HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-11-24, Page 1...loc.r.r.g..M4,......"Pyognorageng...014p
SulAcribe for
, .1st.1,694. (iiYe it a mai. ''';1';;NLLa
Onlv SI. from now,till 43 -Mary
The Molsons Clank.
(Chartered by Parliament, 1.800
Paid up Capital... $2poo,000.
Rest . • • . • • 1,100,000,
Bead office Montreal.
Gnetaittent. MAN AG'Itit,
Money advanced to good Farmer's on thekr
own n otos with ono or more endorsers at 7
per oent per annum..
Exeter Branch,
Open every la,wful day from V) a. re. to 3 p.
m., Saturdays 11.0 a.m.. to 1 p.
A geneealbanking business transacted
CIU1112,ENT RATES %Unwd gefor ml-
ey on Deposit Receipts. Savings Bankl at 3
per oont,
Exeter, Jan, 28, '88. Sub eianager
:atter 2t.bllort.xte,
Is published. every Thursday Morning,
at the Office,
Oae Dollar por se paid in Advance.
$.2.50 if not so paid.
cat. zip/0.10m,
No paper discontinued until all arrearageS
are paid.. Advertisements without specifics
directions will be published. till forbid and
charged accordingly. Liberal discount made
for transcient ad yortisemen ts in.sertecl for
long periods. Every description ot JOB
PRINTING turned out in the finest style,
an.d fbt moderate rates. Cheques,money ord-
ers. Sze. f°r advertising, subscriptions, etc. to
be made payable to
Stlbrider$ & Dyer
re 01,131E'POR
li .9......,
-*when in need. DP,-
ittals Bins, 111.1,1)4 lens, ,1teeter
isoalle 0,11.4 Bevoloposeell. feet
ell lemae of prierting.
A full line of•
ETC., E,TO.,
Elhose thB
e est.
principal poiet for consiclera.tuni Is the
When home dyeing is to be done,the
employ remit of reliable dyes. This
point is fully eeeured When Diamond
Dyes are need. it is easy to dye with
Dittrootel Dyes ),Ticl pvenuee good. re
sults as it, i$ to bake a loaf of good
bread. Of C.011r8e, rlIbtlitS are differ-
eet when inferior dyes are called in-
to use; time is wasted, klild good rna-
terials retitled. When clye choose
the best dyes. Successful home dyers
always use the Diamon.
now to Eat oranges.
Not one in tweets,. knowe how to eet
tile delicious Florida oreegte but all
can learn how by sending ten cents in
stamps to 0, McCormick, G. P. & T,
age, C. H. & D. Cineinnati, 0, and r0.
ceive by return mail prepared the new
edition of Maetha Washnigton cook-
book, It contains 320 pages of tried
receipts illestrated. Iecidentally
the Cineinnati, Hamilton aticl Dayton
Railroad the direct great through
car line from Michigan and Canada
yia Detroit and Toledo to Cincinuati
and thence south to Florida, the land
of oranges, Send to E. 0. McCormick
Cincinnati, 0 for the cook book but for
C. H. & time tables, rates, and tie
kets to the South call on or acldrese D
B, Tracw, 155 Jefferson Ave, Detroit,
Mich. ,
Well furnished Oyster Parlor
,in connectiofl.
ritESTAILTRANT a Specialty,
where lunches will be sery
ed, at all hours,
G. HyrImari, M. Vincent,
Fatt, Rector, Sunday Services, 1,t 111
Rena 7 p.m. Sabbath School, 3 .M. Roly
Communion, 1st Sunday of each month, at
Morning Service. and in months of live Sun-
days, after Evening Service of 4th Sunday of
the month, Holy Baptism on 2nd. Sunday
of each month at morning service.
ME'rnOnIsr GMT nen-James-st , Rev. L.
Russell, Pastor. Snaday Servioes,10.30 a. m.
and. 6.30 p. Ss. bbiLth. School, 2,30 p. m.
Pas -
101'. Sunday Services, 10 3e a.m. an.d, 6.30 p,m.
Pastor, Sunday Services,11. m. and 6.30 p.
m. Sabbath School, 9;15 5..T11.
teregesseonna caves.
