HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-11-06, Page 144 •I 1oDERICH SIGNAL STAR, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 63969 Ann Landers TODAY!S CHILD BY HELEN ALLEN Tarearit,'TckVam r)Ddicate Eric's mod haircut makes hien look older than his 13 months. This is a fine -boned. boy of English, Scottish and Dutch ancestr. He has blue eyes, light brown hair, medium complexion and an engaging dimple in his right cheek. In good health, he is an active, bouncy child who likes to be on the go. He is walking and -'f%s busy exploring e% erything he can reach. He isn't talking, but obviously understands much of what is said to him. Eric loves animals, having no fear of even the biggest dog. He likes 'people too. though he takes a little time to . be comfortable with strangers. He needs a warm, secure home with parents who are happy to wel`come him on his own merits without concern for background information. To inquire about adopting Eric please .write to Today's Child, Department of Social and Family Services, Parliament Buildings. Toronto 1S2. For general information on adoption ask your' Children's Aid Society. James Richardson 8 Sons Ltd Serving The Feed Dealers of Western Ontario PHONE 524-8388, GODERICH Some complain REAR ANN LAND RS: Frequently you print 'pes from , disgruntled secretaries, housekeepers, salespeople, waitresses and postmen. While going through some old first editions I came across a little gem entitled ' "Rules Of Tlriis Establishment." I hope you will print it for those who think they have something • to complain about, These are House Rules For A Carriage Shop — published in 1880. "Working hours shall be from ?:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. every evening except the Sabbath. On the Sabbath everyone is expected to be in the Lord's House. ' "Employees working here shall dust the furniture, polish their desks and broomsweep the floor daily. •. "All windows must be washed once a week. "Chimneys of oil lamps should be cleaned daily. • "After an employee has been with this firm for five years he shall receive an added payment of five cents per day, provided the firm has prospered in a manner to make it possible. "It is the bounded duty of each employee to put away at least ten per cent of his monthly wages for his declining. years so he will not become a burden upon the charity of his betters. "All employees are expected to be, in bed by 10:00 p.m. except male employees who are entitled 'to one evening a week for courting 'and two evenings a week to pray in the Lord's House." I wonder if any of your readers would like to turn the clock back? — DEAR J: Thanks for ari eye opener. The very next person who makes a nostalgic reference to "the good old days" is going to catch it right in the kisser! DEAR ANN LANDERS: This is for. "Feeling Fine.": I, too, had a "friend" whosecustomary greeting was, "My but you look ' tired ... " or, "Have you been ill, my dear?" It took a while before I realized she was suffering from a serious case of ego damage. Mrs. C is the type who insists on taking people over, and I would not allow it. Frequently, when she called, I had a previous engagement and she resented it. Several months ago at a party, Mrs. C greeted me, as usual, with, "Have you been well? You look drawn." I replied cheerfully — "I feel splendid, but you look ghastly ! Are you all right?" Her face flushed, She mumbled a few incoherent sentences and turned away. I was ashamed of myself for having embarrassed her, but it put an end to her demoralizing greetings once and for all. — AN Southland HORIZONTAL 1 Southern state -8 Southern resort city 13 Altar screen 14 Autumn flower 15 Rubbers 16 Musical instr umen 17 Massachttts cape 18 Raced 20 Glance at 21 Small barrels 23 Serbian town 25 Playing card 26 California city ' 2.8 Speak haltingly 30 High peak 32 Walks 33 Property income 36 Poem 37 Took away fl (legal) 39 Male deer (pl. ) 43 Genus of rodents 44 Funeral notice 46 Go away, cat'. 