HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-12-11, Page 2(2AF.RI{,'i SIGNA,IrS'$AR,THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 196$
t on pu ik meetin
Trailer park
During the question ' and a park in our own town, which I 'that was agreeable to all.
answer period at the public do not think is right." Coun Frank Walkom said -the
meeting November 27, 13, R. Dr. Mills, summing up, said it figure sof $4,500 was "...way off
Robinson, a former member of could be.seen that council as a beams ,stating it. was the gross
council, asked why council had whole did not favor a trailer take at the park.
• park. He said that what puzzled Dr. Mills said if a trailer park
him at the time council did this was setup at the South Beach
was that usually when council there would be 100 trailers and
does something that definite, the park would be. filled. He said
council gets a lot of public there was no doubt about that.
outcry. "The very fact that there Sandy Profit, who described
wasn't any would indicate that, himself as a small business man,
the people in town did supportasked if the motion, that there
the council in not wanting a were to be no more trailer parks
trailer park in town," he said. in Goderich, meant trailer parks
Dr. Mills said the plan.Coun. operated. by the town, or by
Carroll presented for the South private enterprise.
Beach area was a very well Dr. Mills . stated this only
organized plan and could have referred to council operating
been an asset to the town and trailer parks.
the councillor deserved a great Mr. Profit said he was pleased
deal of credit. He said council private enterprise would be
felt the town should not have a allowed to operate a trailer park,
plan related to a trailer park and but said' that- no small
did not feel it wanted a
provincial park type of He
development because it felt the
town's people would have to pay
admission to it.
Dr. Mills also pointed out in
the past three years there had
been development at the south
beach area, under the former
chairman of the harbour
committee, B. R. Robinson, and
proposal. It was • decided no this year under Coun. Carroll,
trailer sites would be sought by with the levelling of the land and
the town. the addition of playground
Mr. Robinson rephrased his equipment. He said the sand had
question and asked if eaeh4tabuilt up very well and swimming
mniber would publicly state was excellent with a good sand
. whether or not he would bottom in the area.
support development of the He also pointed out it was not
south beach as a park area. known what the future of.the
Coun. Shewfelt said he felt main beach area was with the
the proposal was good to a point location crowded and the added
but he did not agree to the number of people coming to the
fencing of the area and citizens town during the summer each
being made to pay admission, year. ,"The town needs a large
and he did not think it would be beach area. Council felt a large
a solution to move the trailers to beach area was needed and did
the south beach area. not . want a trailer park
He said he would like to see development down there."
Blake Street extended over the Ron Price asked if there was
bank giving greater access to a
built up area with a lake drive.
He said he and his family use
the south beach area and he
" would like to see it developed
for the town.
Coun. Dave Gower had no'
objections to developing the
south beach area but had some
reservations to the plan of Coun
rejected a proposal by- Coun.
Paul Carroll that would have set
up a park in the south beach
area. Mr. Robinson pointed out
the land was designated park
land on the new official plan.
. He also asked what proposals
were to be made for the area for
the future.
Dr. G. F. Mills, mayor, said
the proposal had been for . a
recreation area that would
include camping, trailer parking
and picnicing. Dr. Mills said the
plan was' a good one and it had
been tabled' for two weeks in
order to allow council to study
it. At a later meeting, a motion
was brought in that council,
would not seek other sites for
trailers in town. He said council
had not actually voted on the
south beach area, but opposed
trailers in the town in general.
Coun. Paul Carroll was asked
to comment and said it had been
decided to determine what the
philosphy of town council was
with regard to trailers before •
entering into a discussion on the
Mr. Price said it did nOi
answer the question of how the
garbage was going to be disposed
of and the reeve said the town
would -get; up the highway a lot
quicker than anyone was going
to get up the sideroad.
John Lawley suggested that as
the agreement concerning the
new site was now "...signed,
sealed and delivered," and („,,
suggested questions concerning_
the waste disposal site be closed.
There was general
disagreement with the proposal.
Dr. Mills said there were pros
and cons for both sites "...but
the most important thing is that
the dump must be relocated. We
look at this now and we might
consider it a temporary solution.
