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QnlY tat on noW till,TanUarY
15'01. t8' iv e It a trial.
--ewlien Lp.110(1 Of* -
Sale 131118 11U 311%, ,Lotter
Heade and, Earelopo--in fact
0,11 lriaila Of printing.
The ,Nicolsoiras Bank. TUT
(Cheaterea by Parliameat, 1855.) .
Paid up Capital_ ... .... $2,000,000'
Rest Fula, ... . . . ... ..., 1,100,000,
Head °Coe Montreal.
, GE
Manley aavanced to g,00a Farmer's on their
own notes withno oor me
ore ndorsers at 7
per cent pea annum.
Exet,er Branch. '
Open every lawful day from_ 11) a. rn. to 3 p.
ma Saturdays 10 a. tn. to 1 p. m
generalbanking business transacted
CURRENT RATES allowed for 'mon,-
' on Deposit Receipts. Savings 13ank at 3
r cont.
Exeter, Jae. 2S, 'SS. ' Sub elanager
(16x-eter 2‘bocucate,
Is pablished every Thursday Morning,
at the Office,
One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance.
$1.60 if not so paid,
.111.,a-srortisIzze Ro.tes ors ..13.1zplica,-
tro paper discontinued until all arrearages
are paid. A.d.vortisements without specific
directions will he published till forbid and
oharged accordingly. Liberal alscountreade
for trauscient advertisements inserted_ for
long periodo. Every description of JOB
PRINTING turned. out in the finest style,
nd at moderate rates. Cheques, money ord-
ers. 8to. for advertising, subaeaeptions, ote. to
be made payable to
Sanders & Dyer
Church .3)ireetOrY-
Fatt, Iteetor. Sunday Services, 11. a. m
e,nd 7 p. m. Sabbath School, 8 p..m Holy
Communion, ist Sunday of each nionth at
Morning Service. ancl in months of five Sun-
days, after Evening Service of 4th Sunday of
the in onth. Holy Baptism, on and Sunday
of each month at morning service.
Mn'rnOnisT 0ura071--,Teanes-st , Rev. A. L.
Bussoll., Pastor. Sunday Services,10.80 a. m.
awe 6.30 p.m. Sabbath School, 2.30 p.
MAIN ST REET--BArr . McDonagli, Pas-
tor. Sunday Services, 1011' a.m. and 6.30 p.m.
Sabbath 8011001 230 p. 111.
PlIESBYTERTAN UnIJItC11.--.0.0V. W. Martin,
Pastor. Sunaay Services, 11,a. m. and. 6.30 p.
m. Sabbath School, 9.45 a. ra.
A full line of
.ETC., ETC.,
G. iffilEMAN'S OLD SB,
Well furnished Oyster Parlor
in connection,
itESTAIJIll.A.NT a SpeeialtY,
where lunches will be sere.
(Ki. at 1.11 hours.
G. Hyndinan, M. Vincent,
Man. Pr, p
Lotadon Huron cc, Bruoe Railway
,11 51.RINSNLA.NS, Panson's Block
two doors north of Carling Storea
as. SIAIN STREET, ExiaTER, extracts teeth
without pain. Away at Rensall on 1st
Friday; Allsa Craig 031 encl. and. 4th Tuesday.
and. Zurich on last Thursday of each month
k -h- College Dental Surgeons, suceessor to
H. L. Billings. Office over Post Office
Exeter., Ont. A_ safe anaesthetic given for
the palrGess extraction of teeth. Fine Gold
Fillings as required.
lilted teal.
es • and Surgeon. 01-fica and. residence-
orner 'Victoria and Elgin streets, Groderich,
1..1 Residence -Corner Andrew and North
Streets, Exeter, Ontario.
the College of Physicians and Surgeons
On tfirio I Physician, Surgeon and. Aceou.ch-
eur...,.....,shwo 0d,
Member of
.1-/ ▪ College of P.hysicums and Surgeons,.
