HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-12-04, Page 941.
Councillors report 00 yetir 5
Coptinued froMhge3
NIeler had god contacts an 4 .had
done a good job. -}le. said the
benefit of the promoting would
not be. evident before the end of
1970 and the real problem
would not be getting industry
but . controlling industrial
Reporting on the Industrial
Development Corporation, Dr.
Mills said some red tape was still
holding: up, the corporation
shares. He said the money that
had been put into the
corporation had been placed in a
trust fund and had not. been
touched. Legal and other costs
would probably amount to some
$3,000 and funds for this were
provided through the Industrial
Commission. -
Shares have been printed and
would be distributed as soon as
the last of red tape between the
corporation and, the Ontario
Securities Commission was
cleared- Once _this_ is' clPared,
it perhaps by the end of this year,
active sale of shares will begin.
The purpose of the Industrial
Development Corporation is to
provide low interest funds to
companies that wish to locate in
All funds are held in trust and
Vi the amount of the difference
between the amount of money
received from citizens and the
amount required to have been
collected by the Ontario
Securities Commission was made
uo through a transfer of funds
(Continued from page 1)
with an estimated final account
of $580,000.
• , Road construction in 1969
will probably 'total $609,000
according to the estimated final
figure with bridges and culverts
costing and estimated $250,000
at year-end.
Development road
4, expenditures which are fully
subsidized by the 'government
total $430,000.
Estimated total _ to be spent
on county roads for 1969 is
Robert Irvin, Dungannon,
was on hand Friday afternoon
* and learned that the road
committee advised that no
action by, taken on Irvin's
request to raise the elevation of
county road 1 in Dungannon
adjacent to his service station.
,* •
from the Industrial Commissiont".
The amount stated was S5,500
which will aLso aiiow the
commission to holdishares in the.
corporation. _
With referenei to the
Industrial park, Dr. Mills said the
commission had been working
on the park, with the
• construction of a' road and the
installation of services. Council
provided funds' because the
commission does not own the
property, the town does. Money
realized frOm sale of property
will go to the tOwn.
The ryst company to locate In
the industrial. Park will be
Linton. and Hirst, an English
company that manufactures
steel laminates..
Dr. Mills outlined the events
leading up to the (haslet* of the
company to locate in GoderiCh.
He said the equalized industrial
'opportunity grant made a great
deal of difference to the
The plant will start
construction In the spring of
Regional government
8-10 years away -MPP
• Murray Gaunt, MPP for
Huron -Bruce, visited county'
council Friday afternoon and
fielded some rather sticky'.
questions from councillors.
Through' it allMr Gaunt
maintained he was expressing
"strictly personal views" and
was not toeing any party line.
He told council the official
plan for the county is a "good
idea." He also eased council's
mind with the news that, in his
opinion, regional government is
at least eight to 10 years away in ,
this part of the province.
"County school boards have
given the government second
thoughts," he said. He did
predict that when regional
government does come the swing
will be to regional school boards.
He voiced some concern over
the "continued pressure towards
centralization." He said farms
and businesseswere getting
"bigger and fewer" and
governments are getting "bigger
and bigger."
"When the. little man gets the
feeling that all he has to do is
foot the bill, then I think we are.
in real trouble," said Mr. Gaunt.
Wilmer Hardy, Colborne,
asked Mr. Gaunt whether or not
the county should be interested
in a county welfare system. Mr.
Gaunt told council the system
would likely prove more
expensive -and members -of—Ch--nstmas
council would have to decide1,,
whether the improved quality of light contest
service would justify the extra
tax dollars. •
"Look well before you leap,"
was his advice.
In the !hatter of assessment,
the MPP told council that all
assessment will eventually be
.done on the 'basis of current
market valueTwhat a willing
buyer would (give to a willing
He predicted a substantial
shift of tax load to private
homes and farms because it will
be easier to put a real value on
private holdings than on
"Homes and farms are sold
every day," he noted. "I think
there are going to be some real
problems. The government has
said that ,in five years yoi.r can
have the assessing back. I suggest
to you that in five years you
won't want it back."
