HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-11-24, Page 8Christmas Quarter, The rapidly cooling weather is a ie - 'Minder that winter i$ coming and wire it the swift approach of the holiday sea son. We aro now within the Christ mas quarter and the few flakes ofsnow occasionally fluttering through the air brise with them many pleasant hopes -l- 5 = -t• •S = + Within a few miles around feel like giving an occasional shout ' in' the thought of What may possibly come to 511 the pocket or enrich the rooms he fore the' year closes. We have thought of them and provided wally mouths ego. Just now sortie of the goods are sommeucing to make their appearance in. case's of different sizes, We ' wily have lots of thein this season -our Stock is generally pretty full but ' "BIDE A WEE" and you may loot: through the 'doer and see counters, shelves and stand6 literally g•roa.nin,,(as the tea meetings say) with their large display. •Dull times will not daunt as—the goods; Will be here, and we hope—the custom ors. IT. i . 'C'i`s, YES? ant —ts doing thee -- Mantle, Tao of Ezeter. AND NO WONDER ler they have the nobby choice coats to do a trade with. Every Coat a beauty; Every Coat a fitter; and Every Coat a big bargin. We haye just passed into stock, a late shipment of Beaver and Curl Trimmed Mantles, that for beauty and style of make are realy fine. The season is now well on, and we are bound to clear this late shipment of coarsest) matter what sac- rifices we have to make. We will not carry them over. Come and see the values hese for you. Just a word for our special values in LF1OKD SCOb� When you buy a dress you want the best value in town, Don't you. We are never satisfied with any line of ;goods unless we can give our customers val- ue. Now in our Dress' Goods you will. find values that will surprise and please you. Remember we are "terrors" to the old old fashioned high-priced. dealers. They don't love us as they should, for we ars continually Cutting Cutting prices. so they say, and so we say that we are on top every time. a�.. A. ` tIrwart., LO'CAL JOTTINGS. Couiaeil . roeeealinrs. All members present except Mr. Spaceman. Minutes of previous meet. ing read and cmflrmed. A letter from the Verity Plow Co., Brantford, asking $7000 for the old. foundry buildings was read and filed, Mr. A J. Rollins erquired if the council would exempt a flouring mill from taxes pro- vided one ro•videdone was built in this village hav- ing a capacity of 75 or 100 barrels per day. The council expressed their willingness to do so as far as !ay in. their power! Orders were granted for The following sums:—S, Handford -$3 for liber. Al. Bissett, $1:50` do. P. Luker $1 50 do. Wm, Parsons $1,80 do JnoGillispie Boats do. Thomas Uartnel` $01.40 contract for drain on Main St south of Ann St. Jas. -Creech $3.50 wood for town hall; do. $2,50 mattresses for lockup; clo, $85 salary; do. $3.00 charity to Mrs. Cann do "$2 Mrs. McTavish, S. Sanders $3.62 Ads. re foundry inEmpire and Globe. The clerk `$6.35 for selecting jurors and office fixtures. Conrad. Keeler $104,40 tile. Geo. 'Kemp $18 ringing bell. Jas. Bear $5:35 for selecting jurors making school assessment audpostage Carried: Grant to Mrs. Cann discon tinned. The clerk to see after an act. of the Legislature to authorize this corporation to issue debentures to meet the Railway debentures coming due in July 1893, The council adjourned no til call of the Reeve. M EACnETu, clerk. The Chicago Ledger Is twenty years old, and has a cirea lation of 140,000 copies a week, It is a combined story and family paper, fully up to the times in every particu- lar, and handsomely illustrated. There is a Fashion Department, and also a Young• People's Department, eitlier of which alone is worth the subscription price of $2.00 per year, $1,00 for six months, or 50 cents for three. months, Send for free specimen copies and in• dncements for clubs, Boys and girls everywhere are making money selling the Ledger to regular customers. liVrite for particulars. Address the publisher, W. D. Boyce, 113, 115 and 117 Fifth avenue, Chicago, -4t. eiaaniist Waasirel. Ali organist for Main St, Methodist church Exeter, for the year 1893. En, g', tocommence s . n „agement c e ce 1 t Jti nary 1893, Applicants will please spate sal. fiery and address, net later then Sattur- da$1 5. p. m. Nov: 26th 1892 th The Seet te Trnetecs Board, Rest 72. Main St, Methodist Church, A full lime of sperting goods at Cob. biedick & Folland's. 1,'or a general family cathartie7,WQ confidently recommend Hood's Pills. Road Cobbledick &Tolland% change of "ad in this issue. Something special in mons nobby over coats at the Big Bankrupt Store. Only a few more of those cheap lan- terns left at Cobblediek &% Folland's. Buy your foot