Ontario; licentiate of the Royal College of
Physicians and Surgeons Edinburgh; lice]) -
tiate of the Faeulty of PhysisianS and Sur-
geons, Glasgow; Fellow of Trinity Medical
college, Toronto. Office -Dr. Cowen's for-
mer residence.
Passenger mime seabie,
Londonalop't 8.1.10 4.25.
Lucan Oros'g 8.47 5.20.
Clandeboye 832 528.
Ceu trails. 9.05 5,45
EXETER 9,16 5.57.
Henson, 9.28 6.09
Rippen 9.34 6,17.
firneefield 9.42 0.26.
OlinrOn 10.00 (3 .15.
Loudesboro' 10.19 7,03.
Myth 10.55 7.12.
Belgrave 10 42 7.27
Wineham 11,00 '(.43. London aarr (0 15 5.45
i h ld Monde, Nov The undersigeed has several first
!P !
alate taeltoal Moore 1111niuteir , Varna for Salle.
33oai nseet rig e
IDEA:vas. Oreditcp..
, -
tete, 92, le tee mown nal) at 8 11 ere, maze fame tee sale oel easy terms, 1 Usborne, on the 9th inst.
utes of preY1011S meeting read mad rkp- flotaery laeatids. Glen, aged 10
eroyed. The follewing rmsince
esointieas Sometime an iudividual repro, Theirso
oes-In West Williams, on
were then carria-Per W, Hoe Sent log himeelf as an agent to tile Saturday evening, November 50h;
kin and T, Fitton that order for pee- Lonisiana Lottery compaey with head- 1892, Davie Thompson, aged 73
merit of Dissett Bros.' neeount granted quarters at Moetreal sent numerous years and 7 months.
T, Armstrong, 'Trustee, on ace. of Gib circulars into the ljnite,d States adver-
bons, eNHar
ale, Mulkorn & Por, of tising the lottery sollenite whiek work. MILLER, -In Ex1
eter, on the 6th
, M.
London, be con firrned.-Per T Fitton ea successfully. TpromoterJessiebeloved wife of r
The pocket -
Miller, aged 63 years. Funeral David
end W Hoskin that the, chairman and. ed about $3.0,000, and then disappear -
Noy. 8th2 ,
W. D. Weekes be a committee n. to eest, The sue ccess this operation has day, , at p
with all the members present. 'Alia J. SPAO1CMAN, Exeter. Mabel, second daughter of Mr. Wm.
a.m. p.m
Winglo. IA 7.05 340
Belgrave 7.24 4.00
Blyth 7.38 4.15
Bondesboro' 7.47 4.25
Clinton 8.07 4.45
Erucefieid. 8.26 5.01
Kippen 8.84 5.12
Hensel). 8.41 6.19
EXETER 8.57 5 57
Centralia 9.09 5.45
Clandeboye 9.18 5.56
Luoan Oro s'g 9.24 6.02
Wheat per bushel . $0.63 to0.65
• Eggs •
Chicken per lb
Ducks "
Turkeys " .
Potatoes per bus .... 50 to 50
Hay per ton 5.00 to 6.00
A. splendid five -months -old. St. Bernard,
the makings of a good watch dog. for sale
cheapapply to HTJGH BROwX, Exeter North
/la. 011, Conveyancer, 1otarY
Office -Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario,.
Money to Loan.
of Supreme Court, Notary Publie, Con-
veyaneer, Commissioner, 8r,c. Money to loan
Office-Fanson's Block, Exeter.
.144 itors, conveyancers, &o.
