HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-11-20, Page 11M r 4 • • • 3. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 5, TO RENT mommumememssammumeieviammo HAROLD W. SHORE Real Estate Broker - general -Insurance 38 Hamilton St.. Real Estate for Sala Only $1,500 Down Payment New Three -Bedroom Bungalow Just completed, this new bungalow '" features three comfortable bedrooms, large, bright living room, contemporary, modern kitchen with cupboards by, Cardinal of London, dining area, full basement, gas furnace and hot water. As low as $1,500 down payment. See this one soon. Only $2,500 Down Payment Tri -Level Brick New and beautiful, this home with its broadloomed living room; large dining room, modern kitchen, three _ ,large bedrooms each with . huge clothes closets and its four -piece ceramic tiled' bathroom • is the buy of the year. Call today to inspect and receive full details on price and financing. Dial the office at 524-7272 or Mrs. Fran Rae Representative 524-9557 5. TO RENT DOWNSTAIRS apartment, two bedrooms, close to Square, heater and gas cooking stove included. Apply 68 -Hamilton Street or phone 524-8810. — 46x 150 -ACRE farm, excellent soil, $14 per acre, 21/4 miles north of Goderich on Highway 21. Large bank barn. Call collect 519-344-2524 days, 519-337-5332 evenings. — 44tf BACHELOR apartment. Panelled, ,fridge and stove. Suitable for one adult. Phone 524.8344; after five 524-8170. 38tf OFFICE space for rent. Contact Malcolm Mathers, 46 West Street, Phone 624-9442. — 39tf HQI!ISE for rent, brick, four bedrooms, oil heat. Reasonable. Phone 524-8480. -- 46tf GROUCHY old landlord has two -room ' apartment to rent. Bedroom., over living room. Heated. Partly furnished or furnished. Two blocks from Square, one block from supermarket and mail box. Who wants it? Apply 78 Cambria Rd. W.-47ar LAKEVIEW apartment, one bedroom, private entrance, electrically heated. Available now at 47 Elgin Ave. W. Phone 524-7123. — 47,48 THREE to four-bedroom house, centrally located, near school. Available December 1. Phone 524-9079. — 47, FURNISHED or unfurnished apartment, close to Square, electrically heated. Available December 1. Phone 524-9421. — 47,48 SMALL, modern store, also suitable for office space. Phone 624177,18. — 47 FURNISHED, warm, light housekeeping rooms. Miss Mary B. Howell, 12 St. Vincent Street. Phone -524-8642. — 44tf TWO-BEDROOM apartment, gas heated, TV hook-up. • H. G.. Bradley & Son, phone 524=7365. — 46x CLERK—TREASURER TAX COLLECTOR 4ownshi-p of Colborne Written applications addressed to the undersigned will be received up to Monday pecember 1, 1969 for the position of Clerk -Treasures and Tax Collector for the Township of Colborne with duties to commence January 1, 1970. Applicants to state age, address, education, work background and salaryaexpected. This position is considered to be less than full time -with duties being conducted from applicant's home or place of business. - B.C. Straughan Clerk -Treasurer :RR4" Goderich, Ont. • CHANGING CARS? CALL US - 524-8411 Gord Munroe WHY? HOW? IS THAT ALL ? Anything Else? How,. Abou Terms? WE How About Variety? Any Other Reasons? John Graf CAN SAVE YOU MONEY Low overhead; volume prices due to select purchasing as well as new car trades — and we will trade up or down. We think not. We try to give careful personal attention to the safety inspection of all cars as well as to the customers after sale as well as before. Yes. We are New Car Dealers offering the only medium size car we know of with air conditioning as standard equipment. - believewe'can arrange"terms t� suit ,practically anyone. That's where we specialize — if we don't have what you want we'll- do the shopping -for you, for the car of your choice at the price you want" to pay. , Surely —.. We could use your business. We haven't found a substitute for a good customer yet. THIS. WEEK ONLY Family car reduced -- 1964 Parisienne, 4 -door hardtop, freshly painted, reconditioned from bumper to bumper. Economical 6 -cylinder, automatic, whitewalls, discs. Lic. H56233. Was $1050 Now $949.50 WON'T YQU GIVE US A TRY? °Q,oP°'S248411 �F;�' ` tit`/► l.. / s 5. TO RENT NEW three-bedroom home having living room, dining room, modern kitchen, - 4 -piece. bathroom and "roc" room. Available December 15. Rent $140. Apply, H. W. Shore, R.E. Broker. Dial 524-7272. — 47 EVANS' APARTMENT one -bedroom apartment available January 1. Phone 524-9445. — 47 TWO-BEDROOM heated apartment, stove, fridge. Available immediately. Phone 524-7532 or 524-7935. — 46tf S. HELP WANTED DOMESTIC help required, full or part-time, _ living accommodations if ` desired. Apply Box 37, Signal -Star. — 46,47 CLER K -TYPIST Huron County Board of Education Written applications will be received by the undersigned up to November 28, 1969, for a clerk -typist for duties in the board office at Clinton, Ontario. Applicants to state age, education, work background and salary expected. A knowledge of payroll or accounting procedures would be an asset. R. B. Dunlop, Business Administrator, Huron County Board of Education, Box 370, Clinton, Ontario. 