HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-11-13, Page 19Trees and shrubs attractive to birds • BY A, R. BUCKLEY There are those who would I1 have us believe that birds are a menace to gtndening and should be destroyed forthwith. These are u.'sually Irate citizens who have just viewed their chewed -up tulips, devastated fruits, crops or useless corn. w Fortunately, these same folk, upon -hearing- the first chirp of an early spring robin, have a complete change of heart and the birds then have no better champions. • When planning your garden st this fall, some thought should be given to planting those versatile trees and shrubs that are attractive to. .birds and yet still fulfil their function as ornamental garden plants. Similarly, when assessing the y merits of hedges, think of recommended types that also produce fruit. There are ° many trees and. shrubs to choose from which have value for ornamentations as well as being able to provide food and cover for our winged friends. The best tree I know of is the Siberian crabapple (Malus baccata), with small fruits that last well into the winter. It commences with a very beautiful floral display in spring, followed by light green leaves during the summer, and then produces its long-lasting fruits. As a kind of added charm, the leaves turn to brilliant scarlet and yellow in the fall. The hackberry (Celtis occidentalis) reaches - its north-west limit in this area where it makes a fine medium-sized shade tree. It is said to attract at least 40 species of birds in September` and October when its fruits are mature. Though a short fruiting season ' detracts somewhat from its value, the white mulberry (Monis alba) has a tremendous following of birds. In eastern Canada they seem to come from miles around to taste these acid ariiryet'dellecta-bre firing in June and July. Bird watchers in, Massachusetts, who have observed 59 species feeding on these trees, . have often stated that if they had to select one fruiting tree to attract birds, they would choose this mulberry..' It does not grow too large, provides excellent shade and makes a worthwhile lawn specimen. One should plant more than a single tree to aid in flower fertilization. The Russian olive (Elaeagnus angustifolia), which is a tree in milder climates, but a large shrub on- the prairies, ,.. s . especially useful for birds as well as a windbreak. All kinds of birds are attracted to the fruit of this shrub in winter. Use it lavishly as a screen, tree or hedge. The wild cherries are more popular with birds than the cultivated kinds. Both the pin cherry (Prunus pensylvanica) and the black cherry (Prunus serotina) may be grown although the latter does make a better tree. Those who want birds, fruits and all summer beauty of foliage,should select the Shubert chokecherry (Prunus virginiana `Shubert') that has purple leaves and black fruits. The European bird cherry JPrunus padus) often called the May Day tree, has the additional attraction of conspicuous white flowers in May. Of the shrubs, the red osier dogwood (Cornus stolonifera) and the gray dogwood (Cornus racemosa) are excellent as bird fare. Both are useful for planting as, informal screens because of their particularly showy red and gray bark in winter. The new • pink coral -dogwood( mus alba 'Sibirlca Pink "Coral') is a shrub with beautiful, soft, coral -colored bark. It is related to the others and could be planted for its fruits. The American elder (Sambucus canadensis) is a vigorous, ; although somewhat coarse shrub and is one that will grow in the shade. It produces heavy clusters of black ,berrie's in late sumr�mer which attract more birds than our finest' cultivated fruits, and is often used to lure birds away from commercial fruit plantings. The red elder (Sambucus pubens) is much • more attractive than the American elder .and is said to be as useful. .The shadbush or service berries (Amelanchiers) are so attractive to birds, particularly orioles and waxwings, that their . ' firs , fruits seldom remain on the trees' longer than a few days after ripening. For summer fare, plant the various types of bush honeysuckles (Lonicera tatarica), for they will cater to all kinds of birdlife. For winter fruits the best and most spectacular shrub is the `common winterberry or, native holly (Ilex verticillata). A colony of these shrubs should be grown together in a corner of the lot where a good peaty soil can be prepared. . They need lots of water and an occasional' dose of sulphur to keep the soil acid. The arrowwood (Viburnum dentatum) seems to be the best of this group of shrubs and may be planted in the shade and under trees. It has white flowers and blue -black fruits. The coral berry . or Indian currant (Sy1nplmrica>lpus-orbiculatus), a - close relative of the snowberry, also likes shade and will entice the grosbeak during early winter. Do not forget too, that one may choose " vines for their attractiveness to birds. The best is the common bittersweet which must be planted in groups of from three to five to get a good crop. ta...r, Zf you need a ground cover on a sandy slope, plant .the bearberry (Arctostaphyllos uva-ursi) for it, too,.will provide food for the birds and no better plant for covering sandy slopes exists. I-f-a-shady..lpcation-.—_ is to be covered, add lots of peat moss and use the partridge berry (Gaultheria procumbens); these appear to attract grouse as well as other birds. Hedges that my be clipped and yet will remain fruitful are the cherry prinsepia (Prinsepia sinensis) and the pekin cotoneaster (Cotoneaster- acutifplia). Better results would, of course, be obtained by planting a large informal hedge or screen of different types of fruiting shrubs. With these plants for a feeding station one could plan a real garden that would not only be restful and beautiful but would need little maintenance and be strictly for the birds. GODERICIU SIONALPSTAA,'' . UR$DAY,.tVitOo OBER• 1St exaco home team prase new hot water servi An oil -powered Texaco water heater provides more hot water faster than any other comparable type of urtit Four times faster than gas and eight times faster than electricity. And it costs you Tess. Oil is simply the most economical way to heat et, cold water. ASO -gallon Texaco water heater will heat 115 gallons of hot water per hour.. ft'athe best kind of hot water service. It's yours for just pennies a day. 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