HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-11-13, Page 12GQAERIGH,SIGNAI.-STAR, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1969 West Wawanosh Council No change aids Lucknow arena fund in local `'The regular session of West Wawanosh Council for November was held at the clerk's home on Tuesday evening, November 4, with all members in attendance. The minutes of the October session anda special meeting, October 18, were read and adopted on motion of Councillors Rutherford and McDonald. A lengthy discussion took place regarding the Lucknow Arena financial aid. A motion "That West Wawanosh donate $5,000. towards the cost of the Lucknow Arena, to be paid at the beginning of the new year, if • possible, and therefore try to obtain the 25 percent grant before the end of 1970 was moved and seconded by Councillors McDonald and Foran. Carried. The tenders on the closed portion of the Purdon, MacTavish and Anderson Drains were considered at this time. On motion of Councillors Aitchison and Rutherford the tenders of Gerald Clarke of Arva, for $3,151.00 for the Purdon drain; $786.20 for the MacTavish drain; and $1224.50 for the Anderson Drain were accepted. An application for a tile drainage loan from Walter Elliott was accepted by council on motion of Councillors Foran and McDonald. A motion. by Councillors McDonald and Foran, authorized the signing of an agreement with James R. Aitchison, for • the stream diversion on his property. The road accounts were ordered , paid on . motion- of Councillor McDonald and Foran. GENERAL ACCOUNTS The following , general accounts were passed--- for payment on motion of Councillors Rutherford and Aitchison: Receiver General -. postage stamps - Treasurer, $6.00; Huron County Plowmen's Association - 1969 grant, $25.00; Joan Armstrong - preparing tax statements _-- postage, $119.00; Welfare accounts, $423.27; Ontario Hydro - hall po re`r.$9.75; Jack McGee - mowing in Dungannon, $9.00; Fawcett Metal Products - Rintoul drain culverts, $438.46; Deller's Tile - Rintoul drain, $222.20; S. & S: Drainage Contractors - Rintoul drain, $3,526.00; Dungannon Agricultural Society - 19.69 grant, $50.00; Solomon Greenhouse -, flowers - Elmer Foran, $10.50. ROAD ACCOUNTS a Harvey Culbert - salary, $375.93; G. Humphrey - operator, $370.66; F. Olson Ltd. - loading aad hauling gravel, $2,978.55; C. Nicholson - stripping pit, $108.00; Radford's garage - tire repairs, $32.22; D.R.M. Co. Ltd. - cutting edge and bolts, $37.59; Imperial Oil Ltd. - fuel and tax, $207.90; Grant Chisholm - motor oil, $68.04; Clinton Radiator shop - heater repair, $6.00; George Smyth - cutting and welding, $15.56; Harvey Culbert - telephone tolls, $15.40; Bank of Commerce - C.P2./and income _tax, $95.12; Receiver General - Unemploymeut stamps, $11.20; Thomas Hackett - Chain saw continue to press upon our parts and repairs,_ $55.61; Huron enterprise." County - plowing and dragging, In Ontario, Mr. Gathercole $110.00; Don , Blousher noted, "Power demands have Auburn, cutting grass, $20.00; grown 21 times faster than the Allan McDonald -- digging post holes, $37.00; James Aitchison - fence and stream diversion, $100.00. Council adjourned -to meet December 2, at 1 p.m. at the home of the clerk. hydro rates Recent announcement that Ontario 'Hydro wholesale rates to municipal electrical utilities will rise effective Jahuary 1, 1970; has -brought -some concern - to the local PUC officials - but it will mean no immediate rise in the cost of electrical power in Goderich. At the Goderich Commission's regular meeting Tuesday evening, the six percent average increase" announced by Ontario Hydro was discussed. Membe ere in agreement that this is a1We amount to contend with in the town of Goderich. After consideration of the matter, Chairman George Filsinger, with the concurrence of the commissioners, felt that unless conditions beyond the control of the Goderich PUC occurred in 1970, the Commission will absorb the entire increase. It is anticipated the increased sale of electrical energy during 1970 will assist to offset this additional cost in power. An Ontario Hydro rate increase bad been forecast on several occasions during 1969 by George Gathercole, Ontario Hydro Chairman. He told the annual meeting of municipal utilities in Toronto last spring, "Rising interest rates, material and equipment costs' and higher wages and salaries Ashfield F. of A. banquet -MRS. OLIVER McCHARLES system. Several smaller activities also were mentioned. Financial statement given was encouraging and... plans are underway to carry out projects in 1970. Mr: B. MacNiel of the Walkerton District High School was guest speaker and talked about Conditioning in Education. Up to very recently education followed a' very conditioned