HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-11-20, Page 26a •
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~���*�^m^����x�����, wmw�����,»x���8������~ 1969
Jiome -~�� Entertaiument2��^�~�`�� �or Away, ����`� ��
Year-RoundEnjoymenth�/��0M��� Arrives�Np�������
MUSIC DELIGHTSALL YEAR 'ROUND and round is the key
word with new circular speakers thiiiiiistribute sound ev.enly,
everywhere in the room, in radios designed to entertain all on
Santa's list. AM/FM radios are available with drift -free FM
New Radios Top' LiSIS, Gift-�������
ffer Models Tuned-in
Something special, for
somebody special to use and
enjoy. That's the kind of gift
Santa's helpers are always
looking for.
And that's why, this holi-
day xoouuo, one word seems
to kgep cropping up on niore
and more gifts lists.
The word? Radio.
Novel, versatile and per-
sonal, radios fit
er'aouu/.rud/uuot special needs
and please th tastes �f spe-
The novelty comes from
the many new forrho radios
radios are taking, thanks
largely to the development
of the transistor. New mini
models are readily portab1e-
versatile, indeed. .
Just a few examples can
show why radios are truly
personal gifts.
Teen-agers, who popular-
ized the transistorized port-
able, certainly deserve their
own new, personal versions
of the pocket portable. Gift-
ed ideas include the "Mini-'
Swinger," shaped Like a mini -
size piece of luggage, and the
"Billfold" pocket transistor
in, predictably, billfold shape.
Extra -special might be a
gift that combine-s-AM-radie
and, phono, portably, or cas-
sette recorder and AM FM
and radios or
for them are
Sou/ed toamm.mewthisuma-
�������� .� ��� Men � Clothing Give ������ �� � ���N����/ W� ~
Christmas is the time to
put some fresh fashion in a
man's life. And it isn't the
time to play it safe by buying
him a gift "just like the one
he has in hls closet."
So says the Men's Fashion
Association, which offers
some shopping t�sfor 8au-
xa'o helpers,with the latest
men's fashions in mind.
A new sweater is an ideal
gift item, and this year sees
the return of the colorful
argyle and the trim sweater
Dad's post -holiday plans in -
elude a cruise, a good idea
may be a light-colored, light-
weight sweater.
Giving Dad a ^=, It's wise
to check br
iobe and gear the tie to hissuits and jackets— gold tie
for a blue suit, red or brown
tie for a brown suit, for in
This may be a good time
to update his .fashion image,
ryes won t 6--e replacing
ties, but they do make fine
gifts for a sporty look. Apache
scarves are knotted tightly
around the neck, while long
er scarves are tied loosely"
and extend to the waist.
If he likes to wear blazers,
an ascot can complete, his
If Dad's shirt wardrobe is
in the doldrums, Christmas is
the opportunity to do some-
thing about it. Shirts with
the long pointed collars
may please his fancy.,
Ls he traditionally a solid -
color shirt man? A' subtle
mini -check could make a
pleasant hange. Or perhaps
he's ready to try the season's
newest idea — bold, wide -
track Stripes,
coordinated silk pocket
squares make ,happy addi-
tions to gift packages 'nf
shirts and ties.
Since life is getting more
casual, clothes for at-home
wear are becominrhaore pop-
- ular. Body shirts, long silk
scarves, chain belts anc1L-for
the really daring Dad— knit
g�t��id~ are a-'--= the
Looking for something a
bit more practical' in the at-
home idea? A new robe
might be the answer. No
doubt, Dad has a well-worn
terry' or flannel, but one of
the new long, silk robes in
wrap-around kimono style
could put luxury in his life.
If his waist size is known,
belts may be gifted. Some
belts are reversible — black
on one side, brown on the
other — for two -in -one giv-
ing. Trend toward wider belts
might also be noted when
making gifts selections.
To keep a man *arm are
• `~
gifts of gloves. Many leather
gloves are lined, thereby pro-
viding extra warmth.
Two pairs of gloves — one
for dress wear and a heavy-
duty pair for sport — can
double Dad's delight.
Argyle socks to match his
new sweater offer yet an-'
other accessories -gift inspi-
For the man on the list
whose sizes are ° unknown,
-grooming products are a good
gift possibility. There are
handsome sets that include
cologne, soap, deodorant and
hair tonic, in kits.
Size Problems?
When Santa's helpers'
don't know liis size,
be the
gifting.to fashionable
Cufflinks and tie bars
gether. Trend in cufflinks
is toward small ones, often
in enamel or silver.
Large, colorful tie tacs
go well with wider ties,
debonair ascots.
Masculine rings are
stone -set with cat's eye,
tiger's eye quartz, vvruoo-
uoo jade, lapis lazuli,
among others.
begin with gifts of cozy paja-
' mus°. These by Cardin for Host;
in Springmaid durable -press
broadcloth of Eastman Kodel
polyester and cotton.. .
now at ,Earl Rawson's, a unique concept in attire
that isexemplified'by the depth
and 'richness of the bright
colourings carriedrightthrouoh^`
the ties, shirtssocks, sport shirts
suits and sport jketo Men's attire
. �r
man's world and you'll only find it in
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a men's shop.
The Square ~
son, are clock
radios, cabineted in lively
colors and designs such as
checkerboard squares.
