HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-11-10, Page 1RISWICribe fel* The EXETER ADVOCATE. 0111,V frOM xawtiUJnuary 1st isis. also it s trial, ••••••••esseses•••••. VOL The ols ns Bank. (Chartered by Parliament, ass.) Paid up Capital $2,000,000' Rest Fund_ 1,100,000, Head office Montreal, WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esti-, GENERAL MANAGER. cy advanced to good Partner's on their totes with one or more endorsess at 7 it per annum. Exeter Branch. Dyers laWfal day from 10 a. M. te 3.s. ms Saturdays sea a. xn. to 1 p. m beneralbanking business transacted . CURRENT RATES allowed for mon- ey on Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank at ,3 per cent, • N. DYER IIURDON Exeter, Jan. 28, '88. Sal) Manager THE Crixtter abuctectte ,Es pnblished every Thursday Morning, at the Office, ' MAIIST.STR.EET, — EXETER. By the SANDERS' PUBLISHING C0.114I'ANY. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance. $1.50 if not so paid. .1s.a.-trestIss.sse. Rates' ors Stasselica.- tioss. • __-_— No paper discontinued until all arrearages are pant. Advertisements without specific directions will be Published tiU forbid and ehargea accordingly. Liberal tliscount made for transcient advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the flaest style, and. at moclerate rates. Cheques, money ()vi- ers. Stc.for advertising, subseriptions, etc. to be made payable to SanderS sgS Dyer PROPRIll'relts Church. fl lreotory. TRIVITT MEMORIAL Cauncas-Rev. P H Fait, Rector. Sunday Services, 11 a. m and.7 p.n. Sabbath School, 3 ..in.Rely Communion, ist Senday of each ino nth at Mornias, Service. and in months ofRye Sun- days, after Evening Service of 4th Sunday of' the month. Holy Baptism on Sncl Sunday , of each month at morning service. lissuoniss Casunen--Jamest-st , Rev. A. L. Rnssell, 'Pastor. Sunday Services, 10.80 a. and, 6.30 p.m, Sabbath Sehool, 2.30 p.m. MAIN STREET—Rev. W. 11/(cDona5li, Pas- tor. Sun 18,y Serviees,10 30 a.m. ani 6.80 p.m. 'Sabbath School 2.80 p. m. .r.RES3ITTERIAN CIII311011.—R0v. W. Martin, Pastor, Sunday Services, 11 a. m. and. 6.30 p. tn. Sabbath School, 9.45 a.m. • 01.1.1wa.sarern.......sreee*Igeanwxruom—me-rnawmism.m...Mero reoressional Cards. .M.M.1........e*.ampessMommsmudasxawissrerfecre H. KINSMAN, L. D. S, Fanson's Block two doors north of Carling Store, MAIN STREET, EXETER., extracts teeth without pain. Away at Hensall on let Friday; Ailsa Craig on 2nd. and 4th Tuesday. and Zurich on last Thursday of each mont b. elablanrip.OrMax*as2•01•CiduaMosomweregrammanineac.altiainato•Meripsweala QH. ustauket, Morriss, Member Royal College Dental Surgeons successor to H. L. Billings. Office over Post Office Exeter, Ont. ZS safe anaesthetic given f'or th.e painless extraction of teeth. Fine Gold Fillings as required.. .1111P +gam pa WIT Medical. JB WIIITELY, M. D. C. M., PHYSICIAN • • and Snrgeon. Office ana. residence— Corner Victoria ancl Elgin streets, Godeileh, Ontario, fradm.*••••ommenremvolmarrenas....MM***••••=a0NaRriere•OIMAS•••• 1)R. J. A. ROLLINS. —MAINST. Re4ide1ee-00raer A.n.drew and North Streets, Exeter, Ontario. -nit. T. P. SIGLAUGHLIN,MEMBER OF A-1 the (lollop of PLysielans and Surgeons Ontario, Physician, Surgeon and Aceouch- ear. Office, Dash -wood, 1-1 .A.MOS,M. D., C M Memlser of Oollege of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario; lieentiate of the Royal Collese of Physicians aad Surgeons Edinburgh; licen- tiate of the Factulty of Physieians and. Sur- geons, Glasgow; Pellow of Trinity Medical , College, Torouto. Office—Dr. Cowell's for- mer resiSence. 