HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-11-06, Page 17Oettiiiilfkocitiths iiito' BY JANE EMBER All children like to do something for the people they love, and although it seems to be early for thinking of Chrisfinas presents, two little girls who did so, found that they had as much pleasure in preparing their gifts as. -had -the people who received them. Susan , and Christine are sisters who decided that their Christmas presents to the adults jn their family should be Dutch 4 hyacinths in bloom. In mid-September, they went to a local garden supplies dealer who specializes in Dutch bulbs and bought some hyacinth bulbs specially prepared for Christmas flowering. (Bulbs 'bought now 411 will flower later). Anyone unable to locate such bulbs should buy the top sizes of early forcing varieties such as Bismarck and. Ostara — all of them bine, then there's the white L'Innocence and the pinks — Ann Marie, Lay Derby and • • • • • • • • 6 • Pink Pearl; Jan Bos is a pink -red variety and finally, for a violet colored hyacinth, the growers suggest, Honourable Mr. Balfour. The children chose to buy pink, pag-blue. and white varieties in the specially prepared bulbs. The. 'store manager advised them to also buy some' deep pans-,-- -8" --across. - -When they 'reached horde the children .started planting. They put some stones at the bottom of the .pan for drainage and covered the stones with peat moss. The girls used potting* 'soil which theyprepared themselves by mixing equal parts of- good garden soil, sand and peat moss. They filled ,the pans part way with the soil and set five bulbs, so that the noses of the bulbs came nearly level with the top of the pan. Then Susan and Christine filled the pans with more soil to within an inch of the rim and .watered the pans well. The children pit the pans down in the store cupboard in VC, ri bloom for Christmas is child's the• basement because' that was the darkest and coolest part af their home. About once a week they went to look at the pats to check that they weren't getting too dry. Toward the end of November the girls found there were green tips coming out of , the tops of the bulbs; and - following — instructions, -they brought 'the. Pans from the basement up into the living room; Ideally bulbs need a steady 45-50 deg. temperature to make good root growth. It has been found though. that if the basement temperature is too high, or if the bulbs specially prepared for Christmas forcing are not available, hyacinths bought at the beginning of September and put into the bottom of the refrigerator for ten weeks, only need about 3 weeks in a dark place after planting to make good root growth. Then they can1, ae brought into the living room. Children who live in apartments can grow their Christmas gifts by this method, and the gardening centres sell good potting soil for them to plant the bulbs in. Photo by MA LA K, 0.tlawa. • „ Susan and Christine prepare their pots of Dutch hyacinths, ° watering the earth well before putting the bulbs into a dark, cool place to make roots. A method of growing bulbs which is also easy for very young children to follow, is to grow the hyacinths in water. Hyacinth glasses, each of which take one bulb at the top are readily available. A piece of charcoal at the bottom of the glass helps to keep the water sweet, and until root- growth has .started, the water level is kept so that it just touches the base of the hyacinth. Then the water level is allowed to drop to about V2 inch below the bottom of the bulb. Like- the potted bulbs, the hyacinth glass is kept in a cool dark place until the green tip develops and then it is brought into the warmth and treated as the potted hyacinth* are. , Susan and Christine were advised to continue keeping their bulbs in darkness after they, were brought into the living room. "This bringing upstairs is to harden the bulbs to room. temperature," it was explained, "each bulb will need, to be covered with a cardboard cone to make the leaves and flower stem grow longer. Take the one off as soon as the flowers start showing color. You must Play remember that you will probably have to water the pots daily once they are in the dry air of the living room, but never over -water." The girls found that their plants needed further attention when ' the cone had been removed — the pots have to be turned each- day -to-prevent -the- leaves and flowers leaning towards the light. Because Susan and Christine had used the specially prepared hyacinths, their bulbs. made even growth and came into bloom together. There are two tips for people using the early forcing varieties. Hist is that hyacinths can be repotted even -when in full bloom, so if your hyacinths have not come out together, take those that are - at the same flowering stage, and put them together in a clean pot. Be careful not to pack the earth too firmly and avoid breaking the roots. A second suggestion is that you grow each hyacinth in a small pot and at Christmas, either mix them for colors or match them for flowering stages. At Christmas, Susan and Christine gave their gifts. Provided that their Granny and aunts watered the bulbs after the' flowering finished, the children For COLD • WEATHER V GODERICH SIGN4L.STARa :ptivu$DAY, 110V418R, 4,1909 7A •. know that, for years to • come their gifts • would continue to give pleasure planted out in the *garden. WORK COATS GLOVES _RUBBER BOOTS OVERSHOES COVERALLS WORK SOCKS • INDUSTRJAL & GARDEN CENTRE Hamilton Street - 524-8761 Service Station. and Coffee Shop :411 Huron Rd., Goderich 524-5871 tf Photo by MA LA K., Ottawa. Wrapping a pot of hyacinths grown by oneself, takes a lot of care and concentration, and it's good • to have Christine available to give a helpirig hand.. );. • • . _ • . • • •••• - • • • Not just anotherbeautiful body, but a car with brains. Behold the beautiful 1970 Volkswagen Fastback. • With a shapelier new "nape", optional auto- matic transmission and its very own computer. (That's right, a computer.) It's 'the brains behind then, VW -Fastback's fuel injection system. It automatically figures out how much fuel to shoot into the engine. Which automatically boosts performance and cuts down on fuel waste. It also eliminates carburetor problems, be- cause it eliminates the carburetor. What's more, free with every Fastback comes the new VW Diagnosis and Maihtenance System. (It makes Volkswagens last even longer.) So depending on how you look at it, it's a g toss up whether the real beauty of the 1970 Fast- back is on the outside—or on the inside. The Volkswaje' n Fastback Se n. 4 With close to 300 VW dealers across Canada there has to be one close td you I am 1 7. I was not born until after the war. I amable to go to school. I have a buzz -bike. I have parents. 1 have -never gone hungry. I don't know what war is! What is hunger? What is a concentration camp? Whatis a razzia? What is a bomb? What is fear? I know we are free! I knoW \kilo liberated us! I know what they sacrificed ! Thanks a million for our freee,om "WE" FORGET REMEMBER* THEM BY ,WEARING A POPPY Support The House To House Canass, FRIDAY, NOV.: 7 - ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION, BRANCH .109 Invites You To Join Them REMEMBRANCE CHURCH PARADE SERVICE Sunday, November 9 aril a.m. - ST. GEORGE'& ANGLICAN CHURCH, NORTH ST. PARADE FROM LEGION AT 10:30 A.M. All Legion members and veterans are invited to form up at the Legion at 10:30 a.m. — Dress, Beret and Medals — Town Band in attendance. Tuesday,November 11 PARADE AT LEGION HALL — 10:30 A.M. °- DRESS, BERET AND MEDALS — ALL VETERANS INVITED TOWN BAND IN ATTENDANCE CENOTAPH SERVICE — 11:00 A,M.