HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-11-13, Page 5cx 4 • ,y . I •* GIQDE° RUUii s1^I^.` • T.n R In this last month I've heard more talk about DIETS than I've ever heard in the last twenty years. Perhaps it is just a fad and will not amount to too much, rbut then again it is a GOOD fad and should be kept alive. I know several people who are quite happy over their weight loss and keep urging their friends to ,try .their method. By the time you find out what it is and decide to try it, someone tells you it is no good — "you'll just You're right, you never .find put on twice as much — twice as time for them, you just have to .fast" — and there you are — fat MAKE time. How do you make and confused. time? You can't — o1( don't, Well, good luck to the `losers' something has° to GIVE;\ and if and I hope you can hold that° 'you can't figure out a way to do line. If you find you're slipping it then you'll have to learn the why don't you take up jogging? hard way. I know a few people who are By that time you'll be old and enjoying it very much. grey — and the old spark plugs The men are the brave ones. are worn out and then you'll They see what it can do for wish you had gotten up enough them and they could care less "if nerve'to go jogging — or playing you snicker when they jog down basketball or badminton or some your street. other fool thing — And don't say Believe it or not — many I didn't WARN you. people would like ,to join them By staying, young with your but they haven't the. nerve — or children you can really enjoy the stamina. life. Give it a chance! I've had a few ladies mention Well, how'd 7 get on that they "just feel like running out trail?' and -jogging right along with the Talk about `doing things you boys — but my husband would like to do, I've certainly done a think I'm off my rocker." Or lot of them since I realized the words to that effect. Well, if you years are slipping away. — And only knew it, the husbands speaking of slipping — I had a wouldn't object at all. sheet of "green board" on the They just hate to see you floor at G.L.T. Barn, that is, losing your girlish figure and if and„ was painting it with a gluey they can°'t admire,.yours, they'll mess of stuff, when .I stepped take a real good look at the next ON the. board to reach a far spot mini skirted miss — OR Mrs. that and- WH-0-0-SH'r Well, you've passes by. never -seen anything like it in the The night classes at GDCI are old time movies — I thought I'd the right place for you joggers break my neck. who are afraid to start. The classes are already underway, but I'll betif ten or fifteen of you called the GDCI office and told them you just had to have some pounds knocked off, they'd set up another night for you — stranger thing's HAVE happened. OneAgirl suggested starting a f "housewives only" cigarette and . suddenly the morning ha§ flown. Yes, I know , you just can't find time to do such things as sports or crafts or any of the dozens of things you"d LIKE to do. First thing you know the years have slipped by and you didn't take that trip or do anything you yearned to do and you'll realize, you never -- NEVER find time for these things, w e Conference held. in Clinton two or three weeks ago, at which we met the Minister of Financial and Commercial Affairs — Mr. H. L. Rowntree and other important people — including our old friend and° former ° Mayor, Ernie Fisher, To make a ,mice long story short — since yokt weren't there — our genial Huron County Warden — Jim Hayter'came forward to thank the minister — and to tell a little joke. One' went over pretty good .— and you know Jim — perhaps as a darned gold ,defenseman on a hockey team against Goderich — but now as & short, big, jolly -man — always laughing. Well, it was a "you probably remember this oldie" about the rooster chasing the hens -Land suddenly Jim must have seen that we ALL did remember — and he started to giggle — then to laugh — and I thought the roof would fall in! I have never in my life heard such a roar and that huge audience just about rolled off their ehairs. I laugh every time •I think of Jimmy Hayter - and he never did get to finish that story! Thank the Lord for people who can make you laugh — especially at any time of the day • or night! • Next Monday Nov. 17, there is a meeting for'the mothers — and fathers of the little guys in Minor Hockey. The ladies are organizing a power supply or booster for the Minor Hockey Groups. Calling it a `Booster' Club will be confusing since we already have a well known `Booster Club' — but the name will come later: These gals — if they are sincere can do great things together and we sure need them. They are young and . good looking and full of vim and vigour - and sugar and SPICE — and we