1)1 Itt. COLLINS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT- . • OR, Conveyancer, Notary Publics. Office—Over O'N eirs Bank, Exeter, Ontario. Sionev to Loan. LEl. DICKSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR • of Supreme Court, N otary Public, Con- yeyanse.r,Coramissioner, &c. Stoney to loan Block, Exeter. i'LLIOT& ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, SOLOS- Rs- oss, Coneyancers, Ste. . B. sr. ELLIOT. J. ELLsom .ergrewannasanortmemromerwranwenem.ngonnorannteenns.00m AllatOtteers. -Er BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Any:C- .11. ioitoor for the Counties of I'erth, anS „Micl.cllesex, also for the township of Usborne SiSales promptly a ttendoa to and. torrn.sroason 0,ble.Sales arranged at 'Post office, Winchelsa A F. ROLLINS, late. of Manitoba, Means- SAssed. Auctioneer, for the eounties of Hur- on and. Miclalesex. Residence: 1 mile south of Exeter, Ont. Stvle Orders by snail. or other- wise promptly attes.ded to at reasonable prices. BOSSENBERRY,STensall Ontario. Lie - .12.1 • ensed Asictiorteer for the Counties of Huron asal Perth. Obaiges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. LRAISON', Licensed Auctioneer for tb e . County of Huron. Sales Conducted os reasonable tormc, Farm and Farm Stocic o pocialty. artangementc can be made at this offtee. VISED. EARN0OSS.13, Provincial Land .L Surveyor as& Civil Engineer. Office, Over Post Office Main street, Exeter, Ont. AlVD IVIMLER, Veterinary Surgeon, Gradnate of the Ontario Vetersnary College, Tosonto, (Successor to Wm, Sweet, V. ) Over 18 years practice. Office and. rosidenee ono bloclt east of Richard Pickards store. Opposite Skating Rink, Exeter, Ont, 0.1311manlagetsernamma Nt ST ELLIOT. A.64M,Sr FOIL The Western Piro Assurance Company, of Toronto The Phconix Fire Insurance Co`y., of London, England The Alliance Eire Assur. Coy., of London, England. °Sleet—Main-street, Exeter, Ont. YOR SALE. An. untight Piano (hiason Sr :nisch) —7 oct- ave—aliaost new, .A.pply at this °filets ClialLIM120,011.1.11, anaxamadosels.merWarthwam•NPraam.r.racomma fesiseses stts....sesst . ' S:K4s177,1e "-esSeXessi-.=--mc The ADVOCATE OFFICE in aced ofs— I4ale Bills, Shunt Bills, .I.reSter Seads Easel° pes—in tact all kiads of pria ws.......sses•se•te, riS..71,7.0...erraityyzugpar EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY„ NOVEMBER WI 1892. ^ London Huron & Bruoe Railway raesesteer Same Table Notsra. Goist-c Sousa. London,dep't 8.05 4.25. Win sham 7.06940, salsas crews 8S7 5.20, 1.3sisra,ve 7.24. 4.00, Clandeboye 852 5 28. 13lyth 7.88 445. Centralia 908 5.45 toudosboro, 1.47 4.25. EXETER SAS 5.57 Clinton 8.07 4.45, Hensall 9,38 6.00 Brusefisid. 8.28 3.114 Eippen 9.34 6.17. !Silvan 8,84 5.12 Brucelield 9,42 6.26 Hessap. • 3.41 5,19. Oliston 10,00 14.45, EXETER 8,47 5.57 Lonaesboro' loss 7.08 Centralia 9.09 545 Blytb 10.28 7.72. Clan cleboye 9.18 5.50 lielgrave 10 42 737 Iseetts Orosts 9.24 6.02 weleinins 51.00 7.45. London asrs 50 15 6.46 IniaSitioammrsindr.n..posrmanomaccassmnosseremantommery........6•Mtim EXETER MARKETS. Wheatper bushel.. $0.63 t�0.65 Barley 35 to 40 Oats ........ 26 to 27 Peas .... . . . 56 to 57 Butter ..... ....... 17 to 18 Ferge .,. 16 Se 16 Chicken per lb . 6 to 5 Ducks " . , 6 to 8 Geese " 5i to 6 Turkey -s " .......... 7 to 8 Potatoes per bus ... 50 to 50 Hay per ton ............5.00 to 6.00 :110:11111AMMINLEIMWSISLIMACSIMIIMItilsalc• SALE REGISTER. Noy. 11.