program just as we are following in all walks of life. We have certain patterns we follow and this was brought home to us as we did certain things in our meetings, such as toasts, clapping, eating, etc. Mr. Ross Irvin thanked the speaker. The Haskett sisters, Wilma and Itosalee gave several numbers on piano and violin. Messrs. Cameron MacAuley and John C. MacDonald sang to the enjoyment of all present. Mr. -Bob Henry, vice president of the county federation, brought greetings, and Mr. Mike Miller represented the Department' of, Agriculture and Food. Mr. Ralph Cameron gave the remaiks and the adjourned. Ashfield Township Federation of Agriculture, held its banquet meeting on Tuesday November 4 at Dungannon United Church. • The " ladies of the U.C.W. catered to the 100, who attended. Mr. Ross Eedy,. president of the federation, called on Mr. Warren Zinn, who thanked the women who served the meal. Introduction of the head table guests was handled by Grant Farrish. Mrs. Oliver McCharles secretary -treasurer, gave the report of the activities of the federation during the past year. These included, building of steps to the lake from Ashfield Park. The sponsoring of a picnic for all residents of Ashfield, donations to Lucknow and Dungannon Agricultural Societies, a trust fund set aside for awards to grades 7 and 8 Science students in Brookside and Kingsbridge schools, the Farmers' Union having shared in this award Goderich man injured James. Johnston, 54, 160 East • Street, Goderich, was injured early Sunday -Win..1i . was -struck by a car while crossing Highway 4 at Arva. Mr. Johnston is in St. Joseph's Hospital, `London, with a fractured leg. He was listed in good condition Monday. The car that hit him was' northbound at the time of the accident. It was driven by Albert Wright, Clandeboye. Superintendents banq.uetheld_. Huron county road superintendents held their. annual banquet in the Legion Hall recently when approximately ,200 sat down to a hot beef supper served by the Ladies Legion Auxiliary. Harvey Culbert extended a warm welcome to all and Karl Harberer introduced the head table and visiting guests. Reeve Roy Pattison brought greetings from the county in the Warden's absence and also spoke on behalf of the reeves. Bill Routly spoke on behalf of the road superintendents and. Robert Gibson thanked the ladies. Three dor prizes , were donated b ' the following: Fawcett Me als, Waterloo, won by Mrs. Ken McMicheal; B. M. Ross and Associates, Goderich, won by Mrs. Roy Pattison; and Dominion Road Machinery, Goderich, won by Grant Sterling. An hour of lively entertainment 1by Ken Scott rounded prat"the evening. courtesy meeting population." He said, "There are also pressures impinging on us because of rising demands for what are called `environmental restraints.' "We have speni'nearly $40 million in air quality control equipment at our thermal stations and there is no sign that pressure in this direction is going to diminish. In fact, additional millions are earmarked for further capital expenditures in this field:" On the other hand the Chairman noted, "Over the past 20 years the average cost per kilowatt hour for residential customers has gone up by only 16.7 percent. In the same time period the consumer price index of goods and services has climbed by 55 percent. "The residential customer of a municipal utility in Ontario pays an average ,of $7.25 a month for his power, a service available to him around the clock. This works out to 24 cents a:day. "The Commission and its • partner municipal utilities are determined to combat the effects of the rising trend in prices, wages and other costs wherever ;pt3ssible, through . efficiencies in operating practices and good marketing policies so retail rate adjustments -will be kept to a minimum. Despite these increases, people of the Province will continue to receive electric energy at rate levels which compare favorably with any other electrical utility on the Continent," he concluded. Kiigsrid' news MRS. A. VAN OSCH Oenhouse held Coffee and donuts were served by the C.W.L. ladies. Wednesday, November 5 there was -.Open House at St. Joseph's School, Kingsbridge, where parents could check up on their children's progress and have private interviews with the teachers. At 8:30 in the evening, a meeting was held of St. Joseph's School . Association. About 45 parents attended. The Association executive reported on the past year's activities. Neil Stapleton, chairman, stressed the point that the association was there for the benefit of the community and any suggestions or problems in connection with school, community matters should be brought to the attention of the association's executive, who are 'always in close contact with the principal of the