HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-10-09, Page 18vd . y A' aQDERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1969 .A 4101 •r' Itopi Err s-� From the Minister's study REV. J. DONALD,MacDQNALD North Street United Church A mutter of identity The story of man has been one of a constant search for his identity — one of seeking an answer to the question of what or who he really is. An easy answer is not forthcoming. Even a visitor from outer space would soon be confused if he were to look down on man and his strange activities. Side by side with generosity and kindness he would see greed and selfishness; in the midst of warmth and friendliness, he would see bitterness and hatreds. If the independent observer from some other planet would be confused with what he saw, how much more should we who daily mingle with our fellow humans. In this last year of the sophisticated sixties — an age of advanced education and science; more than a dozen wars are raging, more than half of the world's people are starving and diseased, and racial tensions are on the,verge of explosion. This is man's picture of himself rri this year 1969. And though keenly aware of his miseries, he blatantly spends billions more on bigger and better bombs and less and - less to relieve his troubles. Looking on man today, one would be driven to believe again in the doctrine of original sin — that man is no good, and for him there is no hope. Sigmund Freud would agree for he came to believe that in every human being hidden deep in the subconscious was the "ID" — seat of man's sensual, lustful and selfish drives which his -"EGO" and "SUPEREGO" vainly and 'hopelessly attempt to control. So that,- turning over the "log of human nature" anti' human relations, Freud pictures all the ugly creatures underneath scurrying for cover. What dark pessimism - what dearth of hope. But is there really any hope? Is the answer to what man really is, the. dark picture it seems? If so, the New. Testament and the optimism of Jesus about man is sheer nonsense. Then why. keep trying?' Perhaps we just cannot accept the cold dark_ facts as . actual truth about man and we cannot live unless we believe in hope. Jesus did for he constantly stays us from our dark pessimisms and points us again and again to the potentiality within reach of each one of us and reminds us of our possibilities for goodwill—and brotherhood.- What rotherhood.-What a dark story is the tale Safety tip from the Industrial Accident Prevention Association. October is Safety Month. Safety, like . success, must be earned. Learn the safe work methods for your job and practise them daily. Your life is worth the effort. Remember — Safety Is No Accident. LIONS' PEANUT DRIVE OCTOBER 9 STEWART ALUMINUM SALES FOR -12 YEARS serving the people of Goderich and area with quality Alcan aluminum products. EXPERT WORKMANSHIP . 20 YEAR GUARANTEE ALUMINUM SIDING, WALLS, SOFFITTS AND FACEBOARDS ALSO WINDOWS, DOORS, AWNINGS STEWART ALUMINUM SALES 101 Vtctorla1 St.*Goderich 5g4u81121 of the son who wanted everything he could get his hands on — spent it all with complete abandon — ended up feeding pigs and eatiig their food with them. It is dark and like the story of man until the story changes. The son comes to himself in what the psychologist would call an "instantaneous reorientation" and realized that he wasn't made for this miserable kind of existence and determined to do something about it. That must be the answer. Insignificant as we may seem to be — perhaps things could be different and better and brighter if you acid I were, to determine ,that we and our fellows were. created for something better than the mess we find ourselves in. It might just be, that we would discover who we really. are! Anecdotes and Letter Children's Aid -seeks Christmas donations At the September meeting of the board of directors of the Children's Aid Society of Huron County, plans were laid for providing some Christmas help for families having a difficult time this year. Early in October 'our visitor will call on these families to talk over whatever is needed. Then our volunteers will begin at once to buy and select gifts, wrap them and pack boxes for each family. There are already over sixty families on our list for this year, and the number can foreseeably double by December. It is. imperative to begin at once, Our volunteers hope to finish packing the boxes in November so that our visitor can begin delivering them early in December. Our hope is to finish by December 15. It was suggested that people wishing to share in this wonderful work would like -to make it a Thanksgiving project. In this way, contributions would come to the Children's Aid Society office in October and memories of Lord Service to a man who demanded, and generally got, what he wanted from superiors but who would personally answer a child's donation is recalled by David Farrer in G -FOR