HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-11-10, Page 5The Bead Surgeon, Of 010 Lebon Modicalcompany is now art Toronto, Canada, and may be ootisttitegl either in person or by letter on all chronic diseases peculiar to ratan. Mon, yotm , olcl, or middle.aged,who find themseivos nervous Weak and oxhausted , who aro brolcon down from excess or overwork, resulting in many oft o following s n 1ooms: Mental del,res- sion, permature old age loss of ytttaliby, loss of momory,bati droants,atninoss of sight,pal-. pitation of the heart, omissions, lack of on - orgy; pain in the kidneys, headache, pimples on the face or body, itching or peculiar son nation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness, specks before the eves, twitching of the muscles,aye lids, and .else - of will power ]tendo n�essloft thea sc 1pe'and spine, weak and flabby muscles, closiro to Sleep, failnro to be rested by sleep, constipa- • tion, dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, excttibility of tontper, sunken losurrounded with msoktc,, are llympoofilen ous debility that lead to insanity and loath unless cured. The spring or vital force hav- ing lost its tension every function wands in consequence. Those who through abuse ommittod in ignorance may be permanent - cured. Send your address for book on all leases peculiar to man. Books sentfree tlo o d .i•Cart disease the "s 'symptoms .V of 1 rich are faint spells, purple Ups, numbness >itatio 7 n skip beats, t 1 ,1191 flushes, rush od to the heat], dull pain in t110 heart Ili beats strong, rapid imcl irregular, the ondboat 'quicker than tho first, pain ut the breast bond, eto,, can positively be ed. No cure no pay. Sencl for book. Ad- ress M, V. LIMON, 21lkfacd onald Ave., Tor- onto, Canada, Tan 1-1. year i.P CADIAMANCAS Besides the volume just published Lord Tennyson left a quantity of manuscript poems. It was left to Hallam Tenuyson's discretion whether these poems should be published, For Over Fifty Years, MRS..WINSLOW'S SOOTING SYRUP has been used by millions ofmotilers for their child- ren while teething. If disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick and suf- fering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth send at once and et h bottle of "Mrs Win- slow's Soothing, Syrup" for Children Teeth- ing. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it,mothers,therd is no mistake about it. It cures Diarrh, a, ragulatos the Stomach and Dowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces In- flammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Winslow's Sooth- ing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and hest female physicians and nurses in the united States. Price twenty- five cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists throughout the world. Be sure.and ask for "Mas. WINSLOW's SOOTUINO SYRUP,". A despatch from Paris states that it will take IS months to manufacture the necess- ary glass for the discs of the Yerkes tele- scope fur the University of Chicago Consumption Carred. An old physician, retired from practice having bad placed in his hands by an East India Missionary the formula of a, simple vegetable rein ecl.yfor the speedy and peri,ma- nentcure of Consumption, Bronohltis, Ca- tarrh, Asthma, ani] all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and -wilco] cure for Nervous Debility and all 1' „rvous Com- plaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his sttff- ering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this reci a in German French1 � i r English, 0 r v' th full directions for preparing and using. Sent hymen by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. A. Noyss, 820 Powers Block, Rochester, IV. I' The Western Union Telegraph Company has now $loo,000,000 of a paid-up capital, while the liabilities of the corporation amount to i3I5,254 56o. Oln, What a Cough! Will you heed the warning. The signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Consumpt- ion, Ask yourselves if you can afford for the sake of saving 50e., to run the risk and do nothing for it. We Icliow from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure your .sough. It never fails. 