47 Deeds 49 Iroquoian Indian 51 Cravat 52 City in The Netherlands 54 Bunting 56 Spanish city 57 Granted'® absolution 58 Swiss city 59 Bank employes VERTICAL 1 Capricious 2 American" author ' 3 Southern fruit 4 Legal matters 5 Roman date 6 Hamlets 7 Property items 8 Chart 9 Egyptian goddess • 10 Desert in Chile 11 Threatened 12 Laundry machines 19 Likewise 22 Fish 24 Partners (coll.) EYE FOR AN EYE IN LITTLE ROCK. DEAR EYE: Thanks for your letter and here's . to your continued good health. DEAR ANN LANDERS: tarn the 4 kids who read your column to steer clear of glue and -- LSD. First, it's, kicks, then you need it to escape from the hell it leadslo. Most of the crums who push the stuff aren't dumb enough to use it. Tell your readers that after they're hooked, their minds and bodies are wrecked and it's too late for kicks. — HOUSTON. • DEAR HOUSTON: I have -told them and I hope at least some will listen. Here's the Answer S ?J a aaN a N 3 1 1r a hi 1 5 ''� N 21HS b't31`v', w .i.3 Na "1v'a I 1 asa S1?e ' to O s n w. ail' 5 N • O N 12131 w \V a a w S s 0 1 d w a 5 b 1 S 3 1 N SI3 V N s •e a)1 N x, a O a 3 a 2i O 27 Southern mission shrine 29 Encounters 31 West Pointer 33 Mohammedan month 34 Teach 35 Cuddles 38 Most dreadful 40 Lively 41 One who profits 42 Horses 45 Tenth part "48 Denomination 50 Nobleman 53 Book of Bible (ab.) 55 Unit of wire measurement There's nothing ,more boring than listening to a group of old .sweats... _talking_.. about "The War," unless you yourself hap- pen to be an Old Sweat, as we • old sweats are called. Then, it's fun. This year, I was asked to speak at *two different Re- membrance Day banquets. I was unable to accept either, and was genuinely sorry about that. There's nothing like a• crowd of old sweats lying their heads •off on Remembr- ance Day. Doi't think of it as a brood of middle-aged and elderly men sitting 'around all day. Nov. 11th, "remembering" their "fallen comrades" lugu- briously, Oh, they do that, but it takes place in the morning, at the cenotaph, at 11 a.m., when the guns stopped firing in World War and the stunned survi- vors looked at each other and every man alive could scarcely believe it. And there's nothing lugubri- ous or mournful about the cer- emony. There's a certain pride as the oldsters step out in something resembling their old quick march. There's a poig- nancy as the colors dip and the Last Post sounds. There's a lump in the throat and the odd contorted face, and a few tears In the two minutes' silence. Bat then there's the trium- phant, jaunty sound of Reveil- le. And off they swing, purged"' once more, and ` ready to het down to the serious observance of Remembrance Day. Back at the Legion Hall. ' A few of the smart ones, the timid ones, and the wife -scared ones go home fpr lunch, but most of the old sweats have planned to make a day of it, even though they might need plasma the next morning. I don't mean it's an orgy. Far from it. But it is a shuck- ing off of the daily rut and routine, a once -a -year get-to- gether where you can • retell old stories with -fresh • embroi--- T der -y, api laugh a lot, and re- capture -,N fragmentarily, the feeling that you're 20 again, not 50 or 70. Psychologists, veteran 's wives, and other ' jnon•old sweats may well look down their noses and call the whole thing childish. Of course, it is. But there's a bond there (and it doesn't matter which war you were in), that you can't find anywhere else. It's not nearly ,as childish as university class reunions, at which a lot of middle-aged' peo- ple who never did know each ether very well, get stoned and' maudlin and .nostalgic trying to recapture something they never had. Nor is it as childish as business conventions where a lot of people get drunk and try to capture something they never will have. That's because these men did have something and they retain some part of it, even