—Parm Stock, Implements, &e., the property ofGeo, I-Awl:3, on lot 7, con. MeGillivta,y. A.J. Rortass, Auct. DOG FOR SALE. A- spleinflid fivosm onths- old. St. Bernard, tbe makings of a good watch dog. for sale cheap, apply to Ructa Bsews, Excites North 3 t. NOTICE. Raving disposed of m y tailoring business all matouncs due mu 11111,5 be , settled on or before the 15t.h.No1..1892, with Jos. Sorties, Phu togra taxer. JAMES GMIEVE,. STRAYED. On the premises, s orth half lot 23, con. 8, Usborne, a sprit, g pi. on er about the 15th August. Owner eat; bave same by proving property and.paying expenses. OKE, Exeter P.0 LOST. A.11 parties are hereby requested 101 ±0 ne- gotiate tor a mote of 868, drawls in favor of .612 'Richard. Davis and Signed by Messrs. Weekes Bros., as the same has been -paid. R, DAvis. COTTAGE FOR SALE Or to rent, frame, oontaining eight rooms and a good brick cellar, situated on Elisa- beth street, south of James st. Methodist church. Hard and soft water on the prem- ises. Possession given 16th Nov., '92. .Apply to T. DI ASISO or at this office. BOAR FOR SERVICE. The -undersikned svill keep for service on Lot 15, Con, Srd., Stephen, a thoroughbred Berkshire Boar. TE.RALS:—$1, payable at time of service, with privelege of returning if necessary. Jes•W/LsiS, Prop. $1,0 REWARD. A reward 0410 is hereby offered to any persoa furnishing information that will se- cure the oonviction of the party 'or' parties who broke tbe window in tb e house occupied by Mrs. Dickey, on the sight of the lath or morning of the 19th inst. Crecliton, Sloth Oct.. 1802. JOSS LEWIS Waif 40....1......31209121191•LTZMIXAM pROPERTY FOR SALE. Situated on the corner of Waterloo and. William streets, consisting of three lots, on which is situated. a frame house, stable, a number of fruit bushes and trees. The loca- tion is in a splendid part of the village. For further particulars apply to MS. ALMS]) BOS7Sy WIIINETSIMIEntilln.11.0...Otrallenittallaltera2eIriMalt .A. span of horses belonging' to Mr. John Hawkshaw, while standing in the yard behind the hotel, took fright end started up Main street in runaway style on Saturday morning, but were opped by Mr. Thomas Carling before any damage was done to either horses or vehicle. Little !Beginnings; The steam which raised the lid of the kettle led a philosophic.miud to ut- ilize it for man's besefit. No one dreamed that we should now be drag- ged along by it at the rote of sixty miles an honr. When Perry Davis made a preparation for tho medicinal use of his family, over -fifty years ago, neither he nor any man imagined that it would now be sold in every landand prove to be the, PAIN KILLER of tee world. The new big bottle, old price 25c, The Salstrdni Blade 1.s the greatest newspaper wonder of the age. itis four years old and has &circulation of over a quarter million copies a we:A. Tim latest sensations and, the most marvellous events are ,written up in the best style and fully - illustrated SubscriptiOns received at. S200 per year, $1,00 foiSix months, or 50 cents for three months. Special in- ducements to clubs. Send for free specimen copies. Boys everywhere ftre making big money selling the Blade on the streets. Write for partic ularS. Address the publisher'W. D, Boyce; 118,115 and 117 Fifth avenue, Chicago. -4t. ..unseitornirrarreatikodurumesnenzwreemortgain. THE TESTIMONIALS Published on behalf of Hood'e ,Sarsapa- el Ila are as reliable and ' wm thy your confidence, as 11 they came from your best and most trueted neighbor. 'They state only the simple facts in regard to what Hood's Sarsaparilla has done, al- -ways within treth and reason. Constipation, and all troubles with She digestive organs and the liVer, ate cured by Hood's Pills, Unequalled as a dinner pill. We have not yet lea ened the weight of two monster pigs:belonging to Mr. John Hawkshaw and Oa ughtered yes krday (Mad). • They must' im mensels large ones as the services of 851 experieneed London hatchets Mr. h.os, Deets had to 1)0 1,11.001.1r0C1. to pci'- ft the slaughtering duties. Centraiiu, Mr. Thomas Handford, who toola carload of cattle to 'MAR. seine weeks .