HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-10-16, Page 13ty 0 • •' • ., TODAY CHILD BY HELEN ALLEN , . Tot'bnto47ele rarnr 6yndicate Aun LanAen Wife is husband's punch bag DEAR ANN LANDERS: 1 am 33, my husband is 34. We have three children. Yesterday we were all out for a drive and my husband decided on an impulse to treat us to'dinner at a nice eating place 90 miles away. We had never been to the place before but we had a map with complete instructions. My husband was driving and I was directing him — the map in my lap. I'm not very 'good at -..r directions (he knows this) but he kept yelling, "You graduated from the University of Chicago. You can't be a complete idi9t, figure it out!" He hit me three times. Today. I have an ugly black and blue mark on my arm. Two weelis ago he hit me because I didn't have -an •onidn to go with his hamburger. He always apologizes afterwards — says he has• a hot temper and he hopes I will overlook it. ' We've been married fpr 11 years and he has been hitting me since I was a bride. What can I do about this problem? — DICK'S PUNCHING BAG DEAR PUNCHY: A wife who lets her husband belt her around for 11 years must have some neurotic need to be hit. If you honestly want to put an end to it, make yourself scarce when you see the, storm clouds gathering. Go to another part of the house or take a walk. The experts agree that almost every battered wife knows how to anger her husband so he will clobber. her — which is what she wants. It's one of those Games People Play. DEAR . ANN LANDERS:� When my husband was divorced, his wife was awarded custody of the children. There was no battle or unpleasantness. Ward felt the children would be better off with their mother so he, gave them up willingly. After the divorce Ward asked his firm for a transfer and moved 2,000 miles away. We met here in Vancouver and were married the following year. Now — seven 'years later Ward gets a frantic phone call from his ex-wife. She Brent's serious expression reflects .this little boy's usual attitude towards strangers. He regards them all with sus- picion, but once acquainted is good-natured and affectionate. Brent is two years old, handsome, as you see, small in stature with -lovely dark eyes, light brown hair and fair skin: Ike is in excellent health and average in his development. • This is an active, playful youngster Who gets on well with other children. He needs a loving, secure home where he will be welcomed on his own merits. To inquire about adopt- ing Brent please write to Today's Child, Department of Social and Family Services, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 182. For general adoption- information ask your Children's, Aid Society. t • '.. 0 r s a James Richardson & Sons Ltd Serving The Feed Dealers of Western Ontario PHONE 524-8388, GODERICH - says the kids are too rnueh for her, She can't handle them. She asked Ward if he would take them.and he said yes. We've had the kids for four months and they are getting along fine. Ivly only regret is that we didn't get them sooner. Now comes the Dear Ann Landers, part: Ward's ex called last' night and asked if she could come and stay with us for four or five weeks. She misses the kids aid cannot afford a hotel. When I heard Ward say, "Of course you can come and stay with us, I blew my stack. Ward's mother was having dinner with us when the call came so she got in on everything. She thinks my attitude is terrible. Ward is surprised, I'm behaving so "childishly." .I need your support. — PHILADELPHI4 STORY. DEAR' P. A.: You've got it. If Ward's ex-wife can't afford four or five weeks in a hotel, let her come for one week and stay in a rented room. The arrangement he suggests is bizarre. Furthermore, it would be N.G.- for the kids. Stick to your convictions and, don't give in or you'll regret it. Confidential To One Who Ditched The Establishment,;And Found God: Your signature sounds like an article for the Reader's Digest but your letter is straight out of Kafka. If, after what you have lived through, you can still look forward to tomorrow, I salute you. My advice is yes. Try again. You've got to make it. MY COMPUTER: A CHILD -EYED PORTRAIT • tat+ DIRICD $ GNAlr, $TAR., TRUR$DAY)'OCTOB11 ,l6,' 0A. This column is not going to have one +, theme, but several. Fair enough? I've justre- turned from an exhausting weekend, taught eight 40 -min- ute periods of English and at- tended a department heads' meeting . whieh ended by six p.m., with everybody snarling. We went to visit our daugh- ter at university. A' mistake, but you love them. 'First few weeks are bad enough, but when you add a tooth extrac- tion, with complications, it's 'orrible. Complicate that with loneli- ness and you have a pretty sad kid on your •hands: (Funny, isn't it? Kids spend years tell- ing you how glad they'll be to get away from their rotten par- ents and be FREE. And a week later they're desperately home- sick. • But it wasn't all bad. We had •a good dinner, out; and Kim ruined her new leather skirt by dropping a fried shrimp on it. This is the only skill she has really mastered, after 13 years of education. Dropping things. And then there was Dennis, the cab driver. Rotun 1 and jol- ly, he talked steadily as he drove us 'in circles and squares,- looking for an— ad- dress. When we finally found it, we realized we could have walked in half the time. And Dennis; striking his forehead violently, remarked: "Geez, I shoulda known dis place. I work right across de street dere at de garage two nights a week." But he gave us a refund, which you'd never get in most cities. Perhaps the highlight of the weekend was The Newlyweds. We were coming down in' the elevator on-'&lnday. - A very large man, in his