though it might be 50 year's old or more. Lice, mud, snotty officers and a military system of in-, credible stupidity could not quench them. The only thing that could do that was death. And they licked death. Legion n wires ' day off So they have- something to 9 lie about, and . laugh about and banT4psu1_ab4tiz, anted -- just plain celebrate. Canadian Legion celebra- tion's have nothing quasi -milit- ary about thein. There are no officers and other ranks. There are just legionnaires, whatever 11 their color or creed. There is n4 linking -of arms and . singing old war songs, as you might find in a German veteran's organization. Any- body who tried to sing roIt's A Long Way to TiPPerary" would proably he slung out into the alley. There's only one thing that's -beginning to cast a shadow over it. They're beginning to let the women in on it. This is `going to enrage the ladies of the Legion Auxiliary, hut, girls, why don't you just get a big dinner ready, clear out at 6 p.m., and come back and do the dishes in the morning. • Even if your husband is a little green around the gills next day, and you don't speak to him for two days, I think he'd appreciate it. Taking women to a legion party is like taking your,,,moth- er on your honeymoon. On Remembrance Day, re• member, it's only. once a,year. Give the poor old devil a chance to be 20 again, for a few hours. FOR YOUR FIRE. INSURANCE See or Phone MALCOLM MATHERS GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT. 46 WEST ST. 524-9442 ALLNEW, GODERICH RESTAURANT Steak Hesse and Tavern THIS SPACE RESERVED . FOR YOUR AD - WIN! DOUBLE PASSES TO THE PARK THEATRE BOOKS & STATIONERY Cards For All Occas * Gifts * Books * Stationery Supplies * Records AN DERON'S BOOK CENTRE 33 East St Gbderich Bert Crawford 226 Elgin Ave_ W. BUILDING MIATERiAL GODERICH BUILDING CENTRE d * 5244383 rti'lk`ier aI� Ani PAINT, WALLPAPER * -PAINT * WALLPAPER - * CARPETS * TILE - * LINOLEUM ..Your Complete Home Decorating Centre" McARTH U R and REILLY.LTD. West St. Goderich THIS SPACE. RESERVED FOR YOUR AD . FRIGIDAIRE WESTINGHOUSE * GIBSON * HOOVER Sales and Service GERRY'S APPLIANCES The Square — Goderich ' Now Owned and Operated by Chuck Jewell 1 WORK BOOTS EXCELLENT SELECTION Regular or Safety Toe 14 Different Styles DAVE GOWER'S Industrial & Garden Centre Hamilton St_ 524-8761 Large Selection Of PIANOS and ORGANS 'We offer'more for your $ $ Try Us — We Prove It STRATFORD MUSiC CENTRE LTD. 118 Downie St_, Stratford 271-6322 'FURNITURE UBLE PASSES TO PARK THEATRE M 0 1 The Nanies Of Six Signal-SI!ar Subscrib- ers Are To Be Found In OneC)f These Ads Now Showing WED., THURS., FRI. & SAT. , - Nov. 54-7-8 (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) SAT. (Noy. 8) MATINEE "Christmas That Almost Wasn't" SEE REGULAR AD ON PAGE 5 FOR DATES AND TIMES Now a good salary Opportunity -security for you in a busine55 career .Goderkh • - Business College4 NIGHT SCHSOL - Typing, Bookkeeping, Shorthand (Tues. & Thurs. Evening) '524-8521 524-873232 i LADIES WEAR MEN'S WEAR • Harold Rivers 1 77 Newgate St. For That . CERTAIN• Flair' IN MEN'S WEAR , EARL RAWSON MEN'S WEAR On The'Square, Goderich 1 7' THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD SHOE STORES For -, FASHION RIGHT SHOES Mrs: Lorne Thurlow 91 Brock St. 1 TELEVISION .PHI LIPS PHI LCO Colour - Television S-ALEs and ERVICE 524-9432 R.IVETT'S - TELEVISION — RADIO 34 The Square Goderich TRAVEL SERVICES r Eric Reaburn - RR 5, Goderictl CEO Tuar l Mouse YOU R,:COMPLETE -TRAVEL SERVICE 29 East Street GODERICH 524-8366 THiS SPACE i 4. THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD D. A. KAY & SON Painting and Decorating Contractors Painting, Wallpapering Draperies, Floor Sanding 33 Huron Rd. 482-9542 •4-'". Clinton 4 LADIES WEAR LIMITED Ground Floor Fabric Centre Bedding Luggage Gift sets Fashion poor Dresses Coats Sportswear Accessories The Place To Go Is ROSS SHOES RESERVED RESERVED FOR YOUR AD FOR YOUR AD The Square Goderich For The FINEST in FURNITURE LODGE TH15 SPACE SPROU LE SHOES Furniture West St.