HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-10-23, Page 19• • • • 1 • NOTICE STANDARD JIME RESIDENTS OF GODERICH ARE REMINDED TO SET THEIR CLOCKS BACK ONE HOUR J. Sunday, Oct. 26th at 2 a.m. The official hour for reverting to STANDARD TIME DR. G. F. MILLS, Mayor 43 dear Constable. I understand that vehicles are - permitted to be equipped with one spot tamp. How must- this lamp be directed when lighted upon the approach of another vehicle? ANSWER: The Highway Traffic Act states, "No motor vehicle R�* shall be equipped with more. than': o spotlamp and every �otlamp shall be So directed upon approaching Qr upon the approach, of another vehicle, that no part of the high intensity portion 'of the beam from such lamp"\wiiil be directed to the lef,.of the prolongation of FOWL SUPPER -- MENU ---! Tomato Juice Golden Roast Turkey Savory Dressing and Gravy Whipped Potatoes Buttered Carrots Garden Green Peas Cranberries - Apple Sauce Buttered Rolls Homemade Pickles and Relish Cole Slaw Tea, Coffee, Milk Fresh Homemade Lemon; Pumpkin or Apple Pie ADULTS -$1.75 CHILDREN -$1.00 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29 First Sitting 5 p.m. Second Sitting 6:30 p,m, Admission By Ticket Only TicketsAvailable At 524-8813 or 524-7742 Anglican Church Parish Hall NELSON, STREET, GODERICH Auspices St. George's ACW EPLIE. the extreme left side, no more than 100 feet ahead, .of the vehicle to which it is attached, QUESTION: Dear Constable: What have police got against farm boys and girls driving farm tractors on the highway? 1 know some children who can,handle a tractor like they were born behind the wheel. ANSWER: To the best of my knowledge, the police have nothing against farm boys and girls driving farm tractors on the highway and T have met a few of those that you describe but they are under the age of sixteen. Remember, the police do not make the laws, they are hired to enforce them and the Highway Traffic Act states that no person under the age of sixteen years shall drive or operate a motor ENJOY THE FINEST FOOD IN TOWN Chinese Food Our Specialty ALSO TAKE-OUTORDERS OPENDAILY'S a.m. to 10 p.m ' Open Friday and Saturday Until 12 Midnight The Esquire Restaurant "524-9941; CLIP. FOR REFERENCE - CLIP FOR REFERENCE - CLIP FOR REFERENCE - CLIP FOR REFERENCE -CLIP FOR REFERENCE - CLIP FOR REFERENCE 2• CLIP FOR Telephone 519-523-4595 • IT'S 11ERE... THEOLD MILL ANNUAL ACTO RY 'ThY1'LET BLYTH ONTARIO (SINCE .1894) GIGANTIC SALE O.ctober 23 Through December 31 In our 10 years of retailing we have developed from a small factory outlet into one that has become a unique and renowned shopping experience. Our 'customer relationship has always been pleasant and we are looking forward to serving you again at our outstanding sale prices. Due to rising costs .in manufacturing, 1970 will require a slight increase in prices - our first in 7 years. So take advantage of the spectacular savings offered now - DURING OUR BIGGEST•AND LONGEST SALE EVER HELD. If you haven't visited us during the past year, you will be delighted to shop in our 'new and expanded showroom. " Woollen Blankets Glen Laine SATIN BOUND, Awarded the Internatignal Wool Mark symbol - for quality alone. 72" x 90" Pure Virgin Wool, full 4 lbs., 4" satin bindings, a choice of 9 colours. F.O. Value $29.95. (less than i/: regular value) SALE Twin and Queen Size Available: PRICE $11.50 each GLEN LAINE SATIN -BOUND CRIB, 36" x 50 •'. Same quality as above. F.O. Value $9.95 • SALE PRICE .f6.50 each GLEN LAINE�. RAINBOW 72" x 84" 90% Pure Virgin Wool, 10% Viscose, whipstitched, 4 colours. Value $16.50.• - �` Sale Price $10.50 each GLEN LAINE HORSE CdOLER 100% Pure Virgin Wool, 86" x 90". Value $27.50. Beige $10.50 Wine and navy $11.50 STRIPE BLANKETS 64" x 90" 'or 72" x 90". 'Reg. $15.95. Sale Price $10.50 each GLEN LAINE COTTAGE Whipstitched, 64" x 84", 90% wool, 10% angora mohair. ' Special grey only $4.95 Other colours $6.95 72" x 84", all colours $7.95 72" x 84" S.11, - Heather $8.25' LEATHER DRESS GLOVES 1090D -Genuine deerskin, sidewall, pile lined. Natural. F.O. Value $7.00. Sale Price $5.49. ,1990C -Genuine calfskin, Item. lurable,,.sidewall, pile lined. Sandalwood, burgundy, black. F.O. Value $5.99, Sale Price $4.99. 