- ego has returned and reports a good sale.—Mr. Jas. Delgaty occupied the P1111115 on Stinclay evening,--Rev.Illae- Donongh, of Exeter; Will preach the thaukegiving sermon to day.—Miss Lucy Balsdon, of EXeter was the guest of Mrs John Evans on Sunday.—Rd. Handford was suddenly taken ill en Friday and his recovery is doubtful.--. John Colwell lins rethrued from Lon; den where he has been receiving treat ment for lung troubles for several weeks.—Miss May Hodgins of '• Lucan spent SundAy in the villnie.--The cheese factory closed for this season on Saturday Ines Hensall. OATS WANTEi:S—Good clean white' oats. Present prices 29 to 24 ets Haying contracted with a Liverpool firm for all the meal i van manufacture this season. Farmers having miss te dispose of should call at the Heeean ()anneal mills.—D.UKCTUART.—The Cosgrove Company math., their appeae arice 111 Coxworth's Hall, here, en Oat• matey last. The all'air throughout was a gTand success. and much Appre dated ny those present. The Corn pany all through sustains(' the reput- ation that preceded it and WS 700115 say it was ihs Istst flyer we have had hoe for some years.—Thasksgiving services will be held in the different churches th ro h o et the tow II to -day (Thursdav).—The addition to D. Urqu- hart's mills. to be used AS' a store house IS nearing completion tied will fulfil a longfelt Watit. West McGillivray Mr. John Patching, of the lain hos leased the forty -ecru farm belmigine to Jobe MeV kat and SomnienesiS ploughing this weeks—Mr. Judson Da- ley of the 811), has sold his farm to Mr. Geo. Harcus 'at a high figaire and is making preparations to tnove to North ern Michigan where his father and, mother are livings We are sorry to .part with:dudson as he isa first class neighbor aml a JOST good. fellow.—A tramp in this vishaity is causing some amusement to some at others expense. Look otitsfer him. In order to put In the Sabbath. . he calls about dark,pre- tends to be sick. The geed people of the house give him lodgings till morn- ings At this time he is a little worse ht;7haa a quantity of bark and herbs froni which he makss medicine for himself, stays till, Monday- mornings eatga, good lire.akfaSts-thankstlie good people SHCttakes bit departure. " • Kirkton M. Sample has been re engaged to teach Woodham sshool for Hutton iemains another year at 4th line Blanshard.--Miss 0. Kirk has been engaged to teach. the Andersou school. —Mr. Thompsois brother of Dr. Thomp son, Will be the "king' of the taws" at She stone school, ITsbOrne, for the coin ,ing von —A singing class has been formed in the • Kirktois Presby,teidan church. Prof, Ruse has been engaged as instructor.—On Thursday lastt.'week while Annie, Urquhart was playing with some beans, she had the misfort tine to get one in her windpipe and Was almost strangled when found by her mother. Medical aid was called immediately and a surgical, Opetation performed by Drs. Groves, Irving and Thompson, but they were unable to get it out.eWhile picking turnips at 1 Doupe'e, Ernest Robinson fell out of a wagon and both *heels went over him Fortunately the wagon was empty.—. - Mrs. Miller, of Kine,ardine, is visiting 'friends inKirktan..-s-Miss Kirk, Of .KanS sas, sistet of Mrs. J..Hazelwood, is the guest of Mee. Hazelwood, -- • C:11 Usborne. Messrs, George Andrew, Eli Coult- ice and Rich, Delbridge, of Usborne, who have been In Manitoba for some weeks, rettirned on Friday.—Mr, Wm, If. Penwardee, who hes beeu engaged with Mr. Wm. Rowteliffe for the past year, has moved to Winchelsea. We are eorry to lose him as he is a good and obliging ueighbor.