HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-10-09, Page 24The Signal -Star, October 9, 1969 Car Care Supplement
Putting, Car in Good Condition
or Trade-in, Means Better. Deal
Are you thinking 'about sell-
ing your car yourself rather
than trading? There are a few
things you can s10 to help Old
Faithful sell quicker and for a
better price.
Your prospective customers
will be much amore aware of
certain idiosyncrasies whirl
you have learned to live with
but which might not cost much
to,„flx. Worn carpeting, for ex-
ample, can . be covered witr
attractive contour floor mat:
for a( few dollars.
One thumping tire might b+
replaced with your good spare
This creates a much better
driving impression and ought
to be . done anyway.
Don't Overlook
A noisy Muffler or a missing
engine, . things you may have
been planning _to take care of,
can make the big difference
between sale and no sale. Es;-
pecially if your prospect has
been shopping good cars in
your price range.
Maybe you have become ac -
customer to ° compensating
for slightly loose steering or
slightly grabbing brakes. Don't
try to sell your car in this con-
dition! You might lose your
customer and your car ... in
a ditch. Instead, invest a .few
dollars to have a car you kno—
ts right when you turn over
the keys.
One service found successfu.
by reputable used car dealers
Most Wear on Car
Tires Traceable
To Improper
Wheel. Alignment
A tip to motorists who like
to play it safe —. keep your car
on -the -straight and narrow.
Proper wheel alignment will
achieve that objective. When
a tire, forcefully hits a chuck-
hole or similarly rough spot,
—the-= result can be- wheel--leav-•-
ing its straight and proper
course. This, in turn, can re-
sult not only in costly tire wear
which cari create a safety ha-
and but also can result in dam-
age to the car's frame.
Approximately 15 to 20 per
Cent of tire wear_. on all -,of our
nations cars comes from im=
proper wheel alignment. Regu-
lar inspection of tires to make
cartain wheels are rolling cor-
rectly not only will save mo-
torists money but will reduce
the chances of the car "creep-
ing" toward a dangerous road
shoulder or across a center
lane, when the driver might
relax vigilance for a 'moment.
A wheel off-line can result
in scuff tire damage within a '
mile of driving. Few drivers
realize the tremendous wear •
on a tire that, for example,
"toes -in" or "toes -out." Each
10 miles of driving, with this
kind of wheel misalignment,
is equal to the tire wear which
would come if the car were
dragged sideways for 100 feet..
Roads present more llazard,
to tires during winter months
than during warm -weather
months. Foreign objects such
--as-na-ils-and-glass--a re-reta-fned-
in the buildup of ice and snow.
For this reason, check winter
tires carefully and frequently
for cuts or breaks. And be sure
you have a spare tirein your
car's trunk. .meq
is a lube job ' and oil change
A clean, new sticker on the
door jamb gives the buyer in-
creased confidence in the car
and the person selliarg it. .The
cost is peanuts.
This'is not to say you should
go overboard in fixing up to
sell. Some -people have learned,
to their dismay, that a cheap
'dent repair or inadequate
paint job can actually work
against them.
Shabby paint is much easier
on the eye than a poor paint
job which often makes a pros-
pective buyer wary of possible
accident repair that he thinks
You are trying to cover up.
Little Things, Too
Use discretion and you 'will
see good returns on your pre-
sale investment. Think how
you uld feel about 'tit you
were buying the ,car. Does it
look as if somebody cares? Is
the interior clean? You cA n
take care of this yourself with
special upholstery cleaner
available at your auto supply
storey And a professional .vac-
uuming at your service station
A tip to car owners— invest
a Lincoln penny, in your fam-
ily's future. Why a Lincoln
head penny? Insert a.„penny
head first into the tread -
grooves of each tire. If the
head of "Honest Abe”, can br
seen, the tire ' has worn to a
dangerous point and should br
will help matters considerably.
With everything up to snuff,
you ought to be able to sell the
car much more quickly than if
you had not invested a little
money and some of your own
time in it.
In fact, you' might decide to
keep it.
Thmk About
Those Other
Five Cars
At least five cars besides your.
own should concern you while
They are the one ahead, the
one behind, the one approach-
ing in the opposing lane, the
one , ready to enter from a side
street, and the one parked ,.at
the curb.
Be prepared for any of them
to do anything without warn-
Driving requires that deci-
sions be made almost con-
stantly. Most traffic emergen-
cies must be recognized and
action . taken in split seconds.
Drive ahead -- try tO decide in
advance what action is best at
any place for each emergency
that may arise.
Try to drive in such a way
that you ,have. plenty of time
40 make the right decision.
Don't crowd those split 'sec-
onds by crowding the traffic —
and your luck.
Good Things
Happen, with
"Nest Eggs"
Like growing chicks, growing
dollars often start from small
• beginnings. ,To make good
things happen for your
family, start a financial nest
egg now, with a Savings
Account here.
:ven small amounts, saved ,
regularly, soon add up to
substantial sums. Interest,
compounded regularly, helps
your money earn more. -
What "hatches" out? A
brighter future!
`69 Chev. Cars and Trucks
Demonstrators -
'70 Models -
Car Lot
1 1 1
Take advantage of the few '69 Chevrolet cars ant
trucks left with 12 months/12,000 mile and ;
year/50,000 mile power train warranty at reduced
bargain prices.
Also we still have a few demonstrators at greatly ,
reduced prices.
Large selection of 1970 models ready for immediate
Come out and take a look at our used car lot. We have fresh trade-ins arriving daily
on the '70 models — A car for every budget — Like his 1960 Falcon, 6 cylinder,
automatic, 13,000 original miles: 1n actual showroom condition. You HAVE to
SEE this one. Lic. H81340.
or sedans.
s $1695
Lic. 96261 J and 992853.
Your Chevrolet &dtrnabile Dealer