sure wish them LUCK. Don't forget hockey — Sunday nights 'at the Arena Did you notice- that Gertie says she will serve you the best duck dinner you've ever had this and next Sunday? People planning a float are invited to a `Parade' meeting next Monday, November 17,' at the Town Hall. 8 to 8:30 — no' later — we 'want to help you get started. Don't forget to get tickets for' Goderich Little, Theatre zproductions now. The first play `Barnaby' is Nov. , 21 and 22 at It was so stupid — I could just SEE the- craz igure I was cutting — and " areed giggling — and that didn't help, things any. Luckily friend Ruth was near and grabbed me by the shoulders and SLID me off that board! Happily I didn't split anything but my trousers, but I think I group or and they'd have a secret route stretched my operation — Is that possible? Well _ it. was sure for their • jogging. Whatever exciting while it lasted and you're going to do you'd better Ruth and I are still laughing get going before the snow flies, about it. because by the time you get the ' kids dressed in their boots and A n d t al k i n g• about heavy clothing, you'll be pooped LAUGHING = Some of you will again -and just -flop down with remember THAT from the another coffee and another'' ,Ministers' Consumer Protection Safe driving qui Reviewetd by Mrs. G. J Nero boks at . McCleave Goderich Library. Eleven thousand library books , years from a $15-a week are distributed each ' year . roadhouse singer, only to topple throughout Huron County Misr° s - and rise- again -bigger-than -eve, Carolyn Croke, Chief Librarian Some of you will remember of the Huron County Library, the Era of the Big Bands when working with a budget of Sinatra's unique singing style $45,000, selects books from the was born, from the end of the recommendations of local Depression day's until the end of librarians. • These recommenda- World War II. You will see New tions are based on popularity York's Times Square in October and an effort to build up a well of 1944, jammed by, 10,000 rounded collection. teenagers forming a line six TREES AND FORESTS abreast _waiting outside the Paramount Theatre to hear "Frankie" sing. Y6u will know a man defeated by a fickle public that turned their interest from the slow romantic ballad to a new craze of rock 'n roll. You will cheer when he humbly accepts his Oscar. for the Best Supporting Actor in "From Here to Eternity," the beginning of the new GDCI Auditorium. 1. The correct following the conditions (b) faulty steerirfg By the way, , have you any distance on a multi -lane freeway. (c) poorly -engin eyed curves. chairs you don't need? Little is one-half that on a two-lane 8. The speed 11 permitting, Theatre can use them at their highway: True. False. -' the defensive- driver 2. One traffic death takes the road ahead is clear place in Canada on an average of of the following distanc every (a) 100 hours; (b) 100 passing another vehicle minutes; (c) 100 seconds. mph? (a) 200 yards (b) 3. Compared to ice at zero yards (c) half a mile. degree, ice pear melting point is 9. Compared to (a) less slippery (b) just as slippery (c) twice as slippery. . 4. A` driver whose license is under suspension is permitted to- akes_ sure. or which s before at 60 400 the drive his car in case of.extr-eme. emergency; True. False. 5. Courteous drivers stop as close as possible behind the car ahead at red lights to make room for the heavy traffic behind. True. False. • 6: For Best visibility, trn your windshield wipers as soon as a few drops of rain or flakes of snow begin to fall. True. False. „ 7. The most common cause of one -car crack-ups or mystery crashes is (a) speed too high for recognition distance provided white lig1its, amber lights are (a) their 6th annual dance — held just as, effective (b) twice as 'this year at CFB;Clinton. effective. (c) one-half as. Martha. Barn. The Catholic Women's League have their Christmas Fair in their Church Hall, North St., November 29. The ladies have been really/working to make this a real _big dai<y.. That evening the K. of C. have effective. 10. The correct procedure when the motorist hears the siren of am emergency vehicle is to (a) speed up to get out of the way (b) signal the driver of the vehicle to pass (c) pull off to the right and stop_u,r Answers: °(a)-01 :(e.)-6 `.