We are tied up for three years
and after that we have no
assurance that Clinton. will stay •
with us or Goderich Township
businessman in town had- been will stay with us, but at least we
consulted on the matter. d said
he could not understand the very well according to Public Works Chairman Reeve Harry Elmwood as we reported earlier) is handling the construction and are doing what the majority of
suddeness with which the Worsell., The excavation work has reached a point past Wellesly fill from the excavation is being placed in readiness to close the people want and relocating the
motion had been passed.- He Street and"' is speeding up now with the line being set at a present Goderich town dump. -- staff photo. dump. And if in two or three
ointed out two persons had years it does not seem to be the
"I am a firm believer that the site, which increased by$5,000 Lavis' at $21 058 as compared best solution, we hate not spent
ade a presentation to council should have it for a picnic site.
Coun. Carroll said there were corporation shouldn't be as opposed to $1,000 extra for to $19,250." that much in order to keep that
decided the same night it was other ou s in the town who operating a trailer park," he said. the Feagan site. Coun. Gower asked if anyone point for that length of time. I
to ban trailers at y the P Coun. Ed. Geisbrecht said he Y believe as Dave (Coun. Gower)
would be interested;,,„ in,.. , 'He sald at the Feagan site the knew of a better wa to come
Pik` developin Harbour Park in voted against , looking for town would have purchased its up with a cost comparison.. has said, this will not be a
"I have a strong suspicion that g another site because he
council was lobbied to a very another way if it was not used own equipment at a cost of Mr. Robinson asked for the permanent solution and we will
great extent before this thing for trailers. understood a private individual $30,000 including a packer. figures to be repeated and end up with some other form of
would start a trailer park if the Employment -would be about pointed out there was •a cost • waste disposal. As you all know
took. lace," said Mr. Profit. "As far' as I am concerned the town did not. roughly from looking at your televisions,
I.the same and the area available difference ofrou hl $2 000. He
Profit said that two years answer to that problem is to • Coun. Frank Waikom said it larger.P this is one of the biggest
w would have been said that as he ointed out
ago council decided to look for provide a bigger, better area, and had always been his view that . Fencing would have been earlier the cost for the other site problems the whole world. We
some alternative. "Why this as far as I. am concerned the piece .of land at the top ofle about the same. He said there was a fixed cost after the capital may end up in three years with
sudden change of heart?" he personally, I think that area is at the hill was the most valuable
asked. the south beach on both sides of were some advantages at the expenditure was written off. an incineration process, we don't
piece of property in town with Feagan t which would not be Can tell me, or the people know, but for now this is the
"Have you no consideration the water filtration plant. the exception of the town g i best solution. The costs are not
P at the Holmesville siteofiderich what the costs will
for the milkman, the baker, the "And I think that when wherean
laundry man? Small business opportunity is presented, square, "...and when it came to One of the town's industries is be two years hence? Or even if equal and we don't say they are
moving the trailers to another going to have a problem we _will have a site" two years equal, but I am pleased myself
people depend on this. Now, this the provincial government will site, knowinghow , the town hadto see the dump moved, because
is tourism, .yet the tourist participate in projected capital • disposing of its waste. He hence?"he asked. "At the other -
been embroiled in discussions at suggested -the plant might have site we would have had a lease this is what the people want."
committee wasn't even expenditures to the tune of 50 the trailer camp in previous to put in its own incineration for 20 years. Will you have a Mr.' Robinson repeated his
consulted." He pointed out a percent, and then give ,complete years, with organizations, I plant, but the problem had not lease two years from now?" question on why the town has
brochure had been made for control back to the decided that this is no enterprise been solved yet. Coun. Gower said the not got a majority vote on the
next year and included trailer municipality, — I have heard this for the town to be mixed .up in Dr. Mills said there would be agreement was for two years, management of the new site and
parks listed among the town questioned, but details of they
again."no burning permitted at the new "...after that, I dont know,"he Dr. Mills said the number of
facilities. Mr. Profit said he was Parks Assistance Act were in the Coun: Gower said he would
any intention of ever allowing not . set on havieg trailers in proposal and were available to go alongwith what the other Site at all and no .provisions for said. members on the committee was
industryto locate on the South Harbour Park but would like to all the councillors — I think it is disposing of old refrigerators, Mr. Robinson asked if it was two from each with the
councillors had said. He said he washing machines and similar true that Mr. Lavis could chairman from Goderich
Beach area. see "...a half a dozen trailer a drastic error to condemn the had some reservations but would
Dr, Mills replied it would be a parks dotted right around the closing of Harbour Park without support the rest of council. material. renegotiate after two years and Township, "...which seemed a
very` difficult question to outskirts of this town." being aware of the little details Dr. Mills said the motion Former councillor B. R. Coun. Gower agreed he could fair arrangement since the site
Robinson asked. for a' more after the
. Robinson second year. was in the township." He said
answer. Coun. Jewell, in answer to the that go with it, and I also feel it carried without his vote but
"As an example, if industry questions of Mr. Edwards and is a drastic mistake for the town stated he would vote in favor of accurate . cost comparison Mrpointed out the cost division was on a per
came to town and said it wanted Mr. Profit, said the figure quoted • not to be involved in this kind of because it appeared the cosi for that after the second year the capita basis.
