HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-11-13, Page 2Gb 2 ;GODERICH SIGNAI.STAR, THURSDAY, NOVF,IdBBft 13, 1969 Missionary froom Biafra to weak of Exeter service •,.. Rev. Gerhard Becker, a • missionary who has recently returned from war-torn Biafra, will be the featured speaker at a Youth Missionary: Rally, to be held on November 15, at •8:60 p.m. at the Exeter Town Hall. Rev. Ozner Henderson, recently appointed District Overseer for the Church of God in this area, will be in charge of the Rally. Mr. Becker began his Missionary activities in 1965 when he and his wife and two children were appointed to the then eastern region of Nigeria to serve their mission as director of Educatipn. Most of their services were rendered against the background of political unrest d Cation which erupted into The Rev. Cecil E. Chapin, born, brought up and educated in the Bible Belt of the southern part of the U,S.A. was at the Church . of God located at ' McKay Hall last weekend. Mr. Chapin served as 9 police judge in Berrien County, Michigan, for four years, during which time he meted out justice with a Law Book and the Bible. He has been • a minister with the Church of God, North America's oldest Pentecostal Church Organization, for the past 23 years. He was recently elected to the high office of Overseer (Bishop) of the Churches of God in Eastern Canada. He has traveled extensively in Europe, the Middle East, and Central America. The purpose of the meeting here in Goderich was to • acquaint the local congregation - • A an agi fullsoale civil war, when the eastern region, in which the Beckers were serving, decided to break away fiom the Federation of Nigeria to become the Republic of Biafra. When war became imminent, most foreign nationals, including Mrs. Becker and the children were evacuated from the troubled area; however, Mr. Becker elected to remain behind to look after mission interests. In the ensuing months, the area became almost completely sealed off from the outside world ' due to the blockade put into effect against Biafra by the Federal Government. As a result of this, • with the relative aspect of the Bible to this twentieth century society. Town donates 4,7OO.75 to cancer unit Goderich donated a total of $4,700.75 to the Huron County Unit, of the Canadian Cancer Society this year,,according to ,figures ' just released by Ken Flett, treasurer of the local unit. The figures were for the period from October 1, 1968 to September 30, 1969. • Campaign receipts for other areas were. as follows: Clinton, $2,842.77; Exeter, $3,923.02; Wingham, $2,223.35 and .;. orth $2,152.78 fora total of $15,832,67. In m e m oriams totaled $4,558.57; special grants $500 and bequests, $1,000. Interdenominational for UNICEF Children from Victoria Street Public School and Robertson Memorial Public School had a fine response to their Hallowe'en appeal for funds for UNICEF. The orange and black boxes contained,, a total of $378.98—$203.52 from Robertson and $175.46 from Victoria. As .usual, only the children who volunteered to he)p•in this carried the UNICEF boxes. Mr. Becker had difficulty getting ip touch with his wife and mission, and for a period of six months, no one outside Biafra knew anything about his condition and whereabouts. This mystery was lifted shortly after Federal troops recaptured the town, -where- Mr.- -Becker - was staying early in 1968. After another five mortths, which were mainly taken up with refugee relief work, Mr. Becker returned W Canada and was reunited with his family towards the e$d of 1968. Mr. Becker's talk will be centred around his experiences during the fourteen months he spent in the combat area. Youth from Goderich, London and other areas will be attending this rally. Everyone is Welcome 'The Bible Today' A common sight in a new community called "Las Hig- ueras," near Concepcion, Chile, is "a paperback New Testa- ment with a 'red, yellow and brown cover, popping up all over 'the place" says a reportRomanin an American Roan Cath- olic magazine. The book is the New Testament