HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-10-23, Page 21• Tulips, filemow wyrVUJOA- "Riorm Flowers can't ,wink, But it you look closely at some tulip flowers next SPr1e0 You might find one "giving you the eye" Here is one flower that has quite a history — and a ...flower that actually made history in the realm of lve, money and power. The ttiliP bulbs that you plant in the garden this Fall may be • direct -descendants of the ones that were planted in the secret gardens of Turkish Shieks four ,hundred years ago. The same gardens which were the scenes of great "celebrations" - for the ladies of the court when the fiewers bloomed. • Or, the bulbs might trace their history. back to the tulips that_._An exceptionally striking, Were / love symbols in Peria. 'richly ornamental effect in Perhaps, they are improvements Spring gardens Is achieved from of the bulbs for which fortunes the' feather -edged Parrot tulips. were given • during the The light green foliage of Parrots Tulipomania era in Holland contrast with the bright colors of the flower petals which range from deep maroon (almost black) to red, Pink, yellow, blue and multi -colors. c.) of love • •QOPERICH BIONAIATAR, TH1010DAY, ew decorating i'dens ir class suitable for. Mass plantings exposecl„situatlons., They. arelk. also excellent for indoor forcing. The Triumphs iclude a wide range of colors_ and they-ST3P—at In the garden toward the end bf April.. liarwin Hybrids were first introduced into the country after World War II. The immnse, striking bloonis appear in mid-season, oftenattaining a height of 28. inches. They are a cross between Darwin and Fosteriana tulips and have the largest blossoms in the tulip family: The stately Darwin Hybrids are noted for their many brilliant Shades of red. during the 1600's. At that time, people sold all their worldly possessions for tulip bulbs which represented money and power. VA But it is more likely that you will look to the future when planting tulip bulbs this Fall to the magnificent display of color they will give confirming Winter's end and Spring's arrival. •-Standing tall and stately in the garden, tulips will reign supreme 4, as the "Queen of Spring," as they have for centuries in gardens throughout the world: Whether planted in. solid borders or in clumps throughout the home landscape, • tulips are a sight unequalled. No garden is complete without some pf these original natives of the storybook land ,of the Middle East. Over the past centuries, it was • the bulb growers in Holland who developed the tulip into the,. magnificent garden plant we know today. Through their efforts and hybridizing, from the flowers of ancient • Turkish "bacchanals" there is a garden flower to suit almost everyone's taste in the 23.elses of tulips available today. e Some tulips bloom as early as April; others es late as June. Colors range from purest white Co those almost black, and include hues from red, pink, yellow to • deepest purple in between. Some tulips are striped and multicolored. FlOwers can be oval aliriostare, flit or fringed' There 'ate' tulips that grow six inches tall; others reach perfection at heights of 'almost three feet. • Following are examples from the historic tulip family that can offer color spectacles in the garden next Spring from- bulbs planted this Fall: • The Species tulips, sometimes referred to as ,`botanical" ,or "wild" tulips, include many classes, hybrids and varities. Four of the more familiar classes are Eichleri, Fosteriana, Greigii and Kau fmanniana. • They • produce gaily colored flowers, some on quite short stems, and are the first tulips to bloom — sometimes astearly as the crocus. These tulips are most effective planted in small clumps and are ideal for rock gardens and mixed * borders. Excellent for massing in beds and borders because of their sturdy short stems are Single Early tulips. For combined color and form, the Single Early tulips have decor4ive value beyond • compare. The bold, attractive Double • Early tulipsare highly esteemed by gardeners. They are also • excellent for mass plantings in beds and borders -because of their sturdiness. Triumph tulips produce large blossoms on strong, stiff stems which makes them still another Darwins are the supreme example of the tulip family, ranking first among the favorite Spring -flowering ' bulbs. The height, strength and beauty of Darwin tulips combine to give it so majestic an appearance that no garden should be without some. Their rich shade S and. colors produce an imposing effect wherever they are seen. The • late or May -flowering Cottage tulips are derived from a strain of seedlings gathered from the cottage gardens of England and Ireland. 