GOD ALMIGHTY: A Personal Memoir of Lord Beaverbrook. In what he describes as a "personal worm's eye view of a maddening, brilliant, unpredictable, generous, vindictive, ruthless, sentimental, and ultimately, to me, extraordinarily , attractive and magnetic personality," Farrer writes of the years from March 1940 to September 1940 when he served as one of Beaverbrook's two private secretaries. Those years. saw Beaverbrook's mastery • as Minister of Air Production in providing the planes so desperately needed for the Battle - of Britain; his tempestuous relationship with Churchill, his great personal success in winning Stalin's trust in the autumn 'of 1941; his feat in persuading Roosevelt to almost double his armaments program; his resignation from the Government after a mere 12 days as Minister of Production. Farrer sketches the man behind these headlines, a man whose readiness to seize opportunities presented to him and to create those that were not, led to bitter feuds. Coupled with a sense of showmanship which could ask Britons to "Send me your pots and pans, send me your aluminum" for the manufacture of Spitfires, was a keen mind, and an incomparable drive bordering on ruthlessness. which couched demands on the prime minister in threats of resignation if his wishes were not met. What fused these qualities into success was what Farrer calls the "personal touch," dealing directly with the managers of small manufacturing firms who had never before had such attention from an important government figure, and answering each saucepan with a personal letter, each separately drafted and signed by Beaverbrook himself. Beaverbrook was not insensitive to . criticism, particularly when it involved the spending of public money on his missions to other countries. During a 1942 visit to the United , States he insisted on finding'^:reaper accommodation than the lavish suites reserved for him. This led to desperate "THE BIBLE T The campaign to distribute 1"20- million New- Testaments throughout Africa and Mada- gascar will be part of the Bible Societies' world-wide campaign to increase Scrip- ture circulation, "God's Wp'rd for a New Age — the Book for New Readers." early November so that the sortin, selecting and wrapping can be easily accomplished in good time. What to send us? Money is always • acceptable because Men we can use it to buy what Is suitable for each particular child. Woollen and leather mitts are always useful; diapers; gifts for children, especially those over 012 years of age, and especially boys; games for a family to enjoy; baby blankets; pyjamas for older children and so on. Remember too, that these gifts do not need to be Christmas wrapped. The Children's Aid Society • is most appreciative of the many generous gifts contributed during this and former -years by the people of Huron County. It is what we share that spreads happiness not only to the homes where it is received but also in our own. We wish you all much joy. Miss Clare McGowan, Local Director, Children's Aid Society of Huron County. Beaverbrook conspiracy 'among his staff to prevent him from discovering that the train car in which he was riding .was a private one. While Beaverbrook's valet kept him in his compartment, "until the crowd thins" Farrer banged suitc-ases •and stamped about in the corridor providing the noises of passengers, disembarking from an empty train. The triumphs, the setbacks the gallery of characters from statesmen to the women for whose companionship Beaverbrook had a compulsive need — all are vivid brushstrokes in the portrait of a man who could inspire fierce,, hatred or unswerving devotion in those whose lives he touched. G— For God Almighty By David Fairer Published by the Ryerson Press . Price $5.95 pDAY" Three major factors are pre- senting the Bible Societies in Africa. with an unprecedented • demand for Scriptures, which the New Testament campaign will help to meet: the rapid rise in the number of child-- :.k -en receiving- primary arid. see ondary' education, the steady progress of literacy through- out the continent, and the in-' creasing concern in Roman Catholic circles for the read- ing of the Bible by the faith- ful and for Scripture distri- bution to the people. The New Testaments are t� be produc- ed mainly in paperback for- mat, and, according to basic Bible Society policy, sold at a price the ordinary man can afford, often below° cost price. • • The Baptistry . St. Georges Cerci Church of God .,(PENTECOSTAL) Pastor: REV. OMER HENDERSON Friday, 8:00 p.m. — Youth Services. SUNDAY SERVICES 10:00 a.