—Mr. George Kellett, of Winchelseit, will fill his po- sition with Mr. Rewtcliffe and will oc- cupy the same house. The spacious residence of Wirs Kyctd Deputy Revs, of Usborne was the scene of 's pleasin re and interesting af- fair yesterday (Wednesday) the occas Sion being the marriage of his eldest daughter, Agnes, to Mi Wm Moody of Farquhar. The ceremony was perform ed by the Rev. C. Fletcher. About seventy invited guests were preseut end witnessed the tying of the nupital knot and at he Cone%sion partook of a suniptuoirs repast provided by the hosts. 'After the cerorriev a pleasant time was spent We join with" the many frionds in wishing them a happy 13idduiph. Miss Rate MeLaughlin has been en- gaged to teach the Vistlen. school for 1898, One day last week while, Mr. Atk Luke) and faintly weee abeent from hones two young tramps entered residenee, broke open the cash box and abstracted '1,111 50. seheque on the bank to the amount of $25 was in the box, bUt was-not:taken. They afterwards proceeded to .the residence of MrsSamuel Hodgins and asked for situatioissLIE. Brown, who has for the past five years held a lease of Mr, TS Lamphier's farm, is rettriegss--Mr, Dinsmore, has bought the 50 ,1010 faem Of Mr. john Liedsay, being II* lot- 27, cOe, 13, for the sum of $2,800, Dashwood' Considering the importatee of this town it must long haLve ben A Matter of surprise to most .people that Dash- wood has not furnished . its quota of news to the ADyoosTE for SOMS , time ,past. It is necessary, therefore, since no enterprising newspaper -men has thought IR to locdte his press here, to furnish the AariboATE with the hap penings of all Absorbing interest whieh transpire froth tune to time. Xis pro- per just here, to note a business change Our photographic artist having trails ferred his busi ness ton'imighboring town for a time at least, his studio, judging from the sign upon it, has suddenly transferred from an abode of the fine arts.to- a flourishing wagon factory. Sad it is to have to notice this sign of degradAtion but so it is.—Prof Knight, of Exeter, was here on Tuesday, attend ing his class of pupils in music, which we learn 15 11 large one and worthy of his superior talent and ability. --Ar langements are abcut completed for the building of the Dashwood —Grand Bend telephone line. It wilt be com- pleted in December with isternlediate offices at.Brewster and Yager's Rev. Bean, Of Aldhorough, occupied the pulpit of the evangelical church Sun- day evening. The Rev. l-geutlernan and wife are spending a fewdays here amonr, friends.—Cores Around About Us. FARMERS' • INSTITIITE.—A meeting of the ollizers and Directors of the SouSh Huron Fanners' .Institute was held at Hensel' on Saturday, Oct.: 2951i. It was deeided to 'hold six Institute meetings during the corning winter. The first meettaigs will be held at Zur- ich and at Iuc�isall, the next two at some points hi the uorth part of. the riding, awl the lasts wo at poisita in the south part of the riding. A good programme of addresses, papers, &c., Will be provided, to be taken part in by Professors from the Agrieultural College and other prominent agricul, turists. - Some peculiar circumstances con- nected with the death of old man Mali ler, 02 Deteware, who suicided recently while mentally unbalanced are related A fine black horse was tied in a stall near where the suicide was —found hanging, and the horse appeared to have been fascinated by the horrible sight, and refused to turn its head away from the spoteven after the body had qeen removed, although this necessiated a severe straining of its neck. few days afterwards the horsewas taken out of the stall and hitched to a cultivator, but it had been out only a ,ehort time when it fell dead, The brain of the deceaeed was sent to Toronto for exaMination, when it was found that the Unfortunate man could not have liyedlouger than two weeks anyway, owing to a geowth of the brain. Tuokersmith. ANOTHER Go/stn.