Mom and oad too, need
their personal' radios. A re-
corder -radio combination
might be especially useful to
Dad, or how about a new ra- .
uiu for his, car?
A clock radio fomthekitch-
-eu could ue just what Mom
wants. Or she might prefer
a personal portable to carry
about with her as she attends
to homemaking chores.
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Of course, there are many
radios for all -the -family en,"
joyment. One interesting
possibility is a multi -band
shortwave portable, for arm-
chair adventuring, world-
In fact, there are radios
right and ready to gift all the
tuned -in crowd.
High on the list of gifts to.
be cherished are complete
home entertainment centers,
combining TV, radio and
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to the����� tou-gh questions ask salesman
Vou invest in Color TV.
A color tv. is a major purchase. Choosing one can be a
pretty fua/ngexporienoa.Thenaanamaknaandmodoo
at all kinds of prices. What are the things you shoutd' look
for7 Why do some sets cost more than others / That's
what this is all about. w '
You're going to live with yokir choice for Many years.
And the thing to remember is there is no magic way to
build a goOd color color set cheaply; you get what you pay for.
This information can save you years of regret. Take it
with you when you shop. Start at your Philip's dealer.
That's where you'll see the best Co|orTV. Even if you
end up'buying-nomothing else, at least you'll know what
you're missing.
1. Can you makethe face look natural / Flesh
tones are the most subtle and sensitive
right,That's vvhyifthe faces don't look �nrthin�
else will. left. all
Peo |e do 't h b/ inted --°"'
phor- fook - ~`~~'~' li~""'"y./ ' uthe r
/pa has solved the problem of making fresh -
tones nomnxhroughnaturaU .Havmgdonethut
everything else looks natural. '
2. Does the set have -Automatic Co/o,
Temperature Control 7The girl's eyes are blue':
But that doesn't mean the whites have to be blue
lso. That blue tinge you see on many color sets
is hard to live with. All Philips sets huva6n
Automatic Color Temt Control which
gives true annmtura|co|ps.
3. Can the set show \'ou a natural -looking
mouth7 Look at the one in the ieft'hond/ot
oo|os•n��} eak�out from the mounexh|i ---'
,this color b|nedin�. Notice it too at the jawline: '
mushy.gone This is only hard on your eyes.
Wait it does to your
disposition after a year or two. Philips has
eliminated this problem. It simply does not
happen'on a Philips set. — .~°
4. Will the set tune in ho detail ? Hny' what
to look for. Notice how in the left.hand picture,
detail h'as gone fuzzy. Compare it with the girl
on the right. Check the eyebrows:the eyelashes,
the flower, --~h^=h~-'' on the eyes. See how
the' actual texture of th'e hair comes through.
5. Is there a noioeounooUing:cin:uit ? It
eliminateswhat u see at 5 on the left. •
Something we call picture tear'. 'Picture ter' is
caused most often by other appliances—an •
kitchen utensil. Plug one in• and it cautes pulses
on the poWer line, actually tearing Chunks out
of the picture. (Ask the salesman to plug in a' ,
vacuum cleaner and see which set acts up.)
Philips has a noise' c~''^"'y cuit t'"`"'"""°
our setexceptionally stable. ^
6. Is it a 'direct vision' picture tube7 Most sets
have an extra layer of light -absorbing glass in
front of the picture tiibe. This d
annoying reflections and haze. (See picture on
left). Philips sets don't have this problem. No
glass. No reflection. No haze. We call it a direct •
vision tube, and we invented'it. It's coated with
'rore•eortM'' a material that gives added brilliance
to oo|iiro' extra sharpness to the picture.
7. Does the set have Automatic Fine Tuning?
If you're looking at deluxe models of most
makes, the anavvor.vvi// probably be yes. But
'Philips invented AutornaticFine Tuning and has
put bin every set vvo'ww ever made. It made .s
famous as the ^'fidd|e'free^Color tx. YOd'|| see the
diffeoanceAFT makes: Colors stay fine tuned
when you come back to the same channel later
Philips AFT delivers the o1/m oo|or_tuning
point and keeps it from drifting.
8. Does the set have Automatic Vertical and
Horizontal Hold ?
Picture fltp' nd horizontal distortion have
always been the mosVfrustrating problems in
television viewing. And they'rA still problems
with many color sets Philips sets have exclusive
'vertioa|end horizontal hold circuits that lock
'your picture in outomotica|ly.No fiddling in the
middle of your favorite program. And
jemernber, this feature is exclusive with Philips;
no-one else has it.
9. Is there a pin -cushion correction ciocui,y
Many television sets have troub|adravvngo
straight line . This kind of pi
distortion was tailerated in black and white
television. BLitv6u shouldn't put up with it in
color. It took Philipsto eliminate those curved
lines on the screen with what is called a 'pin-
- cushion' correction circuit. It really works.
Straight liW ht.Andthe/Ucontinuo
-to dThanks.to Philipsi hi _
^",."^"=^=`'ili. ` •
10. Is there an automatic voltage regulator 7
You've oo*n,pictumo 'b|o ' and 'shrink' on
your black and white set. It still happens on
many c | It's caused by
normal vol'tage changes in your h-ome. Only
Philips sets have a voltage regulator which
automatically senses voltage changes in house
current and corrects shrinking and blooming
before it happens. |ta|oo`proteotm expensive
color cornponents from the damaging effects
of power surges.
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