TAIVITT MEMOSIA.I. 013.151.1011.--Itev. F. H
1,Yheatper bushel.. ..... . $0,63 to0.6
Barley 35 to
Oats .. . . . ....... 26 to
Peas...... ... • .... ..... 56 to
Butter .... . • ... 17 to 18
Egg's ...... 16 & 16
Clue:sett per lb .... . . ........ 5 to 6
Ducks " ...... 6 to 8
Geese " • • 5et to 6
Turkeys " ....• • ..... • ... 7 to
MAIN STIMET-Bev. 14CDOilagh., Pas -
Sabbath :School S.30 p.
of.**0-11.0.1.M............10.mincinlital sofa
Ellis Areas , L.D•S,'Fanson's 'Block
two doors north of Carling Store,
e."1111 MAI.N STREET, EXETEE, es.tracts teeth
without .pain. Away at Idensall on 1st,
Friday; craig oa 2n0. and 4th Tuesday.
and. Zurich on last Thursday of es,ch mon tb.
ri II. INGRAM, DENTIST, liember Royal.
• College Dental Surgeons, successor to
El. L. Billings. Office over Post Office
Exeter., Ont, A safe anaesthetic given for
the namless extraction. of teeth. Fine Gold
Fillings as required.
Potatoes per bete ...... 50 to 50
Hay per ton ...... , 5.00 to 6.00
Mo•fry.rt,ralorn,,,, Anm,:s t•In0.11-....4.M.12.3*....eri.
Robe of Re lige
viously speut for like purposes. e Ueborue.
oB. gpeeial Committee appointed by the
In view of the yote shotty to bt
taken te this county on the eubjeot o
the establishmeet of a Countyr Hous
of Refuge, we peblish the followin
report' submitted to the Co-aucil
1890, by a special committee appointe
to euquire into the matter. The re
port speans for itself and will repay
perusal. It proceeds:
"In accordance with the instruction
contained in the resolution of te
Council at its Jenuary seselon, yot
special committee have endeavored
°Wail all the information possible r
lating to the cost of lands, beildin
aud maintenance of the various ins
tutions ealled Houses of Refuge, f
the cage of the poor, in the. Provinc
and other informatIon of a kindr
nature' Your committee have aim
at giving to the Connell the very fu
est information coin -goalies this i
portant matter, atid the informed
has been obtained. without reference
the leanings of the members of yo
its first
under ti
1..t13G LOST.
Between. Providence corner and Crecliton.
Road, Ste.plien, Th anic4givin g Day, an Oil -
clot -h Rug. Finder will Lc rev ard.ed by leav-
ing same at this Office.
Darin 53.110 walnut er (cam ping season) a
tent, between Dashwood and Urand Bond.
Tho -finder will be liberally rewarded by
leaving the sarne at tbis offiee, or giving in-
formation as to its -,,,,hereabouts. St
J. and Surgeon. Office and residence-
Corner Victoria ancl Elgin streets, Gloderich,
1AR. J. A.. ROLLINS. eFFICB-etArte sT.
Residerice-Corner Andrew and North
TUESDAY., Nov. 29 -Farm Stock and Imp-
lements,the property of I. Armstrong and
John Loadmau, Lot 10, Con, 1, "Osborne, (one
01110 south, of Exeter) Sale to commence at
one o'clock. A.. J. Rollins, Auct.
Streets, Exeter, On.tario.
If the College of Physicians and Surgeons
Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and. A.cconch.-
eur. Office, Oashwood, Ont.
That desirable dwelling situated on Will -
jail]. street and owned. by Mr. John Mathe-
son, containing. eight, commodious I oom
For farther particulars apply at this office.
ee. The sub cominittee thought
duty was to ohtain a correct
of the amount , spent by the
municipalities of :the oiteity
le head of 'Charity.' This al
omparison-though an imper-
On Saturday but a young eemindre
report ott this subieet at its Julie ses- from Exeter 11.14,0mpaoy with, vo 00,L.
