford Electric Limited - REWINDING and REPAIRS To all. makes of motors, generators, transformers, welders. 24-HouiService 136 East Street, Goderich 524-7409 44tf SALES SPECIALIST Huron County's Largest Ford Dealer is looking for a sales representative to specialize in the merchandising of used cars and trucks. Our inventory is programed to always reflect a full selection from the three major automobile manufacturers. This opening represents an outstanding opportunity for an aggressive, sales oriented person. Our benefits and 'pensipn plan are exceptional, and tailored to suit productive people. Apply to John Hopkinson, Larry Snider Motors Limited, Exeter, 235-1640. '0uBuc HEALTH • NOTICE With effect from 1 January, 1970 the use of D.D.T. is banned throughout Ontario except in tobacco and apple growing and then only on a permit basis. Those with D,D.T. in their possession must not dispose of it along with ordinary refuse or flush it into drains or -down water closets. A disposal program is being arra the New Year, when details will be announced for the collection of the insecticide and its safe disposal. Please check this newspap# for announcement of times and places of collection. .Dr. G. P. A. Evans, Medical Officer of Health, .,. ,._ ,County of -Huron. Mr. Meyers. said 4h organization has top priority in the N.F.U. People in the country must support their •organization and not depend on the leadership to solve all of their problems. "Workshops are being organized the districts now. Most charges the farmers want have to be bargained for, and we must be in a position to bargain with power. The Farmers' Union, now National in scope, has a strong voice in provincial matters for farmers — the provinces, one by one, are joining." he said. Pressure is now being put' on Queen's Park for a different way of collecting Education Tax in Ontario, and a thorough research is being carried on in this.province. Mr. Sanford also spoke on education tax in Ontario, and said that people are not happy. Through research, it has been found that the average farmer pays almost 11 percent of his income to education tax, as compared to 2 percent by urban dwellers. In Essex County 8 peicent of the people are paying 25 percent of the school tax, this 8 percent being farmers. Education tax must be removed 'from land, or injustice will continue to grow. Huron County members were urged to find out about education tax in their county. Lorne Luther spoke about the citizen's rally to Queen's Park on Medi; ie which was to take place on December 6. The six • objectives were Teiriewed — the main one being that the $176 million dollars of federal •funds have not been used by the provincial government to sharply reduce or eliminate Medicare premiums. In c ntario, 9anada's richest province, an average family pays $309. in annual premiums. By corpparison, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland have no premiums at all, Saskatchewan has $72. and Manitoba $99.60 a year. In a few remarks by Ken Flack of Perth County, he pointed out that farmers must help themselves. Politics and Government will not coo the job for us. At a time when 60 percent of Canada'sfarmers are livi',ng at ,,or below the poverty level, all partite its Govemrent have `voted • themlysA 50. percent increase.in salary! The. poor in Canada will rebel*" Mr., Pleeh saId. The meed eoftee, 4 servedto the apl. Indies and Ir.teil MOM, x'65" ALSO GIRL FRIDAYS Required for modern office. Three positions available typing, clerical, filing and general office routine. Attractive salary. Very good fringe benefits available. Reply to Box 45 Goderich Signal -Star 50, 51b 1 1'PERSONAL' ' ''' ' • Funeral Home for their kindness•, and help; to Alan Stoll for his. Wishing relatives, neighbors and many acts of kindness during his friends a Merry Christmas and a.' illness, and ,fir the helps he was Happy New Year. — Stella to us during our bereavement. Seabrook. — 50 Everything was deeply • appreciated. — Walter McManus. — 50 The Season's Greetings and best wishes for the New Year to all our friends in Goderich. Instead of sending Christmas cards, we are making a donation to a charitable organization. — Arlene' and Colin McMillan; Phyllis and Ken McMillan. — 50x I would like to take this way of wishing all my relatives, friends and neighbors a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Owing to illness, I will not be sending greetings to anyone this Christmas of 1969. Mrs. Adam Gori. — 50 A. BIRTHS BAER — At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on December 5, 1969, to Mr. and" Mrs. Keith Baer, Goderich, a son, Kenton William. F. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Huff, Brantford, Ontario, announce the engagement of . their daughter, Katharine Irene, to Mr. David Glenn Straughan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Straughan, Goderich. The marriage will take place on Saturday, December 27, 1969, at 3 o'clock in Colbourne Street United Church, Brantford. — 50x G. COMING EVENTS ,,KINSMEN'S New' Year's Eve dance at Goderich Arena. Music Revised Edition. Lunch, refreshments and novelties. Dancing from 10-?. Tickets $10 couple. Contact Bill Kirky 524-8566 after 6 p:m. — 50,51 BRADSHAW — At Alexandra Hospital, ;,;,$.oderich, on December 5, 1069, to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bradshaw, Adastral Park, Clinton, a daughter, Linda Darlene. BRECKLES — At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on Peeember 5, 1969, to Mr. and Mrs. Philip Breckles, Goderich, a son, Christopher Philip. • JEFFREY -- At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on December 4, 1969, to Mr. and Mrs. ""'"" •ay,mond Jeffrey, Goderich, a daughter,. Tanya Rae. TURNER„ — At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on December 8, 1969, to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Turner, Clinton, a son, Kevin Charles. D. IN MEMORIAM FISHER: In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, Peter Fisher, who passed, away one year ago, • December 12, 1968. Gond saw you getting weary So he did what he thought best, He came and stood beside you And whispered, "Come and rest." — Sadly missed and always remembered by his wife Clara and family. — 50x E. CARDS' OF THANKS BEAN: Please'i3tc ept my thanks all who remembered me while I was in the hospital. -n- David Bean. — 50x NEW YEAR'S ' EVE dance and smorgasbord at Maitland Country Club. Music by George Bolton. $9 a couple. Tickets available from Ben Chisholm or at Maitland Country Club. — 49tf RESERVE Thursday and Friday, December 18 and 19, for a Christmas :presentation to be • given by the children of St. George's Church in the parish hall at 7:30 p.m. — 49 CHRISTMAS dance, Auburn Hall, Friday, December 19. Mlusic by The Ramblers. Dancing 9 to 1. Sponsored by Clinton Junior Farmers. Everyone welcome. — 49,50 CAROL SINGING CANTATA "BOrn A King" (John Peterson) By Senior Church Chow NORTH STREET UNITED CHURCH n Tuestj,ay, Dec. 16 8:15 P.M. Instrumental selections — by MacMillan family; ' trumpet solos — Ralph " Morley; favorite carols - by congregation, • silver collection. ° WELCOME Every Sa he's ou€there playing his heart out for you. e least you could dols ethittiapairof Bauer Skates. Times really don't change that much. It's things that evolve, improve and become better. For example, now that you're a Dad with a hockey playing- son, think back to when you played. We'll bet the biggest moment•of your life was when your Dad came down to watch you. play hockey. You could be dog-tired, hardly able to -hold your stick up and skating on your ankles half the time, but boy did you tr"y hard to score. And when you did, well, that was really it. You walked around for two days about three feet off the ground. And you know, it's the same thing with your son. All the hockey badges in the world aren't worth the thrill of having you -there to watch him play, but, like we said, things change. The boot is made wit top quality leather with crush -proof toe capause some of those little guys really fire those shots. And we've added something your skates didn't have, quick change protective heel tips that can be replaced. in seconds during a game. But the best part is, Bauer Skates' comfort and fit. Remember how halfway through a game you'd find you were skat- ing more on your ankles than the blades? Well, not with Bauer. One last point. Why are we talking to Dads? Because Bauer has a complete line of hockey skates, in all price ranges, including the pro model Supremes or the famous Black Panther Skates. And maybe your son wants a new pair, 'but he hasn't got the heart to ask you. That's why we thought it wise to tip you off just before Christmas. Because what better time to show him your heart's in the right .place? Be- sides, it's a pretty nice feeling, being able to give your eon some of the advantages you never had. After all, he's out there play- ing for you. BAUER SKATES ALS� FOR MISSES & WOMEN OPEN NITES SPROULE SHOES TIL s PM. DEC. 17 to 23 KINGSTON STREET Next to the Club Grill ,, ,