a trailer park. the new site would be about costs would be unknown. Coun. Coun. Shewfelt said it should
to go onto the South Beach, by Mr. Edwards might have been enterprise," he concluded. • "I think the promotion of
would you want council to say "...a hundred or two too much." Mr. Price asked Coun. Carroll $23,000 more . than for the Gower said he agreed this was also be pointed out the
y y tourism is important for the operation of the present site.. not the answer to the problem, committee had no power to act
'you can, goY •
Work on the Elgin Avenue Storm Sewer Project is progressing sallower depth. Elmford Construction Co. of Toronto (not
- He said there had been 935 if tt was not tete that his motion
t there' and the town and for the promotion of He said that without capital "...but I think it is a solution to and ail decisions 'Must cbil%e
y would have togo elsewhere? It's registrations of trailers . at to close Harbour Park also tourism you' ' must provide `E ,..
park would not be feasible on •� �' costs the estimates for the what we have now — the from the cbiincd's. And t vbi�iSl`d
"the south beach` but would be in something that would have to be Harbour" Park this summer. He contained "a contingenc�r"tfiat the facilities that attract them to a operation of the proposed site at problem of moving the waste also say that being the largest
favor of developing it as a park. thought about at the time."said the trailers would average town seek an alternate site. part of town that they want to the Feagan pit would have been disposal site. But I think in the
three people each which Coun. Carroll replied that heP shareholder in it we pretty well
Reeve Harry Worsell said the Dr. Mills said it would be a P P P go to,"he said: about $10,000 per year. future there wilt become a have " control. If we pull our
beach should be developed and position council would not want represented almost 3,000 had made a second motion that John Lawley asked how aCapital costs would have been. regional waste disposal site support the whole thing will fall
if there was as much progress to be put into. "The town would people. "I feel that this is a little the matter of locating an council would propose to elevate
industryin itself," he said. alternate site be referred jointly sewage from the beach area to written off in two years and the 'where' all municipalities will go through," he said.
there as there had been in the like to have the beach property • only change in the fixed cost of in together and share the costs Council was asked what was
Dr. Mills said the way in to the harbour committee and the height of the sewer line
past few years it could be made but •.could not see how it wouldg operation for the next 20 years equally." going to happen to the present
one of the best beaches in this depress industrial development," which it was handled was the the parks committee. He said the above. Dr. Mills, replied the
proposal was made and a motion motion waspassed. P would have been the usual Mr. Robinson said he did not site and the rats there and Dr.
part of the country.. he said. sewage would as contained in1 • increases in wages and cost of object to moving the dump, dump
« was moved and seconded and Mk. Price said in view of this P Mills stated the would
Deputy Reeve Walter I think there would be holding tanks is done at all gasoline and maintenance:" could not understand why come under the control of -the
Sheardown said he was not enough people working in town had to be acted on. He said at fact, could council explain why other beach facilities, and then He also asked whythe town council would reject a proposal
that time it was the feeling of they had changed their minds out into trucks for I P P department of health and Would
against development of the who would favor the industrypumped of Goderich was - assessed 62 for a site ":..that could have be properly covered so there
the 'majority of council that the from the time Coun. Carroll's
shipment • to -the sewage , would be no further
beach as a swimming area but he going in and forget the beach." P g percent of .the costsTMi ii t had been in effect within six months infestation.