'J'he Allegheny presbytery has voted a- gainst revision of the Westminster Confess- ion of Leith, and decided to oppose the introdnction of deaconesses. IT BEATS JACK FROST. DCAR. SIRS,—We have used IIagyard's Yellow OiL in our family and know it is a sure cure for lumbago and frost oites. My wife was so bad with lumbago that she couid not straighten herself, and 'Yellow Oil completely cured her. It has been a fortune to us. OLIvnn ALLEN, Owen Bound, Ont, The United States sugar trust has con- tracted for 5,000,000 bags, which will be wised instead of barrels for the shipment of refined sugar. Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Floarseness, Bronchitis, etc., yield at once to Dr. at ood's Norway Pine Syrup, the successful Throat and Lung `;peci&c. •The Belgian Chamber of Deputiestom t nittee on the Revision of the Consritutiot 'have reje ted the proposal to grant a uni •versal suffrage. INDIGESFION CURED. GENTLEMEN,—I was .thoroughly cured of indige,tion.by using. only three bottles of B. B. B.. and truthfully recommend it to all suffering from the same malady. MRs. DAVIDSON, Winnipeg, Man. Instructions have been given to the De- mocrats of South Dakota to forsake their .electoral ticket and vote for the four Weay. Woinen with pale, colorless faces, who feel weak ant discouraged,will receive both. mental and bodily vigor by using Carter's Iron Prils, which are made for the blood, -nerves and complexion. Destructive forest fires arc raging in southern sections of North Dakota, doing almost inestimable damage to valuably timber. HE QUIT '1'1-1E DOCTOR. GaNTLgsvit414,-1 w:is troubled With dys- pepsia for about four years and tried several remedies but found them of little use. .1. noticed an advertisement of 13urcioek Blood Bitters, so I quit the doctor, and started to use 13,13.13., and 5001 found that there was. nothing to equal it, It took just three bot- tles to effect a perf.idt cure in my case, and 11 can highly ;recommend this excellentrem- edy to all, nEa'r I, Ri:In, Wingham, Ont, Attorney -General i11i.1cr will, 1t is •5011!, retire rr,tn the Cabinet soon after the civet- ion whether Etarrison is re-elected or not. BesttOougk Syrup ALL Good. Use in tithe 'Sold by drugg lsts Ir. �a�OB'S �QTTipN R00� PIG Sate and absolutely pore. Most. powerful Female Regulator IV k>xo'n. The only safe, sure and .reliable for sale. Ladies; ask druggists for Laltoa's Star, and Crescent Brand, Take nue odder ls?Ind. Beware of cheap imitations, asthey are danger- ous. Gua. by 11 reliable, druggiate. Postpaid oa receipt: of price. cid .01-WIERWAN PId l, VO.9 Detre t, .14fial* For sale itn Eatetez' by J. W. O owning. The counter oases in the 13ehring Sea arbitration' are to.`be exchanged by the two Governments interested on February x, For Cuts, Burns, Sores or Wounds, Vic-, toria Carbolic ,Salve is the best healing soothing ointment. The new Tlome for Aged' Wowen on ntont street, Toronto, was'opered yeste under most auspicious circunistauces. TETE FEAR 01? DEAT13. The fear of death is excited by any vere attack of disease, especially colds coughs. This need not be where Dr. Wo Norway Pine ,yrpp is kept on hand family use. This unrivalled remedy c coughs, colds, hoarseness, asthma, br chit' 1s and all throat and lung ligan Price 05c. and 500. Sold by druggists. Mrs, Jane EiizaUeth I{ellogg, mother Clara Louise Keilogg.Strakosch, the pr donna, died yesterday in New York. 1 and 1' -SIINI) 1'0n— ILLuET :ATE11 Bel- CATALCI l;'TTE rday of Ladies Specialties. Se. ADDRESS' ods The Parisian, Medical Appliance Co., efor 19 Queen-st: E., Toronto,' Ont. on. ]Mention this paper. seg. of Dxltor tm Smart Weed and Belladonna, combined with the other ingredients used in the best Hogs Wanted Di'es porous plasters, make Carter's S. W. & 13. �a .Backache Plasters the best in the market. or Alive. The cholera continues unabated in ,Buda Pests. Twenty-one new cases and riine cleaths were reported yesterday. RACKED 1VITA RHEUMATISM. DEAR Sras,—For ten years I suffered with rheumatism in spring and fall. I have been confined to bed for months at a time, but since using 13. 