in "Popu- lar" Spanish, published by the Bible Societies in Latin Amer- ica and used and distributed by the Roman Catholic Church in the new community which has grown up around a steel mill. Fifteen Bible groups, composed of a dozen people each, have been estab- fished and the members meet regularly for Bible Study. Teenagers also have another community ommity in the parish, and they in turn minister to the younger children, using the same Version Popular New 'Testament. The, whole plan aims to develop and involve the community in the parish. way Obituaries JOHN JOSEPH CONNELLY John Joseph Connelly, 57, Colborne Township, died suddenly November 5 at Alexandra Hospital. A sora of 'Clair las _,Connelly and Elizabeth Decorsey, the deceased was born January 16 in Loean Township, Perth County. He was married October 5, 1938 to Josephine Murphy who survives. Until 1947 he was -a guard at the reform school, at Guelph. He then moved to St. Augustine where he lived until 1952 when he took up farming in Colborne Township. He was a member of . St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church. Survivors include his wife; two sons, Dennis, Colborne Township and Stanley, Goderich; two daughters, Mrs. James (Colleen) McKinley, -Kitchener, and Marlene at home; his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Connelly, Hillside Nursing Home, Stratford; five sisters, Rex Humbard invites you to attend a special TV RALLY STRATFORD FESTIVAL THEATRE Stratford, Ontario MONDAY, NOV.17th 7:45 p.m. -- 2,300 Free Seats — Inspirational Music by. .. Cathedral Quartet Vic Clay Johnnie Hope and an inspirational gospel message by Rev. Rex Humbard FREE ADMISSION KITCHENER CKCO TV Ch. 13 9:45 - 10:45 a.m. WINGHAM CKNX TV Ch..8 10:00 - 110O a.m. Funeral service ,was Saturday, November 8 from St. Peter's Church with Rev. Fr. R. Moynahan officiating. Interment was in St. Peter's Cemetery in Colborne Township. Pallbearers were. :Terrance . Hunter, Clem Steffler, ' Garnet Stright, John Redmond, "Ben Chisholm and Joe O'Brien. Funeral arrangements were by Stiles Funeral Home. JOSEPH HENRY WILSON Mrs. Howard (Agnes) Ishe, Mitchell; Mrs. Joseph (Alice) Regan, Mitchell; Mrs. Patrick (Madeline), Coffield, Detroit; Mrs. James (Anna) Sweeney, Guelph; and Mrs. Laverne (Marie.) Rol'ph, Mitchell; four brothers, Gerald, Hamilton; Thomas, Mitchell; Clarence, Guelph; and Emmett, Toronto; and two grandchildren. Keep up on .. current affairs the easy way Read the Pulitzer Prize winning Christian Science Monitor. Rarely more than 20 pages,. this easy -to - read daily newspaper gives you a complete grasp of national and world affairs. - Plus fashion, sports, busi- ness, and the .arts. Read the newspaper that 91% of Congress reads.• Please send me the Monitor for 1 Year $26 0 6 mps. $13 O 3 mos. $6.50 '"? Check or money order enclosed 0 Bill me name street city - state zip PEI f8 THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR® box 125, Astor Station Boston, Massachusetts 02123 Joseph Henry Wilson, 121 Queen Street, Goderich, died suddenly at his home. Friday,. November. 7. He was 89 years' old. A son - of 'Joseph Bernard Wilson and Elizabeth Bull, he was born October 27, 1880 in Goderich. In 1885 the family Moved to Goderich Township where Mr. Wilson resided until his retirement in 1956. He then moved back to Goderich where he has lived ever since. Survivors include his wife, the former Emma Powell; one daughter, Mrs. Keith (Vera) Miller, RR 2, Bayfield; one son; William J., Huron _ bark; five grandchildren and two sisters, Mrs. H. A. (May) McCreath Goderich and Mrs. Charles�va Muir, London. Funeral service was Monday, November 10 from the McCallum Funeral Home with Rev. Leonard Warr officiating. Interment was in IflaitlAnd Cemetery at Goderich. Pallbearers were Arnold Miller, Bud McCreath, Howard, Fowler, Bill Carruthers, Arlie Lockhart and Cliff Sturdy. Flowerbearers were William Snyder, Orville Powell, Jim Sturdy and Ernest Powell. Relatives and friends attended from Campbellville, Toronto, Milton, London, Brantford