County Counsel, of Ontario County to
sion,and of whose report we have beet)
favored with a copy, on this point re
port: "The eteetion of a Reese of Re-
fuge appears to have obi vated, exeept,
U3 the smallest degree, gro.nta to Indi-
gents by the minor munieipalitiee"
The atverage cost of the varioue iu-
stitutions of the Previews is the sum
of 816,666,06, intending land, imildings
and furuishings complete, but the pre-
sent feeling of all coecerned is that
large fa,rms are it, mistake. The weight
of evidence goes to show that 40 oe. 50
vexes are better than 100 or over. In
many eases the buildings are much
more expensive than need be, and tile
officials recormeetal cheaper and plain
et ones. The smaller institutione euch
as would be ample for the County of
Huron, do not average tu cost over
The committee ne.xt call attention to
he number of iunsates, cummitted tem
porally and permaneetly during, 1888,
and the cost per bead, of these testita•
Abraham Wing, Ezra Ratty, Henry
Rupp Jr. Henry Schluchter and , wife
all of Michigan ere visiting' friends and
relatives in tilts vicieity present..--;
Mr. Beery Walper and. Jeminta Surer
us were united in the holy bonds of
matrimnny last' Tuesday. We wish
the. happy coeple much jdy and. happi-
ne.ss and prosperity in their future life.
-Mr. E. J. Ilardy harnessmaker in-
tends disposing of his stock and proper-
ty by public auction next Saturday. -
Mrs. Henry Schwalmn, ot Michigan is
visiting at J. E. Treumners -Mr Lou-
is Webber, of Rochester N. Y. is under
the parental roof this week. -Amy the.
youngest daughter of D. Steinbach is
at preeent verv in—Mr. Jacob Sterner
is also on the sick list this week.
Da.T. A.. AMOS, M. Dt, C. M , Member of
College of Physicians and Surgeons,.
Ontario; licentiate of the Royal College of
Physicians and Surgeons Edinburgh; licen-
tiate of the Faculty of Physicians and Sur-
geons, Glasgow; Fellow of Trinity Medical
cortege, Toronto, Ome-Dr. Cowen's tor-
rnor residence.
Or to rent, frame. containing night rooms
and a good brick cellar, situated on Eliza-
beth street, south of James st. Methodist
church. Daryl and soft water on the prem-
ises. Possession given 16th Nov., '92. Apply
to g. DEARING or at this office.
The unclersiened will keep for service on
Lot 15,0011. 3r8-, Stephen, a thoroughbred
Berkshire Boar.
TERMS: -St, payable at time of service,
with privelege of returning if necessary.
J'A.S. WILLIS, Prop.
• OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public.
Offiee-Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario,
.L.J • of Supreme C curt, Notary Public, Con-
veyancer, Commissioner, arc. Money to loan
Oftiee-Fanson' s Block, Exeter.
.L1.4 itors, Conveyancers, Sze,
13. v. Er.,LIO2'. J .
Situated. on the corner of 'Waterloo and
William treots, consist -it, g of three lots, on
which is 4i -faulted a frame house stable,
rrumher of fruit bushes and trees: The loca-
tion 15 111 a splendid part of the village. For
further particulars apply to
Mr. John Oitrts spent part of last
week in Forest on btisieess-R. Jami0-.
son has disposed of a haudsome blood
colt, rising theee,to Mr. Thos. Handford
of Centralia,for a good figure, -A very
pleasing and happy event teok place at
tbe residence, Of Mr. D. Sararas about
two miles north of here on :Tuescley
22nd, beingenn less than the - maryiage
of his eldest da,ughter; Miss Jemitna to
Mr. a Walpee, of Deshwoed. The
bride was richly and hapdsOmely dres
sed in a beautiful slate color and. was
assisted: by 'Seise A %Nilsen, who was
also vely richly 'dressed. The grome
havieg for Itis best mae Mr. Joshua'
Suttees brother of the bride. The
happy cameo have the best wishes of
the commtinity in their sphere of
The bride wt.' the recipieet of several
costly and handsome presents.
ers visiees1 the farm of Mr. Jt1i
wooc and made their business known
whieh was "buying" pigeons. Mr. R.