TT BROWN, Winchelsea.. Licensed Auct-
ioneer for the Counties of 13erth and
141d.d.le8e2(, also for the township aeusborne
eleaes promptly attenaed to and. tarns reason
able.Sales arranged at Post office, Winclielsa
. 35 to 40
, 26 to 27,
565o 57
. 17 to 18
16 & 16
.. 5 to 5
••6 to 8
5i to 6
... 7o 8
quire and revert relative to the US apparently had the effect of indueing Colte-rsie-In Usborne 911 the 15th inst
borne .Assessment • rete returns. -Per others to euter thosaree field, Recent' 1 infant chilkl ofSWilliatil and Harriett
W. Hoskin and W. Treble that the bee- ly the postoffiee department became Jane Cornish, aged'? weeks.
rotary bill M Weeper with nonresident aware of the existence of a firm doing
rates due. -Per Dr. Lutz and W. Tre- business with headquarters at Niagara
ble that refund be made to A.. Rollins Valls, Canada, and pretending to be
for overpaid non resident fees. --Per T. agents of the Louisiana lottery cone -
Fitton and W. Tre,ble, fence, tree and pany. As in the first instanee, 01=1 -
fire committees' reports to be accepted ars were sent through the United Stat -
and committees discharged: -Per W. es mails inviting remittances for tick
Hoskin adjournment-fGRIGG, See'Sa ets. The department today took steps
to nip tens sche,me in the bud by issu-
Poor lEouse. ing an order stopping the payment of
During the summer (camping season) a
tent, between Dashwood and GrandBea.
The finder will be liberally rewarded by
leaving the samo at this melee, or giving in-
formation as to its whereabouts. 3t.
meconseec...nanamsectmuterr Aossitmzexag.
• That desirable dwelling situated on Will-
iam street and. owned by Mr. John Mathe-
son, containing eight commodious rooms.
For further particulars apply at this office.
• Jolla MATHESON Prep,
.• T. ROLLINS, late of Manitoba, Lieens-
aSased. Auctioneer, for the counties of' Etna,
on and Middlesex. Residence: 1 mile south
of Exeter, Ont. Sale Orders by mail or other-
wise proroptly attended to at reasonable
BOSSENBERRY, Hensel' Ontario. Lica
ensed. Auctioneer for the Counties of
Aaron and. Perth. Charges moderate and
satisfaction guaranteed.
T HARDY, Licensed Auctioneer for the
Ade County of Huron. Sales Condueted on
reasonable terms. Farm and Farm Stock a
pedialty. Full atrangoments can be made
at this office.
-RED. W. FA.RNCOMB, Provincial Land
.1.1 Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office,
Liver Post Office, Main street, Exeter, Ont.
rIAIVD MILLER, Veterinary Surgeon,
Graduate of the Ontarict Veterinary
College,Toronto, (Successor to Wm, Sweet,
V, 5) Over 18 years practiee. Offiee and
reSidence One 'block east, of Richard Pickards
store. Opnosito Skating Rink, Exeter, Ont.
The Western Fire Assurance Coin pany,
of Toronto
The Phoenix Fire Insurance Co'y,,,
of London, England
The Alliance Fire Assur.Coapa,
of London., England.
°Mom -Main -street, Exeter, Ont.
An 'upright Piano (Meson At 'Ru• ch) oe
16,0-a1mo8t new. Apply at thin office.
Or to rent. frame, containing eight rooms
and a good brick cellar, situated. on Eliza-
beth street, south of James et. Methodist
church. Hard and soft water on the prem-
ises. Possession given 16th Nov. '92. Apply
to T. DEARING or at this office.
MISOMPrefiCIX001.MS.(1111.211[MIli MONIOn.MMERIP=MM,
The undersigned will keep for service on
Lot 15, Coat, 3r0, Stephen, a thoroughbred
Berkshire Boar.
TERMS, -$1, payable at time of service,
with privelege of returning if necessary.
jes. WILLIS, Prop.
By motion of County Council of alt money orders and the delivery . of
Huron, a vote at the next municipal all registered matter addressed to • the
election, will ilie taken for and against firm through the United States mails.
the, erection and maintainance of a Baseball:roe 1.1393.
