HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-11-13, Page 3• • e Rebekah president makes annual visit n.. Tuesday, November 4 the . At 8 p.m. the lodge members President of the Rebekah 'met in the I.O.O.F. hall, with It, the noble grand, Mrs. Edith Craig presiding. Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge, Seaforth, opened lodge. The District Deputy President, Mrs. -Margaret Bowra-, was introduced by Past Noble Grand, Mrs. Grace Fuller; the Assembly President, Mrs. Sarah Laidlaw, by Past District Deputy President, Mrs. Elva Osbaldeston;' and .,the Past Assembly President, Mrs. Martha Patterson, by Past .Noble Grand, Mrs. Helen McPhee. Assembly of Ontario; Mrs. Sarah Laidlaw of Hagersville, paid her official visit to Goderich Rebekah Lodge No. 89. While' in God> rfch, . she was the guest of District Deputy President, -Mrs. Margaret Bowra. From 2 to 5 p.m. Mrs. Ada Fritzley, Wilson Street, opened her home for a delightful tea, when the lodge members had the opportunity, to meet their Assembly President. M 6.30 p.m,,, nearly 100 officers, members .and guests sat down to a delicious turkey dinner in St. George's Church Hall. Guests were welcomed by Noble Grand, Mrs. Edith Craig, and Vice -Grand, Mrs. Della McGee. Special guests included AasembLy President,' Mrs. Sarah Laidlaw; Past Assembly President, Mrs. Martha Patterson; and members of Seaforth and Hensall. Rebekah Lodges. During the meeting the Seaforth lodge presented a pageant. Lodge was closed by Amber Rebekah lodge, Hensall, after which one of their members gave al, reading. A dainty lunch was served by the committee under the convenership of Mrs. Ruth Hayden. . Goderich WI meeting held;. Achievement The Goderich Branch Women's Institute meeting was held in MacKay Hall' with, 35 ladies present. Mrs. William Porter presided and opened the meeting. Mrs. Robert Bogie presided at the piano until Mrs. Frank Hawkins arrived. • Mrs. Mary Clairmont read the secretary -treasurer's report and the correspondence which included a thank you letter from the Mental Health Association - and an invitation from the C.W.L. to hear Dr. G. P. A. • Evans give a -talk on the drug problem. Mrs. Jean Paterson read a resolution to be presented at the area convention' which will request the Federal Government to ,pnact legislation whereby the • income tax exemption be raised to $2500 for people over '65. Mrs. K. F. Wilkinson was appointed delegate to the area convention in November in St. Thomas. Mrs. E. N. Sitter and Mrs-. • Graham Inglis reported on. the 0 4 w • Day Nov.5 Huron County Rally in Dungannon. There was one birthday this ° month. Achievement Day will be in Auburn, Saturday November 15 at 1.15 p.m. The roll call was answered, by naming a duty of Canadians as world citizens. Mrs. James Thompson,' program .convener, introduced Mrs. Leonard Warr who sang and played her own accompaniment. Mrs. William Craven spoke on Citizenship and Education and told about their Costume and' Boutique Studio on West Street. Mrs. Bert Mills thanked Mrs. Craven. Mrs. Bert. Mills and her committee' served tea and a social hour was enjoyed. During this time Mrs. Porter told about the .Cancer meeting she „ had attended in Clinton. Mrs. Olive Straughan spoke on the establishment -of a homemakers service . for the town of Goderich. It . was Unanimously agreed to support 'this project. • LOCHALSH Mr. and Mrs. Bert Alton and Mrs. Peter Cook accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McCharles to Feversham. Wednesday where they attended District 10 meeting of the Ontario Association of Agriculture Societies. Sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Eldon Bradley in the death of . her father, Walter Brown at Kincardine hospital Thursday. Mrs. Kenneth Elphick was hostess for a tupperware party Monday evening. Miss Florence MacLennan has gone to Palmerston to work. Several from " the ' area attended the Ashfield Township Federation of Agriculture banquet at Dungannon Tuesday evening. Mrs: Henry MacKenzie and Mrs. Donald Hamilton are keeping store at Amberly, while Mr. and Mrs. Bob MacKay are holidaying in the South. Duncan Fairish" returned home from hospital on the weekend. This year, over. 75,000 young people in Canada between the ages of '10, and 21 are members of the 4-H club movement. They come from over. 5,800 clubs located across the breadth and depth of the nation. The to "4-H" refers° to Head, Hea� Hands and Health, which are emphasized in club programs and which imply the educational objectives of the movement. oopENK,ii SIGNALS ` R!.THURSDAY, NQ'V fER *3, RE.P.