— Goderich Be Sore To See Our °b4isptay Of ORIGINAL 01 L PAINTINGS RESERVED FOR YOUR AD Footwear For The Family 524-9174 Kingston St, Goderich CONTEST RULES - Each week the names and addresses of 6 subscribers will appear in the Business Directory. 4' —Look for your name and address in the ads, —Take the Business Directory and suitable identification to the advertiser in whose ad your MUM appeared and —Pick up your passes by Saturdaynight closing. Only Subscribers to the Signal -Sty are eligible. i rfr 4 P I 3 4 5 • 6 7$ 8 •13 9 10 a 12. J 1*j' 15 16 n 1s ti . 19 zo 21 22 23 - 24 25 26 2- 28 zs l33 31 32 3339 35 "Si 1,C•` 37 ! 3!-413 40 ' 41 U. +W 4tS 116 ', 4i7 11113 50 ' ss . s 4, , 56 57 There's nothing ,more boring than listening to a group of old .sweats... _talking_.. about "The War," unless you yourself hap- pen to be an Old Sweat, as we • old sweats are called. Then, it's fun. This year, I was asked to speak at *two different Re- membrance Day banquets. I was unable to accept either, and was genuinely sorry about that. There's nothing like a• crowd of old sweats lying their heads •off on Remembr- ance Day. Doi't think of it as a brood of middle-aged and elderly men sitting 'around all day. Nov. 11th, "remembering" their "fallen comrades" lugu- briously, Oh, they do that, but it takes place in the morning, at the cenotaph, at 11 a.m., when the guns stopped firing in World War and the stunned survi- vors looked at each other and every man alive could scarcely believe it. And there's nothing lugubri- ous or mournful about the cer- emony. There's a certain pride as the oldsters step out in something resembling their old quick march. There's a poig- nancy as the colors dip and the Last Post sounds. There's a lump in the throat and the odd contorted face, and a few tears In the two minutes' silence. Bat then there's the trium- phant, jaunty sound of Reveil- le. And off they swing, purged"' once more, and ` ready to het down to the serious observance of Remembrance Day. Back at the Legion Hall. ' A few of the smart ones, the timid ones, and the wife -scared ones go home fpr lunch, but most of the old sweats have planned to make a day of it, even though they might need plasma the next morning. I don't mean it's an orgy. Far from it. But it is a shuck- ing off of the daily rut and routine, a once -a -year get-to- gether where you can • retell old stories with -fresh • embroi--- T der -y, api laugh a lot, and re- capture -,N fragmentarily, the feeling that you're 20 again, not 50 or 70. Psychologists, veteran 's wives, and other ' jnon•old sweats may well look down their noses and call the whole thing childish. Of course, it is. But there's a bond there (and it doesn't matter which war you were in), that you can't find anywhere else. It's not nearly ,as childish as university class reunions, at which a lot of middle-aged' peo- ple who never did know each ether very well, get stoned and' maudlin and .nostalgic trying to recapture something they never had. Nor is it as childish as business conventions where a lot of people get drunk and try to capture something they never will have. That's because these men did have something and they retain some part of it, even though it might be 50 year's old or more. Lice, mud, snotty officers and a military system of in-, credible stupidity could not quench them. The only thing that could do that was death. And they licked death. Legion n wires ' day off So they have- something to 9 lie about, and . laugh about and banT4psu1_ab4tiz, anted -- just plain celebrate. Canadian Legion celebra- tion's have nothing quasi -milit- ary about thein. There are no officers and other ranks. There are just legionnaires, whatever 11 their color or creed. There is n4 linking -of arms and . singing old war songs, as you might find in a German veteran's