1090 -Capeskin suede, sidewall, 'pile Lined. Cork, natural; black, brown. F.O. Value $4.50. Sale Price $3.75. GLEN LAIN! AUTO ROBE 72" x 84" gold -and black, awarded Wool Mark symbol. Value $22.95. Sale Price $12.50 each • LADIESIGLOVES 564C-r4-butt,'n calfskin, unlined. Black only. F.O. Value $5.95. Sale Price $4.45. 555"=-Slroftte; detail 'cuff; - kid. Black, brown. F.O. Value $5.00. ' Sale Price $3.99. 561 -Shortie, elastic back, capeskin suede. Black, brown, rust, cork or capeskin leather, cork, cream. F.O. Value $4.50`. gale Price $3.49. OUR LINES -UNLINED 5 42 -Shortie, handsewn, kid. Tan only. F.O. Value $4.50. Sale Price $3.49. '121 Inexpensive eel faklir, whipstitched. Tan only.• F..0. Value $2.95. Sale Price $2.25. 551 -Inexpensive capeskin suede, 2 -button length. Black, brown. F.O. Value $2.95. Sale Price $2.25. GENUINE KID, UNLINED 564 -4 -button length. Blue, brown, white, navy. F.O. Value $7.00. Sale Price $5.99. 566-6-buton length. Black, brown, white._ F.O. Value $8.50" P.1127 -Shortie lambskin, wool lined. Black only. F.O. Value $8.00. Sale Price.$6.99. 1 1 24-Shearling glove. Grey, brown. F.O. Value $10.50. Sale Price $8.994 lining. Mink, :grey, beige. F.O. Value $14.00. Sale Price $12.49. THE GO-GO DRIVING GLOVE & SPORTS GLOVE DEERSKIN CURLING GLOVE P.8751 -Ladies pigskin driving glove, `cut-out back.', Cork only. F.O. Value $8.00. Sale Price $6.99. P. 8756 -Lambskin sport Sale Price $6.99.- glove. Cork only. F.O. 568-8,button length. Value $11.00. ' , Black, brown, white. F.O. Sale Price $9.49. Value $9.50. • P.1712 -Deerskin . curling Sale Price $7.99. glove. F.O. Value $10.00. P:8 3 5 7 -Shortie length, Sale Price $8.49. embroidered. Pigalle . red, 491 G-Sdit suple goatskin, camel, platinum grey', black, completely handsewn, white. F.O. Value $10.00. (table cut). Natural. F.O. Sale Price $8.99. Value $7.50. 564G -4 -button . goatskin. Sale Price $5.99. ,Cork, natural. F.O. Value :491 D -Luxurious deerskin, $5.50. completely handsewn, Sale Price $3.95:, (table cut). 'Natural. F.O. 721 -Inexpensive kid, Value $9.00. whipstitched seams. Cream, Sale Price $7.49. cork F O Value $4 50. Sale Price $2.99. SILK LINED: GENUINE KID P .1 0 7 4 -Shortie length, pure silk lined. Black, brown. F.O. Value $9.50. Sale Price $7.99. P.1003 -3 -button length, pure silk lined. White, navy, cork. F.O. Value $15.50. Sale Price $13.99. P."1004 -4 -button length, pure silk lined. Brown, black. F.O. Value $16.50. - Sale Price $14.99: • P.1005 -5 -button length, pure silk lined. Black, grey, mink. F.O. Value $17.00. S1aIe Price $15.49. P.1006 -6 -button length, pure silk lined. Black, brown. F.O. Value $17.50: Sale Price $15.99. *SILK LINED SUEDES Luxurious Calf: Velour P.1082 -5 -button length, „ real_silk- _lined, - Camel, . maple, black. F.O. Value $16.00. Sale Price $14.99 OUR LINES -LINED 9 5 5G- Goatskin, 755C -Calfskin, side whipstitched; knitted opening, - knitted cotton cotton lining. Natural only. lining, Burgundy, F.O. Value $5.50. a a. • sandalwood, black, navy. Sale Price $3.99. F.O. Value $5.99. 9 5 5 C --Capeskin, . Sale Price $4.99. whipstitdhed, knitted 755 -Capeskin and goatskin, cotton lining. Inexpensive side opening, knitted cotton casual or driving glove. , lining. Excellent for a wartn Black, brown, cork. F.O.. casual or driving glove.. Value $4.50. - Cream, natural. F.0. Value Sale Price $3.75. $5.50. 9555 -Capeskin , suede, Sale Price $4.25. whltSstitched, knitted 9 5- 5 0 -Deerskin, cotton tining. Natural, cork, whipstitched, knitted black, brown. F.O. Value cotton lining. Natural only. $3.95. F.O. Value $6.99. Sale Price $3.25. Sale Price $4.49. CLIP FOR REFERENCE - CLIP FOR REFERENCE - CLIP GENUINE FINE LAMBSKIN Art Silk Lined P.1201 -Shortie length, art silk lined. Black, brown.,. F.O. Value $8.00. Sale Price $6.99. P.1204 -4 -button length, art silk lined. Black, brown.- F.O. Value $11.00. Sale Price $9.49. P.1206 -6 -button length, art' silk lined. Black, brown. F.O. Value $13.00. Sale Price $11.49. FUR & WOOL LININGS: KID & LAMBSKIN P.1132 -5 -button lambskin, white fur lining. Black only with white fur lining. F.O. Value $11.00. Sale Price $9.49. • MENS UNLINED P.1635 -Sport driving glove, soft, supple lambskin. Beautiful fitting glove. Tan only. F.O. Value $10.00. Sale Price $8.49. 