who was busy plowieg behind the barn
told them that money would not buy
thenethat he would not part with there
at all, awl then contsened to plow. But
before he ceuld go once ecross fifteen
rods and eeturn, these erehins had.
made their sneak iete the tow etable
where the most curious one cabbaged
outs or mote of the winged, eeepeures,
and fled far in thd distance), Mr. R.
noticing' the entries of the stable block-
aded went to the shed and fiudines
what was missing' made a eall on his
friends and soon found who the thief
was. It is supposed that an example
will be atacle of leitu-A sparrow match
is being carried 00, 011 the 2ucl and 3rd
of Usborne and. a great malty sparrows -
lose their heads nightly, -Mr, Josh
Heywood has completed the brick cel-
lar under his house.
lows a c
feet one -to be made between the e
of keeping. the poor in our own Cote
and the cost in a County having
House of Refuge. The returns un
ibis head embrace the years 1887
1888, and are as follows:
Amount spent by the verious mu
ipalities of the County of Huron u
chaei-y in 1887 and 1888:
1887 188
. • .. $138 59 $21
Bayfield .. . 88 68 5
Blyth • • . 48 BO 5
Brussels.. ..... ... 147 73 19
Clinton .... • • ...... 218 71. 82
Colborne 200 50 27
Exeter 195 69 22
Goderich Town 536 05 85
G d rich Township28275 84
6 00
5 47
1 58
7 15
6 72
8 56
Inmates Cost per head
Elgin , . 109
Waterloo.. .118
York ......,157
Lincoln. . 52
Midd lesex . 127
Nor fo I . 75
Wellington 114 •
Welland • 59
Brant.... ..• ,
The averageacost as above of each
inmate in the House of Refuge was
about $58, This does no include in-
terest ou capital account. We have
also ascertaiteed that the average cost
of maintenance including, salaries,food
and clothing. of each inmate te five of
these institutions during I888,per week
was as follows:
Elgin $1 07
Middlesex ........ 1 05
Watet loo . . .....
Wellington. 1 23
York .... .... 1 11i
Average.... ... 1 10
Not taking into account interest on
These institutions however yielded
certain revenues which materially de-
crease the expenditure. These reve
nues are derived from the products of
the farm and the labor of the inmatee,
and are given as taken frorn a return
to the Legislature:
$osx 64
49 66
57 98
83 63
40 33
T.'X BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Anet
ioneer for the Counties of Perth and
Middlesex, also for the township of 'Osborne
Sales promptly attended. to aaul. term s reason
%hie. Sales arrengod. at Post office, Winehels a
A X, ROLLINS, late of Manitoba, Licens-
-Mioed ),,uctioneer, tor the coun.ties of Hur-
on. and Middlesex, Residence: 1mile south
of Exeter, Ont. Sale Orders by natal or other..
wise promptly attended to at reasonable
BOSSENBE EBY, HensallOnta,rio. Lic-
ensed A.uotioneor for tile Counties of
Huron and Perth. Charges moderate arei
eekly Free Press
AND --
--FOR 1893.-
$1.00 11-7--B0 PaptrS lOr $1 00
T eteuner, Licensed Auctioneer for the
-Li • County of nelsons Sales Conducted On
reasonable terms. Farm and Pam Stock a
specialty. pull astangernente can bo made
t this office,
1.21RED •FATINC01111, Provincial Land
042::12Surveyor and. Civil trigineer. Office,
D.A.1.171) MILLtlt, Vothrinary Surgeon,
o e
Grey ...... ........ 202 00 198 00
Hay . 42 00 66 50
Hoveick . • ...... 264 11. 118 35
Hullett 80 00 30 00
McKillop ...... • . 136 50 175 25
Morris ...... No Return
So. -forth . „ .. • „ 181 57 201 22
Stanley ... . . . . .. . 102 00 147 18
Stephen .. . 65 50 129 65
Tuckersmith........ 278 98 470 00
Turnberry . ........ 171 89 234 84
Usborne ... S83 25 296 08
East Wawatiosh..... 172 11 70 00
West Wawanosh 156 52 175 00
Wingliam • . 207 26 100 6b
Wroxeter ... • No Return
----- -----
Totals. .. $4,251 57 $4,739 91
Tt wi I thus be seen that directly out
of the toual municipal exchecquers has
been paid the sum, allowing for multi.
cipalities not reporting, one half the
ayerage, of $9,449 in two years. To
these sums must be added the sums of
$284 and 8483, respectively which are
the amounts estitnated by the County
Treasurer as spent by the county for
the same purposes as the local grants
in the same years, and these to make
a grand total of no less than, $10,216,
or 5,108 per alinum.
