HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-11-06, Page 4. ~_ ^ � C , 6, 1969 ` . . Editslint.... fall r 8U'UU print' U = teywere e 8Jre itWould offend no oneytk ere would b m ItttIe , vry`X]K���te^� ~ . . .Benjamin Franklin � - The����� of ������w�� youth The role of tod's youth is becoming more and more lost in the barrage of adverse publicity. Adults are constantly heard to remark on the change in the actions of youth since the days when they themselves were young. We hear much talk of responoibilit of the young to their elders and much talk about the rkJhtsof parents tobe respected etc, etc. But what of 'thn responsibilities of parents t� their children? And what of the responsibilities of the elder citizens to the younger generation? As someone said recently, ''YVith every right there is a responsibility. Just for once \ would like to hear someone demand their responsibilities. - " . It is so true. We -arr too often see the wrong side of the coin. Always expecting our righcs, seldom willing to accept our responsibilities. If any reader is in doubt of what those responsibilities are, perhaps these words, written by an anonymous writer will help clear your thoughts: "A child is a person who is going to carry on what. you have started. He is going to sit where you are sifting. He will' assume control of, your cities, states and nations. He is going to take over your churches, universities and corporations. Ara' your: books omm~BoinQ to be judged, praised ornqndmrnned by him. The fate of humanity is in his hands. "So it might be well to pay him some attention." - from Parliament Hill BY R. E. McKINLEY HURON MP The Partiament of. Canada met on Oct. 22 to close off the first session of the 28th Parliament which began in Sept. 1968: After a lively questiOn period because of many problems built up over the surnrne, recess, Parliament prorogued thetsession.. The official ooeni.g of the secod session took place the following day, Oct. 33L'and the'Members of the House of Commons were summoned to the Senate to listen to the Speech from the, Throne, Opening the second session, of the 28th Parliament. The speech frOrnthe throne was surprisingly short and as -usual did not spell' out in 'very much detail as to any particular legislation that the Government expects to be presenting bbt rather rnentioned,00nne of the problems facing Canada and proposed directions c the Government' feels are nec-�Ary, to, overcome some of these problems. |t was mentioned specifically that the Government intends to lower the voting age to eighteen and would recommend to the Standing. Committee on Privileges and Elections that they uon�derthis measure. This measure was considered by this Committee during. t. last session and these recomrnendations were presented to file Government. Also it was Posed that legislation fbr the Government .of the northern territories would -be brought forward, which would improve the authority of their Councils. The North West Territories and''.the Yukon are still administrated solely by the Federal Government. It was mentioned that the Official Languages Bill passed last session would provide bilingual services in .Government institutions where the population justified it and the spirit of bilingualism will be advanced wherever possible. Reports of recent activities in Quebec seem to indicate that the province may not bewU|ingto participate in this endeavor. At least they appear to shoven unwillingness tp accept English education in their schools to the extent that Ontario has a willingness to provide French education. It seems to me that in order for this program to be successful, it must be a two-way street including all parts of Canada. Many times issues such as this •that involve personal feelings -are often better achieved on their own accord by, willingness _ and oo_operation, than by forceful -legislation. Hovever, it remains to be sen what the Government's legislation. in this regard will do for the advancement mf national unity or. otherwise. The hascontinued to urge that both the public and private sectors of the economy adopt special measures to combat the dangers of inflation. A)|` sectors of the economy are asked to do this voluntarily so that' further fiscal Measures by the{]overnrnent will not be necessary to contain inflation. . The House of„Commons miU be ,called upon to study proposals for tax reform that will endeavor to''distribute the tax burden in a fair manner. A|tho^ h the speech from the throne did not mention it. \ expect this means the initiation of some form of capital gains tax. In' my opinion capital gains tax initiated in Canada must not besd severe that it will no longer leave favorable conditions for h in the groy°t t e nationa| eooncVmy, and there must be special provisions for .those who have spent a lifetime in bui|ding,_up properties or businesses intended xd provide those individuals ,Aizh a satisfactory income upon retirement.