HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-10-02, Page 150 TODAY'S CHILD • BY 11511N ALLEN • J, T Total n t oTTel egram Syndicate V.: tv John was shyly watchful when the photographer saw him, as he is with most strangers. But this two-year-old soon becomes happy and laughing. This little boy has big brown eyes, auburn hair' and fair skin that tans well. He is developing at an average rate, though he was a slow starter. He says quite a few words and loves to provoke Laughter by comical. antics. He is a good-natured, cheerful child unless frustrated in his main desire -- to be outdoors. If he must stay in he reconciles himself by playing with his toy monkey which he calls ki-ki. He needs affectionate, active parents who will enjoy a sunny-tempered'little boy. To inquire about adopting Jolly please write to Today's Child, Department of Social and Family Services, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 182. For general information about adoption ask your Child- , ren's Aid Society. • • w James Richardson lit Sons Ltd Serving The Feed Dealers of Western Ontario " PHONE 524-8388, 'GODERICH BUSINESS DIRECT • c Ann Landers Widow lies to sweetheart DEAR ANN LANDERS: Last year my, husband was killed in an accident. He left me a widow at 40, .childless and financially independent. I couldn't bear to stay in this town without him so I moved to Seattle, had a mini -face lift and started life over. The surgery took years off niy looks: When I ,applied for % job I gave my age as 29. In January • an attractive young man came to work here, He wore a moustache and a full beard, said he was 33. We hit it off well fromthe very first day. Our friendship became stronger and more meaningful as the weeks went by. After three months of steady datipg I knew Lovas in lovei Last week he asked me to marry him. I was in seventh heaven when we flew to 'Detroit to meet his family. When he introduced me to his mother. I nearly went .through the floor. She was one year ahead of me in high school. She didnot recognize me but I knew her instantly. Later that evening when my fiance and I were alone I made a big issue of his mother's youthfulness. It was then that he confessed he had lied about his age. J -Ie is only 23 years old. Am I crazy to want -to marry ' him anyway? He is the most charming man I've ever met and I'm sure he loves me. I realize in 10 years I could look like his grandmother, but I'm willing to take my chances. What do you say'?- Indigo. the kind • who kicks and hits things tp make them work. When the car developsengine trouble he gets out, swears his head off and kicks the car. When the radio or TV go on the bum he bangs it with his fists. Las0 night the' air conditioner' broke down. He got so mad he hit it with a wrench.. Today the repair man told me the unit is so badly damaged that fixing it wouldn't pay. Why would a person behave this way? Common sense ought to tell hint that knocking a machine around won't. do it any good: Please help me understand what goes on with these people. — LANCASTER, PENN. DEAR LANN: Pedple who hit °and kick inanimate objects in an attempt to "fix" them are Illllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll actually' doing something more. They are "punishing" the object for breaking down. Of course this is a childish way to deal with anger and frustration, but it's better to kick a car or beat on an electrical appliance than_ a person. CONFIDENTIAL- TO ETHOS: The sentiments expressed in, your letter' don't measure up to your signature. Ethos in Greek means "lover of wisdom." I see no .wisdom and very little love in your determination to get even with "every, dirty, low-down skunk" who voted against your candidate. (And for a college office yet!) Study to Assess Safety of New -Style Bicycles DEAR IN: Why don't you High-rise "bull horn" play Ann Landers with this one? /are admired by the bicycle set, Here are the facts: A 40 -year-old , authorities. woman lies to her sweetheart. She says she is 29. He in turn lies to ,her andsays he is 33. He is 'actually 23. They want to get married. The woman asks for your advice. What, would you tell here? Rest assured shell make up " her own mind no 'matter what handle bars and elongated banana seats but may be unsafe, say safety you say — which is,'of course, as it should be. DEAR ANN LANDERS: My husband has a foul temper. He's RY "Banana" seats and high-rise handle bars, bicycle gadgets that excite the admiration of modern small fry. are under scritiny by the Department of Transport.• The inyestigation is the result of opinions voiced by police and other authorities that the new - style, low -;slung bikes with their high handle ,bars and elongated , sects are, less controllable, and therefore less safe, than standard models, '1"hey also point- to the new hic\cles as a possible factor,. rt Ontario's disproportionate in- crease in bicycle fatalities in 1 9O`i. There were 47 cyclists killed in Ontario last year, more than double the previous year's a GODERICH SIGNAL, ST. : THURSDAY, OCTOBERA 1 The flood of applications for, PORK (Parents Of Rotten Kids) , which was launched last week in* this column, has not yet begun, to give local postmen the blind staggers, but it will. It will. In . .the meantime, I've received a letter from an Ontario woman, commenting on- a previous column entitled, "The Kids Are Pathetic." She certainly qualifies for PORK and is hereby accepted as a full fledged member of thi ' fledgling ,organization, with all the