HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-10-02, Page 2Members of the 4th Goderich Brownie Pack became- Guides on
Monday evening during special ceremonies at North Street United
Church hall. Left to right are Guide Cindy Fisher,'2nd company
Goderich Girl Guides, who weicormed the newcomers to.,
Guideland; Laura Morrison, who walked up and Lynn Moffett.
Barbara Shelton, Theresa Streeter, Colleen Spence and Jean
Wraith who fiew up, One other, brownie who vvas to have walked
up, Brenda Clutten, was absent Mrs. Vaughan Harris is captain of
the 2nd company Goder,ch Girl Guides; 'Mrs. Robert Spence is
Brown Owl of the 4th Goderich'Brovorrie Pack. - Staff Photo.
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G.DX.i. Vikings off to "winning 'start
BY T. D.
The Q oderici} Collegiate
Viking football learns. Junior
and Senior, both got their
regular schedule playoff to a
winning start last Thursday in
St. Marys.
The Seniors ' crushed an
outgunned St. Marys squad 39-0,
while the Juniors had almost as
easy a time coming out on the
long end of a 21-2 score.
Evidence of the superiority of
the Senior Vikings was clearly
shown in the game statistics. The
Vikings piled -up a total of 476
yards on offence. while the stiff
Viking 'defence limited St. Marys
to a meagre five first downs
throughout the game.
That the Vikings were not
going.to be very severely tested
in their first league start was
clear early in the first quarter. •
fullback Dale Wardley gave a
fine exhibition of ' .open field
running when he returned a St.
Marys' punt 105 yards for the
Viking's first T.D. 'with only
four minutes gone in the game.
Wardley. a big kid with good
speed, followed the blocking led
by Tim O'Brien, Jim Redmond
and Gary. Lounsbury, enrotite
from his own five yardljne
through the whole St. Marys
team for the score.'
Goderich upped the score to
8-0 with a two point conversion
f.m_a _pass morn quarterbac-k Torn -
Crawford to Jo"Hands" Ginn.
1n the second quarter the
-"Vikings picked up six more.
points on a touchdown by Gary
Lounsbury who went six yards
off tackle ..to complete a drive
made possible .by a 50 yard pass
Mrs. Jim Martin
and run play, from Crawford to
The same combination of
Crawford and Ginn. •who look
like winding • up as Coach
Horner's gold -dust twins this
year, clicked twice more in the
third quarter for major scores.✓
The first one was a 75 yard
pass and run play: the second
was a''10 yard pass into the end
Al Drennan added the only
other point of • the third quarter
when he kicked a 33 yard single
to make the score, Vikings 27,.
St. -Marys no score.
gl'wo unconverted
touchdowns in •the final quarter
completed the rout.
Bill Wedlock in tercnted a St.
Marys pass and returned it forty
yards for six points. Quarterback
Tom Crawford completed the
scoring with a 25 yard run on a
quarterback option play.
The Vikings controlled the -
„ball throughout the game and
were never threatened by the
-inept St. Marys' offence. despite
..115 yards in penalties marched
off against .the Viki s:
Goacb Horner termed it a
"pussyfoot game” and warned
his teen not to bes wase
overconfident because of • the
easy victory.
"There'll be lots tougher ones
to came," he said.
• . -the- fwuer"-gafne; .t:he:bs b
Vikings were almost as
impressive as their .big brothers.
After a slow start, they
gained momentum as 'the game
Thee strong running of ,Bruce
Bowman enabled the Junior
Vikings to .mate the ball well on
the ground
Fulibaci. ,Gord • McLeliar
contributed twc,• touchdowns.
one in the second quarter. the
other in the third. The first one
came or, a 1=„; and sweep around
the right end., while the second
one resulted from a fie yard
dive play. The first touchdown
led td d two point conversion Osii,
a pass from Doug Fisher to Dave
Carrutters. but, the third quarter
major went unconverted.
Charles Turland. kicked a
single point for the Vikings, in
the third quarter and Bowman
scored a fourth quarter
touchdown to complete the
Goderich scoring.
.w all
to `be her
an Octoimir6
' The Huron County Rally of
the Wochen's institute Branches
is to be held on October 6 at'
Dungannon in the United
The Dungannon W.I. Branch
members are to be hostesses for
this meeting which is held
This year the District of
,Huron West is planning the
gram which will be led by
Andrew Straughan of
10Goderich, the president of the
A display of crafts is being
!displayed by the ten branches -in
the district.
Girt Godes
The Kingsbridge First
Company Girl Guides held their
eeting on Thursday evening.
aptain Tigert introduced the ,
new leaders, Lt. Caesar and 'Lt.
call. and inspectionsweress,,
taken by Lt. Sinnett and Lt.
Caesar. A •game of prisoners'
base was played outdoors under
the supervision of «Lt. Sinnett
and Lt. Caesar.
M e m bership fees were
collected: The guides went to
patrol corners and sang songs
that they Made up about their
patrol emblem.
The newcomers were assisted
m learning the History of Girl
Guiding by Lt. Caesar and 4Lt.
Mar snap. and the meeting was
closed with Taps.