'Their elegant form is magnified by enchanting colors, usually Of pastel shades with lighter huesprevailing. Cottage tulips have long stems and slender buds with long, pointed petals. Almost equal in size to the Darwiiis are the Breeder tulips. Theselong-lasting tulips are noted for their striking colors — orange, br 167.1a, and purple tones .1 predominate, with some having two or three colors. The Double Late tulips are sometimes called "peony -flowered" because of their resemblance to peonies. These tulips. owe - their popularity to their late-blooming...fully a month Experienced 1 Decorators INTERIOR AND • = EXTERIOR PAINTING AND WALLPAPERING Reasonable Prices Free Estimates Radius of.15 Miles of • Goderich W. Pedersen 16/ Brock Street Phone 524-6667- . After Six . Photo by MALAK, Ottawa For something truly psychedelically colored, try the Palestrina tulip for it is deep salmon pink inside the cup and green and salmon on the outside. later than the Double Earlies. As their, name suggests, these attractive long-stemmed flowers are full -petaled. They bloom in shades of red, violet, yellow white and multi -colors. ' • Unsurpassed for their elegance and charm are. the Lily -flowered tullps. They have graceful, reflexing blossoms with pointed petals on wiry, but strong, stems. Long-lasting Lily -flowered tulips come in hues of bright pink, red, rose, yellow, lilac, violet and white. Even a new gardener can. succeed with tulips. All that mud be remembered . is that tulips must be planted during the Fall before the first real hard freeze of Winter for good root development. Plant the bulbs six inches deep and six inches apart — then let Nature take its course. These hardy Dutch bulbs are practically foolproof. For the most attractive garden effect, plant tulips in chimps of twelve to twenty-five. Tulips may. be planted in sonny or partially shaded locations: In shaded areas they will hold their bloom a bit longer. Whatever tulips you select, Fall is the time toplan and plant your Spring garden. To extend flowering time, complement -your tulips with hyacinths, daffodils and some of the "little" or Minor bulbs. Then when Spring bows in, you can sit back and enjoy your own private flower show, like the Turks did hundreds of years ago. We were somewhat disturbed to learn that recently the town council decided t� discontinue Harbor Park. It would, aOteglo us that someone isc quite confused, or is this local political manoeuvering? You maintain a. tourist's office in town; our magazines contain beautiful glowing ads on "Wcatiori in Canada, send for. literature"; yet the Goderich council is trying to disb-ifto'N' tourism by closing the park. There certainly is a contradiction her. It Would appear the logical plan would have been to obtain another site, get it prepared and then discontinue Harbor Park. Each year we have tried to visit Goderich for at least one week. During this thne we expected to spend $100. This, of cdurse, woUld •not go directly into the -city coffers but would help, in a small way, the local economy by our •.use of restaurants, entertainment, purchase. of. merchandise, gas, etc. We have come home rested, in better health and vowing to return again. The proffficial park north of Goderich is a big nothing as of now, and we would not use it in its present condition. In 20 years perhaps • it will be a tourist attraction. In late years we have encountered no rowdyism or undue disturbance in Harbor Park: We 'have met and became acquainted with many fine people, and we regret very much the action of the town council in this matter. We, do not intend to discontinue our yearly visits to Goderich, "The prettiest town in Canada," and. will find some means to enjoy our regular ,vacation even if there is no longer a Harbor Park. We assume there • will still be the Park House. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Butts. unique folio 0( interior decorating ideas, alied the Citation Pahelling SaectorA deawies.available free from lumber Designed tb help homeowners with their decorating and remodelling projects, • the selector will also be valued by b U lde rs end renovating contractors, because it helps to solve two in ' t' prblems: what panelling to use in which room, and how to match and compare new panelling With existing rugs, drapes and furnishings. Xhe Citation Panelling Selector, produced by Cantor Limited, national distributors of building materials, consists of an attractive 9 -by -12 -inch folder, in color, equipped with two pockets. One pocket eontains high-quality reproductions of Citation pre -finished panels, each large enough to be used as though it were an actual sample of the product. The other pocket contains a seC o f color -co-ordinated "montages," - made up of the various fabrics and finishing materials widely used in furnishing and decorating. Each rA011400 IS related to a Citatien Panel, and each is accOmpanie by a color illustration of a X0Qrt pan01Ipd and decorated with a Selection a materials -fom the montge. As an aid to creating personal color schemes, having the -Citation Panelling Selector is like having samples of rugs, drapes, u p h olstery ,, floor -tile and 'panelling right in tne home. The --- folio also includes pointers on the simple techniques. of wall panelling. 9,4 5211, • Pik* OR MOH*. Acent for 24-hr1 r11,114 DIEVROPINO • Winter salt secret You can baffle your neighbours this winter by spreading salt on „walks and drives just as the fug snow starts falling. Come morning hours yours will be the only clean sidewalk around. To be effective you should spread about A quarter of a pound of salt over • each square yard c)f paved surface. A helpful hint for. the homemaker who doubles as family chauffeur, as most do nowadays: always carry emergency equipinent su ch as tirechains, small 'shovel and a bag of salt in the trunk o f the car. A few handfuls of salt applied to the rear wheels for traction can be a time and hill saver when stuck on slipperty ice at the curb. This may be a llife saver when stranded on ice in some dangerous intersection or in a hilly area. • 4,1 James McCreight 86 East Street Phone 624-9281 28tt Wrntavd1 11- sZfr,44. inOrr.100,41040044100 — ( With close to 300 VW dealers across Conodo there hos to be one close to you. 1.4 .. . .... . •,.:. • • " ' • ' • . ....... • :•••• • •:::::;•.:::?..1;:::::••••••‘• ...:••••••••••••• ...* ea • The car of the future. Some day all cars might have air-cooled engines that never need water or antifreez. Some day all cars might average 32 miles to a gallon and get by on pints, not quarts of oil, Some day all cars might be put together under the watchful eyes of 1104 inspectors, inspecting ever' single part 3 time. Some day all cars might have their own electronic diagnostic systems* in each dealer- ship to diagnose small problems before they become big problems. - Some day all cars might come out each year working better, not just looking different. Some day. e. THE DEPENDABLE APPLIANCES Maytag puts the same high quality work in all their 'washers and dryers, only the features are different. If you .want dependabl, trouble free performance for your money then come in and select the features you want. Join those who are happy they paid a little more far a Maytag. - Remember, Maytag has become a leader in the dishwasher and in sink food waste disposer- fines too. • HUTCIIINSON TV -& APPLIANCES 308 HURON RD. PHONE 524-7831 1969 TAXES TOWN OF GODERICH 2nd Installment Due October 31st Payable at any local chartered barik or Victoria & Grey Trust Co. Present your tax bill when making payment. Interest at the rate of 12% per annum added to overdue installments. S. H. Blake TownTreasurer FREE! From Your Lumber Deaer! The NEW Citation PANELLING SELECTOR A color folio of interior • deairating ideas, designed by professionals Helps you to— • Create personal color schemes Select the right panelling for each and every room .• Match and compare your furnishings with the latest in decorating materials Makes decorating, and redecorating, so much easier! *To get your free PANELLING SELECTOR, just rLp this ddvitis- ment and take it to your lurh,:,r d k Whil,—;)ure thre, sec the full range of Citation Pre-finshed PIneliing 1 CANFOR Building Materials 440C,n,. A,r, New C Citation Panelling Available At: Goderich Building Centre Ariglesea St. 524.-8382 J HN JEFFERY & SON 163 Elgin E. 24-817-1 CONKLIN LUMBER ••• CO. LTD. *Our revolutionary new Diagnosis and Maintenance System. 295 Bayfield