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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-11-27, Page 3
4 world • nay For the first time since 1966, the Cockshutt Challenge Trophy for the world Champion hay entry at the Royal Agricultural - Winter air in Toronto has been won by a Canadian entry. This year's •winner is. Russell Dans-- -of Bru.cefield, Who --- regained the trophy for Canada afters it had been won in 1967 and again in 1968 by a U.S. entrant,. Rolling Rock Farms, of Ligonier, Pennsylvania. At a presentation ceremony at the Royal on Nov. 19, Mr. Dallas received an engraved silver tray, accompanied by a cheque, from David A. Stewart of Brantford, director of . advertising and public relations for White Farm Equipment, manufacturers of Cockshutt and Minneapolis -Moline farm equipment. The original trophy, which still bears the Cockshutt name, remains in the care of the Royal for safekeeping. An individual silver tray was presented for retention by the winner. Mr. Dallas' win this year marks the second time he has gained the prize n the other having been in 1963. Russell Dallas, left, of Brucefield accepts the Cockshutt Challenge Trophy from David A. Stewart of Brantford, director of advertising and public relations for White Farm Equipment, manufacturers of Cockshutt and Minneapolis -Moline farm equipment. Presented at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in Toronto Nov. 19, the trophy for the world champion hay entry has been held for the last two years by a U.S. farm. 1111111111.11111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Illtltll IIIIIIII{{IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I III IIII IIII I II I I I11I I III111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Leiter to the editor CLEAR COMPARISON WANTED To the Editor: The IIbndon Free Press of November 24th this year reports that the new garbage disposal site (eight miles from Goderich) for Goderich, Clinton and Goderich Township will cost • $18,000. - annually to operate, plus an initial outlay. of $6,000. - to be paid over two years. Goderich pays 62%. This amounts to $11,160. - a year, plus $3,720. - over the first two years: I remember attending a Council meeting at the beginning of the year when Councillor Carroll presented a thoroughly prepared proposition regarding a new dump site which had been investigated and recommended and for which the rent would have been $1,000. - a year. A group of Council members being against it, the site was rejected and we were stuck with our old deplorable dump ' for another year. Those. who rejected the plan did not really elaborate on their reasons. The only thing mentioned was the $1,000. - a year rent. I must frankly say I- was left with the impression that the said Council members just did . not like the particular man who stood to collect the rent money. I hope I was mistaken and that,their reasons for refusal were much more businesslike. So for the next two years it will cost our .townspeople $13,020. a year to participate in the operation of a dump in 4 Holmesville, the agreement to be reviewed after two years when it might easily mean an increase, whereas the originally proposed site was to have the same rent for 20 years. As the new dump site is eight 4 miles from Goderich, it is reasonable to . believe that the person who holds our town's • sanitation " contract will have to be paid extra ' for the longer distance to travel, ° time lost, gasoline used, depreciation . on his truck etc. Unfortunately, it is not clear ?whether the $13,020. ' yearly. .Aump-o_peratuig sot_ already includes this consideration or not. Does it? I am very glad that we finally did get around to establishing a new and suitable garbage disposal site 'and I do not want to take, away•even a little bit of the satisfaction the Council must feel over the decision. However, facts and figures are at times more fascinating than general talk and I would be relieved to remove from my mind the last bit of nagging suspicion that somehow the townspeople are expected to come up with funds to support the extravagance of pe conal likes and dislikes of some of our Councillors. I hope your newspaper can obtain for us a clear comparison of the two sets of figures: the total of the estimated costs in connection withthe site which was rejected earlier in the year and the total of the venture we are entering instead. If the facts show that we are now doing financially so much better with the new site, then let us truly congratulate ourselves for the dedicated job our Council as a whole is doing on our behalf. Yours very truly, Elsa Haydon Other winners since the IJ�n wins trophy GmmE mmU' 0NA "NOVEMBER 27, ,,0 , trophy was first . presented in 1958 include: other two-time winners Thomas Bowman of Stroud; Ontario, who won ,in 1959 and again in 1960; Robert Allen of Brucefield, in 1958 and 196 2; and Robert D. Fotheringham. .of Seaforth, in 1965 and 1966. • (The U.S.' Rolling Rock Earths remains the only three -time winner to date,. having won in ' 1961 as well as in 1967 and 1968). Wilbur Keyes of Seaforth, was the 1964 winner. Near record deer bagged Jack Huff of Goderich recently bagged „himself a _deer .pr that any hunter would beoud.r to have brought down. The live weight was between 350 and 375 pounds and dressed out at 175 pounds. The 12 point buck was shot in Saratoga Swamp in West Wawanosh township. A recent article in one of the *daily newspapers "pointedout that the largest deer on record was shot in 1902 with a live weight of 388 pounds. THANK. You Branch 109 (Goderich) . Royal Canadian Legion wish to thank the Citizens