48D -Genuine deerskin dress glove, completely.' handsewn, (table cut). Natural. F.O. Value $10.00. Sale Price $8.49. 366D -Genuine• deerskin dress glove, handsew,n, (table cut). Natural. F.O. Value $9.00. ° Sale Price $7.49. 36 6 C - Genuine calfskin dress glove, half handsewn, (table' cut). Black. F.O. Value $7.00. Sale Price $5.49. 366G -Genuine ' goatskin dress glove, half handsewn, (table,. cut). Natural. F.0 Value $7.00. Sale Price $5.49: 3.46 -Genuine -goatskin' drress glove, half han'dsewn, (table cut). Cork. F.O. - Value $7.00. Sale Pricer $5.49. 482 -Genuine goatskin dress glove, half handsewn, (table Gut). Tan. F.O. Value $7.00. Sale Price $5.49. 320 -Pigskin sport and dress glove. Brown. F.O. Value $5,00. . Sale Price $3.99. 1621 D -Deerskin suede sport and dress glove, whipstitched seams. Natural. F.O. Value $6.00. Sale Price $4.49. LINED P.6539 -Lambskin, soft, supple, pure silk lined. Black, brown. 'F.O. Value $9..00. Sale Price $7.99. -Savings up to 50% P.6522 -Lambskin, handsewn, art silk lined. Black, grey. F.O. Value $6.50. Sale Price $5.49. P.6544-Shearling. Cork, brown, grey. F.O. Value $11.00. P. 1721 After ski mitt, each mitt ,is of three colors, turquoise, green and white. Cotton fleece lined. F.O. Value $7.00 Sale Price $5.95 Sale )'rice $8:99• P.6712. -Deerskin curling glove, lined. Natural. F.O. Value $10.00 Sale Price $8.49 1781 -Kid, wool Lined. Black. F.O. Value $5.99 Sale Price $4.99 3790 -Calf, ,sidewall, deep orlon pile lining. Black. F.O. Value $6,49 Sale Price $5.49 1 7 55 G -Goatskin, whipstitched, knitted cotton lining. Cork, antique brown. F.O. Value $5.49 Sale Price $4.49 1750G -Goatskin, machine sewn, knitted cotton lining. Cork. F.O. Value $4.49 Sale Price $3.49 1750C -Capeskin, machine sewn, knitted cotton lining. Brown, black, antique brown. F.O. Value $3.49 Sale Price $2.99 1 7 5 OP -Cape pigtex, machine sewn, knitted cotton lining. Black, brown. F.O. Vall&.e $2.99 Sale Price $2.49 MEN'S SNOW & SKI MITTS 9035 -Men's suede snow 'mitt, thick pile fining. Natural only. F.O. Value $4.50 Sale Price $3.75 903G -Men's goatskin ski mitt, very durable, thick pile lining. Natural only. F.O. Value $4.95 Sale Price $3.95 902D -Men's capeskin mitt, semi dress mitt, inexpensive, semi -dress mitt for work, ski or snow. Pile lining. ' F.O. Value $3.25 - Sale Price $2.75 LADIES`" SNOW & SKI MITTS 903S -Ladies suede sno* ,, mitt, thick pile lining. Natural, brown. F.O. Value $4.50 .Sale Price $3.75 903ShIg.-Ladies genuine shearling snow mitt, natural shearling for warmth. Natural white and skier design. F.O. Value $4.95 Sale Price $3.95 903C -Ladies calfskin and goatskin mitt, thick pile lining. Navy, sandalwood, burgundy (calf). Brown, creme (goatskin). F.O. Value $4.95 Sale Price $3.95, 903D -Ladies deerskin snow mitt, thick pile lining. Natural. F.O. Value $7.50 Sale Price $5.95 SKI MITT Reinforced Palm For Extra Wear -6900 -Capeskin • leather, thick pile lining, reinforced palm. White, creme, antique brown, brown,' blue• F.O. Value $4.95 Sale Price $4.25 9900C -Calfskin, thick pile lining, reinforced palm. Sandalwgod, burgundy. F.O. Value $5.75 Sale Price $4.75 G900D-Deerskin, thick pile lining, reinforced palm. Natural. F.O. Value $7.95 Sale Price $6.50 G900Fur-Ladies sheepskin mitt, reinforced leather palm, sheepskin back. White and brown, white and black. F.O. Value $11.95 Sale Price $9.50 G900ShIg.-Ladies shearling mitt, reinforced palms. Natural white. F.O. Value "$5.95 Sale Price $4.95 SKI MITTS`- Reinforced' Palm For Extra Wear G900G-Men's goatskin ski • mitt, thick pile lining, reinforced palm. , Black, burgundy. F.0, Value $5.50 Sale Price $4.50 G900C-Men's calf ski mitt, thick pile lining, reinforced palm. Black, burgundy. F.O. Value $5.95 - Sale Price $4.95 G900ShIg.