HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-09-18, Page 17, 2. a a ,r • 0 DE RICH SIONAirSTAR;THURSDAY, SEPTit4U1t 1%1969 5A TODAY'S CHILD Ann Landers .BY HELEN ALLEN 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Torentolelegrarn Syndicate 0 0 ickening phone call DEAR ANN LANDERS: I lost a child at birth. My husband and I are not young anymore and we wanted that baby more than anything in the world. We were depressed for months and we know,,it will be a long time before we are back to normal. It has been nearly a year and we are still receiving phone calls and letters addressed to "You Lucky Parents" and "Happy Mother of a New Baby." People are trying t� sell us everything from photographs taken at 30 •day intervals to diaper service 0 • and education insurance. Y.9sterday I had a splitting headache. The phone woke me up. A woman's voice, (sickeningly sweet) asked, "How's the new baby?" Before I could speak, she launched into her sales pitch. I interrupted her in a blunt, matter of fact way, I told her she had no right to invade the privacy of our home and added, "We lost our baby and I am sick of these calls." She virtually screamed in my ear, "Don't get so huffy. How in the hell was I supposed to know?" Surely, Ann, someone should be able to check and learn whether or not there is a baby in the house. Or am I wrong? — TULSA •S Kim looks ready to burst into tears, perhaps because she didn't know the strange man trying to coax her to smile for her picture. This little Ojibway girl is 16 months old, with bright, intelligent dark eyes, fine dark hair and medium complexion. A. plump, sturdy child, she is in excellent • health, her only illness having been an early attack of • broncho -pneumonia. Kim, who has spent her short life in a warm, secure atmosphere filled -with love and stimulation, is an alert, responsive, contented child, with a sweet disposi- tion. She enjoys other children and 'does not take long to make friends with adults. This little girl needs a mother and father who will welcome .and love .a dear little Indian daughter. To inquire about adopting Kim please write to a Today's Child, Department of Social and Family Services, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 182. For other information about adopting ask your Weal Children's Aid Society, 0 James Richardson & Sons Ltd - Serving The Feed Dealers of Western Ontario PHONE 524-8388, GODERICH hive - been told by other mothers that we are total squares, completely out of touch, and very old-fashioned. Are we? — BEND, OREGON. DEAR PEND: In my opinion simple jewelry is perfectly fine for little girls — and eight to ten year olds are little girls. On the other hand, eye makeup, lipstick and red nail polish are in 'poor. taste and should not permitted. I think textured hose look • very sweet on little girls but I hope you mean textured hose 'and not net stockings which were once the trademark of streetwalkers and loose' women. DEAR ANN LANDERS: My, babysitter is a nice high school girl. I've made it clear that when t. Kids 'etting she works for me she must not have visitors. This morning our six-year-old daughter told me Rita had a girl friend here lastnight and that Rita had made her promise. not to tell MOrnmy. I'm glad my daughter told me but in turn, I had to promise her that I wouldn't say anything to Rita. Now what do I dor I want Rita to know that she must not entertain guests In my absence but I don't want to doublecross my child- C. M. DEAR' C. M.: It is very important that you: not betray your daughter's confidence. 