The Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-10-09, Page 2• POD, RICH S ONA -STAR, THURSDAY, +QG'TOBER 9, 190
Mr, and Nits, Bill DeLong and speaker will 14al. the new minister
scan George of Salts Springs Rev. Glen'.Io!e. This Sunday at
Islands,_ British Columbia, Mr. 3 e.m. Communion 'will be
Fred Muersch Sr. and Mr. Fred served at Erskine.
Moersch Jr. of Guelph visited New members joining
with Mr. and Mrs. Jini, Rivett Dungannon United Church on
and family recently
Sunday were Mr. and Mrs: Barry
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wiggins of Bogie, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin
Dickson, Mr. Donald Dickson,
Brantford visited with relatives Mr. Arthur Dickson, Mr. and
in,the area on the weekend. Mrs. Wayne Snyder and Mrs. R.
1Miss • Vicki Park spent the C. McClenaghan and Mr. and
weekend with her friend Miss Mrs. Kenneth Campbell. All
Lori Noble at St. Augustine. joined by certificate.
Vis. and Mrs. Wesley Alton of . A social time was enjoyed on
Londm and Mr. and Mrs. Wednesday afternoon when
William Irvin of Ashfield visited several ladies gathered at the
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. home of Mrs. George Rivett to
Robert Irvin. honor Miss Flora Durnin on her
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. departure from our midst. Miss
Lorne Ivers on the weekend Dur'nin was presented with- a
were Mr. Jim Million and son lovely pearl necklace and earring
,Peter of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. set and a leather bound
Maurice Young of Pontiac, photograph album, ..
Mich., and Mrs. Viola Buchanan Visitors on Sunday with Mr.
of Hamilton. and Mrs. Irvine Eedy d family
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas were Mr. and Mrs. Jam - Blair
Emerson of Queensville, Miss and Mr. and. Mrs. Jack Van om
Lois Emerson of Toronto, Mr. all of London. The ladies
and Mrs. Harry Wall, George and sisters of Mrs. Eedy.
Joyce of Lucknow spent Sunday • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fowler,
with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wall, Grand Bend and Mr. and Mrs.
Tommy and Tracey and helped Maurice Young of Pontiac.
to celebrate Arthur's 22nd Mich., called on Mrs. Gordon
birthday. Congram and brother Maurice
Anniversary services will be Ivers. Mr. and Mrs. Fowler also
held in Erskine Presbyterian visited with his brother Charles
Church, Oct. 19 at 11 a.m. The and his wife.
Bennniller UCW report
Thirty ladies of Benmiller had prepared a Chinese luncheon
U.C.W. met at Benmilier Church which all enjoyed. Members had
for a special October meeting. to try eating with chop sticks
President Doreen Willis openea and ended up with fortune
with a hymn and prayer and cookies.
introduced the ° guest speaker," ons deliver
Rev. A. J. Mowatt from Clinton.
Mr. Mowatt kept the group d • reetori es. .
spell bound with slides on China
Largest -aircraft to be given a paint job in the paint shop at Sky
Harbour Air Services was wheeled out last week in readiness to -
return to its home base in Cleveland. The four -engined Heron
is owned by Wright Airline's and fitted into the Sky Harbour
paint shop with one inch to spare. — staff photo
KingsbridgeKlippingsMrs. Jim Martin Correspondent 529-7139
•••• • •.•••..•.•••••••.••••..•.••••.••••...••.••••.•••,•••.• .••••••. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••,•••••
'H E R E COME THE BOYS supper and dance held Monday
Born on Friday to Mr. and evening.
Mrs. Anthony Knoop at theFIRST CLASS BABY
Alexandra Marine and General Lonny Doherty, infant son of
Hospital, Goderich — a boy. And � and Mrs. Stanley Doherty
on the same day to Mr. and Mrs. ,•. took first prize in the six months
Michael Garvey at -fit. Michael's to one year class at the
Hospital, Toronto — a boy: Dungannon Fair held Tuesday
in the old days -and on China Bell Canada's new -look, FINAL 0 R CONVENTION afternoon of last week. Winners
today. His running commentary multi -colored telephone The Ontario ` Farmers' Union in the Domestic Class were Mrs.
with the slides was extremely directory is being introduced now becomes the Ontario region Joe Courtney and Mrs. John
interesting and informative this week, according to W. W. of the National Farmers' Union Howard. A list of the school
because Mr. Mo tact, being
(Bill) Haysom, Bell manager in established in Winnipeg last "July children's entries will be
brought up in China'himself, of 30. Delegates from here who published at a later date.