(3)-8, :(e)—L :rile, --9 :aslu l-5 °asle3e v :(5)—g°(q)-Z :asle3--I • Extend -postai services for Christmas season Postmaster General Eric Kierans has announced extended postal services during the Christmas season to expedite the movement of some 300,000,000 extra pieces of mail. To assist customers in the purchase of postage stamps, money orders.._ and • other Christrtias mailing transactions, full 'wicket service will be provided at all post offices for three consecutive Saturdays: Although Quebec has the greatest forested area of any province in Canada, British Columbia has the most timber volume. ° STUDIO Specializing in ... * Weddings ' * Children Single or Group Portraits and Passports 524-8787 '118 St. David Goderich Dec. 6, Dec. 13 and Dec. 20. Lett carrier and parcel post d 'very service will also be rovided as one complete delivery on two Saturdays: Dec. 13 and Dec. 20° This additional service will ensure • earlier delivery of Christmas mail and ° relieve the congestion at the post ' offices. By Stanley M. Jepsen (A. S. Barnes; 155 pages) Reviewed by G. J. McCleave Here is. a complete and authentic story of trees. The author, . Stanley M. Jepsen, shows us the kingdom of trees through the eyes of the naturalist, conservationist and forester. He covers the life cycle of trees from beginning to end, discussing such topics as how a forest is bora, how trees reproduce and how lumber is made. Jepsen ' studied forestry for over fifteen years and has taught forestry and life science in the public schools. He currently holds the position of Chief of Conservation Education in the United States. He introduces trees as old friends in the hope that the- more he-more we know about them the more we will enjoy and respect them. There are over 125 living pictures to enable you to watch such things as seed. being Planted by squirrels and sown by the wind. You will meet' forest creatures that protect trees for their . own survival, and still others that destroy trees so they themselves may live. You will learn how extensively man depends on trees and how these trees 'protect the very soil upon which he lives. You will read about trees 4;600 years old, continuing to live on the outside long after they died on the inside. The combination of this unusual presentation and authoritative information make the book enjoyable as well as educational. ' SINATRA Twentieth Century`Romantic By Arnold Shaw (Holt, Rinehart and Winston; 371 Pages) Reviewed,by G. J. McCleave This is the story of .the two careers of one of the most controversial figures in show business; the rise and fall and rise of Francis Albert Sinatra - the man who had to sing. Arnold Shaw, recognized author (biography of Belafonte). music publisher and composer, aptly portrays Sinatra, who, by sheer determination and guts, rose' to success in four short Book Early For Christmas Staff Parties Guess Who's Coming New Year's Eve? his second climb to success. Shaw uses extensive .facts and. --figures - -cover- -Sinatra's dealings with motion picture studios, recording companies and TV sponsors, exposing the reasons for broken contracts and lawsuits. He reveals the violent escapades of an unending feud with the press by this "unyielding individualist" who insisted on the right to speak his mind, associate with whomever he chose, and lead as unconventional a life as he pleased. Dubbed The Voice, The Swinger, The Pope, The King, Chairman of the Board, and Dictator, of Hollywood, Sinatra's story will appeal to every.adult- reader°- BINGO at LEGION HALL Saturday, November 15 at 8:30 p.m. 15 GAMES — 1.00 The Prize for each regular game will be $12.00 JACKPOT OF $85.00 IN 57 CALLS Sponsored by Branch 109 ROYAL CANADIAN ,LEGION No One Under 16 Permitted To Play &keys ere irn�ir.11siJ ill._ ' . tr n.:as4.u►w'Vnl • me THURS., FRI., SAT. Nov. 13-14-I.5 Thursday at 800 °p.m. ,Only, Fri. and Sat. at 7:30 and 9:30 • SAT. (Nov. 151 MATINEE "SANTA .CLAUS" ALL SEATS 50c SUN., MON., TU ES. Nov. 1647-18 M G M presents the John Fr°ankenheimer- Edward Lewis Production of the fixer Based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by Bernard Malamud. Metrocolor (Adult Entertainment) 1 SHCSWING ONLY at 8:00 P.M. WED., THURS., FRI., SAT. Noy. 19-2041-22 SUPER PANAVISION eMETROCOLOR 1 SHOWING ONLY at 8:00 P:M. ' Coming Next: " "CAN HEIRONYMUS MERKIN EVER FORGET MERCY HUMPPE AND FIND TRUE HAPPINESS? What Is Your Preference? BAY/FIELD ROAD — GODE•RICH FRIDAY & SATURDAY NOVEMBER 14 & 15 DIMENSIONS rifiedIe �a TAKE HOME SHOP Aida 87 KINGSTON STREET Located Beside The Gulf Station At The Five Points For Delivery Call 524-1359 CATERING -DIVISION SPECIAL RTES 14 Book now for Christmas Parties, Office Banquets, Club Meet itgs, Wedding Receptions, etc You Are Most- Likely. To Find TWE COAT YOU WA4r At THE -s. a SHOPPE GO,DERICH It matterflitYr what your preference is in a coat, you are most likely to find it at the Fashion Shoppe. There are tweeds, worsteds, boucles and leathers to name but a few. L'bng, short and in between are yours for the choosing. Untrimmed coats at pleasing prices or you may have one with a.Iu'xurious fir trim. As we said, it matters not what you want, you will find it here. s50°° TO° 517900