HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-11-27, Page 26V3 (ADE8IGH SIGNAL -STAR, Tti[IEtSUAY, NOVFM&R 27, 1,969 W*4 friagOCIOIALS1111 Round and About The W.M.S. Of A;,hrield Presbyterian Church - met " on With Martha Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ross MacKenzie for the N$vember meeting. Mrs. Jean West conducted the business part of the meeting. Miss Sadie Johnson of Lucknow had charge of the programme. Friends of Mrs. Frank Hamilton will be sorry to hear that she is , t patient in. Wingfiam and District Hospital- ,. Mrs. Warren Wylds and family spent Monday in London. The Explorers of Ashfield Presbyterian Church met Monday afternoon at the church. Mr. and .Mrs. Donald McCharles and family of Brantford spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McCharles. Mr. Kenneth MacLeod is a. patient in hospital at Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Farrish of Kitchener spent the weekend with Mr. ' and Mrs. Irwin Campbell. Several from the area attended the pot -luck dinner for the Ripley and District Horticultural members - . on Tuesday at Ripley. Mrs. Emile MacLennan spent a few days in Toronto and visited with_. Mr. -Sandy MacLennan in hospital (here. The show "Barnaby" last weekend was very well received. We tried to TELL you it was for your youngsters too, but there were not too many little people up that late. Now, there have been a great—many calls_ suggesting the children have a chance to see and enjoy it. If there are enough of these calls I'm sure something might be done about it and a matinee might be' just -the thing. So -- get busy and we may get these wonderful people together again.' Now' that you have' seen shots of the Toronto and London Santa Claus Parades — haven't you some good. ideas for O U R parade? There is, still room for the smaller — not so elaborate floats. Just shout HELP and have Your name and address handy. We have Santa's Helpers too you know! Do you mean what you say? Well I do, but sometimes it is difficult to make people understand. "Communication" is today's word for it and most descriptive. • People who -are quite _active . in. church groups or social or service clubs should take advantage of the walth of knowledge Professor Noels of Boston University is willing to share next Wednesday Dec. 3 and Thursday Dee. 4. The Huron County Registered Nurses Ass'n are presenting this two-day seminar to be held in the big Goderich Psychiatric Hospital and people from. all parts of the county will be there. The general public is invited and is sure to learn a lot more about communicating with their fellow man. hope. "t- . Contact Miss Jean Scott, R.N. Anyway," I have good chairman of Registration intentions, '1 think about people Committee out at the Hospital. every day all* year .and Today, Monday, the sun is sometimes don't realize I; haven't shining, the snow is fast. really "communicated" with disappearing and everything is them, but then there are people beautiful. The warm brown of like me who use mental the leaves of the grouem to telepathy all the time and send take your mind off the bareness and receive those messages we of the trees. can't tell you about — because The rake has shown some you'd never believe it. fantastic colors in the last Here's an example. A week or stormy -sky week or so, and the so ago I had promised I'd call river showed ink -black against , Marj. at noon hour and gave her the lake and the sand bar — I a message with one thing and the ---shuddered! _ __otherididn'> ge_t to it, Suddenly I wish they would start at about five to one I dashed to working on that `thing' soon the phone — dialed and we are gcing , to have nice wondered why I got no sound of weather for a while, so that the phone ringing then someone should help the situation. said Martha? and I almost How did you like last week's dropped the phone. It was Marj. Signal? With all the beautiful and the message had come to me advertising for Christmas, didn't just as she had decided to phone it get you a little excited --or me. Queer? panicky? Not at all — to me — 'but If you are one of those some of you may not -have any people who have all your time for it. Christmas gifts wrapped and in So if you just think hard the closet by the end of enough — I'll get the message — November, then you were and just hope I act on it. . probably just feeling pretty Don't forget it is• THIS smug and proud of your Saturday the C.W.L. are having . achievement. I envy you! their big Christmas Fair at St. I know people who just Peter's Church. couldn't enjoy the season if they The Anglican Young People hadn't done their shopping all are having a Christmas fair on year. This is the smart way to do December 6 — mark your it, there's no doubt about that, ,, calendar now, haven't I because in December you may helped you make a mess of that not be• able to get that special calendar this year). They will `something' you. knew George have Christmas novelties, gifts would really like and again and FRESH CIDER — how you're kicking yourself that you about that? So be sure to keep did not get Annie that nice piece this date open - 2 to 5 p.m. of pottery you spied in that Love, Martha. little shop in Quebec or was it