—The pioneer sett lei's of this township are fast disap peering and soon there will be left only a small fragment of the once nob le army. Another has been gathered to his fathers. We refer to the death of Mr. Hugh McMdlan, of the 10th con cession, which took plat% on Sunday of last week. Mr. McMillan was a native of Invernessshise, Scotland, He came to this country with the othei mernbers of his family when quite a young man, and in the year 1850 he settled on the farm on the 10th Coecession of Tuckersinith, where lie continued to reside until his death. After coming to Tueke,rsmith he was married to Isabella Matinee, who stilt survives him. .Mr. McMillan was a shrewd bus bless man, and for years has been more or less extensively eng6aged in . 6 cattle dealmg as well as farming, and by foresight, good judgment and in, dustry, succeeded in amassing a con- siderable fortune. Besides his soerow- ing Widow he leaves a family of four sons and two daughters, About three months ago he became afflicted with paralysis, caused by heart trouble and from thiS he never recoyored, anh he was a severe lint patient stabile: He was a kind mid obliging neighbor, and it seemed o afford him pleasure to do a good turn to ate* one deeerving of it svgen he could. Ho was, also, strictly upright in all his dealings, and was O510of those of whom it might be sold his worcl was 16 good s 8 his bond. His reaming were interred in Irislitown eerttetery on Wednesday and the large attendance at his funeral bore teed- inony to the high respect in which he was held in the eointiranity he had lived in to long. MERCIER EXO.NERATED. Judge Wurtel on Monday last, get his decision denying the Applieation of Mr.Fitepatrick, Orie of the coussil fox the defense, that the cause, of Mercier and'Paeand: be not ,given to the jury but be ilismissed. After council on both sides asd the judge had eddreseed the jury, thc lasso sroaid preseat became turbillen impatience., Thejury retieed at 545 anci re mained out only ten minutes; return leg with a Verdict ef 11.65. golitY." • Upon the announcerneut Mr. Mer. cier s filen 4 crowded around Win showerieg congeettulattons -upon him While thoueapds °inside the court took up the cry. The ex Premier was, lift esi oil theshoulders of four stalwart countrymen, and the, proccessiou marched to ex -Premier Lernieux's where Mr. Mercier :made a epeee'n in which he said: sI Weide you geutle- men, intiuitely, for this spontaneous inovemeet of friendship. Thank you. moreover; for saying MS from my per- secutions and my perseentors." • Dur leg thiaspeech th.e cheering was, kept -up incetsantly, White 'cries uf "Hurrah for Mercier!" "Down with the ty- rants!" etc, came !Tom every direction. S. A. Tarte, editor of Le Canadiene, Hon, Mr. Lang& ier and Messrs' Green shields' auct • Lemieux addressed the meltitusle. A great dernonetration in balmy Of Mr. Mercier was. held Friday night. Married His Daughter Chicago, Noy, 7.