and the surrounding area. The figure on the monument at the cenotaph in Court House Park seems to die saluting the Canadian Flag in this photograph taken during Tuesday Remembrance Day service. Many adults present remarked ,on the large number of children who were present and on the behavior of the children during the service. Many of the children may, be seen to the left in the photo. imimununllmillmuunnni1nnunuimipulmmnlmmlimlillpllillmllimlllmillllllunimummimmuunn iniummiummiummlplmnwuu mmininui Rev. Rex Hurnbard at Stratford Nov. 17 MRS. STANLEY LYON • Funeral services for the late Mrs. Stanley Lyon of Blyth were held on Thursday, Nov. 6 from the Tasker Memorial Chapel, with the Rev. W. 0. Mather of Blyth United Church and Rev. C. Heckendorn of Londesboro officiating. Interment was in Blyth Union Cemetery. Mrs. Lyon was in her 69th year. Born in Hullett Township,... Nellie May Manning, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Manning, she spent her entire life in this district. Besides her husband, she is survived by two daughters, Mrs. John (Frances) Balmer, Edmonton and Vera, Montreal, and one sister, Mrs. Joe (Elsie) Shaddick of Hullett Township. Pallbearers were Clare Vincent, Clarence Crawford, Bert Shobbrook, Emerson Heck, Bert Lyon and Bill Cockerline..a Flowerbearers, were nephews, John and Bill Shaddick, Murray Lyon and Harold Kerslake. If -you ask people to name the personality whose show is. carried by the largest number of television stations, they'll probably answer Johnny Carson or Ed Sullivan. In both cases, they'll be wrong. It's Rex Humbard. The Rev. Rex Humbard, evangelist, pastor and self confessed super" salesman has his own ' brand of' that "old time religion" aired on 200 stations in Canada and the United States and • 'viewed by a weekly audience of 18,000,000, people. In doing this, he is realizing a teenage ambition—"To put. God on Main - -Street - where He belongs." The Pastor of the world's largest' Interdenominational church,. who draws a congregation of 8,000 to ' his Cathedral of Tomorrow in Akron, Ohio every Sunday, will be appearing at the Stratford Festival Theatre, on Monday evening, November 17 at 7:45 p.m. His church operates its own Bible team will be at Calvary Baptist television station in Akron and it is there that Rex Humbard produces his television shows before they are shipped across North America. The Little Reck born minister has been taking religion directly into homes ever since he was 13 years old. For it was then that he looked to the radio to sell his evangelist ,'father's revival meetings. When he saw the potential impact ol television, it was to this electronic miracle that Mr. Humbard hitched his spiritual wagon. God isn't dead, he says, it's the organized.. church that is collapsing under the weight, of ritual ceremony so that only ten A team from the Detroit Bible College ' Extension Service Department will appear Sunday evening at Calvary Baptist Church, 2'31 Bayfield Road(Highway 21). The College is - one Of the agencies responsible for some of the fine musical groups currently touring the country. It is also the Alma -Mata of Rev. K. , J. Knight, pastor of Calvary .Baptist Church in Goderich. PastorKnight stated, "Since the service will be mostly music and totally conducted by young people, the youth of the town are encouraged to attend and see that not all young people are protestors. Some of 'our finest are for the established church." The program starts at 7:30 p.m. percent of the population attend church any more. " It is to the 90 percent at home that he beams his message of hope. They won't come, out of their homes on Sunday, so he's gone right in, there after them. The evangelist believes that there are four main problems which face the people of North. America today. 1. Speed , without direction. 2. Thrills with -but happiness. 3. Houses without homes. 