HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-11-27, Page 164 OA WOO SIONAIATAR, THURSDAY, KIVEM13ER 27,1969 ,Ira Landers 4bout .gos*ipy wives • ODAYS CIIiLQ BY HELEN ALLEN `To.'bnto`TT egrarnSyndfcate DEAR ANN LANDERS: I refer to the letter from the pian who said he was speaking for that embattled segment of society -- husbands who sit in silence night after night with • -their eyeballs plugged into. the TV. He declared: "I'd rather look at _that idiot box than' listen to that idiot who calls herself a `wife." He went on to complain. that she didn't know what was going on in the world — all she cared about was her clkthes, her hair, the card table gossip, etc. etc. You offered no advice. Only a typical Landers -like needle. -- "Who picked.the idiot?" Now really Ann. You know better. There's always the possibility that the idiot picked HIM, maybe at a time when his resistance was low. Or, perhaps her father had a going business. Maybe she was loads of fun on a party and he didn't think ahead, as the saying goes. The point of the man's letter is that he grew and his wife didn't. Result: Complete boredom. No communication. Nothing in .common but the kids — and they're just about gone. So please be realistic. You'd be surprised at how many marriages fit this description. — M ORE TRUTH THAN POETRY. DEAR TRUTH: You'd be surprised at how few things surprise me. Thanks for writing. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I ` am 17 and work in my dad's restaurant after school and on weekends. My two, sisters and • brother, all younger than I am, work here also. Our father was raised in the old country. He doesn't trust anyone outside the family so he refuses to hire help. A few years ago he did hire an outsider and that person was caught stealing from the cash, register, so now there is no talking to him. 'I have been working in the restaurant since I was 12. I've never been paid a nickel and neither have my brother or si .ters. ' Dad says, he gives us room and board and buys us clothes and that's payment Robby is a sunny -tempered laddie of 15 months. He is a very energetic boy and so delighted with the agility develop- ing as he .grows that he runs all over and climbs on everything in sight. He is beginning to talk and he has eight teeth with two more coming. Ile is in excellent health except forintermittent eczema which you may be able to' see. It affects only his face and responds well. to special ointment. Robby's background is Welsh, French and Negro. He is sturdily built with blue eyes, red hair and fair skin.' His' foster family say he's fun to have around because he's such an entertaining little fellow. He loves other children but is able to play happily alone as long as he has his toy telephone. To inquire about adopting Robby, please write to Today's Child, Department of Social and Family Services, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 182. James Richardson IL Sons Ltd 'Serving The Feed Dealers of Western Ontario PHONE 524-8388, GODERICH enough. Business is good. We are not poor people. Dad and Mother both spend quite a lot of money on things most folks consider luxuries. My aunt and uncle have told Dad that we should be paid some sort of salary. They were told to mind their own business. Will you say something please? FLAT -POCKETS. - DEAR FLAT: Your dad will probably tell me to mind my own business, too,' but I believe you kids should be paid and I'm saying so. Surely you get an allowance.. The pay could be a substitute. Howl, much better to earn money than get a handout. I suggest an hourly wage. You kids would then have an incentive for working overtime Present your case in a calm, rational, business -like may. I wish you luck, DEAR ANN LANDERS: AM I wrong to feel degraded when my husband introduces me as his "new" wife? JamesP,- first wife died two years ago. When I introduce James I say, "I'd like don't feel it is necessary to say ° I've complained about this on three occasions, but he seems to forget. We've been married five months. What dp you suggest? — THE SECOND MRS. K. DEAR SECOND: I suggest you forget it. In a year -or so James will drop the word "new:" When he starts to introduce you as his "old" wife, you'll have . something to complain about. CHARLIE BROWN'S CHRISTMAS Charlie Brown, Snoopy, Freida,linus and a host of other favor- ite Charles M. Schutz Peanuts characters are on hand for a re -telecast of the Emmy award-winning animated color cartoon special A Charlie Brown Christmas, Wednesday,,Dec. 17, at 8 p.m. on the CBC -TV network. In' this story Charlie finds ihe real meaning of ,Christmgs while directing a local pageant. • 11 Most teachers become very %rid of certain students. And, - believe it or not, some stu- dents...become very_fond .of net, tain teachers. This was made painfully clear to me over the weekend. I became involved With a veri- table spate of my former stu- dents. They're all at university now and each was going througksome part of- the- par- ticular hell that that involves. It began on Friday after- noon: Gerry appeared at my classroom door, looking like a rabbit that has just had a run- iu with a wolf. While the class I was about Atleach chattered about what they were going to do tonight, chewed their gum, waved their mini -skirted legs, or dropped into a deep slum- ber, -Gerry told me his trou- He is one of the nicest boys, and one of the weakest English students, it has ever been my fate to encounter. He's the kid who rushed about last June and bought me a -bottle of bur- gundy and six golf balls after receiving the incredible news that he'd passed in English. His only problem Friday was that he had three essays to write in