Every member of the County Coun-
cil is also aware that these sums do not
in any way represent the full amount
of the charity bestowed by this county
Private charity by incliyiduals, church
as and societies, is largely given to
the very same person that received
Another large item of expense to the
County is in connection with the run
ning jail. The manner in which this
expense is paid is as follows. The
Goverement pays for all prisonere who
are charged with indictable offenees,
and.the county pays for all others. The
last quarter the Government was
charged with 119 days and the County
with1513days. Of this 1513 days,
1433 days is chargeable to the main-
tenance of indigents. In consequence
of this the County had to pay $643,
against $46.37 paid by the Goverment
or aborit 14/15tlas ef the whole expense
If there had been no indigents confin-
ed the Government would have had to
pay nearly two-thirds mid the County
one third. In this way the cost to the
County was for indigents alone over
$400 for the quarter. This quarter is
not aboVe theaverage, so that the Colin
ty pays annually about $1600 for main
tenance of indigent e in jail.
The qnestion naturally arises -how
ranch of this laege sum would be saved
to the local municipalities by the erect
ion ad., House of Refuge. From the
inforthation in the hande Of your cent-
mittee it is quite evident that only a
very email proportion tof the charity
grant to indigents would. remain. It
is not pretendedl that there WOilla be
tto atmnint to be Spent by' the local
nettnicipalitiee for ehatitablo purpoSes
but it is established beyetal all epees
tion in the cotinties where Howies a
Refuge have been ereeted, that adding
the itetns for charity aed. inerierteed
C atatit for Helm a Itefttge, to -
by a
in pre- ma p
(Too late for last week.)
The 5th of Noverabei celebration
last week wap itot very well attended
on account of bad 1,0fitif: and stormy
wea.ther. 'rue Boston mut-homst Sab-
bath school are practising, for their 19111.
annual ChriStIllaS tree entertaiumetit
to be held Saturcley e,venieg Dee. 24th
-Mr. W. H. English. returned frotn.
Manitoba last weels.-Mr. George Win
800 rAtUrIled to Michigan last Monday.
-Min and Mr. AM, 1Vileon attended
the county Sabbath Ste.00l conyention`
as delegates from BO6f00 'Methodist
Sabbath School xi nil gave a very inter-
esting aed iestructive report to the
school last Sabbath. -Me. W. J. Wilson
lost a yttluable Masouic pin iyhile at-
tending the funeral of the late Mr, D.
Thompson at Sylvan. -MISS Maggie
Marks is doing a good. business in
dress and inantle making. Her custo-
mers are big illy }pleased with her neat
It and goad sewing . -A large number
of people drove out to Grand Beed last
Tuesday to see the river Aux Sa.uble
let into Lake Huron they say it was a
delightfel sight to see the water rush
down cloven the new cut, just construct
ed by Mepars Randford and England
the water hie a better fall than was ex
peoted so that -when the drain is com-
pleted it will briug a great many bun-
dred acres of good land in the market.
• • •
Waterloo__ •
York .... .... • . •
Lincoln . ..
Norfolk.... .....
Welland . • •
Bran.t.... • • • 600 00
The following shows the actual cost
of maintenance of each institution af-
ter allowing the revenue.
Elg .... . . 84,199 76
Waterloo. . . 1,704 88
(Too late for last week.)