13. B. I have not suffered from it at all. I also suffered from the dys- pepsia, which has not troubled me since us ing the B.13.B., and I therefore think it a splendid medicine. MRS. AmstaA BR1NN, Hayeslanu, Ont. The new wing of the American museum of natural history in New York was thrown open for the first time yesterday. The Wild Cheery combined with Mil - burn's Coil Liver 011 Emulsion makes it de- licious in taste and perfect in curative pow- er. A fierce gale, accompanied by heavy rains, passed over Jeffersonville, Ind., Tuesday night, doing great damage. DOUBLY COMMENDED. SIRS, -1" had a very bad cold and was cured by two bottles of Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam, I cannot do without it. MRs. W. C..11. PERRY, Sea Gull, Ont. UEAa, Sras,—I a.n highly recommend Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam as the best rLmetly for coughs and colds I have ever used. Mlss L', STEPruENSON, Oaklan 1, Ont. Lieut. Frederick Schwatba, the famous Arctic explorer, is dead, having, It is be- lieved, committed suicide. Dv spepsia in its worst forms will yield to the use of Carter's Little Nerve Pills, aided by Carter's Little Liver Pills. They not only relieve present clistress, but strengthen the stomach and digestive apparatus. Fullarton. Mr. Wm. Pourteous has purchased the brick. cottage of the late • David Campbell for the sum of $1,750. This is a yery high figure.—DIvinnxn. —The final dividend to the estate of Mr. R. Ii, Pomet•ory has been niade. The estate hays only 36h cents on the dollar. The liabilities were $3,49035, aiid the assets $1,274.16. Mr, F. A. Campbell and Mr. Fred Davis, we be- lieve, were the only creditors in Mitch- ell. CATARRH, NOT LOCAL, BUT CON- STITUTIONAL. Dr. Diu Lewis, the eminent Boston physician, in a magazine article says: "A radical error underlies nearly all medical treatment of catarrh. It is not a disease of the roan's nose; it is a disease of the mat,, showing itself in the nose—a Local exhibition of a Con- stitutional trouble" Therefore, he argues, the use of snuff and other local applications is wrong, and while they seem to give temporary relief, they really do more harm than good. Other leading, authorities agree with Dr. Lewis, Hence, the only proper method of cure for catarrh is to tape a consti tutionnI remedy like Hood's Sarsapar- illa, which, reaehin ;'every part of the body through the blond, does eliminate all impurities and makes the whole man healthier. It remoycs the cause of the trouble and restores the 'diseased membrane to proper condition. That this is the practical result is proven by thousands of people who have ,been curer] of catarrh by taking Hood's Sar- saparilla, Write Us —FOR— Club Terms FOR 1893 AND VALUABLE PRIZE LIST, IT 4i ILL PAY YOU deasleatwommusemamtaaanseserzemozzamemer The Finest List of Premiums ever offered by a Cana- dian Paper, DAiLY GLOBE, Morning Ed. $6.00 u 7, Second a 4.00 Saturday ,i I50 T6d]I.Ii IKILV O}LOBE ,From now to end 1893, only one Donlan.. ANYONE CAN GET UP A CLUB AND SECUfth5 A IIANbSoitIE 1?lZIZ1C. 1CSrWrito• oarly.•rig THELOBE,Toron o. 75,Q00,00. —All ptjrsons, who want- 01 ant•--- Q .H°9 E A tP 3' r CONEY . at 5*, 6 and e PER CENT should call ---at the Office of B. CCI IsT�e CACTIO\. EACH PLUT- O3+ THE MYRTLE NAVY! IS MARKED IN BRONZE LETTERS. 1 NONE O_ �� TNR CHINE Dressed Hogs bought subject to the following conditions; -2 lbs per cwt. oil; 5 lbs extra if shoulder stuck; 3 lbs for either bung••gut or gullet, if left in. All Hogs to be cut through from Tail to Throat. Highest Price paid for Hogs weighing from 100 to 200 pounds, dressed. SNELL OROS & Co. THEA iE 3LTL,a 0044 .d`'a4l%iti�,kstn,1�°+s, rax7`nin - . Unlocks all the clogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying off gradually without weakening the sys- tem, all the impurities and foul humors of the secretions; at the same t:me Cor- recting Acidity Of fe tolnatsh, curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia. Headaches, Dizzier>sss, Eda,rtbul'n, Constipation, Thy'•noss of the Shin, Dropsy , Dimness of Vision, Jaun- dice, a,lt I':1lelli^l, Erysipelas, Scro- fula, Fluttering of the eart, Ne - v tthnoss, and t:el'1 oral Debility 9 all these and many other similar Complaints field to the happy indueriieeof BBOL t i ,. P.y� J_.tJLCL BLOOD 3ITT.EIi5. - Por Solo by an .Detsie+v. T 11J11.f./B ill & CO P.rowleto1ir t, Toronto, rut it' rs Undertaking HEI DQUAR°6 ESBS. CURTAIN POLES. The only place in town 'were you have an assort- , meat to choose froth. Pol. ..es cut any length desir- ed, COVERS. A fine 'line of covers just arrived, have your furniture re covered and made new in the latest styles. FURNITURE. In furniture WC have the largest and best stock in town at the lowest prices. MOULDINGS. An endless variety of picture mouldings. S. GIDLEY. Odd -Fellows Block. Opposite J Gr•lg,g's Stationery. Exr J[SiI IIIStfllirllt A.S,f ; ELL, >a MyZair. st. EXETER - ONTARIO Has now in stock ilu4ugni