Poor House in this county. Would it A radical baseball change in the for
net be advisable that public „meetings mation of the diamond has been pro-
be held in various parts of each, mu- posed. The plan.seems to be ,a feasible
nicipality for the purpose of- hearing one a,nd worthy of consideration. The
She pro e and cons, thereby the more ;suggestion has been made through the
likely to secure an intelligent vote. As, instance of the league magnates.: The
generally, considerable time is spent new scheme is to increase the bases of
in organizing, arid as the time is now the diamond from four to five, thereby
short, I would suggest, that debating making n. larger field area to cover
clubs be stetted in various portions of and changing the shape of the dia.-
each minor munieipality, discuss the mond 50 that of a pentagon or five sid-
questioreand have one club go against ed figure. This would put first base
another club in the discussion. And ten .feet further out than ,it is now
to start the ball rolling I would sug- -place seeond base to the right of its
gest some one cdab at once issue a present location, make third base about
challenge to any club that testy accept where'the' shortstop usually plays ,and
for a frtendly discussion. I am in push the fourth base about ten feetto
formed that Sodom club is willing to the left of the present third base. The
discuss the poor housr question with promoters of .this scheme claim that it
any club, e course the, Sodomites will would increase the batting
in that
advocate the poor house.---Cois. there would not be so manyfoul balls
ancl that the fielding svould of necessity
Situated on the corner of Waterloo and
Wilimain etreets, consisting of three lots, on
which is situated a frame house, stable, a
number of fruit bushes and trees, The loca-
tion is in a splendid part of the village. For
further particulars apply to •
•• Ma. ALFRED 80'WEY
Will orthe late James Aoheson.
James Acheson,who died on the 15th
of last, month'left an estate valued at
$32,000. Hebequerthed to Catharine
Sharp $500; to Thomas and Isabel
Acheson, his nephew and niece, $1,000
each; to George Acheson $1,000; to
Jemnie Whealcrott, a niece, $500; to
Estella Isabella Johnston, a great
niece, $5,000; to Mary Thompson and
Martha Johnston, great niecee, 2500
each; to Mary Mamilten $200, • The
residence of the property, including
No, 40 Maitland street and all personal
and household effects, goes to Cendace
Johnston. it great niece. • The names
of Thomas and Irsabeila Acheson are
that of the worthy proprietor of the
Central Hotel and sister. We con-
gratulate them on their very aceept.
able gift,
We met with quite an aoeilent
fuss ve ese Aketiq qo bogs'
Tim scrottieu prepded a los es type,
vup made e sweep' moss.
Hetleptie qintie fiat Up,
irup so tie dunes try'
Hilt .Vunafl9 onoutip all
A piece os printer's pi.
80rne etetee Atm de nos underetend
gete mystaties of the saepal
Aro vo.t.g drone to raise a furls,
Is a unskago s tnepo'
Ooredospiats eao ties suadeised.
steheu etathittels rekey;
They'll slimes nose 15 16 sheraselyee
gm Male e printer's pi,
PDESOrlal mention. be much livelier. • They also claim
that stealing eases would be easier,
Mr' W' D' Ie
r') spent 'rhanksgivtug and that also the strain upon the ca tch-
Day vielting relatives and friends 111 ; ;
er s serowmg arm would not be SO
Mitchell. Mrs', H. Ks Kihstnall "coil' great as it is under the present condi
peeled him -Mi N l‘feAyoy, of Kw.
eardine, is spening a few days in iONN 11 tests. The new field would not require
any more players to cover it, the see -
and Harry Sanders visit, the shortstop looking out forthird and
ed Mitchond baseman taking care of that base
Dick Creech ,
the guest of Thomas enell,thugnesta--
abeth Juhns, tailoress, left on Tuesday the present third baseman being as.