- Any capital gains tax should not make &tdo difficult for the transfer of farms pr businesses to other members of the fam\Ty or for that matter' ^ THAT'S LIFE! G, AllacLeod Rao • • THE ST.JOHN APPEAL the Goderich Branch St. John Ambulance thanks the many who have subscribed s,o generously to keep this service i" being for another year. target figure is not solicit door� however, still $1,000 short. We do not march! We do to door! We rely _on Ow the individual, to recognize this vOluntary aid, which ~ handful your need help most. Contributions to the St. John Ambulance Association are accepted at 3 Cobourg Street, Goderich. THE FALL MIGRAT$ON The Fall 'Migration has, begun. Dinner succeeds dinner and cocktails. follow cocktails down the hatch. Goodbyes made too early, merely wither on the vine, so that to maintain your position in the queue, new vines have to be procured at vast expense. What would the LCB0 do without the FalL,Migration? ' Today we have our own travel 'agency and the lure of exotic climes is intensified by chromatic posters which offer an escape from it all. ^^="e"=^""^ ~~~~^~~~-'''----[ by �t walk mobs demanding st phrase books. But this is where the bird warily, for there are phrase books and phrase book.S. It would be of high educational Aralue if Pierre Berton would interview a compiler of ' phrase bOoks so thiat we might see vvhatmariner of man he really is. In the absence of such revelation we can but judge from his choice of has ev er�enjoyed '^'~'-- Most compilers postulate extreme arrogance. care-~"~ . t uu�, but which however only pays 90 per ent of your ransom- PROJECTING ans'"���/G*NEW IMA h`^O�ed ~ RemeNber When ? ? ? Several went Vandals Hallowe'en _ �—holiday � from �. . 'For example: "Give v~ e my horse ' (mule, donkey, yak, bison, camel etc) water"! Nothing about 'an it pleaseth thee.' you notice. Others enviage panic: e.g. "Which way to the exit?" and "Where is the fire escipe?'"and "Must f jump far it?" Then there are the complainers. "I wish to make a complaint." Usually this has become such a common experience for mein host that 'the only person to be surprised by the enormity of (brief cases, the -----'-' yourself. here- is (are) t-~ 'w�btm�po�thobeU gross )�mm�noo." 5S��ARSAGO And then tbo� are the "Victims"; God bless them! "l have had a Guy Brothers. the far-famed on Saturday hunting for it but 'damaged the Lancaster bomber »bocb!"Aod who hasn't? Very useful when presented with the minstrel received a goodnothing further has been �*n»[• on display near Sky Harbor �dou (bill to you)."The w��io mybutb fails to run out."You n*ePhpn last Thursday on the x ' airport. .o�bt'just as well makeup yourmind to take a crash course in . occasion of their visit to A|uq�number o[[deuduand The need for a Victorian p"mgland•Codedch7 neighbors' gathered for a Order Nurse. in Gndedch. was ~=~^~ and of ---' "Draino"large Txoo present at the Goderich ran/ at the home of Xrand discussed` by the Hospital size. This is especially recommended for \u~eU Francewhere the art Society meeting }�Dan ni��-beb,'e their Auxiliaryat their regularof plumbing has stood still since the Romans left in B.C. 96, if l r were Dr. C�\O« and Messrs. dermuu,pfor th�rnew home iu meeting. emember aright. Hamlink. Coats.... Hume, 6"oen,h.' The marriage of • , to jungle or Should you plan excursions ---' of Italy Lu\thevoi�p. Warnock. Miss Thum Thk��uche,oy Helen Linklater to ^- `~ then a military phrase bis `"Raise ,your -Morningstar. MD��. Naftel dancing, is now taking Classes �������ky�� hands!" and "Give me back my wallet (bag,m�� ofo�' and Lane. • • FrAay and Saturday each week Del Ray Baptist Church, ��)`*� 't����lh�y������ ' • The high cost of. living still a: the N�mom' Hall.' Alexandria, 4��mu'October 12 inch zuuou Canada (or Ontario) le ,~e~`="'T^~ -"~~~'r-° government