wear at the BO. Belikrliet,.Steve, ..there you.; get the snaps Stoves and tinware away down;:; in price at Cobbledick & 1'olland's, Over Koats for men and boys all at prices that are away down low at the Big Bankrupt Store. If you want a gun for a days sport, Cobbledick & Folland's have them., The merry chimes of the sleighbells may heard through our busy town these days, The front of the building vacated by E. Folliek, has been replaced by that of a new one, Smokeless powder in hulkand smoke less powder in shells at Cobbledick & Folland's. Try it. Keep your horses warm by provid• ing for them an all wool blanket from the Exeter Woollen Mills, Do you know you can save money on millinery and mautles at the Big Bankrupt Store—try and see. Blankets Blankets, yon con get all wool blankets, best quality and lowest prices at the Exeter Woollen Mills. Say! for pigeon matches Cobbledick & Folland's smokeless powder is sure kill, They guarantee their ready load- ed shell. Do you want a Sealette Jacket -25 yer cent below regular prices is what yon will pay at the Big Bankrupt Store. S. g. smokeless 'powder. The only genuine and safe smokeless powder in the market is sold at Cobbledick & Folland's A little excitement prevailed at the residence of Mr. A. J. Rollins on Mon- day, caused by the burning- out of a chimney. A statistician says that from out of every' six men use tobacco' and one out of every four buy it. How does that strike you. Try Cobbledick. and' Folland's load ed shell, if you want success whea'out hunting. They are the best in the market. Sure kill. It is not what its proprietors say but what : Hood's Sarsaparilla does that tells the story of its merits. Hood's Sarsaparilla CURES. If you want to se'e the largest and best stock of hardware, tinware and stoves in the country sold cheap, call at Cobbledick & Follands's Mrs. Wm. Folland met: with a painful accident while out walking on Sunday evg, by falling and breaking her wrist. The injured member is doing nicely. The Moneta: ry Times gives the fol- lowing directions for inspiring suceess in ousiness;—Buy cheaply, pay smart- ly, cry loudly, sell quickly, cash only. If' you want to go for a day's hunt- ing and bring home lots of game get your powder and shot at the leading hardware store, Cobblediek & Folland's Forty-eight prizes from $10.00 to $100.00, In all 1,000.00, are offered for Poems on Esterbrook's Steel Pens. Send postal for Circulars fax particu- lars to 26 John St. New York. A nicely illustrated and well printed paper called The Toronto Times made its first appearance in Toronto last week. It contains 16 pages of well written and interesting reading mat- ter. A new weekly paper has been estab- lished in London entittled The Prtrio- tic Canadian the editor of which will be Mr. Thos. Passmore, formerly of Exeter, and proprietor of the Anvo- CATE.' A fox was seen bask of Mr. Rd Pick- ard's residence recently and the news was at once commuuicated to Mr. Ed. Fish who immediated started in pur- suit, and we understand he shot at it and actually made his mark. Scheduling' of cattle by the British Government went into effect on Mon- day. Consequently no more Cana dian cattle will be allowed to be sold in Britain for fattening purposes, they will have to be slaughtered before leaving the stock yards. This will be a good thing for the Canadian Farmer. At a meeting of the Executive of Huron Co. Sabbath School Association held in Clinton on 'Tuesday of last week, the time of the annual - Conven- tton was fixed for Tuesday and Wednesday, Jan. 24th and 25th, 1893, in the ,village of Blyth. The pro• gramme was outlined and the names of speakers associated therewith, . It is the intention of the Executive to procure as complete statistical returns as possiblefrom all the Sabbath Schools he County fax presentation at the int C y p e t Convention and persons interested in Sunday school werk will confer a great fever by giving all the assist artce they can in attaining the end desired,—Brusseis Post. The county council passed a resolu- tion last ,lune asking each municipal ity to take a vote of the electors at the municipal election on the question of erecting a Home of Refuge in Huron County, ,rot~ many years past this matter has came up before the county board in various forma, and as the opinion of the ratepayers is now asked we hope no municipality will refuse to grant the plebiscite. So far the Exeter council have taken no action in the• Matter. It would be only fair to the, rate payers to make the announcement at once if a vote is to be taken so that the electors will have an opportunity to post themselves on this important question. 