late fifties, and stoned to the eyeballs, joined us at the fifth floor. He was accompanied by a stat- uesque blonde, in her early fillies. Also stoned, but a Lady.. Couldn't say a word. "Wantcha to meet the wife," lie burbled deliriously. "Just got married yesterday." We were delighted at this manifestation that love knows no race, creed, or age, and congratulated them heartily. "We got 12 kids," he • an- nounced proudly. Seems she had four sons and two daugh- ters and he had four daughters and two sons, by previous mar- riages. Lots of grandchildren. They were just off to Boston on their . honeymoon. Now, don't ask me why anyone would go to Boston on a honey- moon. There isn't that much time to talk while you're going down five floors in an elevator. But they seemed extremely happy, and God bless them, and I hope they made it out.of the city without being thrown in the impaired driving tank. He almost wiped out a bellboy as he backed away from the hotel entrance. But love and peace to both of. them. How would _ you like •to start on a honeymoon with 12 kids? Personally,. I love and ad- mire anybody who believes in love and admiration alter the •age of 50. But 12 kids! And all ,those' grandchildren. Wow! It's like ' gging over the trenclfes at dawn with -a 'cap pistol and a string of firecrack- ers. ), Theme two. Does anybody in his right mind understand Medicare? I take it from the silence that the answer is a resounding "No!" This will replace that, and that will repla'ce`this, and I can get a hearing aid, which I don't need. How about a smell- ing aid for those who can't smell? My wife, after carefully reading the utterly confusing directions, has the idea -that we belong to four different mei cal plans, none of which will pay all our medical bills. The only thing that comes through to me, loud and clear, is that it's going to cost more money. Theme three. Do you realize that a high school with about 1400 students in it, is a snake pit? Confine about 1600 peo- ple (counting staff and jani- tors) into a shoe factory about a city block in size, and what do you get? A learning situation? No, a burning situation and a gaggle of paranoids. More about this later, when I'm feeling better. And 1 feel better already, just having said it. FOR YOUR AUTO INSURANCE See or Phone MALCOLM- MATHERS • GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT 46 WEST ST. 5249442 SINES DIRECTORY 1 ALL NEW GODERICH THIS SPACE RESTAURANT , RESERVED Steak House and 'Tavern - ,,FO -R YOUR AD a 1 .WIN! DOUBLE PASSES TO THE I PARK THEATRE BOOKS & STATIONERY Cards For 1 All Occasions * Gifts * Books * Stationery Supplies . * Records ANDERSON'S BOOK CENTRE 33 East St. Goderich BUILDING MATERIAL GODERICH BUILDING CENTRE * 524-8383 Cambria at Anglesea PAINT, WALLPAPER * PAINT * WALLPAPER -* CARPETS * TI•LE * LINOLEUM "Your Complete Home Decorating Centre" Wm. Ellwood 310 Mary St. MCARTHUR and REILLY LTD. West St, Goderich virwrieftwomimioris THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD 6 DOUBLE PASSES TO THE PARK THEATRE * FRIGIDAIRE * WESTINGHOUSE * G IBSON * HOOVER Sales and Service Miss L. Blanchard 107 Victoria St. S. GERRY'S APPLIANCES The Square — Goderich Now Owned and Operated by Chuck Jewell Mrs. Grace Donnelly 193 Widder St. EXCELLENT SELECTION Regular or Safety Toe 14 Different Styles DAVE GOWER'S Industrial & Garden Centre Hamilton St. .524-8761 Large Se,lelition Of PIANOS _.-and ORGANS— We offer more for 'your $ $ Try Us — We Prove It STRATFORD MUSIC CENTRE LTD. 9 118 Downie St., Stratford 271-6322 FURNITURE Mrs. Elfred Moore RR 4, Goderich For The FINEST in FURNITURE LODGE Furniture West St.— Goderich Be Sure To See Our Display Of ORIGINAL OIL PAINTINGS • The Narnes Of ASix SignaI-Star Subscrib- ers ,Are To Be Found In One Of These A Now Showing WINNER 6 ACADEMY AWARDS! t, IPTID 111 6,1 COLUMBIA PICTURES cowls i e ROMULUS PRODUCTION,f -LIONEL BART'S hew JOHN WOOLF aedaaty CAROL REED ' 433) PANAVI$ION' TECHNICOLOR' SEE REGULAR AD ON PAGE 5 FOR DATES AND TIMES Now a good salary Opportu nity-security. xyouu in a business career •Goderich Business College NIGHT SCHOOL Typing, Bookkeeping, Shorthand (Tues. & Thurs. Evening) 524-8521 524-8732 29trJ THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD .LADIES WEAR LADIES WEAR LIMITED Ground -Floor Fabric Centre Bedding Luggage Gift sets Fashion Floor Dresses Coats Sportswear Accessories MEN'S WEAR For That CERTAIN Flair sIN MEN'S WEAR EARL RAWSON MEN'S WEAR On The Square, Goderich THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD SHOE STORES . For FASHION SHOES the Place To Go Is ROSS SHOES' The Square Goderich For The Fashion Look SPROULE SHOES TELEVISION PHILIPS PHILCO -- Colour e Gvision S ALES and ERVICE K. F. Wilkinson 64 Wellesley St. 524-9432 RIVETT'S TELEVISION — RADIO 34 The Square Goderich ♦ • TRAVEL SERVICES 1.1 a Uu�r.� �'iuttsp YOUR COMPLETE TRAVEL SERVICE 29 East Street GODERICH 524-8366 / THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD D. A. KAY & SON Painting and Decorating Contractors Painting, Wallpapering Draperies, Floor Sanding 33 Huron Rd. 482-9542 Clinton COIN OPERATED D R Y_...C_.L_E.A.N.I LG.. 8 Pounds —.$3.00 Open 9 a.m. to 6 p.rh. Daily Except Sunday also Friday Evening Fu,IIy Attended West Street , LAUNDROMAT 54 West St. M 524-9953. SHOPPE Goderich • Footwear For The Family 524-9174 Kingston St. Goderich CONTEST RULES Each week- the namesand addresses of 6 subscribers -will appear in the Business Directory. .. —Look for your name and address in the ads. —Take the Business Directory and suitable identification to the advertiser in whose ad your name appeared and —Pick up your passes by Saturday night dosing. Only Subscribers to the Signal -Star are eligible.