Walt Evans, of St. Marys, was home
on Thursday -Mrs, John Dignan. of
Exeter and her brother Chas. Redmond
of Hensall were the guests of Mr. Thos
Essery os. Sueday.-Frank Woods and
Rich Snell, of Exeter, paid us a flying
visit on Thanksgiving day. -The Irish
mau, who has held the pueilistic scep-
tre for some years around6the
was deprive.d of his reputation the oth.
er clay by a gentleman who bought
some lambs from him, The owner had
weighed the lambs before leaving home
and after driving them some distabee
to the village found that they had lost
several pounds aud he at once became
dissatisfied and asked the liberty of
the law to which the lamb buyer con-
sented vet laying off coat and hat
awaited. the Irishman's approach but
the lambbnyer's willingness to de,fencl
took the compative spirit out of the,
Irishman who threatened the fulest ex
tent of the law if Tom assulted
Antony needs to go heels to the "Ould
Sod" and get a black thorn shilalay
before he attempts to fight another
Englishman. ---An excitiug tableau of
the fight betweee Sullivan and Corbett
was presented at Wes Huaton'S thrash-
ing on Tuesday by two farmers who
live side by side a short distance north
of Fairfield, The,y have been on poor
terms for some time and to help Oil the
bard feeliegs already created Sulli
vans horees broke into Corbett's wheat
Corbett told Sullivan of this and a
wangle at once began a,bout the line
fence t• when Stillivan called Corbett
abusive names Corbett then struck
Stillivan and after a few knocks were
exchanged Sullivan wept and his
teats were as great drops of blood fal-
ling to the ground. Wes Hasten acted
as peece-tnalser and held VVelter until
Larry got st safe distance away.
Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College, 'Coronto, (Suocessor to 'Wm. Sweet,
V. S ) Over 16 years practice. Office and
residence one bloCk east ofllicliardl'ickards
store, Opposite Skating Rink, ,teter, Ont.
J-24 Acitlyr yen
13111111glizin COATTA31311;
BEV. Da, TALIKAGP,'S SER1KON dolivered the
Sunday previously.
L ADIS& P,A.VER-IllaStrated,
Tho -Veostern Fire A.saltratico Oemeany,
of Toronto
The rhosrilx Fire Insurance
of London, England.
The A.11ianCe Fire 11.SSKT.00'.
Of Loudon, togland,
otee61-40:tristroot, toter, Oylt..
46:46 iniisitimair....aaiiiriaareikageiiiiptiormarmarmaiarod
A.n Upright Kiat, (MaSon St 11 isell) Ott
iiVe—sitte%t now, seepler at thiti
StaLAI, TAr,E, Ana other interesting read
ng matter,
Trice, One Dollar a yoar advance for
the IV IMILQL rilt, SI tE3 P111E6S aud
FAIL11 AND KOSISI-in all 36 pages.
13alance of 1852 free to new subscibers.
Agents vritnted in every enrepresentod
district to solicit subscriptions,
Free Press rriinii.D.0* Co.,r,
London. -
It becomes our sad duty to chronicle
the death of one of our Hay's old and
respected residents in the person ot
11,11'8. Frideriek Shaffer which sad and
melancholy event took place on Satur-
day last. We exteed our sincere sym-
pathy to the berea,ved husband.
$ 915 00
2,540 00
1,362 00
1,610 00
1,246 00
Of Hood's Sarsapatilla is alwaye with,
in the bounds of reason beeanse it ie
tette; it always appeals to the sober,
contemn sense of thinking -people be-
cause it is true; ated it is alWays fully
subetentiated by endorsements whicen
in the financial world would, be accept,
ed Without moment's heeitatiOn.
. . 7,740 86
1 940 76
Middlesex-. ....... 4,838 20
leerfollt 1,131 75
Wellington. . • • . ... 7,292 03
"It will be seen that in the matter of
municipal grants aloue the amount ex
pended would be less under a Poor
House system in all probaisility, than
that now spent. If these grants be ad
ded a proportion of the amounts spent
priyately, then a very much larger
sa,ving, can be shown. It must also be
borne in mind that the present systetrx
is very unsatisfactory and. insufficient
Under it one munieipalitv frequently
must care for the poor of another, but
with a House of Refuge the burden
evould be equitably borne. At present
many deserving poor realy sutler rat-
her than go to jail, whielt might be
their fate if they applied for aid.