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. — CHURCH Corner North , and Nelson — MacKay Hall Phone 524-7129 W -E- L -C -O -M -E Jetliner Flite 88 makes a strong'case for economical luggage And what a case it is. 1\1 arv4lite A.b.S., the high impact material that re- sists the roughest handling„ covers the strong, light aluminum frame ... just like more expensive lug- gage. A powerful handle supports your travelling wardrobe, safely packed inside this good-looking luggage . . • Flite .88 by Jetliner. It's 100% Canadi- an made, and has a Sani- tized taffeta interior for lasting freshness. You'll be proud of your luggage if it s J-etliner-Fl.ite-.88, from $21.95 cd/;_lizz' The Fashiau Luggage_ See it soon at SCHAEFER'S LADIES' WEAR LTD. THE SQUARE Total Home Comfort Texaco StyIe1 Texaco Deluxe Forced Warm Air,rurnace. • Designed to ensure the complete combustion of -every drop of oil. And because it's oil, you get maximum heat at miinimum,cost. Available on easy terms. • Texaco Replacement Oil Burner. Designed on a unique pedettal base to fit any e4isting forced warm air furnace. Make the changeover now, and save yourself money and discomfort this winter. Texaco Oil -Powered Water Heater. The fastest hot water service money can buy - 4 times faster than gas and 8 times faster than electricity. • Yours for just pennies a day. Portable Texaco Humidifier. There's also a furnace mounted model: Either ole will keep your -13•appy-hoa-troc0:.ccracking.up,-11.' ll ---- give your family a better atmosphere to live in, too. Both are efficient and economical. IT We'II see that you'll always have the home comfort you desire. Day and Night. A Texaco Portable Dehumidifier. The only way to beat weather changes and dampness in your home. Fast. Automatic, efficient (removes up to 31/2 gallons of water from the air a day). Economical, too. Our teamwork keeps the heat on. HOFFMEYER Plumbing & Heating Ltd. ma 55 Kingston St. Goderikh, Ontario Phone: 524-7861 HOME COMFORT 4, «N SUNDAY ERVICES CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET A FELLOWSHIP CHURCH NEED A RIDE? CALL FORT -BUS- PICKUP 524-9229 or 524.6445 SUNDAY SCHOOL FORALL AGES —10:00 A.M. 11:00 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. "DECISION DEFERRED=?" Evening Service — "Total Family" Hour — 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. — Bible Study and Prayer PASTOR REV. KENNETH J. KNIGHT .WESLEY MEMORIAL CHURCH THE FREE METHODIST CHURCH Park Street at Victoria H. Ross Nicholls, Pastor SUNDAY SCHOOL — 10:00 A.M. WORSHIP -4:00 A.M. EVENING SERVICE — 7:00•p.m. — AII' Welcome— FIRST elcome- FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) MONTREAL STREET 'hear The Square —.A WELCOME TO ALL —, 10:00 a.m. — Adult Bible Class and Sunday School For All. 11:00 a.m. — Communion Service. "CREATIVE LIFE" Supervised Nursery Minister: Rev. Arthur Maybury, B.A., B.D. 411. ST., EORGE'S CHURCH National Thanksgiving — October 12th 8:30' a.m. — HOLY COMMUNION. 1,1:00 a.m. — MORNING PRAYER: Sermon by the Rector Dedication of plaque in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Lee Nursery at 11- a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES. - AT 10 and 11 a.m. Rector: REV. G: G. RUSSELL, B.A., B.D. Organist—Choirmaster Miss Marion Aldous, A.Mus., Mus. Bac. Knox PresbyterianChurch THE REV. G. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A., Minister WILLIAM CAMERON, Director of Praise SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12th 16:00 atm. — CHURCH SCHOOL 11:00 a.m., — DIVINE WORSHIP. Sermon: "Thanksgiving Is A Reminder" (Nursery and Junior Congregation) — THANKSGIVING — Woodstock: P.Y.P.S. Fall Rally No Meeting Locally Depart to Serve Enter to Worship North Street. United Church Thanksgiving Sunday October 12th 10:00 a.m. - SENIOR SCHOOL. 11:Q0 a.m. — JUNIOR SCHOOL .11:00 a.m. — WORSHIP. THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Sermon: THANKS? FOR WHAT! Supervised Nursery • Rev. J. Donald MacDonald, B.Sc., B.D. Minister Rev. W. J. Maines, B.A., Assistant Minister - Mrs. Eleanor Hetherington, A.C."r.M., Organist and Choir Director WELCOME — Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada CORNER OF ELGIN AND WATERLOO STS. REV. R. CLARK; Pastor SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12th Special Thanksgiving Services t0:00a.m. — SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. — CHURCH. • Tuesday, 8 p.m. — Bible Study and Prayer. Friday, .8 p.m. — See "OUT OF THE NIGHT" 3/4 HOUR COLOURED SOUND FILM — WELCOME Victoria Street United Church -The--House of-FrienusRev. Leonard Warr 10:00 a.m. — BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL GRADES. 11:00 a.m. — HARVEST HOW' THANKSGIVING. Sermon: "THE GOODNESS OF GOD" 10:00 a.m. — �BENMI LLER HARVEST HOME THANKSGIVING & BIBLE SCHOOL. — W -E -L -C -O -M -E — Mrs. J. Snider Victoria St. Organist & Choir Leader Mrs. L. Warr Benmiller Pianist & Choir Leader UNITED HOLINESS CHURCH ,62 CAMBRIA.STREET NORTH SUAY, Oh 9:50NDa.im SUNDACTOBER ii' SCHOOL 11:00 a.m. — WORSHIP SERVICE 7:00 p.m. — EVANGELIST.IC SERVICE Mid -Week Prayer Service Wednesday 8 p.m. "A WELCOME AWAITS YOU" Pastor: REV: C. A. JOl-INSON, B.A. PHONE 5246887 The family that prays together ... stays together 4 1 9. 4 4 • 4 4