disadvantages and lack of privileges appertaining thereto. She writes: "I myself must admit to being a parent of a 16 -year-old datighter now living "at such a commune as you describe, right in downtown Toronto, and I am helpless by law to interfere. "Such is oursociety today that we have been forced to accept not only common-law living amongst adults (Ed note: I'm not against that), but also now with children of such an early age. I :nyself have left no stone unturned in an effort to help resolve the situation, by writing or contacting every available society afrom,..._social workers to' .the. Hon. John Yaremko, with the final realization that • in Ontario a child is free from parental guidance and authority at 16. "This same law, however, contradicts itself by not allowing them to marry until 18 without a parent's consent and signature. . . In B.C.- the age limit for a child to break away from. parental authority is 18." In short, Ontario laws are driving young people to; as we used to put it, living in sin. She goes on: "Recently in an interview with a . 'large daily newspaper, a professor of applied psychology made the following statement: 'The mother in the home today as an anachronism. The role of the housewife used to have dignity and respect. There is no need any more for a home manager.' His remarks are more than a little off -beat." ' I quite agree with you., dear lady; and with most of the - other things you, go on to say, I tried four days of "batching it" recently. ' The only place, there's no need for a home manager is in a pigpen. My wife came home a day early and caught me cold. I had put my dinner on and just shut my eyes, for a moment while the fish was cooking. She opened the door and found the house full of smoke, the .kitchen full of dirty dishes, and an armchair full of me, I can't smell, of . eourse, not even fish burning. And it was the nervous strain of looking out for myself and the cat for' four days that had made me flake out like that. Lady, you have my deepest , sympathy concerning your daughter and the laws which create such an impasse. And. the kids know the law. They have us right over a barrel. It's easy enough to say, "If they want to go, let 'em go. Kick 'em out." This is the favorite advice of non-PORK-ers. It's not so easy to do with a basically good, naive kid who is almost totally unequipped to cope with a world that is not exactly Eden. • - I've been teaching the play Hamlet this fall. Perhaps you PORK ' ts on the move remember the part where Ophelia's old man wairns her that she is to have nothing further to do with Prince Hamlet. She was about 16 and this took place in the Thirteenth Century. She. obeyed him reluctantly, but without hesitation. , _I. asked my students. what a girl of today would do if her father told her such a, thing. They got it second crack. T,he first student said she'd say, "Drop dead." The second said she'd say, "If I can't go ' out with Hamlet, I'11' run n away." And she would. It's emotional blackmail, and they know it. The only real. solution, I suppose,, as . with real. blackmailers, is to. call their bluff. But again, it's a wrenching decision .when you love the child and when you realize what will probably happen. However, fellow - PORK-ers, thumbs up. We know there is a golden day coming, when our RK's will have matured and mellowed. And they will come and pick us up in their big car, when we are feeble and rheumatic, and 'take us fpr a drive, and stop before this big, handsome building. And they'll say, "Sorry, Mum and Dad, that I was such a worry to you. There it is. Gateway Haven. See you on visiting days, if we can get a babysitter." FOR YOUR AUTO INSURANCE See or Phone MALCOLM MATHERS GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT 46 WEST ST. 524-9442 a 6 DOUBLE PASSES TR-IHE PARK THEATRE NEW GODERICH RESTAURANT Steak Norse and Tavern r Albert C. Blay 164 Elgin Ave. W. Ivan H. Steckle Your MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO; Of Canada ,Representative 84 Kingston St., Goderich 524-8882 1 WIN! DOUBLE PASSES TO.TH'E 1 P4RK THEATRE. _Books. STATIONERY PAINT, WALLPAP€IR • • Cards For All Occasions f M W 0 a 1 * Gifts * Books * Statibnery Supplies * Records ANDERSON'S BOOK CENTRE 33 East St. Goderich BUILDING MATERIAL GODERICH BUILDI NG CENTRE * 524-8383 Cambria at Anglesea„ * PAINT •* -WALLPAPER C A RPETS * TILE * LINOLEUM "Your Complete Home Decorating Centre" Rev. A. Maybuy 34 Picton St. W. McARTHUR ono REILLY LTD. Goderich West St. 0010111.1 MION67111111.00.1111111111.1.4m4MMINIMMON111211111IP THLS SPACE *•FRIGIDAIRE WESTINGHOUSE GIBSON HOOVER Sales and Service , Lloyd 'Etue 80 Blake St. GERRY'S APPLIANCES The Square.- Goderich Now Owned and Operated by Chuck Jewell L. R. Hyde 199 Wellington St. S. EXCELLENT SELECTION Regular or Safety Toe 14 Different Styles DAVE GOWER'S Industrial & Garden Centre ILHamilton $t. 524-8761 inrw Large Selection Of PIANOS and ORGANS— The RGANS— We offer mire for your $ $ Try Us — We Prove It STRATFORD MUSIC CENTRE' LTD. 118 Downie St., Stratford 271-6322 FURNITURE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD For The FINEST in FU RI\HTU RE . LODGE Furniture West St. Goderich Be Sure To.See Our Display Of ORIGINAL OIL PAINTINGS 1 i The NaniesCf Six- Signat-Sfar Subscrib- ers. Are ° To. Be Found In One Of These Ads Now Showing 'ELVIS IS9 WED:, October 1 to SAT:, October 4 "The trouble with girls" (and how to get into it) Wed. and Thurs. 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