Mitchell on Friday laet.--Miss Eliz-
signed to fourth base
for Cobourg to accept a situation in
the same establishnaent that Mr James
Griere is eruployed -Mr. A. L. Hand-
ford spent Struday in town. -Mrs. Ed.
win Eraund left yesterday (Wed.) for
'Brantfore w -here- she will join her hos.
band. -Mrs. Dan Dyer who has beeu
visiting her mother and.other relatives
at Walkerton for the past month, at
rived home Wednesday evening accorn
panied by her little nephew, Master
Andy Shannon. -William Morrison, of
Owen Sound, formerly of Exeter, has
just ret timed from a trip to B. C. and
is visiting friends here. -Me • Joseph
Senior aie1 wife left on Wednesday for
Blenheim to attend the weddiug of his
sister Susie, which took place yesterday
(Wed.)--Rer. A. B. Derain, President
of this Denaill Residential Academy and
publisher of the Protestant, of Toronto,
gave us a frieedly call yesterday. --
Miss Bennett, of Orangemlle, is here
visiting her brother, Mr. A. Bennett. -
Er..-eter Grist Brill. •
• A movement is on foot to secure for
Exeter a new grist mill. On Monday
of this week.some of the most energet-
ic of our citizens put their heads to
gether in a projeet to procureVor this
vilhige, that which we have so long
stood in need of, a good local custom
grist mill. The erectthn of this mill
will in no way interfere with the one
to be erected by Messrs. Brown atd
Emery, whese business is largely cone
mercial. The two wills will be just
what this place wants and the trades
will harmonize to a dot. The benefit
Shat must result to Exeter is incalcul-
able. It hkis been truly said by some
that the removal of the foundry was
not one half the loss to the town that
the burning of our grist nuil was. It
begins, however, to look as if the re
novel of the fouudry and the burning
of the mill were after all blessings hi
disguise (to Exeter at any rate), as we
are now almOSt certain of two •grist
mills to replace the one burned, and
we are quite pleasesi with the prospect
of securing a Repairing Foundry,where
repairing can be had at a figure with-
in the reaeh of our manufacturers and
farmers. As it was in the • Verity re-
gime the prices charged for repair
work were so unreasouable that people
wanting repaire were often compelled
to go to St. Marys, London, Staferth
• and other points. What we want is to
attract the people here and to unite
kr' this purpose. No more of those
miserable little local squabbles; no
more North agaiast South and centre
against the two. Let 1101 join hands pf
we went to make a prosperous town of
this. The new mill will, we under
stand, be eesicted in the south end of
She village, thus giving oath end a
mill. Sueely this will suit all parties!
,We have hoard that Mr, Christie's old
livery Stable 10t ivill 'oe the site of the
116W 'mill, The gentlemen who have
taken the matter in hand are to be
congratulated kr their yery commend»
able enterprise. A. stibecription list IS
eirculation, and since leIonday last
, over $1500 haee been contributed,
isind, mud every where. -Mise Mary
IIresdford has returned home after a
'lengthy visit hi Usborne.-Miss Dortha
Rollins is home from London for a few
days. -Our boys W311 honors at the
.ratIte at Mr. P. Bevhan's on Tuesday
night. -The sports here held a match
yesterday (Wed )_The fartnere are
busy leading out grain now that all
out door exercises are stopped.
, Mr, Wm, Morlsels, son of Mmtlileer
Morloce, Esq., of Creditoo, has eold
firirm and is gming to Chi. igo, Yoe
see, it happened in this wise: Some
rime ago William went over to see a
brothel. who resides in Chicago, and
while there fell hi love with one Of
Chicago's fair daughters, and at his
second visit he married her and
brought her over to Crusade, but else
pined. for her native home,and Wieriata
could not see her pine away, n,nd
a good brave husletrul told her that he
would go bacl . and dwell with her and.
her people rn the great city of Chicago
'edding invitations, neatly printed
on short notice at the Anyoceeme office.
TRAIlion--ICENNIADY.-Ikt the R. C.