—Samuel Clinton Willetts, aged 62, Who married. his son's widow two years ago, is in a strange predicament. According to statements to Lawyer James W. Druil lard, to whom heto day applied. for legal advice, Willetts has probably Wedded his owe child. She was his offspring by his runaway wife of forty- five years ago. Willetts' first wife was Miss Mamie Evans They were mar vied nt Erie, Pa., when both were lin der twenty. After the birth of a girl baby they quarrelled, and the wife and child disappeared. Six years lat- er, after apparently well founded re- ports of their death, Willetts married Caroline Stevens it a town near Erie. A. son was horn, but the wife died. The boy George, sgrowing to manhood, went on the road for Harding, Davis Se Co., wholesale hardware dealers of Pittsburg, and on Christmas, 1860, sur- prised his father by returning from Cleveland with a bride, Miss Helen Wright. •The ycitnig couple listed , pily for twenty-eight years, but were childless. in 1888 George Willetts died. The father had from the first a singular affection for his daughter in, law'and in 1890 they were married in London, Eng. Since. then Ms, Will ett's remieiscences of her childhood led to investigations, which apparently disclose that Willetts' thst wife, seven years after deserting him, married a John Wright at Cleveland, and,though in turn desetted by him, brought her little girl up under .the name Of Wright, and dying, shortly before Geo, Willetts arrtved in Cleveland, A de: tective 18 endeavoring to Ascertain the facts in the case fully. Mr. Willetts is well -to do financially. Exeter Public School, The following are the names of the pupils who obtained the highest n um- ber of marks during. the moeth of Oct ober, DErT. Sr. Class —TV , Brooks, A. Holland, E. McCallum. Inter. class—A. Martin,W. Milson, M. Kemp. Jr. class—A. Brooks. M. %Vesta way, (S. Hicks. No. on roll, 60; average attendance, 56. T. IS. Ihtewst, Teacher. DEPT. H. Sr, Class—Nellie Quance, Willie Bare - den, Frank Willis, Ethel Sweet. Jr. class—Rose Herten, Stella Gregory, Harvey Dignan, Attie Handford. ,,No. on roll, 50; average nttendaece, 41. Miss Vosena, Teacher. Rater, III. Sr. Class—Nina Kinsman, Raymond Fanson, Russell Southcott, Gertie Kemp. Jr. class—Lyda Quance, Anna Martin, Maud Rollins, Edith Beer. No. on roll, 54; average attendance, 40. M tss 'GREGORY, Teacher, , DEPT. 1V. Sr. class—E. Carling, C. Fanson, J. Handford, E. Dignan, Jr. cless—A. Powell, 0. Rollins, O. Sanders, E, Cud - more. No. on roll, 67; average, attend- ance, 46, Miss GaAs Teacher, DEPT. V. Sr, class—Gilbert Williams, Percy WillianisSJessie Dow, AliCe Petersou, Inter. clasS—John Newcombe, Alma Cudmore, Vera Hawkshaw, Maud Taylor, Jr. class—Annie, Hiedeman, Louisa Piper, Nettie Walters, Delia Walper. Noon roll. 82; average at- tendanee, 66. • 11 1,J WALRoND, Teacher. DES,T. VI, Sr. class—Ralph SAge, Pearl Sage, Pan] Sage, Jennie Russel. Inter, class—Shirley Bahia, R. Davis, Ruby Davidson, Lette Jones, Jr. class—Ma- bel Newton, Percy Wood, Harry Hus- ton, Roy Leathoris No, en roll, 84; avettige attendcmces 63. Miss PatNrum, Teacher, Average atteedance for the month, 310. NOon the rolle, 387. T A. Haws', Principal, 1\ O282 'Zurich, Dau Dyer, of the "Aisycasse.e", was, in tcwu Monday :on busibees. Dati NV48 fOrMSAY 11 74UrieilitS and after, spending. suvual sons 001 WOSt has . Setiiimed ondtaken a share hi the Eke eter ADVenATE. . We wish Dail suceess and We, hope to see hiusquite often in our village. Thin'sday (10 day) is, Thanksgiving' Day heti .se r vices wilt , be held in the seVeral elserchess gssud. concert will also be held thie: evesing in the Town Hall wader the auspices of the Ancieet Order of Vor esterS. Thie will Isioue of the grand- est eoncerts that hae twer been hekt he,re and eyery elm should avail them- selVee Of' such an .Oppoetunicy.--Mrs. Faust, wife of the late IL 0. Eaust,pas- sed a wa,y last Thursday atternows at, She age of (36 years.. The remains weee luterred in. the Goshen etery Saturday afternoon. A large number of eerrowing friends followed the remains to their last Testing plat:* Deceased was one of the early pioneeSS of these parts. She leaves a grOwn up family to mourn her SetniSS.