4. Religion without Christ. He believes that het can help answer these problems . by putting God on Main Street alongside the peopl:e, through his television shows.. Church of God (PENTECOSTAL) Oldest Pentecostal Denomination in North America Pastor: REV. OMER HENDERSON Friday, 8:00 p.m. Youth Services. SUNDAY SERVICES 10:00 a.m.— SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m. and -7:00 p.m. — CHURCH North and Nelson — MacKay Hall Phone 524-7129 W.E-L-C-O-M-E Corner T. PRYDE and SON MEMORIALS 7 MARKERS & CEMETERY LETTERING CLINTON — EXETER SEAEORTH Goderich District Representative FRANK McILWAIN 524-7861 or 200 Gibbons St. — 524-9465 REG. J. BELL 45 Cambria Road $. — 524-7464 RED CROSS BLOOD CLINIC WED., NOV. 19 " Advertisement Published By SMFARFfR PEN CO. A Division Of Textron Canada Ltd.' SPECIAL YOUTH: SERVICE FEATURING THE Detroit Bible College Musical Gospel Team Sunday 7:3L. Al Calvary Baptist Church 410 SUNAYS!RVICES CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET "A FELLOWSHIP CHURCH,' NEED A RIDE? CALL FOR BUS PICKUP 524-9565 or 524-6445 - "MORALS ,MANAGEMLNT _SI/WO Music by Men's Trio . . SUNDAY SCHOOI FOR ALL AGES -- 10:00 A.M. 11:00 a.m. - MORNING WORSHIP Evening Service —= "Total Family" Hour — 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, 8:00 p.m.— Bible Study PASTOR: REV. KENNETH J. KNIGHT WESLEY MEMORIAL CHURCH THE FREE METHODIST CHURCH Park Street at Victoria H. Ross•Nicholls., Pastor SUNDAY SCHOOL — 10:00 A.M. WORSHIP -y 1 1 :00 A.M. EVENING SERVICE — 7:00 P.M. — All Welcome FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) - MONTREAL STREET near The Square — A WELCOME TO ALL --- 10:00 a.m. — Adult Bible Class and Sunday School For All 11:00 a.m. — Communion Service. "HELPFUL LIFE" Supervised Nursery Minister: Rev. Arthur Maybury, B.A., B.D. ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH. 24th Sunday after Trinity — November 16th 8:30 a.m. — HOLY COMMUNION.. 11:00 a.m. — HOLY COMMUNION AND SERMON. Nursery at 11 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES AT 10 and 11 a.m. Rector: REV. G. G. RUSSELL, B.A., B.D. Organist—Choirmaster—Miss Marion Aldous, A.Mus., Mils. Bac. Knox Presbyterian Church THE REV. G. LOCKHARTTROYAL, B.A., Minister WILLIAM CAMERON, Director of Priase SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16th , 10:00 a.m. — CHURCH SCHOOL 11:00 a.m,-DIVINE WORSHIP Sermoft "THE WAY TO RUIN" (Nursery and Junior Congregation) • 7:.30 p.m. —• Young People's Society. Enter to Worship Depart to"Serve North Street United Church SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16th 1Q:00 a.m. SENIOR SCHOOL. 11:00 a.m. — JUNIOR DEPT. 11:00 a.m. —WORSHIP. REV. J. R. GRANT, B.A., B.D. Calvary United Church; London, Ont. Supervised Nursery —WELCOME— Rev. J. Donald MacDonald, B.Sc:, B.D., Minister Rev. W. J. Maines,•B.A., Assistant Minister Mrs. Eleanor Hetherington, A.C.T.M., Organist and Choir Director Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada CORNER OF ELGIN AND WATERLOO STS. REV. R. CLARK, Pastor SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16th '10:00 a.m, SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. — CHURCH. Guest Speaker: MR. BILL MORRISON -- Worker in the Pacific Garden Mission, Chicago ' will show a special film, entitled OUT OF THE NIGHT " Sunday, November 16 — 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Victoria Street United Church The House of Friendship Rev. Leonard Warr 10;9Q..a.n3.- BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL GRADES. 11:00 a.m. — WORSHIP SERVICE. Sermon: "HOLY WRATH" - 1:30 p.m. — BENMILLER WORSHIP SERVICE AND BIBLE SCHOOL. — W -E -L -C -O -M -E — Mrs. J. Snider Mrs. L. Warr Victoria St. Organist & Choir Director' Benmiller Pianist & Choir.t irector UNITED HOLINESS CHURCH 62 CAMBRIA STREET NORTH SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16th 9:50 a.m.— SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m.— WORSHIP SERVICE 7:00 p.m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE Mid -week Prayer Service Wednesday 8 p.m. "A WELCOME AWAITS YOU" Pastor: REV. C. A. JOHNSON, B.A. PHONE 524-6887 n , The family that prays together .....stays loiether 4 1 4 4 • 4 0' r 4