HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-10-23, Page 16QDg ICH Sf N ,?S"TAR, TU.DAX, (VW ER'244,1 9 Alia la/tiers ., ` otenitcre r r xlid Colin is a very sociably baby, 14 months old, good-look- ing as you see. He has lovely .fair coloring with blue eyes and reddish -blond hair which is inclined to curl. Though he • has a small frame he is wiry and very strong. A happy, cuddly little fellow, Colin has a pleasant, even-tempered personality. He gets on well with other children and makes friends with all adults. He can say a few words and is trying earnestlyto walk. Earlier tests indicated he had a heart murmur which has now disappeared. jA is in • excellent health and very active. Toinquire ahottt adopting Colin please' write to Today's Child, Department of Social and Family Services, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 182. For information on adoption ask your Children's Aid Society. James Richardson & Sons Ltd Serving The Feed Dealers of Western Ontario PHONE 524-8388, GODERICH • as cloth war spurs DEAR ANN 'LANDERS: A ldngte frien.dand I are no longer speaking.� ° Please tell me who is at fault. I invited Mrs. XYZ to be a weekend houseguest. She arrived Friday evening. I. made up her bed with my best linen and I set gut my finest towels. Saturday morning I noticed she had used a washcloth which she had brought ' from home. It was of good quality toweling but certainly no better than mine. I was very hurt that she felt 'it necessary to bring her own washcloth. The more I thought about it the more it bothered me. Finally I became so upset I decided to talk to her about it. % e word led to another — adjectives such as uncouth and ungenteel were bandied about. Now we are no longer friends. Who?was right? — HURT DEAR HURT: I'rn printingyour letter.so my readers can see k what some people consider a problem. We have more than 500,000 men in Vietnam. It has - been estimated that more than. one-third of the students on our campuses ' have ' experimented with drugs, the crime rate in our country has increased 11 percent this past year. Homicide, suicide, violence of every kind is on the incline — and you are unglued , because your guest brought her own washcloth! , Thanks for writing, Lady. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am a girl 17 who has been reading your column for as long as I can remember. I like the way you use simple language instead of a lot of high class words thatmost people . can't understand. Will you please do your readers a big favor and '..compose ten commandments as a guide for living? I'm sure it would be greatly appreciated by all. Thank you. — FAITHFUL FOLLOWER DEAR FAITHFUL: I don't ,think I could improve on the rules that Moses brought down froin Mount Sinai. But thanks . for the compliment. DEAR • ANN,.,._. NDARS: Four weeks ago my wife's sister phoned — in the middle of the night, as usual. She 'was hysterical. Her. Husband bad come home roaring drunk, was breaking up, the furniture and throwing dishes. My wife Said it was my Christian duty to go over and rescue, her and the children. So I did. Our five -room apartment isn't large enough for our own three children plus my sister-in-law and her three. The kids are in sleeping bags and I'm on the sofa' .because my sister-in-law has trouble with her back and must have a good bed. Our grocery DO YOU KNJOY A FIREPLACE IN YOUR MOUSE? ALWAYS KEEP AFIRE SCREEN i N PLACE TO PROTECT YOU HOME - r: rePIY bill is out of, this world. The father'tasn't sent over a dime. Yesterday I learned niy sister-in-law has. been having "dates" with tier husband. I say if they can date they can live together. My wife says it would be unchristian to throw them). out. What do you say? -- PITTSBURGH DEAR PITT: I' 'say you deserve to be canonized. Drive the pack . home. Your family should not have to live like sardines because your brother-in-law is a drunk. You've done more than your share. 19$ O -AND NEVER LEAVE Cl- I LPR1 .N UNUPERV ISED NEAR YOUR FIRE. " This is the "tune of year when the hunting stories are flying .around. Each lime they are retold, they becotne a big- ger lie or a little funnier. I don't mind the stories when they're funny, or big, fat lies. But there's nothing more boring than listening to a hunt- er telling you in deadly earnest the entire story of how he would have got his -bag of ducks, or bagged his deer, if the fates and the weather, and anything else he can think of, had not conspired against him. It's as dull as listening to someone relate what happened on every hole of his golf game, or every hand of bridge. a He would have shot par or made hisgrand slam if, if, if .. . Getting back to hunters, you'll never hear that earnest, serious teller of tales admit- ting that he couldn't hit the side of a barn with a handful of beans, from three feet. Or that he's as quiet in the bush as a tank on a hot tin roof. No. there's nothing wrong with him. It's the gods, or his gun jammed, or sheer bad fuck.. Quite a few of the chaps on our staff who are keen hunters urge me to join them. 