46,47 Here's your key to a big income. Mail today. THE W. T. RAWLEIGH COMPANY LIMITED 4005 Richelieu St. (Dept. J-K-L-216-HY)" Gentlemen: I am interested in the World Famous Rawleigh Line on a ( ) part-time basis ( ) full-time basis. ' Please send me FREE catalogue with full details. • Name Address City . 45 Of11$1/00„.WANTED flrf EXPERIENCED barber, full or. part,tinie, OFR barber ehop Phone 482.34.11 Ext, 330. — 47, 14, SERVICES A' !'RILE. SALESMEN $125.0Q PER WEEK .�. GUARANTEED - ALL businessmen including a farmers MUST file- an Incon1e Tax return yearly! This means that EVERYONE is a prospect for our -bookkeeping and Income Tax preparation* service, which we sell on an ANNUAL FEE, money back guarantee basis. Neither format education, age, or previous experience is a determining factor in being successful. We provide fell sales training. `1f you are aggressive, neat, bondable and own your own Car, you should investigate our offer NOW before this protected territory is filled. We will send you in complete confidence a resume of our operation, the earnings and advancements open to you. READ IT THROUGH and then determine if this is the job for YOU. - All replies will be treated in strictest confidence. THE ALLIED TAX SERVICES OF CANADA 373 QUEENS AVENUE, - LONDON 14 47,48,49 s. 10. WANTED (General) LUCY Wants Your d r EGGS She will pay 2c to 5c per dozen above' top market price. She also want's your old hens. Lucy will pay 12c to 15c per pound. She gives a good egg grade. She is an agent for Fischers Hatchery, Ayton, for Canada's best pullets. Won't you let Lucy solve your poultry problems. She will pick up eggs and hens and chickens. CaII her today at 105 BRUSSELS PART TIME dishwasher and waitresses wanted. Good salary. ROOM and board available. Apply Club Grill. ' .khpne.524-8730. — 47 TEXAS OIL COMPANY Wants Man For Goderich Area We need a good man who can_ make short auto trips. We are willing to pay top earnings, up to $15,000 In A Year Plus ° Regular Cash Bonus Our top men in otherparts of Canada draw exceptional earnings. Contact customers around Goderich. Air Mail R. A. Dickerson, Pres., Southwestern Petroleum Corp., Ft. Worth; Tex. 47 FULL OR. PART-TIME WAITRESSES Apply in Person GODERICH RESTAURANT 42 West St. 45tf WANTED TO BUY — Very old house or cottage, must be brick or stone construction, to be removed from existing location. Phone„ London 433-8277. — 47 WANTED — Used Ford or Massey Ferguson tractor with power take off and hydraulic loader. Edward Coal Company, phone 524-8386. 47 COMPLETE household effects or small lots wanted. Call C & E. Furniture, 524r7231. — 42tf WANTED Older furniture, crocks; antique glass, lamps, plus . odds and ends. Phone 482-7878° evenings. — 36tf HAY wanted. Call Belle River 167, collect. — 45-49 11. EMPLOYMENT WANTED WILL do babysitting in my own home. Phone 524-7740. — 47 PROVINCIAL COURT— (Criminal \L„ Division) Part-time clerical position available (full-tinle during summer vacation). Variety of general office duties. Quick, efficient worker essential. Shorthand preferable. For appointment telephone 524-9342. Mr._s Mabie_L,,Gray Clerk of the Court 46,47 Wanted Immediately EXPERIENCED CAR SALESMAN 1 We offer -,- Excellent remuneration Well established dealership All regular benefits Demonstrator Pleasant working conditions PHONE GERRY PARROTT Sales Manager, Goderich Motors Ltd., at 824.7308 or 7309 , - An replies treated in.strict confidence_ ACE RADOad TV ei Frank Wilco; 601''icton :St, .., Goderich, °At, 'Phone 524.7 „IL �- ltf ELECTRIC MOTORS Rewound and Repaired Watson Motor Service 133 Britannia West - 524-6891 LARGE dance band looking for work in . Goderich area. Call 482-7556. --- 47 JIM'S APPLIANCES SERVICING GODERICH 514-11,7483 GEORGE SAGER Upholstering & Repairs 255 Mary Street •Goder-ich, Ontario PHONE 524-6582 38tf HURON . DEAD STOCK REMOVAL CLINTON We pay $5 to $15 for fresh dead or disabled cows or horses. We pick up calves and small pigs as a service to you. Call collect 482-9811 Lic. 169-C-68 5Gtf Stratford Electric Limited REWINDING and REPAIRS To all makes ' of motors, generators, transformers, welders. 