-CaASS, BLOOD CUNl WED.; NOV. 14 tl Advestistalent Publlahed By. DOMINION ROAD MACHINERY CO. LTD. Mrs. Sarah Laidlaw, president of the Rebekah Assembly of Ontario, made her annual visit to the Goderich Rebekah Lodge No. 89 last Tuesday evening. Pictured here are (left to right) Mrs. Margaret Bowra, district deputy president; Mrs. Edith Craig, •Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Ifllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Noble Grand of Goderich Rebekahs; Mrs. Laidlaw; and Mrs. Della McGee, vice.grand'of the Goderich Rebekahs. The event, held in St. George's Anglican Church hall, ,saw over 100 members and guests enjoy a turkey banquet. hats NE D.B. Suits & Sports .Croats ! DEEPTOIE SHIRTS WIDE TIES ! TWEED COATS ! ASK TO SEE s OUR 3 Pe. Co-ordinate Coat and 2 pants DUAL D'ARTAGNAN By Park Row -' Only $9950 Pickett & Campbell Limited Preventive dental CLINTON GODERICH Huron County board of education has given approval to the immediate implementation of a preventive dental program in the board's 31 elementary schools on the understanding that no pressure be exerted upon pupils to participate . in the program. • The children must also have parental consent in order to receive the benefits of the Huron County Health Unit's newest service. µ.Dr. G. P. A. Evans, medical officer of health for Huron, said program approved for elementary schools his department has been unable to secure the services of a public health dentist and a dental hygienist this year. "We certainly want to have the whole cake," Dr. Evans explained, "but we will have to be satisfied with a bit of the cake to start off with." This initial program, to begin this year, will entail painting the teeth of young school children with a special fluoride paste. Dr. Evans said this program can be administered by .registered nurses and although all public Maple Leaf Chapter IODE approves nurse bursary A rainy evening greeted the ,21 members who were present for the Maple- Leaf Chapter IODE November meeting which washeld at the home of Mrs. G. Hays. The standard was present and Mrs. B. Ainslie, regent, presided. Mrs. J. MacKenzie, assistant secretary, read a letter from St. Peter's Catholic Women's League inviting members of the Chapter to attend a special meeting to hear Dr.. G. P. A. Evans speak about drugs. A letter was also read from the • Goderich Recreation Board requesting a :donation for the arena. Two ne'w members, Mrs. D. J. Cochrane and Mrs. B. It. Hey, received their membership pins after .which Mrs. M. Egener, membership convenor, gave a short .talk on membership, parts of the constitution, and what the IODE badge illustrates. This was enlightening.to many of the older members as well as new members. Mrs. J. Coates reported for services at home and abroad and asked that all knitting and sewing be turned in immediately for the bale. .• Mrs. S. Haddon reported for "Echoes." The regent read a report from ENA WEEKLY' SCH ED'ULE FRIDAY PUBLIC SKATING 8:00 P.M. - 10:00 P.M. SUNDAY PUBLIC SKATING 2:00 P.M. - 4:00 P.M. SUNDAY 8:00 P.M. CHHL 'HOCKEY.. _Holmesville Rockets vs. Goderich•Juveniles the Perth -Huron Regional School of Nursing initiating at Stratford with some of the actual training of nurses to be done at the Goderich- Alexandra Marine and General Hospital. The members present , passed their approval to grant a bursary for a student„ nurse from the Goderich area. Mrs. C. Boddy reported for the ways and means committee and stated, that the recent Hallowe'en card . party was enjoyable and successful, due to all the efforts of the members. Mrs. R: .Hughes brought forward the National and Provincial budgets for the coming year for the approval of all present. The December Christmas pot -luck supper .meeting will be held at the Harbourlite Inn. Mrs. a. Breckenridge th,Anked the hostess for her hospitality and _lunch was served by the tea committee. TUESDAY PRE-SCHOOL SKATING . 