of �om more probably that of Ontario, since it has all the money remains high. as far as it was 10 YE...AGO 26' one sesame, to anyand every eyentuality. "el gobierno de' ' • ,affected in any 'NI. ay by the New., club professional of The 'program ,_`_` citizens' meeting .called to 'u^drhrh Fignre _at. -" Club is .m'Lake Huron -and G a*cuss it on Monday myning. uu_ _ . free- • «u` ` »pu*»- .... a",h""u-m. / money) will pay "=~"-°t"in any event memorise this one. It too About udozen gathered inthe, x^'Donald) department o. lands and forests council chamber but no one in l9G*d\�y��t�\������M�e�����m�a m: "me he hecho dano en las partes." (I am hurt in ' ha` oQ been appointed to direct b'^od when • the second Red upon th' success of memmpny -�' privates). the :`` after a little (���'����—� ��/p �u�wa� 'desultory discussion. the '��'�d in Gude-ch by the federal '-'--Of So now Bon Voyage to you all. We look forward to your happy _ o,eedn2 adjourned. those. ' fisheries, D� J' J. -7lbboox ����od�g���` owe molt, we shall be happy to �����y� X"ndu/' nuthe vintage wbeh\t iscrimson (imported pleuue') pre*nz feeling somewhat Two cases from Goderichand director of the sea lamprey / disgusted. on, from •SITy.th made up the control experiment for the T'S NEW IN ROSES? V Last week a Valuable e motu' ":numbercfpoUvictims federal 'depafisheries "="" "^ boat. ez. ..Loraine. ,-pu, into �._J,nn Cou_uv at the present has advised. m , ' Here are some notes caught Coderich harbor with nsir�.A new creed was presented.m English Rose Society Show this year. The old fashioned shrub roses to anyone else wishing to carry on those ove-euRarp. v. ho upon cornmg The honor of making the first the 23rd General -'- Council - are coming back. 'La Reine . `^ ` of' ' , • sott rich pink with outer petaTilTushed witrriTh-y red;and the clear . -farms , or businesses. In any case, we Will ashore'. was armsted on c�� a 6rCIT'.. pilIne call Over C oderich-r-s -ii--e-W:--- --LTYtitVd -Church. -o-f-eanada- forits------7.7 . .- . , . . - „ have to wait^ for the Government's dud system went to Gavin � Thur� �hmmedhmhats mo pink oygueeu of Denmark. The c umbe, Ritter von Barn m auouu and ��rda/ at �//5 BudV*x^ Green. a p~t�tatexandx �o� the ' the muzouu'punp�uy8ouveo�duDorteurJum�n'' recommendations and act accordingly. 6u� The throne speech also mentioned Vie. Bros. `au`e, .` -/'MmnnHospital. Godedoh OXFAM walk, held iu Pink Supreme a note*o�hy, hybrid tea, while in the richness and variety of Canada's material- x'nvU` Jewitt was May, were p,e�ntrdt»0XF&Mitis hard to beatVera Dalton,Cbuoe\ Iceberg, 25 YEARS ud�d - ^u a capable Canada this week when Mrs.Apricot Nectar Elizabeth Allgold resources and that grain is one of the 'R+d Cross n,ne\pc* I"rudio\o/^cratOz and presented Mary H. po»pa' associated ^th�'outstanding n,flbund and News has vinous red buds h open CO has two Commodities of which reserves have built ^-'--»*c and October ',$, ere with gift i;,,..- Huron County's director of OXFAM' was in rich me i�h purplesemi-double flowers. Itup causing financial h -'d -hip to a good S158'14' (Ounr� at the annual warden's uuuen'u �e,xceUe t parents: Lilac Charm and velvety Gallica. Bicycling is the bestform of �uoounr This' -- is still but it would well with Lilac •many farmers No specific legislation. to .Among �e awards of tn*�. dinner held at Knox C'hurco be helpful in this �'u�rion nas Yesu��`0n��o [un�sr�ud..'exerd�in the �u,}d. according Charm, -d Ballerina.Others de Last � ' ou»r *aud�nonu m ---- other thap it was of the' Niusic are two w �men*� to many prominent physicians. bit* the rosy-magentadf the neatyellow flushed red' i h nu` ou� �zl� ^m~~-.C'Palmer' m�d.�u�l��n`a�������M�n�d��r�l�nf/��Escapade � • concern of the Government and n-�enmr. both mmn�`rfLloyd Holland. Clinton.was the een'they would continue the search,for new it is announced fn,m ^ speaker.T-'`''-registered u and two smallerout�co' for iCanadian grain and endeavor Park. Toronto. that °"° motor pouches of necessities. the to improve intarnatioha|co-operation and `ebuie licenses for 1945 v,411 be bull at the 2&r��� cm,e�� of Ottawa orderly marketing. issued oecau of the Shorthorn Club's e�bthannualpre-mesdent t from of the metal sale was 51'906 mov' A. Culbertasper. Alberta, on his 10-speed code amendments will also, be situation. coupled with remo`� and Dungannon. '.