24 -Hour Service 136 East Street, Goderich 5244409 44tf FOR your Antenna Sales and Service contact Alvin's TV, 162 Mary Street, phone 524-9089. — 32tf SEWING MACHINE REPAIR For all makes and models of sewing machines. Free pickup and delivery in town. Phone 524-77'56. = 42tf DAILY CAR RENTAL Reasonable Rates McGEE'S Goderich Phone 524-8391 C. & W.. SALVAGE- We ALVAGE-We buy 'and sell scrap metal -- PHONE 524-9514 AND 524--9502 l2tf SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED MODERN EQUIPMENT WORK GUARANTEED Write or Phone Harvey Dale, Clinton PHONE 482-3320 13tf. Highest prices paid for dead stock. Up to $15.00 for cows. Up to $ 20.00 for horses. Call collect 881-3459 Walkerton. GRAF STOCK REMOVAL Walkerton 10tf HAVE your rugs and chairs cleaned by dependable cleaners. Call Superior Maintenance, phone 524-8892, Goderich. — 24tf BENNY BJERG General Contracting 202 Queen St., Clinton -- Phone'482,9372 -,- 25tfn GRAHAM ELECTRIC Complete Electrical Service Residential — Commercial — Indu str.Aa.l 155 Keays Street Phone 524-8670 apoERddH S'IQNA. Tvg.spa,.sovzoom A, BIRTH 'OP . repot CCodario1l dett at of 11n - 1.5f NOTICE to CREDITORS • .,nnr1,••.. , .,..,,_,-- INY■/ y TRE ESTATE QF JANE MICU TYNDA14. . person having cl&'in o against the estate of Jane Michie Tyndall late of RR 5, Goderich,. Ontario, deceased, who died on. or about the 28th day of August, 1969, .are hereby notified to send in to the u -n d ers- gned Personal e resentative of the said �eased dni or before the 6th f—December 1969; _--f a8_- Particulars of their clainns. Immediately after the said date the said Personal Representative will distribute the assets of the said deceased having regard only to claims of which it shall then have notice. Dated at Goderich, Ont. this 10th day of November, 1969. VICTORIA AND GREY TRUST COMPANY, 1 Ontario Street, Stratford. Executor. By Prest and Egener, 33 Montreal Street, Goderich, Ontario, Their Solicitors herein. 46,47,48 ALL persons having claims against the Estate of MARY JANE CURREY, Retired Deaconess, late of the Township of Tuckersmith, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 10th day of October, 1969, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 29th day of November, 1969, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. DATED at Goderich, Ontario, this 31st day of October, 1969. PREST and EGENER, Barristers, etc., 33 Montreal Street, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate." 45,46,47 14. PUBLIC .NOTICE TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS" IN ARREARS OF TAXES COUNTY OF HURON PROVINCE OF ONTARIO TO WIT: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the list of lands to be sold for . arrears of taxes in the County of Huron has been prepared and was published in "The Ontario Gazette' upon the - 6th day of September, 1969. Copies of the lands, for sale for arrears rnlistay,, be of secured in the County Treasurer's office. In default of payment of' taxes as shown on such list on or before Tuesday, December 9th, 1969, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, I shall at the said time in the Court House, Goderich, Ontario, proceed to sell by Public Auction the said lands to pay such arrears, together - with the charges thereon. NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER. GIVEN that if any of the said lands remain unsold,. an adjourned sale will be held on Tuesday, December 16th, 1969, at the same hour and place. • JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk -Treasurer, County of _Huron, Court House, Goderich, Ontario. 37-49 17. BUSINESS NOTICE MEDICAL Massage, Thermo -Therapy anal Ultra -Violet, 118 Anglesea Street, phones, house 524-7617; office 524-6281. W. C. Breckow, Reg. M. • ' 19. LOST AND FOUND LOST — Vicinity Carlow and Benmiller; medium sized male collie` dog, mostly white with brown markings. Answers to Champ. Jim Errington, 'phone 529-7270. — 47 LOST — A dark wine leather covered 'accounts book possibly vicinity of Elgin Ave. stop lights, Sunday, November 9. Finder please leave at Signal -Star, office. 