2:00 P.M. - 3:30 P.M. LIONS ° FREE SKATING, 3:30 P.M. - 5:00 P.M. THURSDAY PRE-SCHOOL SKATING 2:00 P.M. - 3:30 P.M. `LIONS: FREE SKATING 3:30 P.M. -°5:00 P.M. SKATES NOT ALLOWED IN NEW WASHROOMS UNLESS PROTECTED WITH SKATE GUARDS health nurses are qualified to undertake the work, it is expected that an additional staff member will have to be engaged: It will -most likely be the children in Grades 1 to 4 who vpill first participate'. in this program." Dr, Evans said it would- be ideal to work with kindergarten children but added that since "co-operation, and adequate co-operation" is necessary to success it has been decided to begin with students in Grade 1. It is understood the children will apply the special paste themselves under the direct supervision of the nurse in charge. "They think it is great fun," advised Dr. Evans. He said that while he hasn't actually tasted the special paste it "smells like fruit drops" and is supposed' to have "a very agreeable taste." At the same time as the children are applying the special paste t their own teeth, the nurse ves the youngsters .instructio on the best way to brush their teeth, pr"oper diet, etc. Each child receives a new toothbrush in the bargain. , °The procedure should be repeated at least once a year, although some authorities believe it should be done twice a year. - "The frequency has not been fully worked out," noted Dr; Evans. In areas like Goderich where Fluoride is taken everyday through the drinking water, the teeth painting will still take Place as an extra measure of precaution. "In addition, they could use a fluoride toothpaste," concluded Dr: Evans. For Your INSURANCE see or call MacEwan & MacEwan 44 North St — 524-9531 Donald G. MacEwan Peter S. MacEwan REAL ESTATE LISTINGS AND ENQUIRIES INVITED Peter S. MacEwan — Realtor Donald G. MacEwan — Salesman Amoriummise tf Cigarettes thrown from cars - are highly dangerous because of,. inflammable fuels like dead grass along roads. ANEW AT MOWER'S AQUARIUMS Complete Outfits Just add water and fish $26.00 $37.00 5 GAL. — 10 GAL. — COMPLETE NEW PET SUPPLY SECTION FREE Pet Care Booklet DAVE GOWER'S &'GARDEN CENTRE INDUSTRIAL Hamilton Street 524-8761 ATTENTION: FARMERS WE WANT YOUR .(Storage Facilities Available At The Present Time ,Please Enquire) LOCAL DEALERSHIP OPPORTUNITY Here's an opportunity for someone to open a local dealership for Aquacare Water Purifiers — exclusive to this area! The Aquacare Water Purifier has a patented' ultra violet sterilizer and can. help ' solve ever-increasing water pollution problems. The successful applicant) will receive complete factory assistance and wilr be fully acquainted with the product during an extensive company training program. A small investment that will be secured` by stock will be required. If you're interested in a career as a dealer with a dynamic, young Canadian company send your application to: Aquacare Water Purifiers Ltd. Box 216 Station "K" Toronto, Ontario G. HIGHEST PRICES PAID THOM 'SON AND SONS LIMITED Phone 262-2527 Hensall • • BELL LINE: 6y W.W.HA YSOM your telephone manager BE A WINNER' - BETA DONOR You can be a winner — the blood you give at the blood donor clinic next Wednesday could save your own life. The Goderich Lions Club urge you toattend the Blood Donor Clinic being held Wednesday, November '19, at the Knox Church Hall,. East Street, Goderich. The Goderich Lions Club will be giving cash awards. at random during the clinic from 2 to 5 in the afternoon and from 7 to 9 in the evening. Major surgery requires standby bottles cross matched to the needs of the patient whether used or not in Goderich, and is available if the patient has to be transferred to another hospital. a Our local hlood supply must be replenished every 21 -days. b A blood bank 'is maintained in Goderich in case .of accidents and as we all know, we have too many of these, notonly in the bad driving weather but in the summer as well. Canadi of charge can also be proud that blood is available free e patient — not so in many other countries. There is tremendous satisfaction in helping to save a life — remember the life you save may be your own! Bell Canada endorses the Goderich Blood Donor Clinic. 4 L1