��u'hracing.bike and made a submitted .tO the House of Comrnons that of restrictions by the Dominion A Boston bull tenlor in rotind trip 'to- Vancouver:British --- wouldregulate wire tappingand other Metals controller. `~~^~~' invasions of an i dk/r�l3ri«acY�nd Judges of the costumes s batch. of nine puP��us is lhe 0nxur\p Motor . •=,. �^"b`^ n,pso`t*nuo Church regarded as an vuus�� large would reform the present gpwerning masquerade party were Mrs. number.' • , League -Blue Water 'Cluu has announced that 93 Canadian detention before trial. Bills will also be F. Saunders.J B.�U �' ^ONEvEAn�QQuod�s��u�nho�,���e submitted to make FedVra| Tribunals Mr.Ba�Mre�a�' Canadian .AutomobileJohn �e��omhe' more responsive and to ensure fair The municipal voters'u�ssoelation for their 87 |d Goderich man.was 1944 has been ua�e«and ' presented with a 60-vea' jewelachievements in the field of in expropriation cases'. contains thenames of 2.332 for continuous service in the ~It is expected that the Department of `ute� in part one and 275 :r ln8e9endent Order of 9edem�anSa{ety' Consumer and Corporate' Affairs will �mo.lnthe l�3�t�� ����e�ut__av with its white eye and soft lilac; the semi -double oCLake [omaovith a very distinctive fragrance. Other shrub roses are Chianti with wine -red flowers abundantlyborbeooulaqge vigorous Buguet is a really large rose (8 ft x 10 ft); with masses o[semi-double flat flowers, opening fromperfectly buds. Scarlet Fire is a large flowered single (7 ft x 8 . ft) Constance Spry of neat rounded globukmformundCanterbury,a- , 3 ft open bush with 5 inch blooms. Dame Prudence is shorter growing with small beautifully formed floWers borne continuously throughout the seaion. The Wife of Bath has cupped blooms; pale pink, flushed deeper at the centre. The Knight, With crimson and purple carnation -shaped blooms and dark foliage. THE POOR GET RICHER Hubert H. Humphrey told the AFL,'CIO that "the rich get richer and the rest of you pay for it." There is some discussion as to whether he was correcti!.7 reported; that he did not say: "and the rest pays you for it." In any event the aggregate prices 'of equities have: dropped by $120 billions.. - nOaprirx Won the Pedestrian present legislation dealing with Consumer were 2.339 names in part one Ball afety Citation Award awarded POSTMAN'S KNOCK! credit, packaging and labelling, and «°^= part `~~. identification of fibre content of textile ' gathering at the reception. forKinsmen Club Mondayt at � l0�����n�t�m�' the '� u13 • �to 13. . Meanwhile letters �m New � YorkYork to and motor vehicle safety.'•and Mrs. Ralph�. the Barb«udiue Inn. • They are .�b��* two -days. . .r The House of Commons also expects to newlyweds. in the parish-liall Jerry Good. Chuck Jewell. Stan Connelly. Eric uncner unmrnWpdmes6u/night. Excitement ran high in Alexander. JoeMorrissey,Westfield when Mr 6m* Amedeo Andreini and Ricreported seeing a black bear in Henry. k ht ernbers for tw' years. without a rejected There was large were initiated .-..'^• pedestrianu fatality in the 5,000 ,--,�-- to transfer the postal services to a public ,_. but have several White liapens. This does not necessarily mean that legislation sU| follow, but ;they will cover some of the ~-Government'sideas in these fields. The tense feelings amongst the Members that was evident at the recessing of Parliament at the end of, ,ast July has eased. somewhat,. but there a° very obvious delarrninatibn to give Government proposals very severe scrutiny because no matter how quickly the Opposition Whips forced the Members to pass legislation with&it speaking at the last session, the Government stiti thOught . it necessary to bring in closure legislation by closure at the end of the session. 122md YEAR EST.A111L4400n�"��U���D . 8�8�Gobertril(fltttt11 of^w The County Town Newspaper of kiuron PUBLICATION Published at codench, Ontario every ROIERy G. SEMEN President esti Pelaliskmn JRONALD P. Pl'CE N` -' msmqweN filter EDWARD' J. SY0SWI A Signal-StarpuNisbmg Thursday morning by Limited Subscription Rates S6 uYear - To U.S.A. S7.50 (in advance) Second class mail registration nux dzmr - 0716 � . "Instead of around. on a delayed .call with an option for.. a long bomb when the linebackers blitz?" CHICKEN - SAVE 20cBz• <�� BACKS) ROAZT LAMB � _ ^ ` �A«�� �8n �x " ^` . LEGS -- __ BREASTS <�� � SPRING - BONELESS ° CHEE4 � . . �� «o�°494 xm� 0&° ° 794 �� xu�° 694 0�. 694 • '4 .