22. TO GIVE AWAY, -A GOOD home wanted for a German dbg, short hair, female. Phone 524-6893. — 47x Goderich, Ontario. , .. A. BIRTHS SCREENED TOP SOIL (stone, grass and root free) LANDSCAPE. WORK (light dozing, levelling, badkfilling, etc.) BACKHOE WORK (excavating, etc.) CEMENT—GRAVEL also for lanes and yards, fill, etc. : LYLE MONTGOMERY Clinton 482-7644 evenings or Clayt's Gulf Service 482-7661 THE REO CROSS IS PEOPLE LIKE YOU HELPING PEOPLE LIKE YOU REUTZ : At St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on November 7, 1969, to Mr. and Mrs, Don Reutz, a daughter, Karen Marie. BRADLEY: At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, ,"ion November 15, 1969, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bradley, Goderich, a son, Michael Shawn. BRIDLE: At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on November 14, 1969, to Mr. and Mrs.*Edward. Bridle, Goderich, a son, Jaime Collin. HUDSON: At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on November 14, 1969, to Mr. and Mrs. George Hudsrin, Goderich, a son, Jeffrey Scott, ticwwkir Irwin 00 11944 Ontario role** 1'41" MWa) are happy to annaunee the►veatlgaie4, L5 11 1 during: birth, of .a eon, Brenton -Jacob, ,at the plot wok. iddl,� Cxener�' '"Sul�)dsiy, �tt�tnber'' '� at�n 11021:444on November 5, 19690. Highway 21 soi*b p ' linty' abrothfor Traex.• -. 47x :30,8trah°9darpthelperr:Ye::: ull Tod, Lon pill, aspa, x4'lved ip4 held tlt�'•eDar';. a �to> .the.. vehicle w966,o Mr. anlMacs. Charl.� , dt� woddyGoderich, a non, Richard es . a ed at $4000oad 25, a Car rkiltenbY Norman The following day, there were • ifFo aecldent&; 3►Be a eourity---- road 12 HAghway $ end one at county :raid . M. at `the'. Intersection of them second concession of Colborne, The first . one invoiyeed tw'o. cars, one driven by ti'arancis, polmage, RE '1, Lon 'esharo and one operated by Alvin Foster, Walkerton. Damage In that accident was estimated at Representative $1,225, Phone $24-6272 or 524.7345 21 5 Wellington St, S., Goderich The second 'mishap Was "a- ` .. single -truck accident resulting in $500 damage to• the vehicle driven by Norman Hamilton, 91 South Street, Goderich. Tuesday, .Remembrance Day, John Burma, RR 2, Clinton, was involved in a single -car accident on Highway 8 west -of county road 27. Damages amounted to $400. A car -truck accident resulting in an approximate total damage of $105 • to the vehicles happened on Highway: 21. just. north of Bayfield. Drivers involved were Edwin Hayden, 28A Anglesea Street, Goderich and Ian - Benedict, RR 2, Sombra. Two accidents Thursday resulted in damages totalling $1,025. . car driven by - Gerald Vanstone, RR 2, Goderich, went off the Goderich Township 4th concession just south of county road 13. Both the driver and his passenger, Ralph Gillis, 160 St. David Street, Goderich, were injured. Damage was listed at $400. A Windsor woman, Matilda Smith, was involved in a single -car accident on Highway 21 north of county road 18. Damage to the car was estimated at $625 „and the driver received injuries. There were three accidents Friday, two single -car mishaps and one involving a car and a truck. Hendrikus Hendricks, RR 3, Goderich, was involved in a single -car accident on county road 25 west of county road 8. Damage was $500. The ether single -car mishap involved Casey Schouten, Sarnia. His vehicle suffered : damages - totalling $200 when it went off Highway 21 north of county road 10. Alan. Emmerson McKim, Lucknow, and Charles Garry Little, RR 1, Seaforth, were the drivers of a car and a truck which collided on Highway 4 east of Clinton. Total damage to both vehicles was $425. There were five accidents on Saturday, November 15, three of them single -car mishaps and two involving parked vehicles. Donald Raymond Ryan, RR 1, Walton, was involved in a single -car accident. The, car suffered damages totalling $575 in the mishap livhich occurred on county road 25 east of Highway 21. A single -truck accident resulting in $500 damage to the vehicle took place on county road 25 east of county road 22. John - Hallam, RR 1, Auburn, was the driver in that incident. Damage totalling $65 was recorded following an accident - on Highway 8 west of county road 27 involving a single car. Lorne Alvin Garrow, Mary Street, Clinton, was the driver. On county road 3 west of county road 31, an unknown vehicle struck a parked vehicle owned by William Gabriel Clark, Varna. Damage to the Clark vehicle was $50. C. BRIEFS WILLIAMS CEMETERY - MEMORIALS " And Inscriptions Stratford -- Ontario Ronald C. McCallum D. IN MEMORIAM McINNIS: In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, John C. McInnis, who passed away November 26, 1965. Days of sadness still come o'er us, Tears of sadness often flow; For we still love you very much, Although you died four years ago. It broke our heats to lose Yo , But you did not go alone; For part of us went with you, The day God called you . home. — Too dearly loved to ever be forgotten by daughter Catherine, son-in-law Victor and grandson Paul. -47x E. CARDS OF THANKS DOAK: We would like to thank our family, relatives and friends for the wonderful; gifts, beautiful flowers and cards -we received for our 25th Wedding Anniversary. — Arnold and Edna Doak. - 47. itiazdtte ANDERSON: We wish to ' express our sincere appreciation to our friends and -neighbors in the Dungannon area for the lovely lamp and address of reminiscence of the old days. That evening with all its good wishes will • always be remembered. — Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Anderson. — 47 HARRISON: I wish to thank my many friends and relatives for flowers, gifts, cards and visits while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. — Percy Harrison. 47x CONNELLY: We would like to express our sincere appreciation' to relatives, friends . and neighbors for their many acts of kindness ' and messages of sympathy during our great loss of a dear husband and father. Our special thanks to Rev. Father Moynahan, Dr. - Wallace, Brindley Transport and Vic and Joan Walden. — Jo Connelly and family. — 47 BOWLER: I wish to express my thanks and appreciation to neighbors ,and friepds for the many acts of kindness during my recent bereavement. Special thanks tb Dr. J. W. Wallace, Fir. N. C. Jackson., Rev. G. L. Royal, Rev. G. G. Russell, nurses and staff, second floor west, Alexandra Hospital, and McCallum Funeral Home. --- Norman Norman Bowler. — 47 BAKER: We wish to 3xpress our sincere thanks to relatives, neighbors and friends for their kindness and words of strength during this time of sorrow in the loss of a dear daughter and daughter-in-law. — The Bakers and the Bylsmas. — 47b BAKER: I would like to- sincerely thank all my relatives, neighbors and friends for their concern and consideration at this tine of grief in the loss of my -dearly beloved wife. — Jim Baker. — 47b. WILSON: The family of the late Joseph H. Wilson would like to express our sincere appreciation to relatives, friends, neighbors, Dr. Leitch, Dr. Flowers, The McCallum Funeral Home and Rev. L. Warr for many aa"ts of kindness and messages of sympathy received in the loss of a dear ' father and husband. — Emma, Vera and Keith, Bill and -.T FISHER: I wish to thank everyone for cards, treats and their kindness while I was in Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Kelly and Dr. F. Newland and all the nurses; also to friends who so kindly offered to help at home. — Aaron Fisher. = 47x CLARK: I would like to express my sincere thanks to all friends - and relatives who remembered me with flowers, gifts and beautiful cards and letters during my illness in Goderich and London Hospitals. Special thanks • to the °wonderful neighbors for all their kind acts which were deeply appreciated. — Jean Clark. — 47 - G.. COMING EVENTS TIGER Dunlop Inn will be serving their Duck Dinners on Sunday, November 16 and 28, from 4Make to 7 .p.m. reservations, ,t, early. Mit. G. -lcaitting, phbrie 524-8601. 48,44,46 G. COMING . EVENTS RUMMAGE Sale, Saturday, November 22, 1969, at the Salvation Army Hall, 1:30 p.m. — 47x MAPLE Leaf Chapter IODE Christmas Pot -Luck " supper meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 2, 1969, at 6:30 p.m., al the Harbourlite Inn. — 47 1RIENDS and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Snyder and ° family are invited to a farewell party in their honor on Friday, November 21, 1969, at 8:30 p.m. at Carlow Hall. Ladies please bring sandwiches; coffee sppplied. — 47 NILE United Church service., Sunday, November 23, at 1:30 47 ST. PE'TER'S CWL Christmaa Fair and Tea will be held in the Parish Hall November 29th from 2 to 5 ' p.m.; 'bake sale, homemade candy, penny ode, faney work, knitting, country 'kitchen' and books.. Everyone welcome: -r- 46,47,48 NCrJ!VEMBER 22nd R.urnlrre Sale, St. George'8 Parish Hall. from 1 p.m. under the ''auii of Social Service Ctrwo. 46,4