school. All in attendance took part in discussions on several topics of interest to everyone. Sister- Judith, the ' religious consultant for Huron -Perth Separate School Board was to be guest speaker at this meeting, but illness prevented Sister from being there. Clem Steffler, principal, promised to have Sister Judith come for an evening in the very near future. After a talk by Fr. Cassano who again stressed community spirit and co-operation with full - support from him and his helpers. SPEED QUEEN WASHERS * DRYERS 1 Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riegling on the arrival of a son at the Wingham and District Hospital Saturday, November 8. We have two new "T.V. Stars" in our midst:- Last Tuesday, November 4, Jackie Dalton was a guest on Cartoon House CKNX, and the Friday before, Brent VanOsch was a guest. Other children from the area who have appeared lately are Vince Aubin, Dean and Dana Doherty. Mr. and Mrs. Antone VanOpch and family and Ormond Heffernan, visited in Wal.laceburg Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Heffernan and family. Tommy Van Dupen, son- of Mr. and' Mrs. Theo Van Dupen, returned home last Friday, after a month's stay at the Research Children's Institute, London. Girl Guides A relay game opened the regular Kingsbridge Girl Guides meeting Thursday evening with Lt. Ceaser in charge. Campfire was held by the Bluebirds under the direction of patrol leader Shelley Tigert and second Sandra Dickson. Roll call and inspection was taken by Lt: Sinnett and Lt. MacLennan. Patrol in Council was also held. Capt. Tigert reminded the girls to bring posters of their project on hike next week. The girls then worked on Christmas articles for the bazaar. The meeting closed with Taps. Brooms in brine New brooms soaked in hot salty water and presto! they have a longer life and become really tough - it works like magic. RED CROSS BLOOD CLINIC WED., NOV. 19 Ardh er+tisevent Published By WINDSOR SALT INTERESTED IN PLAYING Interrnediate Hockey? meet atthe arena 12 NOON SUNDAY, NOV. 16 Helpful Hints .. . From Miss Classified Remember to scan the Want Ad Section in The Signal each week. It is the community's market place; it presents a cross section of prices and values; it tells you at a glance what t.lae,errmployment, real estate, automotive and financial situations are in the'Signal-Star area. Don't forget to watch The Signal's Want Ads it's as thrifty a habit as placing a Want Ad!. ' CALL CLASSIFIEb 524-8331 CUTTS Red & White Foodmaster 91 VICTORIA ST. Open Nicely Until 10 p.m. FRESH KILLED CANADA GRADE UTILITY 5 to 7 lb. Avg. ASTING CINE 4 1 BUTT PORK CHOPSia79' HNDSFVOF BEEF � 69' PORK BUTT ROASTS 1b694* LEAN MEATY RINDLE55 SIDE BACON lb. 894 PORK LOINS � 85' BOLOGNA ro.43' Picnic Style Pork Roasts x.59' NEW�YORK SHOULDERSIb.62' ALLrBEEF WIENERS lb69'. SET'S ICE C EAM 1/2 GAL.' 89¢ • AUTOMATIC WASHER - Separate switches provide a choice of 'wash and rinse water temperatures, spin and -agitator speeds. Three -Cycle washing selection for complete flexibility. Nickel Stainless Steel Tub, with a lifetime warranty. ELECTRIC DRYER - Nickel stainless steel drum - Rust -Proof! Chip -Proof! Corrosion -Proof! - with a lifetime warranty. Giant in -a -Door Lint Screen is located in the loading door for ease of cleaning. Three -Cycle Timer. SERVICE ELECTRIC (GODEIUCH) LTD. 30 Victoria$t. N. Dial 524-8581 HEINZ CATSUP 2459' AYLMER CREAM CORN 5§99' AiliVIER PEAS 75i994 HCTPCHOCOLATE 79' GREEN or WAX=BEANS 4e89' BEANS WITH PORK5*9' KING SIZE, TIDE 9.69 ■■low CHICKEN -TURKEY -BEEF - 8 oz. WHITE SWAN — SAVE 32c TOILET TiSSUE-8'9 JAVEX 394 64 oz. — SAVE 15c MORTON. POT PIES 4 Pkgs. sgl SWANSON FRIED CHICKEN TV DINNERS START - 31/2 oz. ORANGE CRYSTALS :'! MARGARINE - BLUE BONNET '„g: 89 69' ea. KURLY KATE GREEN - GARBAGE BAGS lO's 59' GOOD -AIRF SPRAY - 6'/s z. Tin DEODORISE 16i9' IVORY - 24 oz. 6 LIQUID DETERGENT 85' PERSONAL- SIZE IVORY SoA; LADIES PANTY 1HG iE 8 Bars 89 For CASE OF 24 $5.79 CASE "O1 12 $7.99 VALLEY FARM - 2.16. FRENCH FRIES 2e89' McCAINS OR LIBB- FROZEN VEGETABLES 5411 j KRAFT - 32 oz. M�R,A�L MARTINS APPLE JUICE.. T8°z• 3191 KIDOSRNE-D . B 12 oz:r.sEEF 49”O SQUIRREL - 2 Ib. PEANUT . BUTTER 85' QUALITY BRAND - 3 Ib. SKIM MILK POWDER 99` 10c SIZE - CI�000LATE BARS 12isl BAYER ASPIRIN 100's 69' BAN SUPER. DRY 99' SAVE 21c RESDAN 6 oz. Size $1.29 ULTRA BRITE 99' `:AVE 36c ANACIN T100 Oblets MOUTH WASH 14 oz. Sire COLGATE 100 99' ©9t FACELLE 3 PLY - LARGE BOX HOSTESS - 11 oz. , WHIP CASE OF 12 $4.99 CASE OF 24 $4:49 59" Paw 69' FACIAL TISSUES 3M POTATO CHIPS 594 OCEAN SPRAY SOCKEYE SALMON 1 CARNATION E"VAPORA�'ED MILICi:'17cF� CHIOUITA NO. 1 S. A. -W -_150's TOKAY N •. 1 r U.S. NO. 1 N . _ ... "41b. �9 GRAPEFRUIT 1219 BANANAS 216. 29' O�G� 31p):91GRAPES .,