(1111.111.11.6$ '
Beita Theta ,Sorority 'meets:
Oir November, v ii, ' 13 Swartman afflioUneed that• the
1V1,0and wilt .be In production. Members of Beta Theta Chapter theme for tbe,, Santa c los
rat ,10ast by the fall and the Ilrst ,- 0.71, met at the home of Mrs. Parade • has. hopp changed from(
Shilnnent of raw material Will he Verna Kane.' ' the "Three Little lOttelle tO
arriving by water in the summer. , ,The lice presid •SUe
Dr, Mills pointed out this would ' , er, annoiMceal" the
also give an added boost to the Sorlirity is welcoming Alison
Dowds, Susan Knudsen and Rita
Dr. Mills gave a resume of Burton as new members to the
major work that is under way in organization.
the town With Elgin Avenue at MS. Dianne Smith, chairman
the top of the list. He said the of the Service committee
project was proceeding rapidly reported that she had received a
and it was expected the, work thank you note from the
would be completed in 1970. Children's Aid for the woollen
Editor's Note: Due to the length mittens. Dianne asked everyone
of the public meeting and the to bring their donations for the
importance •of • the discussions needy family to the next
that took place during the meeting as they will have to. be
gift wrapped.
question and answer period that President, Mrs. Anita
followed the reports of
councillors, '.the text of the
questibn and answer period will
appear in the Goderich
Signal -Star next week.
(Financial Statement page 10)
We Have Them At Discount Prices
The Square
Isn't It Tine You
Too Rang Our Bell
The Goderich Tourist
Committee, working through the
tourist office is sponsoring a
Christmas Home Lighting
Contest this year with prizes -
going to the winners.
,,'So far three first pnzes, of
electric blankets, have been
donated by the Goderich Public
• Utilities Commission and other
prizes will also be given.
The contest, will be divided
into three , categories: best
Christmas theme; best religious
theme and most original theme.
Judging will take place the
week before Christmas.
"Frosty the Snowman."
The Pledge Dinner for the
rushees was held November '25,
at the rriger Dunlop Inn, The
new members were
congratulated and welcomed by
all the active members of Beta
The Christmas party and
pot -luck -supper will be held
• December 16. It is hoped all
members will whip up their
favorite dish and be ready for
some Christmas fun!
The business. meeting Was
adjourned and all the members
repeated the Closing Ritual. .
Youth Sit-in held in Wingh' am
On November '30, 80 young
people • from Lucknow,
Goderich, Kingsbridge,
Wingham, St. Augustine. and
Teeswater area, turned up for
the "Sit -In" held at the Sacred
Heart School in. Wingham.
Commencing at 2 o'clock, the
theme was, "Youth and Today's
After hearing a talk given by
Father Frank O'Connor, a film,
"End of Summer" was shown.
Questions concerning loneliness,'
friendship, parents, God and
dating were answered by the
In order to get everyone
acquainted, Father O'Connor
and guest speaker, Miss Darlene
Kennedy, obtained a shoe' from
everyone there and placed 10
Chances are, if you're like the rest of us, you
leave the best gifts to the last. It's natural. Gifts ,
for the extra special people in yoiir life have to
be just that—extra special. But this Christmas,
if you've left it to the end—it's not the end.
There are still enough days (and more impor-
tant) enough Philips dealers near you so that you
can be extra special for all those people you really
care about. And for a lot less than you'd expect.
1. A Philips switchblade electric carving
knife gives the worst "hacker" the confidence
-of a master chef. It adjusts in a second for
horizontal or vertical -carving. The unique
Philips hole -in -the -handle design and its
beautifully functional storage 'tray display your
thoughtfulness on every important dining
2. The good cook that seems to always
whip up exotic meals probably'do8 it with the
shoes in different groups. Thus
students were each assigned
groups' for the day.
Each group made a
picture -poster conveying
different ideas. These covered
such topics as happiness,
suffering, communkcation, life
and love.
Miss Kennedy talked about
teenagers, loneliness and
discovering self. Afterwards,
Sister Eileen, with her guitar,
helped students practice for the
folk mass.