New Brunswick on last summer's • sorting and wrapping parcels. And then there is the Christmas card rush -- If you say you have yours all ready to mail, I,11 just weep! That is another, session with the burning of the midnite oil that always throws me! Chances are ten to one that I'll be addressing cards like mad — when -I see a name that just HAS to have something special. If I can't find it •in the dozens of cards I have strewn about me then I'll MAKE one — and there by hangs a tale! I've made some of the dandiest or dangdest Christmas cards you've ever seen! (And everyone enjoyed them.) So I should start on cards right now and I may be mailing them on time. What I SHOULD. do now is look for the boxes of cards I bought after Christmas 'on special' and the nice ones left from last year — that I never even got around to mailing! My main trouble at this time is that I have to write special notes on each and every card I send.__A lot of these .go.to_ people. I don't `talk' to at any other time of the year. I keep promising I will write but usually it is Christmas again before I do it. Every friend I have is something special in my life. If they don't get a card they know and understand, if they do get one it is just about as newsy as a full letter. And so it goes — I'm glad I have so many friends who are REAL friends and understand a — not flighty — perhaps a flippity-gibbit? — like me. There's not too many of us — I trip. , -- But, then again, you•wouldn't have the fun of seeing all the gifts that show up at this season only and there's something of a challenge in bucking the' crowds at this time of the year. Guess it just depends on the person. I have often bought things in the summer for this purpose and sure as fate I'll forget all about it or.forget where I put it. So it just doesn't pay for a mixed up character like , me to try to change their habits. I'll still stay up till .3 or 4 a.n;. Christmas eves Ashfield CORRESPONDENT MRS. E. HOWES The November meeting of the Women's Missionary Society was held at the home of Mrs. Ross Mackenzie. . • Miss. Sadie Johnson who was in charge of the program, opened with a poem and prayer on "Peace." Mrs. K. Rooney gave the meditation on "Peace within -- peace of' the soul." Mrs. Howes read a prayer poem on peace. Mrs. William Farrish read a paper on World Peace, and Mrst Rooney read a poem "Wear A Poppy." Roll call was a news item on ending war. There were 11 members present, three visitors , and three children. It was decided to invest a legacy from the late Mrs. D. R. Mackenzie. Mrs. R. West was presented with a life membership certificate by her -daughters, Mra: E. Smeltzer and Mrs. A. MacDougal and her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Jim West. Mrs. William Ross related Mrs. West's work in the society for many years, and especially these last years as , president. The hostess and committee served lunch. The Church School of Ashfield Presbyterian Church will hold the annual Christmas Concert on December 12 at 8 p.m. News of *uIurn BY MRSOWES BRADNQCK Observe White Gift service The annual White Gift service was observed last Sunday at Knox United Church with a large attendance. • Pastor Alfred -_ Fry -_ was - in— charge of the service assisted by Raymond Hildebrand and Sherry Plaetzer who read the scripture reading " and the responsive reading. The White Gifts were received by Misses Nancy Anderson and The offering was received by Misses Gail Seers, Marie Plunkett, Murray Wightman and Douglas Durnin. Shelley Grange and placed in the white manger. Organist, Mrs. N. Wightman, was assisted by Miss Jennifer Grange on the piano. Special music was given by the Junior choir. Citizenship and Education topic at loll meeting O.P.P. REPUES Citizenship and Education was the topic at the November meeting of the Auburn Women's Institute held in the Community Memorial Hall. Convener, Mrs. Donald Cartwright was in charge of the topic which had been prepared by Mrs. Oliver Anderson. "She compared education today to education a few years ago and stated that now there are no promotions- or -failures, just progress reports. In closing she stated that responsible citizens care about education for adults and children in our community life. She passed around illustrations of- the junior work in some elementary schools today. The meeting _ was in the charge of the president, Mrs: Frank Raithby. The minutes were adopted as read by the secretary, Mrs. Bert Craig. Mrs. Donald Haines reported on the county banquet and Mrs. Gordon Taylor on the tablecloths. It was decided to make a donation of $200 to .the Community Hall Board towards the new microphone and speaker installed in the hall. • Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell reported for the card committee and read the thank you notes QUESTION: Dear Constable: Please tell me, what is the meaning of the sign . that is square and white in colour and it has a picture of a black truck and then it is surrounded by a red circle with a red stroke through the circle and truck. ANSWER: That is the sign which tells the travelling public and truck driver that no heavy trucks are permitted on a certain road. QUESTION: Dear Sir: Is it necsary to have a bell on my