six days. He was look- ing for a life belt. I was fresh out of them, but gave him some reference books, some sympathy and some ideas on how to. tackle his essays. I don't think he has a hope in heaven of passing his semes- ter, under those conditions, but he's learned something: you don't wait until an essay is breathing down yottr, neck be- fore you write it. That very night, another for- mer student called her mum, who lives across the street from us. She wanted to know if the Smileys were going to be home for the weekend. If so,' she was coming home, because she had to see Mr. Smiley. She has graduated and is attending a college of educa- tion, purportedly learning to be a high school teacher. Her problem was a little different. She had -to teach some poetry this week; as part—of that 20th • century form of the Spanish Inquisition known as "practice teaching." This involves facing a class of strange students, with an eagle-eyed professional teacher watching from the bi4c1c. of the room. Harrowing is • So I spent Saturday after- noon going over the poems with her and getting her all muddled up. But she left with a pile oT notes and the feeling that she could survive the or- deal. Sunday afternoon I met two more former students, under couldn't help -them with their - work. If was in a funeral home and their mother was dead, tragically, after a brief illness. I kissed the girls and hugged them. There wasn't anything else to do or say. Sunday night,,,, one of them, Liz, closest friend of our daughter since Grade 7, came around and spent two hours talking with my wife and me. Not weeping, just talking in her sensible, sweet, 19 -year- old way. And last of all,-- there was another former student, my own kid, Kim, staggering around in that horrible chaos of first-year university. Bell profession Telephone stock took another - good shot in the arm when her mother called her 'Sunday She had just discovered that she'd been missing two biology lectures a week, all fall, be - gauge they weren't on her timetable. And maYbe this was the reason she wasn't doing so well in biology. And she has an exam -in it- this week and she knows she'll fail and she'd like nothing better than to quit the whole silly business and get a - job as a waitress. And_ that's the way it goes, if you're a teacher. I've been at it for only ten years, but in that time, I've found very few youngsters who ire vile or des- picable. There are some. But _mot tbem are funnyt_con- fused, lost, brash, sfiy, aggres- sive, kooky. It's only when they become adults that they seem to turn into pompous bores, nagging wives, stuffed shirts, shrews, gossips and all manner of un- pleasant creatures of both sex- es. Perhaps there's a great uni- versal truth in. there some- where. But I can't find it. How- ever, it makes up for a lot of the frustration and nerve -rend- ing days 9f teaching when the blase, sophisticated teen-agers come_ back to see the old man when they're in trouble. FIRE INSURANCE See or Phone MALCOLM MATHERS GENEAAL INSURANCE AGENT 46 VYEST ST. '524-9442 SINESS DIRECTORY ',DOUBLE .P.A$SE$ ALL NEW GODERICH RESTAURANT Steak Nouse Tavern • THIS SPACE I RESERVED FOR YOUR AD • WINI DOUBLE PASSES TO, THE' PARK THEATRE I3001<S & STATIONERY PAINT, WALLPAPER 6rds For All Occasions * Gifts * Books It' Stationery Supplies v Records BOOK CENTRE 33 East St. boderich * FRIGIDAIRE * HOOVER Sales and Service T. c. Anderson 204 Regent St. GERRY'S APPLIANCES The Square — Goderich Now Owned and Operated by Chuck Jewell 1 W. J. Dertomme 107'Wellington St. S. EXCELLENT SELEtTION Regular or Safety Toe 14 Different Styles DAVE GOWER'S Industrial & Garden Centre Hamilton St 524-8761 Theltanies Of Six Signat-Sic; Subscrib- ers Are To Be Found In One 0,f These Ads Now Showing "What Ever Happened 11 W To Aunt Alice" (Adult Entertainment) IMYSZYSIMIKEZSYSZEZMZEZMZEZ4MTZEZSMEZSEAKEZIVIJ SEE REGULAR AD ON PAGE 5 FOR—uATES AND TIMES * PAINT * WALLPAPER * CARPETS * TILE * LINOLEUM "Your Complete Home Decorating Centre" M. R. Jenkins 68 Church 5+ MEW Now a good salary for you in a business career Business College McARTHUR and REILLY LTD: - West St . Gosterich NIGHT SCHOOL Typing, Bookkeeping, Shorthand (Tues. & Thurs. Evening) , ES WEAR TO THE, RK THEA MEN'S WEAR For That CERTAIN Flair IN MEN'S WEAR EARL RAWSON s MEN'S WEAR On The Square, Goderich THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD SHOE STOR Et -7 TELEVISION PHILIPS PHILCO COlour Television S and ALES ERVICE Barry Millian RR 5, Goclerich 524-9'432 RIVETT'S TELEVISION — RADIO 34 The Square Goderich TRAVEL SERVICES Tnaril Blume YOUR COMPLETE TRAVEL SERVICE 29 East Street GODERICH 524-3366 THIS SPACt RESERVED FOR YOUR AD - Painting and Decorating Contractors Painting, Willpapering Draperies, Floor Sanding 33'Huron Rd. 482-9542 Clinton For FASHION SHOES LA -DIES WEAR LIMITED Bedding FLaubgrgiacgeCentre Gift sets Fashion Floor Dresses Coats Sportswear Accessories The Place To Go is ifulLIANG MATE RI AL GODERICH BUILDING CENTRE Mrs. R. J. McMillan 163 Quebec St. For The FINEST in FURNITURE LODGE Fu rnitu re West St. -- Goderich marrommosisormassmain Be Sure to See Our Display Of . ORIGINAL OIL PAINTINGS THIS SPACE RESERVED POR YOUFt AD SHOES The Square Goderich SPROULE SHOES L. 0. Whetitone 188 Warren' St. Footwear For The Family 5249174 Kingston St. GoderWl CONTEST RULES Each week the names and addresses of 6 subscribers will appear in the Business Directory. —Look for your name and addrets in the ads. —Take the Business Directory and suitable identification to the gthiertiser in whose ad your name appeared and —Pick up your passes by Saturday night closing. Only,SUbscribas to the Signal -Star are eligible.