organization. Any- body who tried to sing roIt's A Long Way to TiPPerary" would proably he slung out into the alley. There's only one thing that's -beginning to cast a shadow over it. They're beginning to let the women in on it. This is `going to enrage the ladies of the Legion Auxiliary, hut, girls, why don't you just get a big dinner ready, clear out at 6 p.m., and come back and do the dishes in the morning. • Even if your husband is a little green around the gills next day, and you don't speak to him for two days, I think he'd appreciate it. Taking women to a legion party is like taking your,,,moth- er on your honeymoon. On Remembrance Day, re• member, it's only. once a,year. Give the poor old devil a chance to be 20 again, for a few hours. FOR YOUR FIRE. INSURANCE See or Phone MALCOLM MATHERS GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT. 46 WEST ST. 524-9442 ALLNEW, GODERICH RESTAURANT Steak Hesse and Tavern THIS SPACE RESERVED . FOR YOUR AD - WIN! DOUBLE PASSES TO THE PARK THEATRE BOOKS & STATIONERY Cards For All Occas * Gifts * Books * Stationery Supplies * Records AN DERON'S BOOK CENTRE 33 East St Gbderich Bert Crawford 226 Elgin Ave_ W. BUILDING MIATERiAL GODERICH BUILDING CENTRE d * 5244383 rti'lk`ier aI� Ani PAINT, WALLPAPER * -PAINT * WALLPAPER - * CARPETS * TILE - * LINOLEUM ..Your Complete Home Decorating Centre" McARTH U R and REILLY.LTD. West St. Goderich THIS SPACE. RESERVED FOR YOUR AD . FRIGIDAIRE WESTINGHOUSE * GIBSON * HOOVER Sales and Service GERRY'S APPLIANCES The Square — Goderich ' Now Owned and Operated by Chuck Jewell 1 WORK BOOTS EXCELLENT SELECTION Regular or Safety Toe 14 Different Styles DAVE GOWER'S Industrial & Garden Centre Hamilton St_ 524-8761 Large Selection Of PIANOS and ORGANS 'We offer'more for your $ $ Try Us — We Prove It STRATFORD MUSiC CENTRE LTD. 118 Downie St_, Stratford 271-6322 'FURNITURE UBLE PASSES TO PARK THEATRE M 0 1 The Nanies Of Six Signal-SI!ar Subscrib- ers Are To Be Found In OneC)f These Ads Now Showing WED., THURS., FRI. & SAT. , - Nov. 54-7-8 (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) SAT. (Noy. 8) MATINEE "Christmas That Almost Wasn't" SEE REGULAR AD ON PAGE 5 FOR DATES AND TIMES Now a good salary Opportunity -security for you in a busine55 career .Goderkh • - Business College4 NIGHT SCHSOL - Typing, Bookkeeping, Shorthand (Tues. & Thurs. Evening) '524-8521 524-873232 i LADIES WEAR MEN'S WEAR • Harold Rivers 1 77 Newgate St. For That . CERTAIN• Flair' IN MEN'S WEAR , EARL RAWSON MEN'S WEAR On The'Square, Goderich 1 7' THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD SHOE STORES For -, FASHION RIGHT SHOES Mrs: Lorne Thurlow 91 Brock St. 1 TELEVISION .PHI LIPS PHI LCO Colour - Television S-ALEs and ERVICE 524-9432 R.IVETT'S - TELEVISION — RADIO 34 The Square Goderich TRAVEL SERVICES r Eric Reaburn - RR 5, Goderictl CEO Tuar l Mouse YOU R,:COMPLETE -TRAVEL SERVICE 29 East Street GODERICH 524-8366 THiS SPACE i 4. THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD D. A. KAY & SON Painting and Decorating Contractors Painting, Wallpapering Draperies, Floor Sanding 33 Huron Rd. 482-9542 •4-'". Clinton 4 LADIES WEAR LIMITED Ground Floor Fabric Centre Bedding Luggage Gift sets Fashion poor Dresses Coats Sportswear Accessories The Place To Go Is ROSS SHOES RESERVED RESERVED FOR YOUR AD FOR YOUR AD The Square Goderich For The FINEST in FURNITURE LODGE TH15 SPACE SPROU LE SHOES Furniture West St.— Goderich Be Sore To See Our °b4isptay Of ORIGINAL 01 L PAINTINGS RESERVED FOR YOUR AD Footwear For The Family 524-9174 Kingston St, Goderich CONTEST RULES - Each week the names and addresses of 6 subscribers will appear in the Business Directory. 4' —Look for your name and address in the ads, —Take the Business Directory and suitable identification to the advertiser in whose ad your MUM appeared and —Pick up your passes by Saturdaynight closing. Only Subscribers to the Signal -Sty are eligible. i rfr 4 P