'Your attention is also directed to
the constantly increasing n umber of
those destitute and partially insane
persons who by law are made wards of
the county.. This present seesion. four
new applications are being made, and
the Treasurer's estimate for this kind
of relief is largely increased. These
parsous coul?be cared for in a great
majority of cases much better and
more cheaply in the House of Refuge.
In all the counties where such Houses
exist these persons are committed to
them. This item of expenditure in
the near futtue will, we are afraid,
assume yery large proportions, It adds
a very considerable amount to the
sums given above as the sums spent
in charity by thie county.
Houses have been established in the
counties of Elgin, Waterloo, York, Lin.
eoln, Middlesex, Norfolk, Welliegton
and Welland. According to the re
turns sent to the Ontario Government,
these houses contain 779 initiates. Of
this number' 420 were over 60 years of
age, and 122 children under 15 years
of age. The number is made up of
petsous helpless through aiseast, acci-
dent or mental infirmity. It will thins
be seen that the very large portion of
the inreatee ave. thtough age unfit to
care for thereselyes, and bereft as they
nearly alvvays are of persons Able to
ca,re for them, without the presence) of
ahonie must suffer severely even when
granted the nittnielpel awl charitable
aSSIStatIOI commonly given.
Aeduous is the, taSk Which_ the local
correspoedent of a newspaper imposes
on himself. It must be admitted by
all and espeolally by anyone who has
had experience that, to notice each.
event such as births,marriages, deaths,
business changes, state of the weather,
appearance of crops, "flying' visits"
and rieyer omitting to mention the
iudividual that "tie W" and other hap
palings of a like absorbing interest
occurring' in 0 community, is some-
what laborious aucl sometimes un-
pleasant 'duty to perform, since the
overlooking of any momentous event
often gives the slighted one unnecess.
ary mental pain as e. g. would haye
be.m the case had not your correspon-
dent seen the captain dressed 'in his
new suit of clothes on Sunday tied at
the same time trying to beat the
world's six days "go as you please"
record. While speaking of elothes we
might mention that our young tailor
is very busy just now and cannot
secure sufficient assistance to get out
the work as fast fts he would. like.
Nobody married this week. Mr. Phillip
Cook presented her husband with his
first daughter on the 15t11 inst. Mr.
S. M. Rauch made his -maiden attempt
at preaching- in the Evangelical church
Sunday evening last and aquitted.
himself in a creditable manner. The
"Alliance" is inoreasing so rapidly
that soon the infants mid octogenar-
ians will have to become Tempters to
keep up the "boom." The, studio and
the millinery depagtmerit of "The wag -
gee factory" are left to take care of
themselves as the propriet,or and his
apprentice did not show up this week.
One poor soul tenet feel lonesome,
Mr, E. Rothermael of this place has
made an assignment, a meeting ef his
creeitors is c:11ed for Tuesday next.
the itteet, eompletest mut ietest arid of Flee,
tricalapaliancosin the world. , They have tiOver
tolled 3.0 00113. are 90 Pagtivt) -Of it that we
Will back o'er belief arid Send Yon exig Eleetrical
Appiictficio no* id the leeriest nflayOu dan teS"
loV*Iiteei lidontha, urge* iist Of teOtitrioniala
de 'earth; Send tor boa iind sottreel #r30, getileff the reaUlt is it leS8 ettne
;*!tenes!....! neteltest.,14'r teneiderable arkuetint than the 8u
See lay DreciS
used to be my
mamma's old cash-
mere, which she took
to pieces and died
DirBs and mule ne
two new dresses, a
blue and a brown
Brother's get a new
suit too; its made
front Chicle Jacle'e
old eoat dyed over;
marmite says it was so easy to dye with
D/AlictaiND DrE8,--,th0t any body
Mr, Shipley, of the Aaron. Road,near
Clinton, was sarprised to find a deer
antong his cettle theothee day, The antlii,
d but was subsequently shot.
can use them,
Diamorid Dyes are made for Rome
use. Absolutely roilable. tolor,
said to .3..85.15.0,...g Cert
recitibia beek aua 40 moat plos or colotoa clot
Weet,S & Ittons.uneins Co., etettreel,