—SIrshaye Also this week to chronicle the death oS George, the sowed son of Godfrey Nicholsou, of the Bronsou Liu,2, Who. died. litst Sunday inersie natter: a short illness of iuflamus tiom hLib death. isill be Mourned byMany as he •Was youilg man Of much' esteem and re- spect. His funeral twit plaee on Tues day and we extend our heartfelt syms pathy to the sorroWingsfrieuds and rel- atives—Miss Elizabeth Lippert, who' has beet) a rssident of this village for a numoer of years, has removed to De- troit, where SSS, 10 tends to reside in the future—Mrs. Wurtz, of Dashwood,was the guest of Mrs. F. Kibler during the past week.—The Rey. Grey, sf New Hamburg, attended the funeral of Mrs - Faust last week.—Last Friday quite a snow storm blew up and the gguand was for the first dine this fall coated, with, snow.—Mr. Henry FAust,or Cairo„ Michigaishaa been 'visiting these parts. for the last two weeks,—The rumor Shat H. Wells is selltee out is wrongs but it is understood that his opposition in business is selling. Mr. Wells has just received a fine new stock of harn- ess, [ranks and valises, and is still ageut for organs and pianos. The nicest present- for your friend for Xmas can be found in his furuiture store.—Inereaee of business with Appel Se Zeller, has made it necessary fer additional roans They age SOW in- creasing their storage capacity, iu 'or- der to better display their large new stock' of Christmas specialties.—The, sithvs came to towu 011 Tnesday that a. wild cat was seen in the vieinity of the big' marsh and Messrs Williams. and Steinbach immediately hied them- selves to the chase. If pussy eat hap- pens to facto the muzzle of Jack's gun.„ some hairls going to fly. Sure. BIRTISS. McFAnts.—In Biddrilph on 9th inst., the wife of Oseat Mi.:Fall§ of a soh, - BEASsOrts. • — MoMILLAN7.—In Tuckersmith, on the 30th ult., Hugh McMillan, aged ea years. RoctEu.—At Motherwell, on Monday,. Oet. 81st, 1892, George Rigor, Sr., aged 55 years, 10 months and 27 days. • TORNEY.—At Parkhill, on Friday, Oat- 2Sth, Loam, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Torney, aged 2 years and 3 months. MATHERS.—In Parkhill,on Wednesday, Nov 2nd, 1892, Stephen Mathews, aged 69 years, 5 months and. 4 days Scaseti.t_sActit. Wedding invitatiorss neatly printed on short 'wiles at the. ADVOC.STI4 office, Sloonv—KyDD the residence of the bride's parents, on the Oth inst.s b3r the Rev. Mr, Fletcher,Miss Agnes, eldest daughter of Mr. Win, Kydd, Dep. Reeve of Ushort,e, to Mr. Wm, Moody, of Farquhar. MUNRO—YORE-a—At Parkhill,on Tues. day, ist inst„ at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. Mr. Rel- ines, Thos. Munro to Miss Linday Yorke, both of this town. SANDIMS—Plourstss.—At the residence of the bride's parents. on Wednesday .Nov. 959, by the RevSA. L. Russell, Mr, Samitel Smelere, Jr., of Stephen, to Miss Josephine, daissiner of Mr - Chas. Perl ine. oi this J'AOKSOST—C11 EirssroN. t the resisi. ence 02 5110 sse. cr. the 2nd lust,. by ass s•niith, of CIso- ton Aseieted hy Rev, S. Jones, ale, L. ;Jaekson, jewelier, to Miss Clarat eldest:daughter:of Mr, J. A. Creigh- ton both of Pamseele. MotrAnincen —VINES:SST In 'Filson - burg, on Eridayt.Oct. 2Sth, by the Rev. J. A. MeGregM, Mr. John Mc- Farlane, to' Miss .Nef tie Vincent, both of Otterville, Miss VinCeut is a, daUghter of Mrs. Earth, of thiS place, SAVise-DtelOeeTS —At tho residant#s of' the btideS father Cin NoV. Oth, by -the Rev. H, D. Steele, Incumbent , of St. Patrielee church, -keret), son or Pratte DaviSt ESQ; to Mary -Ant), tittilghtet TIMS Dickete, Eggs of 131adtt1ph,