School House, on Tuesday, Nor. 85h,
by the Rev. Father Brennan, Mr,
Hugh Trainor, to Miss Lizzie Ken
nedy, both of St. MaryS.
CARSONS-FEBiam. -At the residence
of the bride's parents, George street,
St. Marys, on Wednesday, Nov. 95h,
by the Rev. M. P. Campbell,Mr. Sam-
uel Carsons, of Mount Forest, to Miss
Letitia perrin, of St. Marys.
Conneur-Wene. - On Wednesday,
16th inst., at the, Trivitt Memorial
Church. Exeter, by the rector, Rev.
Fred Helling Peet, John Colbett, of
McGillivray t'p ,to Sarah Ann Ward,
of Stephen tp.
M use() -CoraueeT. - On Wednesday,
16th lust., at the Trivitt Memorial
Church, by the rector, Rev. Fred
Belling Fatt, Archibald Munro, to
P/Iary Colbert, both of IVIeGilliyray
PeeEe---Bueisierr -At the residence of
• the bride's parents, Seaforth, on the
9th inst., by the Rev. J. W. Hodgins,
Mr. 'William Piper, to Miss Clara
Burnett both of Seaforth, the former
formerly of Exeter.
Good clean white oats. -.Present prices 26
to 294 cents, Having contracted with a
Liverpool firm for all the meal I can manu-
facture this season. Fariners having oats
to dispose ofshould call at tho Flensall Oat-
meal mills. D. URQUHART
Mr. Wm. Elder and J. McArthur ex-
changed horses last week, the former
receiving a difference. -Mr. Elder has
purchase -4 the lot opposite the Presby-
terian church from A McPherson.
(Too late for last week.)
Our roads are in a pretty bad state
at present with no prospect of Mend
ing.-Mr. Henry Curts, from near Ar-
cane, was visiting his brother Mr. John
Curts, of this place, on Monday --The
apple packers have been busy in these
parts of late. -Mr. Robt Campbell re-
ports having some apples stolen from
his orchard on Thursday night of last
week. -Mrs. Thos. Turnbull is at pres-
ent yisiting her mother in Manchester.
PIPER -BURNETT.-At the residence of
the bride's parents, Seaforth, on the
9511 inst., by the Rev, J. W. Hodgins,
Mr. Henry Piper to Miss Edith. But
nett, both of Sealorth; the former
was at ont . time a resident of Exeter
Thomas Denison has returned from
Caleary and ether parts of the North
west.-Sarrruel Turner lig improving hi
health. He has many Meads and
they will be pleased to learn this. -Mr.
Robert, MeCool and Miss Addie Ann-
etrong were united in matrimony last
Wednesday at the residence of the
bride's parents. Rev. Mr. Newton, of
Bayfield, tied the solemn knot. There
wee a large number pregent and a
great number of wedding testimonials
given. The couple left foi their notth.
ern hotne the same night via London.
(Too late for List week.)
The weather seems to be making up
for that which we had some time ago;
we are having some pretty rough lake
breeze8 every day. The trade in some
perts of the neighborhood are very dis
agreeable.--Thenksgiying Day was
spent by eonie in the wood e as 'usual;
a kw had the satisfaction of bagging
a 'little game while the majority got
nothing eXeept a pair of tired legs
eaelt-The bridge here, which showed
signs Of unSteadinees, was recently
laid over with plank and is now quite
safe, -The singing school list has re-
cOived some additions lately.