could not see putting $40,000 or Clayton Edwards told council trailer park be closed. Coun. motion was passed until the time treatment plant. o n 1 y two members and with a 20 -year guarantee — Herb Murphy asked if citizens
$50,000 into a trailer park. He he had been very interested in Carroll brought in a proposal for council decided not to seek any Council was asked to oil the
the South Beach area two w•eeks further trailer sites in Goderich. poll representative on the committee and the town having full control are entitled to take waste to the
said sand would be a problem the trailer and beach discussions meeting on whether or not the set "up by Goderich, Goderich with the doors open to other Holmesville site and whether or
and to try to up -keep roads in an for a good many 'years and later and this was tabled for two • Coun. Deb Shewfelt said he people present felt the town Townshipand Clinton. Goderich municipalities. And why council
area like the south beach would understood that closing out the weeks in order to allow council had mixed emotions over should have a trailerpark and P Y not private haulers would still be
to study it, and in the ho es that whether Harbour Park should be Township has three members on rejected that in favor of ..this '"allowed to go into the dump.
trailers would deprive ithe Gtown P while a minority showed .they the committee and the town of particular site I have yet to find Dr. Mills said the new site
be ridieulous.
The deputy reeve said there of $4,500 a year income. He said if there was any objections in . closed or not. He said he had would approve of a trailer park Clinton two. He suggested the out. I have asked every member would be open to the private
if that was right it would be the the town, people would say so. visited the site and seen a for for Harbour Park, the majority town had forfeited its right of of this council and not one will taxpayer' on Wednesday and
Dr: Millssaid it was in the rent sign that had been there all showed theywould approve of a
taxes on 10 or 12 good sized pP majority vote, give me an intelligent' answer of Saturday from 9 until 5 and
homes. He said taking the Paper. and in the absence of any summer. He said he felt if trailer park at some other Coun Gower said with why they rejected it," he stated. private carriers would make their
.,,Carroll. H,e said he felt a. trailer
was also a citizen in town who
was thinking of developing a
private trailer park. He said the
town should not be involved in
anything to do with operating a
Coun. Ed. Geisbrecht said he
was in favor of developing the
south beach as park area but did
not feel the town, needed a
trailer park as such.
Coun. Reg Jewell described
how a few years ago sand had
been purnped • over to the new
'beach and stated it had always
been the intention of council to
I have a beach down there.
He said while development
was taking place , his harbour
committee got in touch with a
sand dredging company and was
able to have them pipe sand and
fill to the new beach, which
amounted to 250,000 to
300,000 yards of material put
over there free of charge.
"If the development had been
carried on from that time ,,it
would have resulted in a better
park than is there tow," the
councillor said.
"I don't think any member of
council is opposed ;to having a
beach down there, that's what
we have been working for since
196a. But the people don't want
a trailer park and council doesn't
want a trailer park." Coun.
Jewels said he was the only one
against moving the trailers from
Harbour Park. He told the would spend in town. He
meeting he had asked council to suggested if the town filled the
give one year to consider whole area of Harbour Park over
something else but council the objections of the - two
refused• householders who petitioned
Coun. Frank Walkom said he • council, the town would be
took the position that the town f farther ahead.
at this tune is not prepared to Dr. Mills said the point was
'spend' a minimum of $40,000 to that since the motion to remove
$50,000 to develop a park in the trailers had beep passed, he
that.arezl. He said he knows from had received no cothplaints and
experience that if:the province
.. , nt. , o f ap kind no letters had been received by
Y ,council opposing the closing of
,r, step in and operate the the park to trailers. kte said
they jthe .
park': Arad then,, one of
said we would council wanted to continue the
trormer pea yrs roulette' of the town in a wax
bepayittg' a nominal f to enter
trailers out of the park and, not
making any provision for
relocation -,was riot right. He
pointed out the town of Port
'Elgin accommates 100 trailers.in
a trailer park and he had been
infortned by the Port Elgin town
clerk that the' gross revenue from
the trailers was $30,000 per •
year -2.
"Now I am going to say that
we w'uld be a whole lot better
off to put the trailers right over
the lake bank at Harbour Park
and put the picnic area onto the
South Beach. If there is $30,000
that can„ be taken in at Port
Elgin and we are kicking out
$4,500, couldn't we maybe
double ours? We can't afford to
throw $4,500 over our shoulders
in this town, and we shouldn't
kick the trailers out," he said.