of Toderich for their wonderful co-operation. in connection with the Remembrance Day poppy drive. The Branch also thanks the people, especially'the young folks -,in attendance at the Cenotaph on November 11.E The total net gained from the poppy- sales was $1,035.58. This money is distributed for the purpose of awarding scholarships and immediate aid to veterans in distress in the community. id `Mill 0 COLD WATER SURVIVAL A hunter's warm clothing functions in some degree like a diver's wet suit when he is immersed in water. If his boat capsizes in cold water,, • the hunter should not rig fd re his clothing but tighten it, particularly at: pes4,-wrists and., ankles. He should'tvear mitts and parka hood in the water for ridded prot4ction. BLYTH ' SPECIAL HOURS 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Daily Fri. & Sat. Till 9:30 p.m. Here is milady's favorite. This is the• chair that's famous for its graceful beauty, and smooth, effortless areclining action. A gen- uine'` La-Z43oyt.Reclina-RockerCg will cater to her every mood :. . rocking, lounging, TV viewing, catnapping, even full -bed .re- clining. '\lilady'll love La -Z -Boy's exclusive Comfort Selector" that provides -just the ROCKING right leg -rest comfort positions for perfect relaxation, with or without reclining the chair. A wide choice of colors and fabrics personalize this Reclina-Rocker®. We, your authorized La -Z -Boy ` dealer, will help with the selection. *•rh1•ro arc n iii inlitatt IIIS, Init unly nave gthuine 1.s,•%•BII)" chair. tOUNOING I VIEWING Yutl.BE0 RECLINING AUTHORIZED LA -Z -BOY® DEALER Good Selection, MIRRORS 1t50 T° 79.50 VARIOUS SIZE$, PROM FANCY, 'LAIN, FRAMED OR UNFRAMED . Christmas Lamp SPECIAL Just in time for Christmas alms this special on all types of .lamps. Look • around your heave. Do the lamps need replacing? Act now and save money. , TABLE LAMPS 7.95 TR E E LAMP 39. 95 523-4595 CONTINUES OUR ANNUAL FACTORY OUTLET SALE THROUGH DEC. 31ST POLE" LAMPS from 16.95 This is a matching set''bf SE T two table lamps. - 1.7.95 & 89.95 • •. ' �t�.ti Y.•:+' �..}y,.i;}L,.•+. ,yr., ti..1•i$: �:•::+:ti}'•.C: •'}ti :J}'•'}. '':•.•}}:til}:.ti•: }':tititi:ti •:•:'}:•:�:titi{: ti::ti{:••',�+fy:F\} :r •:�fittik :kyr• . :�': •� t•{ � }h�•'�Y� {ti .V/.1 r£: •'L� •�'••y�r};�..} �4:?.ti, .c;.; {Q�':,$y $};}: �'r..�7;;:�;.},}; }:+{.;';}, :.},.........: nv:;ti rr : w��}'�',},.;a ^��, °R��'•�\. :h:�.�1 }•}: til{{Y}l�{ti ,v . �•}} . } 1 ~}.L'„ ,: }'-2 k.\ �•:4 {J:}'.,}?Y.}}}V{}.b:�}ti<•. �:�?'�::ti}h.L},�:}•ti,:� }h••1. :' {,yY l: �;V• •x>;4\n:•ti,:f::v�••'••nyv\i•Lt:}:i�vVxK• ••iifikti:ti•.: '`�6 4L�i;. r•1•}'{•r%'.'.{ '�}:?'•Y:;•:•k�:.'qi •• ti%: r.'.r.. CEDAR CHESTS SHEEPSKIN RUGS Always an' important. gift.. Everyone wants and "needs" one of these beauties. Made right• on our premises, giving you the most exceptional values and complete selection of wool types and colors. Personally select your gifts from the best and largest selection of sheepskin rugs in Canada. Christmas Sale priced at: $9.50 (value $16.00)=$12.50 (value $24.95) and $14.50 (value $29.95.) MOHAIR THROWS` Imported from Ireland - a lasting treasure of sheer comfort and elegance - kat and light yet warm and cosy - a must for someone on everyone's shopping list. Specially reduced for,the Christmas season. Now only $24.95 each: MEN'S JACKETS Because of our volume purchasing we have been offered a line of the finest quality cabretta leather jackets at a reduced price. We are passing this saving on to our customers while they last. These beautiful cabrettas with zip lining, full-length jackets, black and brown only. Reg. $85.00 value. Only $59.95. Of course The Old Mill has a complete line of men's cciats to choose from. Don't miss seeing our selection priced 'from $19.95 to $.159.95. LADIES' COATS • For the ladies . `I'he Old Mill features a 3/4 or mini -length zip lined coat at only $64.95. This practical, smartly styled coat is sure to© find its place in anyone's wardrobe. Why not be impulsive and buy her one. of our elegant fur trims or imported numbers? The Old Mill offers satisfaction or a money -back guarantee. Give leather this, Christmas for the most exciting gift ever! GLOVES AND SKI MITTS As •ever The Old Mill, has one - of the finest and largest selection of leather gloves and mitts. Most important is the price. Our famous factory outlet sale prices are still in effect. So ease -war budget and save on these outstanding values. Enjoy the luxury of pure virgin wool blankets. NO need to look for thy' electric switch or dial because our Glen Laine Satin bound blankets have their own natural warmth. Christmas and summer colors. Available . in three • sizes. _ Twin size $11.50 -- Reg. $11'.50 �.. _. King Size $15.25 (Value $29.95) THE FAMOUS LANE CHEST-- .._ Nothing is more appreciat:.ed• at this time of ,year than a cedar 'chest. Soon -to -be -brides and brides of ,many years cherish this gift. We carry the finest name in the industry and the largest stock in town. DON'T MISS OUR SELECTION OF GENUINE SHIEIEOSICINI TOYS Christmas Shoppers i6ve to shop at The Old Mill where we offer factory outlet sale prices 0 when everyone needs the prriduct. \ ,j Visit The Old Mill - famous for quality, selection and value. HASSOCKS - All Shapes and SIzes priced from 4.95 to 24.50 BRIDGE SETS Here Is a mush appreciated gift item and one that will be used and appreciated many times throughout the year. see our exeelknt Wee. SAMSONITE BRIDGI SITS Reg. 64.75 54.50 Save 10.00 COOEY 5-pce. Set from 26.50 CLOTHES HAMPERS A Large and Attractive selection In Popular-11se .:ond Colors from 7.95 BLACKSTON E w.sr Str.et FURNITURE 524.7741