11�nary. parents,'pointed out the area. attended the convention in
how different China is today. Mr. Haysom said about 4500' London on Monday and SCHOOL EVENTS
Mrs. Leonard Fisher read the directories will be delivered in Tuesday of last week were; Joe Four teachers from Stratford
minutes and members answered Goderich this year, . as against van Osch, Dennis Hogan, Lorne are acting as consultants for St.
the roll call. Reports were heard 4300 in 1968. McDonald. Warren Wylds, John Joseph's school here. They are
from the treasurer, Mrs Elfred N'ilembers of the Goderich - Austin. Donald Frayne and Bev Sister Judith — religion; Sister
Moore and from some of, the Lions' Club made the local McNay. Mr. and Mrs. John Irene _ primary; Joh
group leaders°and convenors. Austin. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McCarroll, physical education;
deliveries this year. Their
It was decided to send a - Luther and Bev McNay attended Ted Rooney, special education.
teenage delegate to the Toc contracted help, N/It Playsom for the two days while Mr. and On Wednesday, October 1,
Alpha conference in Niagara - said, will allow them to make Mrs. Gene Frayne and Mr. and John Vintar, superintendent of
ve n nae additional money to mate schools in Huron,Perth
Treble and Mrs. Wilmer Hardy on their work` in' the community
Falls. Hostesses Mrs. E ly so
Mrs. ?Visrk Dalton attended the rep
Counties paid a short visit t� the
Mrs. Duncan Simpson,
pintail, music teacher is
introducing folk songs to the
children with the intention of
participating_in the church choir.
Grades 7 and 8 have begun
their annual Christmas card sale
campaign. Proceeds go for
extra -curricular activities, such as
bus trips and outings.
Goderich District Collegiate
Honor 'Students Ralph Austin,
Denise Dalton, and Michael
Boyle returned home Saturday
from Ottawa. They left on
Wednesday with honor students-
from the school.
Firs. Con ,.Hogan underwent
surgery Thursday at Victoria
Hospital .London.
Leo Moerbeck is a patient in
the Alexandra Marine and
General Hospital, Goderich.
Ronnie Moran, nine .year old
son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Moran
spent thlree days at the Goderich
Hospital after fracturing his arm
at school last week.
St. Joseph's Branch, G.W.L. is
sponsoring a Coffee Social in the
Church hail on Sunday October "
12 after each mass:
CanvassPrs for .the Bishop's
Development Fund held
annually in the Diocese of
London took place in this rural
area Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. O. Heffernan
and son Ray of Wallaceburg left
for Montreal Sunday.
PRY'DE and .soti
ANSMOIIAU «. MARKRIt$. 6 C/M%TRRY 11.111011,0110
Crich District Itosirtontittires
a iF
1243u1 or 20D Gibbons Rt. --- 5244443
REO. J. 5E4.
45 Cambria Rood i. 524-7414
Mbe 3Litttt inn
BOX 102 — PHONE BAYFIELD 565-2611
Hot spiced cider, or Tomato juice Cocktail
>Assorted Hot Savories
Roast Turkey with safe Dressing and Cranberry Sauce
Prime Rib Roast of Beef with Yorkshire Pudding
Roast Leg of Lamb with Mint Sauce
Whipped Potatoes
Baked Acron Squash or Turnip
Green Peas •
Tossed salad with French Dressing or Jellied Salad
Relish Trays — Hot Homemade Rolls
Pumpkin Pie with.Whipped Cream
Hot -Mince Pie or Apple Pie with Cheese
Cherry Cheese Cake — Sundae Tray
Fresh Fruit Bowl — Mints
Tea, Coffee or Milk
5:30 - 7:30
1:00 - 3:00 P.M.
This special anniversary 'sale group that includes "a good
group of half sizes. There is also a special group of long
formal dresses. This is a very great ojportunity to save
on style wise dresses.
This is a real price -break for you on coats that will step out in style for at least another couple of seasons. There is
a good size selection but not all sizes are in this group. If you know a Fashion Shoppe Sale you know that this has
got to be good value and styled right.
REG. 50.00t� 99.00
A good ..iecsion to12. A ray. larger
REGULAR *30 to $45
Make your selection early. Separates anti matching
Iso that you can make a two-piece set into a