Dr. Mills pointed out the
town's share from the .trailer
rentals was about $2,800 this
year which represented two
thirds of the revenue, the other
one third going to the owner of
the Park House for supervising
• the parks Dr. Mills stated there
would be some costs in there too
for maintenance. He agreed
there .was definitely a revenue
factor, and a loss of revenue.
Mr. Edwards said he was also
thinking about other money the
people occupying the trailers
petition or approach to council, council had not closed the park, location.
reference to the Feagan site, the Coun. Gower' aid he had no own arrangements with Mr.
the proposal was voted on. the health department would
"Now if you feel that this is have. "From this I reached the packer would cost $30,000; a objectionto the Feagan site and George Lavis; owner of the site.
still wrong, it is still 1969, and conclusion that when the town building,' $5,300; fencing, had voted for it.
Wage $2,300; roads, $6,000; for a. Coun. Deb Shewfelt said he
action can still be taken, but we •gets involved in trying to run a •.
must knew what the h feeling o rater campe f trailer there is no control total expenditure of $43,900. believed Mr. Robinson and his
the town is." There has to be pri
vate Interest on that amount of committee had 18 months to
Coun. Carroll said he was the enterprise, governed by the disposalmoney at current interest rates study the problem "...and at the
council member who moved that town." of 10 percent would. be $4,390, end of that time proposed the
Harbour Park be closed to- Coun. Jewell said.he disagreed Dr. G. F. Mills, mayor, giving a total capital outlay in site to council and they turned it
trailers. He said it was not a new with some of his colleagues as he announced at the special the first year of $48,290. down, I believe with one vote in
had spent a lot of time at meeting between the town and i "To break this down into favor. We were asked, two weeks
Harbour Park and ,never heard a taxpayers November 27 that the' yearly costs, assuming the after taking office, to accept
complaint. He said the reason he town dump will be relocated at packer might last for five years, something that another council
opposed Coun. Carroll's motion the Lavis Construction' Co. sand possibly . 10 , years, placing the 'had 18 months to look into —
was that when two men can and gravel pit at Holmesville. costs of the packer over five •and I did a little investigating —
speak to council and have In answer to a question on the years would be $6,000; 20 years and I understand there was no
council ban the trailers in relocation of the local waste for the building, $265 per year; formal commitment from the
Harbour Park, as soon as ,the .disposal site, Dr. Mills said the fencing, 10 -years, $260 per year; Township of Goderich to even
town had mentioned going down agreement had been signed and roads, 20, years, $300; plus allow us : to use this site; who
to the South Beach it had the new site will be in operation yearly interest at $4,390 for a would maintain the road — there
_.ceived bitter opposition. He shortly after the start of the new . total capital outlay each year -of was a lot of unanswered
said he had three people come to Year. Or. Mills said the fill from $11,21.5. questions. And I felt that before
him and say they would, fight the Elgin Avenue- Storm Sewer "Applying this to the other we made an expenditure of this
"...to the bitter end," before the project will be used to close the costs at the Feagan pit, the lease size, I wanted some answers
town could put it down there. face of the old dump. of the land was $1,000; salary of before I made my decision."
"If you are going to listen to He said there had been much an operator, $5,000; fuel, oil, Reeve Harry Worsell said it
two you have to listen to . discussion -on the dump question maintenance of equipment, was a township road and asked
others," he said. and remarked on a letter to the $1,000;' giving . total yearly how the trucks were going to get
Mr. Price said he could editor of the Signal -Star asking expenditures, with the capital down a road with a half load
understand his point of view but what had happened to the expenditures, of $19,215. That limit. "And the way I look at it
wanted to know why council previous plan. Dr. Mills said it is the picture at Feagan's if we that's- about the only part left
decided not to have, any sites in had been a majority feeling of can assume these figures for .the around the town where there'
the town. council to locate the dump at a life of the equipment. In could be another subdivision,"
Coun. Jewell said he did not site different to that selected by • comparison,. the Lavis property:. he said.
feel there was any other place a committee of the 1967-68 'the lease of the land is $1,000; ' He said Lavis was going to
where there would be one. council. man, $5,000; bujldozing, snow draw the fill in own trucks
I%eebe Harry Worsell said he A comparison of costs was removal and fill, $18,000; water, while at Feagan's the. town, was
thought there was another given by Coun. David Gower. heating, - telephone and going to have to hire -trucks. He
motion brought up as to Dr. Mills pointed out it was not maintenance,°$1,000; interest on said he did not think the town
weer the was goingto
whether townpossible • to give an exact capital, $600, and capital could push all the fill with a
He said in the spring of this
year he had approached the
department of lands and forests
about this kind of an operation
and also obtained maps and
drawings, that had been prepared
by an earlier council with regard
to the South Beach area.