100 pars for The Anvo BdnaielFe1141;tltters. • CA' •l5 from now to I The time is fast approaching whoa Jan, 1st, 1894,to near subseribors. Sub- eeri,be at once and reap the benefit, Mrs. McLaren tate eentettrian,living near Springbank, was 102 'years and months old on Monday last. She is still in good health and in the posses- sion of her faculties.. Mrs. Geo. Nott of Ttickersmith, the well known; price winner has this y ear collected over $250 in prize money awarded her at different shows, When we consider that in the departments in which she exhibited, the prizes are usually small, var,'ing^ from 25 cents to one dollar. Mrs. Nottt's industry and skill will appear to still better advant- age, On Saturday evening last while two Exeter ladies, who had been driving in Stephen, e ere returuing home their rig collided with that of it heavy wag- on driven by Mr. Joseph Lawson, the result being a badly smashed wheel. Mr. Lawson seeing. the ladies' predic- ament at once procured another wheel to replace the one broken and sent thein on their way rejoicing; The Grand Trunk Railway authori- ties have recently come to the conelus' ion to curtail the number of town tick- et agencies in this and other districts., Consequently our worthy friend, Capt, Geo, Kemp, who has been acting in that capacity for a number of years, is one of the many removed from the net, Capt. was a "Bustler" in that particular branch of his business and will be greatly missed. There is no secretor patent in the production of "Myrtle Navy" tobacco. It could be produced by any manu- facturer, but no manufacturer could make it pay at that price, unless he could purchase on a large scale and sell on a large scale. He could not sell below the present price without - a. loss even if he could purchase on the lowest advantageous terms. To get a large market therefore, without which he would` have no inducement to go on, would be the work of many years. That is the reason why Messrs.Tuekett & Son have the command of the mark ket,and they are wise enough to know that they can retain it only by keee.p` ing the price down to hardpan figures Sea'f or th Dye Works. All orders for the above Dye Works can be left with E. H. Fish. Farni for Sale. The undersigned has several, first class farms for sale on easy terms. J. SPAoauwv,;Exeter.' Our Order. We would ask our readers to watch our clubbing rates in another column and ine.rk the rate with the leading papers Shooting Hatch. Don't forget the big shooting match in connection with the Central House to -morrow (Friday) when 400 birds will be shot at; See bills. Wanted. Never too late to mend. 5000 pairsof boots and shoes that need repairing to be left at the leading boot and shoe store next door to the Post -office. .aet:Went. While , Mr. A. G. Dyer was in the act of stepping from a pile. of lumber Tuesday p m., his foot slipped letting him down on his knee which received a severe sprain. He will net be able to get around for a few days, The Great Star almanac. In Montreal the Star Almanac is just corning out. It is simply a won- der, thoroughly practical, marvellous. ly comprehensive, and absolutely over: flowing with things' we all ought to, but do not, know about: 'No amount of.ptelse seems to do it justice. Card, of Thank 5. 1 take this opportunity of thanking the people of 1.1xeter and surrounding country for their kind support during the past four years which I have serv- ed as ticket agent for the G. T. R. I wish to announce that.I am still in the steamship agency. Yours truly, CAPT Gno KDMP Best Offer. Yet. The ADvoCATE has perfected arrang ments by which we offer the Family Herald and Weekly Stcir together with Great Star Alnianav and the ADVO- CATE from now until Jan. lst.1894 for only $1,75.: The price of the star is $1 per annum attd the Almanac 25 ets, This is an excellent offer, do not fidelay in accepting it. Nursery Medieincs. We do not believe in dosing child- ren with drugs and medicines from the time they arrive in the world till they are grown, as some do. We have found a tittle castor oil and a bottle of Perry Davis' Pain-Iiller,safo and sure remedies for all their little ills, and would not do without them. Get the New Big Bottle, 25c. esereonal atentlon,: Mr. Marsland, cashier Molsons Bank paid London a flying visit on Thurs night last,—Miss Shiite, of Detroit, en - route to London, where she had an en gagement to sing, spent Thursday night last with her uncle, Mr. Thos. Shute,—Miss Ethel Levett, of Parkhill is the guest of Mrs Parkinson.