The ladies of the Goderich Rotary-Anns held a luncheon at Tiger Dunlop Inn on Tuesday for the
annual visit of the District Governor district 633 and his wife. The ladies entertained Mrs. Williarn
Bieman, second from' left while the Rotary club entertained the district governor. Also in the
photograph, from the left are Mrs. G. P. A, Evans, Mrs. G. F. Mills and Mrs. Michael Rogers. -
Photo by Gerald Cover.
The annual visit of the District Governor of district 633 Rotary Club took place Tuesday with a
luncheon at the Bedford Hotel for the men and et the Tiger Dunlop Inn for the Rotary-Anns. Left
to right are Norman MacIntyre, past president Goderich Rotary Club; Michael Rogers, president;
William Bieman, district governor and Dr. G,S` P. A. Evans, vice president. -photo by. Gerald Cover.
Itefffiffoilialesitty •
SPEED'S. OF 125 M.P.H.
Jim Redmond
....hot on blocking
Kingsbridge Klippings
Ursula Vogt, 15 year old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerry .
Vogt died at ' Victoria Hospital,.
Tuesday September 23. Funeral'•
services were held in' Detroit.
Frank Sullivan and Mr. and Mrs.
(ken -y. Vogt . and family from
here attended.
Tony Miltenburg, 17 year old
son of M,r. and Mrs. Reis
Miltenburg lost the middle finger
of his right hand while unloading
corn from a forage harvester at
the farm. last Wednesday. Tony
returned home Sunday from the
Wingham and District Hospital.
'Ann Marie Howard, daughter
of ,Mr. and Mrs. Robeift Howard
has •been a patient in the
ALexe dra Marine and General •
Hospital since Thursday.
Members of ' St. Joseph's„
Council's .C. W. L. who attended el"
the Stratford Deanery meeting
last Wednesday are: Mrs. John
Howard, Mrs. John Austin, Mrs.
Carl R,ei ling, Rev. Father H.
Galea, 8..'.'P., spiritual director,
and Mrs. Pete McDonald who
represented St. Mary's Council
A team of eight students who
won a day long endurance race
Tuesday at St. Joseph's school
will enjoy a night out at the Park
Theater in Goderich next time a
Walt Disney .movie comes to
Mrs. Jim Hayden, physical
education teacher who organized
the "Postathon" race divided the
student body into 20 teams.
They ran a total of 831 miles
during the , day. The winning
team members who scored 411/2
miles are: Laurie Chisholm,
Colin Chisholm, Neiile Knoop,
Pugene Austin, Wilma Van
s•f•-i'i•ss•i-io••s'••••s•••••♦•••••••e••••••••••••••••••••• ••e••••• -
Aiken,,, Betty, Foran, Peter
Hendriks and Darlene Ausu;.
The name "Postathon" is
appropiate since at the
completion of each quarter of a
mile the runner "posts" his team
card in a box beside the track.
Staff members of St. Joseph's
.School and Rev.. H. Galea
attended a , supper last
Wednesday evening at the
Legion Hall, Clinton, sponsored
by the Huron -Perth Separate
School Board. Guest Speaker,
Father Tony Durand, Zurich
spoke about the importance of
Separate School education.
Approximately .300_ people- were
Patty O'Connor left for
I;o ion on the weekend where
she will be taking a two year
course in child care at Fanshawe
.Mr. and Mrs. frill Silcox and
Li espf Kitchener were weekend
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Clare and daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Bowler, Mr. and
Mrs. Dan Wilson and Dan Jr.,
Toronto, visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Vassella, on the
Sunda9 dinner guests with
Mr. and Mrs. O. Hefferfan were
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Heffernan
and family, Toronto; Catharine,
Danny, Phillip and Joseph
Heffernan of Arthur; Miss
'i3lanche Bilodeau of Guelph;
Gerry Heffernan of Stratford;
Ray Heffernan and Albert
Heffernan with Albert's son
Douglas all of ' 'Wallaceburg.
Visitors •from Goderich were Mr,
and Mrs. John 8heardown. Mr.
and Mrs. Antons Van Osch from
here also attended.
Mir. and Mrs. Jim Martin and '
family visited in &Landon, on
Sunday with Mr. and Mm.- 1iill
McDonald and family and Mr.
and Mrs. Normo Murphy and
Mr; and Mrs. Ted Dodds and
Jeanine, London, spent. Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Doherty and family.
Raymond Hogan left for
Ridgetown on -the weekend
where he win commence a o
year course in Agriculture there.
Saturday visitors with Mrs.
Blaise Martin and Miss Agnes
King were Joe and Peter Martin,
and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Martin,
Hamilton. Sunday and Monday
Mrs: Braise Martin and Miss King
. visited with relatives in
'1 eeswate. r.
Chuck Jewell, left, of Gerry's Appliances presents Mr. Harold
Adams of• Dungannon with the coffee percolator which he
won in ouf monthly bonus draw.
You May Be Our October Winner!
Each major appliance purchase entitles you to enter your
name for next month's draw for an upright vacuum cleaner.
& Ti/ LTD.
riday,Oct. 3 8:3'Op.rn. .
Featuring 50 TOP.
Canadian and U.S. Racing Stars •
SEE:*Harvey Lennox *Norm Mackereth *Al Vvoo"d rr,-
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Be sure not to miss this spectacular event
with sixi.y of the finest racing drivers will
be trying to qualify thru heats and semi's
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Friday Oct. 3, 1969,. Race Time 8:30
Adults - $5.00 Children under 12 FREE
Niagara Falls