"It was clear to my mind that
the traffic at Harbour Park was
increasing each year, however,
the facilities, or the servicing of
the people who endeavour to
seek their summer recreation by
camping, had not . been
improving. Harbour Park was
overcrowded. It lacked-•• the
facilities that were necessary to
provide adequate services for the
people and the lukury things like
an adequate electrical supply
and this sort of thing'. It
certainly did not supply the
necessary sanitary conditions
such as washrooms. It did not
have provision for the, disposal•
of sewage and liquid and solid
waste from the trailers."
He said he started work on
the plan for the South Beach
area in the spiting as a solution to
the problem. •
"I think it would have been a
terrible waste of taxpayers'
money to put in the necessary
improvements at Harbour Park
to bring the area up to an
acceptable health standard for
the people when the area is
already overcrowded,. I think it
is poor useof ithe land. The land
bflorigs to the people of
O'oderich and 1 think they
have a trailer park or a private estimate of the costs at the site written off, $300. Capital bul dozer.
individual was going to have one. propc�.:
"If the town was going to have as the investigation into costing Holmesville site is concerned is road out of
one the private individual was at that site was not completed. $6,000. This gives a total of closed by snowfall o
not going to bother." He said Dr. Mills said it was felt the $30,900 for Lavis'. Of this you occasions last winter ar
th ld h 1 tt i Feagan pit the other gravel pit must take this $5,000 for Mr. what was going to be
ay the earlier council expenditures as far as the Ron Price pointed out the
Goderich tiad been
e man wou ave a e er ndone with
Deputy Reeve Walter
would have been Cook (garbage collection costs) the garbage that i's' picked up
to council the following week. proposed,
cheaper, , yet it., would not be off the total of this $30,900 every day if this happens again.
tolookingown said, with reference known for sure unless a because we pay 62 percent of Reeve Harry Worgell said Mr.
to for future sites,he complete costing had been done. the costs, which brings the cost Price had not lived in the town
Dr. Mills said there were at . Lavis to. $25,900, and 02 long enough ' to see what the
was aware he had voted for it,
itcertaincosts that will begreater percent of that comes to road to the Feagan gravel pit is
but felt Was only looking for
1 esville site naming $ 10,058. Add the $5,000 to that like in -winter. "It ,takes about a
other sites that the town might for the Ho m " g $ , 0 . week to clean it out," ehes said.
get private enterprise to operate, the cost of trucking waste to the brings the total cost of going to
" w
During 'the public meeting of
town council, held at MacKay
Hall on November- 27, Jock Pirie
asked council if it was true the
town had received a bill for
about $89 from the Maitland
Country Club following a "do"
that was held there after
dedication ceremonies for the
Hamilton -Victoria Street traffic
lights earlier this year.
Mr. Pirie said he understood
the dinner, including two -drinks
for each person, had been paid
for by Goderich Electric, the i
company that installed the
lights. He said there were about
21 persons present.
He said the $89 bill was for
extra drinks. "If you take 26
ounces to the bottle and you
have 15 bottles, it would give
about 10 two-ouncej,Hshots to
each person present."
Mr. Pirie asked if that amount
was as submitted and was it for
drinks for council and whoever
else was there.
Coun. Dave Gower said he
had none of the liquor himself as
he does not drink, but he agreed
there Was a "...substantial
amount of liquor consumed"
and the bill was about $89. He
pointed out not all of the -
amount was consumed- in
alcohol as a bartender's fee had
"to be included in the amount.
Mr. Pirie said he felt this was
not getting' value for the
taxpayers' dollar. "If this is
going to continue, the
townspeople should do
something about it. Because if
we have dedication ceremonies,
it's not to have a little booze up