—Mrs, Billings who has boon at the Central Hotel for some time, leaves to -day for Brockville, where she will lire with her sister. Mrs, Stowe re—Re Ye. McDon agh and Russell exchanged pulpits last Sunday morning, --Mr. Mich Davis who has been on the sick list since last fair day, was on the street for the first time, Tuesday,—Inch. N. Creech, who, for over three years, hes been en- gaged on the ADVOCATE staff, took his departure for Toronto on Tuesday morning, where a lucrative situation asveited him, 11. N. is the embodiment of energy and his phenomenal success as a "type slinger" will be the logical result of that energy, incellectuelly directed. The well wishes of the An VocAr1 accompany him. the eleetors of Meter will be called up. on to say by their franehise who shall have the eoiulucthtg of their mimics pal matters for 1898, Tide is some- thing all shou d. take a deep interest in and it is pot too soon for the electors: to devote Some consideration as.to how our affairs have been conducted dur- ing the past year and make up their minds as to whither the present coun- cil is entitled to roiolection or not, should they seek the same. As a mat- ter of fact we do not always get our got our hest citzons to actin our town legislation—some shrink from the tur- moil and strife winch seems, itt some eases, a necessary proceeding to win an election; others, again, re_ra.ne to ex- pose themselves to abuse and misrepre- sentation too often indulged in to- wards members of our councils; while others are so busied in their own avo cations they are not in the least con corned and quite content to let mimic ipal affairs drift into any persou's hands. Our present town -fathers have conducted our affairs, in a veryable manner, but many will he found ' who believe they could have unproved mat- ters very considerably had they the reins of power. But one tiling" is cer tain our people do not take interest enough in these matters; remember eternal vigilance is not only the, price we pay for liberty, but it is also the price we pay for good municipal gov- ernment. `-What we want in our coun cil are "hustlers.'' .13coatwe'l a .ollitiy.T.P.Oodintx, • '41i Tib S ua EXHTER. Theydon'task me a Price and then - come down NE THI.''.►Y Dep. Sherif Wheeler Does Not Care to Live If He Cannot Have Sarsaparilla It would be difficult to find a man better known in the vicinity of Burling- ton, Vt., than Mr. R. D. Wheeler of Winooski Falls, the efficient Deputy Sheriff of Burlington county. He says: "C. I, Hood. & Co., Lowell, Mass.: "Dear Sirs : If Hood's Sarsaparilla cost S110.00a Bottie I should still keep using it, as I have for the past ten years. With me the question as to whether life is worth living depends 'upon whether I can get Hood's Sarsaparilla. I don't think I could live without it 'now, certainly I, should not wish to, and suffer as I used to. For over ten years I suffered .the horrors of the damned with Sciatic - Rheumatism for if ever a man suffers with anything in this world it is with that awful dis- ease. It seems to me as if all other physical suffering• were compressed into that one. I took about everything man ever tried for it but never got a dollar's worth of help until I began taking Hood's Sar;nsaparral9a I have taken it now pretty regularly for ten years and have no more pain and can get around all right. I have advised a good many to try Hood's Sar- saparilla." R. D. WHEELER, Deputy Sheriff, Winooski Falls, Vt. Hood's Pill Cure Liver ills For We have the largest stook of Dress Goods Ever Shown in Exeter. ter, We are showing an Immense Stock. —OF -- German Mantles AT POPULAR PRICES. I. J. Spackman & Co s. SAMWELL'S BLOCK, EXETER. CA lig r This great momentous question is the talk of the people. What we want is, two Grist mills (which we are about to has -e), Oat meal `:mill, Binder twine factory, Foundry, Electric light, Electric street cars and in fact a city at once. This is what we want ..,,*„ ,vy,.-M i � v+wsun ......... r�. �u c kr, �x�.�.:.2 t L , osj Wha t h ve e'now ? a lot of stores and a • 211 tom rail LEADING - HARDWAR -STORE with 'a stock that people can buy just what they want and at a price the city hardware establishments CUT -SELL '141, '`Rr Prices this week are still going down. We have the stock and our prices are better than some people's "cost" or "below cost" quotations. Call and see for,.yonrself and be convinced that we have the stocland prices just right. COBSLEDiCil Si FOULARD.. 1016. The chew lost line f fur goods ever brought into Exeter. Having weir ed a large .- econsignment at II II II II . II II / 11 : We will give the peo- ie of this vicin- itcy c:3 the a vain age of our close buying. For the next FEW WEEKS we will offer Ladies' Stora Collars, Ladies' Boas and Muffs. at prices bound tb sell them The BEST VALUE in Children's Lanib Boas in the Trade. II l 1: 11 II II I .Nr Come and get the first choice of these goods. also offering anything in the Dly Goods line at the Cash Price and will be pleased to .show you throe store. No trouble to show Goods. A, J. McTAYISH 'iWe are. lowest ggh our Go's