Viigtor IN THE FOLLOWING LINES : West of England Suitings and Trous Brings, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser lugs.. French and English Worsted Cloth All made up in the Latest Style, at best Rates. A. J. SNELL ' 4444 PERKINS S & IlaRTIN, PROPS. We Cary the most complete stock of Musical instruments in the county. PIANOS, ORGANS. VIOLINS, ALSO r SEWING DZACHINES>BIC�.LES, FARM IMPLEMENTS &c. The above instruments always on hand. Terms to snit Purchasers. GIVE US A CALL. EVERYTHING AWAY DOWN i �`nst Cass , :oases and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITI COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros.'Hardwaro Store, will receive prompt attention, TERMS - REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED. W. Gr. BISSETT. EN .li, RAIN . . S N --PARLOR. EXETER, , , LT ER ONTARIO. 0 A.A Hastings, Prop. Every attention paid to Lathes' and Ch ldreh's Hair Cutting. Ai. Hastings. EtZttilgicy IF YOU WANT TO Buy:or Sell a Farah 77' 'vOTT W A NT TO Buy o. Sell Tonin !F YOU WANT TO Borrow or Lend Money IF YOU WANT Collections Make Call at Mr, Jno. Spackman's Heal Estate Agency, Business Transaettons strictly con- fidential. Intending purchasers will receive the best advice in selecting land or town sites. Also agent for Allan Line and State Line Steamships. Office- Main Street, Exeter, Ont. Address:—JOHN SPACKIIIAN, Box 44I Property —Bargains in • — arness, Trunks, Valises, Whips, Rugs, Boots, Shoes,Rubbers &c. —AT -- John Treble's, IJatll-st. NOTE A FEW PRICES: Half fox Felt Boot, Grain, $2.00; Felt Boot, Loose Socks, Grain, $2.25; Men's Rubbers, 50c; Women's Rubbers, 30e; Misses' Rubbers, 25c; Skilled Workmen are em- ployed to manufacture the goods, and the best of ma- terial is used. Prompt attentioniyen to all kinds of repairing. My Stock is well assorted and every customer is guaranteed satisfaction. The Prices mean a Sale every time. Call and be convinced. JOHN TREBLE3 Main Street, Exeter, I H1 fl ,EEESS IgADACI1E PQWt7,KRS hair:. for Ahonest Ata triediol5$ vhloh enl.v doneet, st.ra ghtforward s tpttq+ mow,' a' 11 .m60. lie, that yen get the genviao tog,. P2511 s, 'Insist on having dm. They Gyre ALL Ii.adaetee. They ara aot a euthartic. LONDON, ONTARIO. $1, per d A J.& J I IehlAli`llll', Proprietors. CHRISTIE3S caii-Efia) l First Class RIGS And HORSES ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWK .' SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. Tea==l 3�oEtaoris•bly Telephone Connection • FAIRT ?AIRI• Call and see E. H. FISH, Tonsorial Art L t, when visiting the Fair. He will give yo o Cleans Easy �� lej . lad a fair Cut in the Latest Style. Shaving Parlor near rhe Post Office Farmers' Attention, PRICE LIST: Zurich S. B. flour $2.10 Family Choice 1.75 Pastry 1:90 Bran 0.60 Shorts 0.'75 Royal Spice 6.00 Wheat Chop 0.90 'Oat " 1,00 1.15 Any quantity in lots of a .ton or over I can be purchased by calling, Wheat taken at Market Prices. In the Brick Store OPPOSITE TOWN PALL Satisfaction Guaranteed A CALL Solicited! AKE UOWN R. S. Richardson, John Richardson, Man. Prop s rev3 ire Syr pc. Rich in the lung -healing virtues of the Pine , combined with the soothing and expectorant properties of other pectoral herbs and barks.' A PERFECT CURE FOR COUGHS AND COLDS Hoarseness, Asthma, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Croup and all THROAT, BRONCHIAL and LUNG DISEASES. Obstinate coughs which resist other remedies yield promptly to this pleasant piny syrup. ]PRICE 250. AND BOC. PER'SOTTLEs SOLD DY ALL DRUGGISTS. We hear a great deal in the papers about the PURITY of Baking Pow- ders; but as a matter of fact if you want it absolutely pure you should make your own, and especially when you can save 20 cts a pound by doing so. If you setld us $1 for two subscriptions we will also send you formula for making your own Ess. Lemon, Vanilla, Ginger, Pep- ' permint, etc.. Cut this out and send with money,or mention this paper. Y UR OWN The Puritan Baking Powder.: is guaranteed absolutely pure, and the formula and full directions . ons for mai.1ing it, so that you can sell it at a nice profit ` to your neigh-: bars, will be sent absolutely FREE to every one sendiri, zs 50 ; cents for one year's subscription to our journal, which is the besta er for the money published in the English language, and no familyy can afford to do without it. Address MEDICAL ADVISER, Eowrnally!11, Ont .1 .r.4.e.