-Men's shearling ski mitt, reinforced palm, genuine shearling on inside for the ultimate in warmth. Natural white. F.O. Value $5.95 Sale Price $4.95 G900 -Men's capeskin ski mitt, reinforced palm, thick pile lining. Antique brown. F.O. Value $5.95 Sale Price $4,95 G900D-Men's deerskin ski mitt, reinforced palm, thick pile lining. Natural only. F.O. Value $8.50 Sale Price $6.95, r CHILDREN MITTS & GLOVES 30 -Child's capeskin glove, knitted cotton lining. Black, tan, antique brown. F.O. Value'$3.50 Sale Price $2.95 75W -Child's capeskin snow mitt and elastic - cuff, knitted cotton lining. Rack,' brown, creme, red, antique. Sizes 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. F.O. Value $1.95 Sale -Price $•1 4's - S220 -Child's Gauntlet snow mitt. Tan. Sizes 4, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9. F.O. Value $2.96 Sale Price $2.25 903Y -Child's snow mitt, same as men's and ladies, thick pile lining. Creme, tan, black, red. Sizes S,-- MSL. F.O. Value $3.50 Sale Price $2.95 903B5hlg.-Toddlers' shearling mitt, very Warn. Pink, blue, brown. Sixes S, M, L. F.O. Value $4.25 Sale Price $3.45 'WORK GLOVES LEATHER WORK GLOVES AND MITTS Choose your type of vyork glove from .. our " large selection. -- Sale priced from 60c to $4.25 pair Please Order Sy Number From Our Mail Order Dept. FOR, REFERENCE - CLIP FOR REFERENCE CLIP FOR REFERENCE -- CLIP FOR REFERENCE - CLIP FOR Ay • .n vehicle Qr farm tractrbr on highway, ,opt this doe, not;applY to the driving or operat ng of a farm tractor directly across a' highway. • QUESTION: Dear Sir: Our son wants us to purchase a motor bike. for him when he passes. We can afford it but we want to make sure he can riae and drive one before he gets his licence. How doeshe go about' getting a temporary permit? - ANSWFR: If the"lad is 16 you may obtain a temporary instruction permit to learn to ' drive a motor vehicle but there is no temporary permit for a motor bike or cycle. If the lad wants to learn to ride, he must do it other , places than on highways. Shari Wallis as Nancy, left, leads Mark Lester' gas $!C~liveer'"z' and Sheila White in a 'lusty song -and -dance routine, an This • scenle from the exuberant new musical, winner of six Academy Awards including that for Best • Picture. "Oliver!" now playing at The, Park Theatre, Goderich, until Tuesday, Oct. 28. Services available to landowners So you've bought that place with private landowners to carry in the country to get away from out' tree planting and woodlot the concrete jungle - or you've improvement work on their just inherited the old farm from properties. your grandfather with its steep The forestry agreement is a and stony fields - and you document signed by both the really don't know what to do landowner and the minister of about it. Relax. There's plenty the department of lands and of help available to you through 'forests. Under the agreement the' department of lands- and you as the owner dedicate at forests. And most of it is free. least five acres of your land for Initially, there are two basic forestry purposes for a peribd of services available to you: (1) usually 15 .years. If it's trees advisory service and (2) direct you're planting, you will provide assistance under The Woodlands them and in all agreements, the Imprdvement Act, 1966. agreement area is protected by If .you need some good solid the landowner during the life of advice; --contact the local district the agreement. The department forester of the Department of will plant your trees free of Lands ;and Forests and he'll be charge. In the case of a woodlot, glad to arrange for an inspection the department will also do of your woodlot or acreage and improvement work, again with suggest proper planting. He'll no charge to the landowner. discuss with you the present Each landowner requesting condition of your land or forest help under the Act will be and make several suggestions for visited and counselled on the alternative courses of action. He forestry potential of his can recommend but you as the property by a trained staff owner must make your own member of the' department. decision. Resulting - from this 'field When a decision is made to inspection, the forestry' work cut, the forester will mark the program is developed and trees to be cut and give the becomes part of the final signed owner an estimate of volume by, agreement. - There is no charge species. He'll also provicle a list for this forestry service