'Say nothing to Rita. Tell your child that if Rita has company again she -must NOT promise to keep her secret, and that she must then tell, you. Pws rough deal Have you noticed what has '14 your horrendous education happened to all those tense, taxes. harassed, haggard, harried, It's not that I don't enjoy hysterical Women who .vere getting back on the job in Sep - around all summer? They've tember. If I did, I wouldn't be suddehly turned into fat cats, right in the head. It's a pleas - smiling, relaxed, ready to turn ant change after two months of the other cheek rather than my wife and daughter driving belt you on yours. me crazy, singly or in tandem: . Instead of two women yat- Knowtering and wheedling and why? Because their -kicts are back to school, that's scolding and nagging and ca- , why. Not that they don't love their children. No, no, no. All joling and conning me, all I mothers love their children, have to face is about 165 kids doing the same. But there's But they can't STAND them safety in numbers. after two months' holidays. DEAR T: Checking would be time consuming and expensive, but well worth the investment, in my opinion. Unfortunately, most firms wouldn't spend the money. The woman who replied to you in such a boorish mariner should have been reported to the company for whom she works. I hope you got the name and did so. DEAR ANN: I'll come straight to the point and hope you will, too. Is it in good taste for girls between the ages of 8 and 10 years of age to wear jewelry, and lace hose, use lipstick, eye makeup and red nail polish? We are five mothers who have daughters .in this age group and -64E NE)4-r VOlC YOU 4-1EAR MAY 13E --sUNIORV VO 410 M OF 11 -IE 6TAIRS . G-NrES Oliz PoORS TO STAIRWAYS C ggl fwzA sAE -HotA 0 • BUSINESS !RECTOR Paradise on earth is not the Isles of Greece, or two cars, or four credit cards, or a mink stole.- It's sitting down with a cup of coffee after the kids are Of to school and realizing that you won't see them for. any- where from three to six hours, Silence. Golden. No more of, "Jane's mean. Billy won't give back my bike. When are we going for a swim? I wanna ' popsicle. There's nothing to do. It's hot outside. How come we never have any cold popr And so on. Lucky ladies. No dirty bare feet tracking through the house. No whining. No de- mands for the impossible. No' fighting. Nothing but an hour of blessed solitude, with a cup of coffee and maybe a ciga- 'rette for the depraved, and nothing to listen to except Jol- ly Jack, the disc jockey. Even getting at the dishes and , the • washing is a pleasure, when there'snobody there snivell- ing, "I fell and hurt my knee, Mum, Mum my knee hurts, Mum." Well, girls, 1 hope you enjoy it. You deserve it. But while you're lolling in this sybaritic splendor, let me remind you that I and all the other idiots who teach school are stuck with your rotten kids fOr ten months, six hours a day. Keep this in mind when You scream And I have some authority "at school. If a kid bugs me too much, I can threaten him with all sorts of dreadful punish- ments, like being sent to the principals office, which terri- fies him 'about as much as being attacked by a bunny rab- bit. Or I can resort to the final edict, "Look, if you're 16 and you don't like it here, out, vamos, raus, get lost. - There's the door. You're free." This is fairly effective, especially in winter, because they don't want to go to work. ' Another delightful aspect of getting to work is meeting all my old friend S on the staff., There's the cut -and -thrust wit of the staff room at lunch hour, much like the atmos- phere of the French salon t of the 18th century. "Who's got the crossword puzzle'? Gawd, my feet are Willa' me. Jeez, I wish it was Friday." And there's the genuine thrill of staff meetings, where the real, gritty business of edu- cation is discussed with a dig- nity and decorum that Would shame the Senate. Sometimes, in only 40 minutes, we decide whether gum-che,wing is al- lowed daily, or only during ex- ams, to relieve tension. And often, with remarkable dis- patch, say half an hour, we decide, within four inches, how long a boy's hair or how short a girl's dress must be. However, 1 do like kids, and it IS rewarding to watch them grope, then cope. And a few weeks ago a couple of former 'students, now at university, Who were real hellers when I . taught them, asked me out for a game of golf. And then a little girl called me up, and 'asked if she could be in my English class. And