little girl's tricycle? ANSWER: Yes, it is. The Highw4ay Traffic Act states that every motor vehicle bicycle, tricycle shall be equipped with an alarm bell, gong or horn which shall be kept in good working order and sounded whenever it is reasonably necessary to notify pedestrians or others of its 'approach. FIREMEN'S ANNUAL Y \TURKEY BINGO MONDAY, DECEMBER 1 LEGION FIRST GAME AT 8:00 P.M. SHARP HALL GOD.ERICH 15 GAMES $1.00 Four Share,The Wealth Games Extra Cards 25c; 6 for $1 OVEN-READY ,TURKEYS . EVERY BINGO WINS A TURKEY -�- .2 DOOR PRIZES F received. Mrs. Eldon McLennan reported on the short course "The Main Dish Makes the Meal" and plans were made to hold it in the hall December 4 at 9.30 p.m. Mrs. Donald Haines gave an excellent report on the area convention held recently at St. Thomas. Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor extended an invitation from the.. Horticultural Society to the members and their families to join the family night smorgasbord supper December 5 at 7 p.m: Mrs. Thomas Haggitt gave a lading and a record sung by Mrs. Gordon Taylor was played. The collection was received by Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer and Mrs. Len Archambault and the pennies for Friendship by Marilyn Archambault., Roll call _ _was answered by each member telling what the Women's Institute -can do to make better citizens.' in the community. Gifts and donations were also received for the Huron County Children's Aid Society.: Lunch was served by Mrs. Gordon Taylor and Mrs. Charles Scott. The gift for the lucky cup went to Mrs. Charles Straughan. 'FREE The Colonel's Celebrating 6626.--7595 The librarian at the Auburn Library requests, all county books to be in on November 29 to be-xeady..for_exchange_ Ralph Trommer of Kitchener spent the weekend, with his parents, Mr. and _Mrs. Elmer Trommer and Connie. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Clive Allen and family who moved into the village recently from Carlow. • Friends are pleased to learn that Gordon Naylor arrived " home last weekend after a few weeks as a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. Stephen Haggitt, Randy Machan, George Collins and Larry Chamney attended the Royal Winter Fair at Toronto last Friday. Clare Longhurst is a patient in St. Joseph's hospital, London where he will undergo surgery on his leg. Kenneth McDougall and son Allan McDougall attended the Royal Winter Fair at Toronto last Saturday. Miss Judy "Arthur of Owen Sound spent the weekend .with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Arthur, Mark and Greg. Mr. andMrs. Lawrence Nesbit and family of Ingersoll spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Fordyce Clark. Mrs. Edgar . Lawson is a patient in Clinton Hospital. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Gordon Taylor returned home last week from a visit in _..Chatham with her daughter, Mrs. Ronald Rathwell. Mr. Rathwell, Michael and Janice. Ronald Arthur of Toronto spent a few days last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Arthur, Wayne and Philip. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar de Boer, Raymond and Cathy spend the weekend at Strathr $ aritb Mr. and Mrs. Henry-., ,inker and family. BING at LEGIN H, Saturday, Nove►+er 29 ,..+..at 8;30 p,.rn. • '15 GAMES--- 1',00 The Prize for each regular game will be $12.00 JACKPOT OF $95.00 IN 59 CALLS Sponsored by Branch 109 ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION No One Under 16 Permitted To Play BAYFIELD ROAD GODE.R IgH 524.7711 *ands -- This Weekend FRIDAY NIGHT THE COMM€N PEOPLE SATURDAY NIGHT THE TUIIETONES TICKETS FOR NEW YEAR'S •EVE g t 'AVAILABLE THIS WEEKEND. g '{Guess Who's Corning) A Few ' Dates Still Open For Christmas Parties GODERIC,H 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 524-7811 AIRCONDITIONED THURS., FRI., SAT. — 1Tov. 2T -288=29 - Thursday — 1 Show at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday — 2 Shows at 7:30 and 9:17 p.m. (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) SATURDAY (Nov. 29) MATINEE — 2 p.m. P AM Seats 50c . Pepsi, Coke or Ginger Ale.. Friday, Saturday and -Sunday Only 2 FREE 2p 6.1. 0 CHASETOFEA BARRELS SIN 'r�I ►�-- - - SII' I Ili�Vl `►I�== - III In 11,11h."11.1-111ii . , and from this man who could not speak or heat, the girl heard many thing. ` chnleolorpSOm`V4 erbOs-SevencAsts (ADULT ENTeRTAINMENT) . The saga of Harold:. frbm dedicated lawyer tumore dedicated dropout. 1 FREE 6UR HA ETOFEAIN UCKET�OR THRIFT BOX Celrpl Sa^de, ' Rer,,pa I Knt$ck9ed TAKE HOME SHOP 87 KINGSTON STREET Located Beside The Gulf Station At The.Five Points kicker For Delivery Call 5244359 CATERING DIVISION SPECIAL RATES PETER SELLERS IN "I RIME FROM WIIITARENECIIIIBIIIINOSICISISARR: One Show Only dt 8:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Dec. 3-4-5-6 ""60000Y1, COLUMBUS' IS A VERY FUNNY, IMMENSELY APPEALING MOVILHAIIIINB OF REAL AND UNUSUAL PliASUREr-v477.cznire "'GOODBYE, COLUMBUS' IS BOUND tO BE A GREAT succEssr NiltoOLMACJVSMISPOS , Book now for Christmas Parties, Office Bantsuets, Club Meetings, Wedding Receptions, eft,. Wednesday and Thursday—One Show at 8:00 p.m.' Friday and' Saturday—Two Vows -7:30 and 9:20 p.m. 4.1 • 9 0