What haye we done that we should
have such a spell of disagreeable
weather? Unless it holds up soon
Santa Claus will have to wear his nib-
ber coat Christmas Eve. -The contract
ors on the Grand Bend Cut are drain-
ing the riyer and will have water run-
ning through the new channel this
week . --Thanksgiving Day was cele-
brated here by the sports with a shoot-
ing match. The pigeons were not
very active and what would not fly
were killed with snowballs. -Captain
Colosky, of this place, contemplates a
trip around the world iu search of re-
cruits. -It behoves your correspondent
to make a slight correction of an item
in last week's eeport, viz:a-Our enter-
prising young photographer has not
deserted us not abandoned his business
entirely, but still continues to do bust-
ness in the "wagon factory'' and it is
with much pleasure ansi good wishes
for his success that we announce that
he has seen fit to take an apprentice, a
promising looking young man of
blonde complexion a.nd various other
notable characteristics which we
would not mention had not his exact
designation been forgotten, but if we
remember light his cognomen pertams
sornewhat to things spiritual. Besides
we learn on good amthority that our
artist is going still further and hiss'
laudable spirit of enterprise has ad-
vised him to put in a full stock of mill
inery and since his apprentice is well
acquainted with that business, we are
sanguine of the success of the enter
prise. -The merchants here are doing
a big fall trade. -The Bible Society
will hold a meeting here on Wednes
day evening, 30th inst., when Revs.
Carrier and Moir are to deliver address
es. -Mr. Jacob Messner, 14th con., was
united in the bonds of matrimony, vrith
an estimable young lady of Hibbert
the other day. Take heed boys who
travel east occasionally.
Grand Bend.
The cut at Grand Bend between the
riyer and Lake Huron is nearing com-
pletion. It ia expected that in a few
days the chaeuel of the river will be
diverted into its new bed., and the via -
ter reach Lake Huron in a few minut-
es after passing. the Beed, instead Of
having ,o rum and at a very slow vete
in many pinces, to the mouth some 3.2
miles distant, When the rapids abore
the "cur are dredged, many hundreds
of acres of the most fertile land in Can-
ada will be brought under cultivatioa
The contractors, Messrs. Thos Handford
and A. Robinson, have pushed. the
work with great energy and despatch,
-Mr. John Kennedy returned from the
Michigan hineber woods on Saturday
last. -Miss Begets, of Varna, who spent
pare of last week With her brother 91'
this plan, has returued home. -The
badge over the little creels, in our
lage, is being rebuilt. -Mr, Peter Mus-
ser left ou Friday last for Iiiehigan,
where he intends to spend the winter
-On Saturday last Mr. John English
took unto himself a wife in the person Of
Miss Emma Hawker. They intend to
reside in the house lately oocupied by
Mr. JB. Hodgins, of Parkhill. A hap-
py life to you John. -Mr. aud MraJne.
Baker are at present visiting friends
in the state of Missouri. -Miss Blair
and Miss Sarah spent Thanksgiving in
Velma at a wedding of a friend of the
formen-Mr. Arehie McGregor has
moved uuto his new farm on the 16th
conlately occupied by Mr. W. Mahon-
ey. -Mr. 'Wilfred Lafond has completed
his threshing contracts till clover sea-
son sets ire -The infant child of Mr.
Mobt. McClinchy is very siek at present
and little hopes of recovery are enter-
(From another source.)
Good morning.t'Mr. Editor, alive
again !-Mr. R Cook has returned home
after several weeks hunting at South
River. He fortunately laid a deer. -
Miss Francis Hants is again • in our
midst. -Mn and Mrs. RoesSe attended
the funeral of the latter's mother on
Sunday lase -Mr. Daniel Hang has
taken unto himself a bitter half in the
person or Miss Emma Kraft. -Mr.
Priestly, of Ansa Craig, was visiting
friends hero Saturday- a,nd Sunday. -
A raffle took place on Thursday even
in last at Mr. Gossaman's.-Mr. F.
Wurtz and daughter have returned
after a week's viSit at F. Kibbler's,
Zurich -Rev. Mr. 1<.rupps held quart-
erly meetings at Zurich on Sabbath
last Rev. Sharffe oceupied the pulpit
on Sunday morning -Mr. Miller is
erecting a barn on Mac's street. -Mr.