Jerry, a boy of whom I TatFier despaired, but a good lad, asked Kim what I wanted for a gift last June, when .he graduated, magna sans laude. She replied, rather intelli- gently, I thought, "give him something he likes,, and some- thing useful," All on his own, he hustled downtown and bought me a bottle of good Burgundy and three golf balls. When a chap shows judgment like that, you can't help feeling you've succeeded, somehow. FOR YOUR AUTO INSURANCE - See or Phone 'MALCOLM MATHERS GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT 524-9442 46 WEST ST. " DOUBLE PASSES TO THE PARK THEATRE MEN'S WEAR. I • a ALL .NEW GODERICH RESTAURANT Steak ,House and. Tavern 0 4. Ivan FL Steckle . : MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Of Canada Representative 84 Kingston St.,,Goderich 524-8882 . Your e . * FRIGIDAIRE * WESTINGHOUSE * G I BSON * HOOVER Sales and Service Mrs. Kenneth R. Bell 92 Quebec St. GERRY'S TELEVISION APPLIANCES The Square— Goderich Now Owned and Operated by Chuck Jewell rit 4 WIN! DOUBLE PASSES TO THE ARKATHEATRE pAma,w4LoApER BOOKS & STATIONERY WORK BOOTS Mrs. Wm. Gilbert 126 St. Patrick St. EXCELLENT SELECTION Regular or Safety Toe 14 Different Styles DAVE GOWER'S Industrial & Garden Centre ILHamilton St. 5248351 morairmar The Names Of Six For That CERTAIN Signal -Star Subscrib- ers Are To Be Found In One Of These- Ads Now Showing 1 I. • it. WALT DISNEY productions' . . .77.1 .74 ▪ • TECHNICOLOW - Retie 3 • MA "§ SEE REGULAR AD ON PAGE 5 FOR DATES AND TIMES 4. Flair IN MEN'S WEAR EARL RAWSON MEN'S WEAR On The Square, Goderich • PM -UPS • - PHILCO Colour Television SALES and ERVI'CE Mrs. Paul Robarts 284 Elgin Ave. W. 524-9432 RIVETTS THIS SPACE RESERVED • FOR YOUR AD TELEVISION — RADIO ‘4, 34 The Square Goderich 0 TRAVEL SERVICES *a LADIES WEAR THIS SPACE RESERVED 11111t5P YOUR COMPLETE FOR YOUR AD • - 1 SHOE STORES TRAVEL SERVICE 29 East Street GODERICH 524-8366 D. A. KAY & SON Painting and Decorating Contractors Painting, Wallpapering Draperies, Floor Sanding 33 Huron Rd. 482-9542 Clinton' 4. Cards For All Occasions * Gifts * Books * 'Stationery Supplies Records ANDERSON'S. BOOK CENTRE 33 East St. Goderich * PAINT * WALLPAPER * CARPETS * TILE „ * LINOLEUM , "Your Complete Home Decorating Centre" Ron McGee 44 Albert St. N. McARTHUR REILLY LTD. West Ste Large Selection Of PIANOS and ORGANS We offer more for your $ $ Try Us — We Prove It and Goderich BUILDING MATERIAL STRATFORD MUSIC [ CENTRE LTD. 118 Downie St., Stratford 271-6322 FURNITURE Now a good salary Opportunity -security' for you in a business career Goderich Business College Enroll Now For September Classes NIGHT SCHOOL li Typing, Bookkeeping, Shorthand (Tues. & Thurs. Evening) 524-8521 524-8732 For FASHION RIGHT SHOES COIN OPERATED DRY CLEANING THISSPACE 8 Pounds — 53.00 /aim- 1101001118011111110.01.1noims LADIES WEAR LIMITED Ground Floor Pabric Centre Bedding Luggage Gift sets Fashion Flobr Dresses Coats Spccrtswear Accessories T., Place To Go Is ROSS SHOES 9 RESERVED 44, FOR YOUR AD The Square „ Goderich Open 9 a.rn. to 6 pm. Daily Except Sunday also Friday Evening Fully Attended,' -Wes; pfreet LAUNDROMAT 54 West St. 524-9953 GODERICH BUILDING CENTRE THIS SPACE • t RESERVED Dr. T. R. Melady 362 Huron Rd. For The FINEST in FURNITURE * 524-8383 FOR YOUR AD Cambria at Anglesea LODGE THIS SPACE For The Fashion Look SPROULE SHOES • Furniture West St.— Goderich Be Sure To See Our Display Of bRIGINAL OIL PAINTINGS 00000.00W00000Y0100000*00 RESERVED' T. O'Dwyer 26 Albert St. N. Footwear' For The Family' FOR YOUR siND SHOPPE Goderich 524-9174 IIIIIIIIIIIIIN000100.0....100/0110■10/01001010:00=.01, CONTEST RULES Each week the names and addresses of 6 subscribers will Appear in the Business Directory. • Kingston St. • Goderich —Look for your name and address in the ads. —Take the BusinessDirectory and suitable identification to the advertiser in whose ad your name apio§ared and —Pickup your passes by Saturday nightclosing. Only SubScribers to the Signal -Star are eligible. . a , . ,