'This means standing around in a swamp and chest -high boots af- ter walking an hour to , get there, gazing sullenly for hours at a sullen sky filled with blackbirds and swallows and non-existent ducks. I've been able to fight off the temptation for several years now. I used to be a fair shot. There's many a tree, fence -post and tin can in the country that can testify to that. and P used to enjoy hunting. It really was pleasant to get away from the old battleaxe for a few hours on a lovely, autumn day. • But,I've never been a fanat- ic. Any tendency I had toward BUSINESS becoming one was cured forev- er last time I went deer hunt- ing..I got lost twice, was al- most shot once (he hit the hound instead of me), 'and was dam' nearly drowned on the way home from a remote is- land, 1n'a blizzard, a high wind, and a leaky boat. Hunting is for the birds, lit- erally. In proportion to num- bers, • there are more hunters killed, wounded, or disabled for life from heart attacks and. arthritis, than birds. Another thing that puts me off is the type of people who Hunt. There is a large percent- age of high-grade ' morons among them. I've just read in the Wiarton Echo a :story about two "hunt- ers" who shot and killed two wild, white swans that had made their home near a beach resprt and were a delight. to cottagers. What is there to. say about "hunters" who shoot swans? • A couple of years ago, two chaps I know went out to the local golf course and shot ev- ery black squirrel in sight. This takes a lot of nerve, stam- ina, and bush -lore; walking around a golf course, slaugh- tering half -tame squirrels, with three ounces of. meat each on them. Then there are the "hunt - J'dgo hunting if. . . ers" who go Off for a ,.good drunk in the bush. It gives them a chance to play poker, grow a beard, curse, belch and do all ' sorts of manly 'things like that. They could do the same thing by checking into a motel room for. a week" .But they enjoy wearing big boots and rough clothes and making rude noises. .Then they come" home and let their wives push them around like puppets for the other fifty-one weeks. The finest hunters are those who love nature. They respect and admire and are curious about their prey. They 'shoot only when they know what they're shooting at, try to kill cleanly, and follow the wound- ed deer or retrieve the wound- ed bird at any cost. I've no quarrel with them. But I think most of 'them would be just as happy with an unloaded,gun or a 'camera. There's no real, appeal in. hunting for me any more, though I love to get out in the bush; preferably alone. But if they' ever declare an open season on school adminis- trators, I'll be right back there, gun on shoulder, keen of eye and hard of jaw, tireless in the chase, and -relentless in the kill. I wouldn't even mind tak- ing part in wiping out the en- tire species, though I'm against this sort of thing, normally. FOR YOUR FIRE INSURANCE See or Phone MALCOLM MATHERS GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT 46 WEST ST. 524-9442 UBLE TO PASSES THE 0 ALL NEW GODERICH RESTAURANT Steak House and I THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD WIN! DOUBLE PASSES TO THE PARK THEATRE BOOKS & STATIONERY ANDERSON'S PAINT; WALLPAPER • * PAINT * WALLPAP-ER. * CARPETS * TILE * LINOLEUM "Your Complete Home -Decorating,C-+entre"- - BOOK CENTRE 33 East St. Goderich Mrs. E. Beirnes Apt. 12, 10 Britannia W. McART H U Rend REILLY LTD. BUILDING ;MATERIAL West St. , Goderich t * FRIGIDAIRE * WESTINGHOUSE * GIBSON * 'HOOVER . Sales and Service GERRY'S APPLIANCES The Square — Goderich Now Owned and Operated by Chuck Jewell iP 1 EXCELLENT SELECTION Regular or Safety.. Toe 14"Different Styles DAVE GOWER'S Industrial & Garden Centre Hamilton St. 524-8761 ' 1 Large Selection Of PIANOS. and ORGANS We offer more for your $ $ Try Us — We Prove It • STRATFORD CENTRE CENTRE LTD., i The Nanies Of Six Signal-Sfar Subscrib- ers Are To 98e Found In One Of These Ads Now Showing WINNER 6 ACADEMY AWARDS! COLIMA PICTURES meu±u tk MOS movie LIONEL, BARTS ,y'JOHN WOOD anti CAROL REED (*j 4:21) PANAVIj'1ON' TECHNICOLOR' a IICJ SEE REGULAR AD ON PAGE 5 FOR DATES AND TIMES 118 Downie St., Stratford 271-6322 For The FINEST in FURNITURE LODGE Nowa good salary O ppo rtanity-security for you in a business career Goderich Bu-siness_. College' NIGHT SCHOOL Typing, Bookkeeping, Shorthand (Tues. & Thurs. Evening) 524-8521 524-8732 99tf LADIES WEAR Bill Duncan 28 Elgin E. MEN'S WEAR r 1 Mrs. Thos. Sandy 65 South St. For That CERTAIN Flair IN MEN'S WEAR EARL ' RAWSON MEN'S WEAR On The Square, Goderich THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD 4 • SHOE STORES 111 LADIES WEAR LIMITED Ground Floor Fabric Centre ' Bedding Luggage, Gift sets Fashion Floor Dresses Coats Sportswear Accessories Fred R. Price 39 Waterloo S. For FASHION RIGHT SHOES Mrs. Beatrice Gilbert R -R 2, Goderich The Place To Go Is ROSS SHOES The Square Goderich MINONSINW Furniture West St. — Goderict * 5248383 ° Be Sure To See - Our Display"O°f ORIGINAL OIL° PAINTINGS THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD For The Fashion Look ° SHOPPE SPROULE SHOES Footwear For The °Family 049174 Kingston St: Goderich TELEVISION PHILIPS PHILCO Colour Television SALES and ERVICE 524-9432 RIVETT'S TELEVISION — RADIO `34 The Square Goderich TRAVEL SERVICES Jas. Prest R R 5, Goderich Glie Tnatli Emu YOUR COMPLETE TRAVEL SERVICE 29 East Street GODERICH 524-8366 I THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD D. A. KAY & SON . Painting and Decorating Contractors Painting, Wallpapering Drdberies, Floor Sanding 33 Huron Rd. 482-9542 Clinton , COIN OPERATED DRY CLEANING' 8 Pounds — $3.00 Open 9 a.m. to 6»p..m. Daily Except Sunday also Friday Evening Fully Attended West Street LAUNDROMAT 54 West St. ' 5249953 CON1EST RULES Each week the names and addresses of 6 subscribers will appear in the Business. Directory. • ---Libok,for your.name and address in the ads. -Take the Business Directory and suitable identification to the advertiser in whose ad your name appeared and —Pick uP your pastes by Saturday night closing: Only Subscribers to the Signal -Star are eligible, 4 4 4 0 1) ,• r