Hill is sereing a kw weeke at 3. Sald-
on's lutedware store. -It is almost nem
eesary to have a night watch in our
town 09 there are dome light fingered
people in our midsts-I think it vvottld
be a =ye in the right directiOn ff we
ceuld by seine means get Street Inutile
for our town. • Why not take tip a
(Too late for last week.)
The barns and outbuildings of Mr
James,Herbert, 3rd concession J3ier
dulph, together with two large stacks
ot wheat, were consumed by fire me
Sunday night The bare was full at
unthreshed grain and'hay at the time.
'The fire was the work of an incendiary
-A SabbatIi school entertainment
was held ht the school roma of S. Sect-
ion No. 2, Biddulph to day (Thursdays)
Thanksgiving Day. Addresses were
delivered by the Reed. Messrs. WILL
iams and Shaw, of Lucan.
TRIBUTE OF REsolterr.-Prior to the
marriage of Miss Mare- Jane Dickens
to Mr. Aaron Davis, which took place
on the 95h inst., she received the fol-
lowing presentation and address, which
goes to show the very high, esteem hi
which she was held by her numerous
friends and assodates, and her with-
drawal from the several spheres of use-
fulness will be much miesed and re-
4),.retted; but oar wish is that she and
her worthy husband. may live a long,
happy a.nd prosperous life: --Mr and
Mrs. Dickins, silver klliVeS ansi nap.
kin; Lottie Dickens, table cloth; Mr
and Mn. Geo. Hunterlevee shade
lamp; Mr. and Mrs. W. Hodgins, china
tea set; Mr. and Mrs. P. Homier, bed -
roe? set ; Jennie Hunter,china cup ante
saucer; Mr. aud. Mrs John Muster,
clock; R I). Hunter, large oil painting
Mr, and Mrs. Washburn, silver spoons
and butter knife; Mr. and. Mrs. W. J.
Smith, lemonade set and tray; Miss A.
Hodgins, fancy table spread; Will Dar
vis, silver pickle dish and spoon; Witi
Heed:811;1w, fancy toilet set; Jacob
Finkbiner, silver cruet; Miss Alma Is-
aacs, set crystals; Miss Aggie Hunter,
cord basket; Mrs. Hawkshaw, salt ansi
pepper bottles; Rev, H. D. Steele, pray-
er and hymn book; W. E. and C. Stan-
ley, silver cake stand; Miss S. J. Iledgs
ins, table trapkins a,nd bed rpom tools;
G. Hickton, silver butter diet aed emu. -
et; Miss Alla Robinson, table throw;
Miss F. Davis, table cloth and towels;
Mr. McNamara, towels and sideboard
drapes Miss 'Minnie Davis, lemonade
set; Miss Annie Isaacs, table cloth; Mies
Atkinson, cheese dish; W. Culbert, a-
larm clock; Sunday School class, Bible
and the following address:-
niedettpliesstov, ego Int
DEAR liise DIdganes:-We, the members of
your Smulay School class, embrace this op-
portunity tti express to yen in a feeble in an-,
ner the genuine regard. in which ,you ate
held by the pupils over whom, you have 'AO
faithfully presided for a Member of yeses
pest, W'e are glad to know that While 5151'-
eUmOtarie06 not permit you to remain
with us in the 5, S. you, will still,
be residing in this immediate vicitity
and it is our earnest wish that
prosperity may crown your en-
deavore an this world, ana we ieel assured
that, your influence amongst us in the fitt-
ure will be exertea for good as it ever hat
been in the pest. We therefore wish yen to
accept this 31b1e as a small memento of She
esteem in which you aro held by yonr clasa,
and we trust that health, strength and long
life mac be apportiotea to you here 'below
and that you. 0114 WC1 all iiltW continue te
read (Mark ) lea= and inivardly digest tam
vorcb vrbich are aontalited in the Yel maw
this and we are ceilidh to enjdy the bless -
sees thereie lacerate in sloe *etas ana 111
the weed to come, Signed ill behalf of her
Sunday Scheel Cltiee,