and a of buyers and a sample sales private. landowner , should contract which may be used as a contact the district forester at guide. A - list of owners and the office nearest to hi property volumes of timber . or other and make arrangements for products for sale is periodically inspection of his property. issued- to both sawmillers and District officers are situated at other buyers as a mutual guide _ Aylmer West, Hespeler, Maple, to both owner and buyer. ' Lindsay, Tweed, Kemptville, • If -reforestation of _open _land___P_embroke and Parry Sound in is recommended and agreed Southern Ontario. In 1970 this upon, the forester will provide a service will be available in nine . planting plan, indicating species, districts in Northern Ontario. spacing, arrangement, quantities In addition to the foregoing, and road and fireguard layout. there's a multitude of Assistance in planting on a educational opportunities subsidized basis is also available available of special interest to through many conservation everyone concerned with authorities and you'll be told of improving their acreage. Each this when the planting plan is district office of, the department developed. Advice on windbreak issues a -weekly news release to and shelterbelt and care after .,,• all local 'newspapers in each planting is also available. through district. There are displays and your local forester. demonstrations at fall fairs, seed As indicated previously, your ,,airs and some major plowing other source of direct assistance matches, conducted tours of is under The Woodlands provincial nurseries for - both Improvement Act of 1966. This urban and farm groups plus,trips direct forestry assistance to ato the tree seed plant at Angus private landowners has been near Barrie. Forestry lectures.are- available since late 19'66. also available . at agricultural Essentially, the Act allows the colleges in co-operation with the department of lands and forests department of agriculture and. to make forestry agreements forestry field staff also offer instruction to 4-H forestry clubs. Community groups can also apply for an illustrated lecture ' and then there's a host of printed information available on farm forestry through the department: Such items as The Farm Woodlot; . Forest Tree Planting; Planning for Tree Planting, ,Care and Planting of Forest Trees, Growing Christmas Trees in Ontario, Growing Scotch Pine from Seed and Descriptive Tour Outlines of five Provincial , Forest Stations. All are available from the department of lands and forests without charge. So if you're still in doubt about that property of. yours and how to improve it, just call -' on your` local district forested: He's an expert in the field and he'll be'glad to talk to you. "• he v• itamin. C story Hundreds o1 years ago, English sailors would set out from their native land on adventurous sea voyage's-' , that - carried them around the world. In preparation . for these long journeys, the ship's hold always contained a plentiful supply of limes. Each day, every man was rationed one lime and that's how the English got the nickname of "limeys." ' But there's more behind than story, say home economists from Macdonald Institute, University -of Guelph. Although those sailors didn't realize it, the limes contained an invaluable source of vitamin C that was essential for their. health. Things haven't changed since then. We still need vitamin C to help resist infection, hold the body cells together, and heal wounds and broken bones. Because our body cannot store vitamin C, we need a fresh supply each day. What we do know now is that vitamin C. is found not only in limes, but in citrus fruit, tomatoes, strawberries, cantaloupe, green peppers, broccoli, cabbage, turnip and vitaminized juices. So pay heed to those sailors of yesteryear: vitamin C, once a day, every day, for good health. Enjoy LIVE Theatre Action Goderich Lime Thea!re Membership TckCts kowOnSaIe For .1969-70 Season 3 PRODUCTIONS Adults -$4.00 Studers-$2.00 Join The Crowd' and Enjoy Good Local Entertainment PHONE 524-7661 524-8366 524-8331 • ... y.'•4e�r' . First Production "BARNARY" Written by Brian Marksbn Music by 'Ralph Moxley •