A supper was served by the,
ladies. In conclusion to a most
enjoyable day, each group put
on a skit 'pertaining to what they
had learned or' discovered that
; • " '‘,Fr °
•00001011 OrqN,414004, TflUISDAY, DECI
Teachers' association ns,..,'
AY MEM 0 Ira" V" ("4"xlwa
tAxty teachers of ' the
linron.ferth ling of the Ontario
gnash catholic . Teachers'
Association. ina .in $t..Jalheti
**ate *hi* $oaforth' for
the first time this Wm, '
Sister ShirleY of Dublin
presided for the • business
meeting. Mrs, Celeste MeCreight,
Dublin, is ,secretary for the unit
which has a membership of 130
teachers from the two counties,
Paul Martin of Owen Sound,
president of District • 2,
0.E.C.T.A., brought greetings
from his 'district and reminded
the teachers their association is a
professional organization -
complaints' should be submitted
as resolutions through the local
unit -to Abe Ontario Association
for the annual meeting in
Toronto in Mareli. .
, One complaint voiced at the
Aneeting was about the make-up
of the economic policy (salary
negotiating) committee. Sister
Shirley explained that the
committee had to be set up to
meet a deadline from head office
and hence the members were
appointed. She promised in the
spring the members of the
committet-would -be elected at
an open meeting for the next
Another complaint made was
that a principal's relief had to
pay the $60 federation fee for a
part-time salary, the same- as a
full -tine employee. Following
the discussion Sister Shirley
suggested a • resolution be
prepared to cover the situation
and it would be submitted.
Following dinner at the
Legion Hall, reports on the
annual conference on° Christian
curriculum development held
earlier this fall in Toronto.
Philips blender in her kitchen. Like all Philips
blenders, this timer controlled push button
miracle'worker comes in a wide choice of kit-
chen keyed colors. And you get a free 200 page
color blender cookbook as a Christmas bonus.
The hip thing in sound giving this
Christmas is a Philips cassette recorder. Philips
invented the cassette recorder and is still the
world's leading manufacturer. So it's easy for
us to offer the largest selection to choose from.
No. 3 is the now famous original and it plays
and records up to 2 hours on its own through a
stereo console or a car radio system. No. 4 is a
new radio -cassette recorder that records from
both of its AM and FM bands. No. 5 is the
-world's first automatic stereo cassette changer
with recording and playing capability. It can
play Up to 6 cassettes continuously for 6 hours
„ . . by itself!
the dhomeron.
member* Iatet letir*d.to
tegontor.nehandifle vot
party ,• • •.
(CohtinuP4 from page 1), •
arid 1r4 Charles Moyo •of
Seaforth, Moderator Will be the
; Rey, Donald MacDonaid,
minister of North Street United
Church', Ooderieb. • - •
Mr, Wicks an0
Worthington will. address 4
school 4ssembiyin the afternoon
and be questioned by a panel of
The evening program is open
to the public. The audience, will
be encouraged to question the
speakers and panel metnbers.
The day's events are being
sponsored by the Students
Council as a continuation of the
Project which began last week
with more than 400 students
signing a 'petition urging •the
federal government to do more
to help bring about a settlement
of the Biafran war.. Student
Bjarne Christenson and Dale
Gray, head of the CHSS English
Department, are among those
'organizing thelorum.
Harbourlite Inn
9 - 2
Tickets Now On Sale
Reservations Phone
524-9371 or 524-9264
6. Here is the electric shaver that more
men choose for themselves. Over one hundred
million men know it gives a closer, more com-
fortable and longer lasting shave. Philishave's
unique rotary action is the secret. It's in a new
triple -header with face -fitting flexing heads
and a pop-up trimmer. Help save his face this
Christmas with Philishave rotary action comfort.
7. Why not give her her own little beauty
salon for Christmas ? It has a slender •power
wand for underarm and leg shaving plus 11
grooming attachments for everything from a
complete manicure to a facial massage. She'll
love it and the guy who cared enough to give
it to her.
Any -,-,inger would want this Philips port-
able record player (No. 8). It has a profes-
sionally balanced 3 -speed turntable, full range
7" speaker in detachable lid, diamond needle
If you 've left it to the end, it's not the end.
; X •
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• •
••• • TV RADIO