HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-09-18, Page 9of Aub urrt
acre •. irivitcdion
iso visit Goderich
The Septemkr meeting of the
• Woman's Missionary Society of
Knox Presbyterian Church was
held at the hone of Mrs. Donald
Haines. The meeting was in the
ct arge of the first vice-president,
Mrs. W. Bradnock.
After giving the call to
worship the hymn, Break Thou
the Bread of Life was sung with
Mrs. Donald Haines
accompanying on the . electric
organ. Mrs. Haines was in charge
of the devotional period and
chose for her scripture lesson,
Luke 10; starting at verse 30.
atr Her meditation was on the
Parable of the Good Samaritan
and closed with prayer.
The minutes of the previous
meeting were accepted as read
by the secretary, Mrs. Alvin
Leatherland. An invitation to
• attend the Goderich W.M.S. was.
accepted with. thanks. It was
announced that the subscription
to the Glad Tidings magazine
was due and the members were
asked to turn in their'money to
Mrs. John Hallam, Plans were
made to hold .the Fail Thank
offering at the next meeting.
The Mission Study on "Now
would you believe," was taken
by Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson. The
roll call vas answered by naming
a Presbyterial or • Synodical
Officer, The offering was
received and dedicated with
prayer by Mrs. Haines. She also
stated that a gift of $100 had
been received.
The meeting was closed by
singing the birthday hymn of
Miss Minnie Wagner, Unto the
Hills and the used stamps were
received for the India Water
Relief project.
- The _ benediction was
pronounced by Mrs. Bradnock.
The Ladies Aid of Knox
Presbyterian Church held their
Knox Bible Society sees
film Tenzotti Pathways'
Penzotti Pathways was the
film shown by, Rev. John
Thompson, general secretary of
the Bible Society, . in Knox
▪ Presbyterian church at the
annual meeting of the Auburn
district. The film showed the
distribution and translating of
the Bible in South and Central
The president, Mr. Donald
aw Haines was in charge of the
meeting and chose for the Bible
reading, Acts 8;26-31 verses. The
minutes were read by the
secretary, Mrs. Thomas Haggitt.
Mr. Thompson conducted the
election of officers as follows —
President—Frank Raithby;
secretary—Mrs. Thomas Haggitt;
treasurer—Mrs. Sidney Lansing;
Jannetta Snell, Miss Elaine Snell;
North—Mrs. William Empey,
Mrs. Norman• McClinchey;
Gravel Road—Mrs. William de
Jong, Mrs. 'Gordon Chamney;
West Wawanosh—Harold
Webster, Colborne --Mrs.
Fordyce Clark, Mrs. Thomas
Lawlor; Baseline—Mrs. Brian
• Hallam, Mrs. Lloyd„Anfound;
13th Rt Hullett—Missess . Nan
Lapp and Cathy Schneider;
Auburn—Mrs. Ralph Munro,
Mrs. Ted Mills, Mrs. Frank
Raithby, ' Mrs. Kenneth
M c D o ugall3 Mrs. Thomas
Haggitt, Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson,
and Mr. Charles Scott.
Plans were set . to hold the
annual Christmas Carol Service
on December 21 at 8 p.m. and
Rev. John Thompson of London
• was askedto be the • guest
speaker. The benediction was
pronounced by Pastor L. Fry.
Kortiwltural Society holds
September meeting
The September meeting of the
Auburn= Horticultural Society
was held in the Auburn
Community Memorial Hall with'
the president Mrs. Gordon
Taylor in charge.
Theeetin was. opened
m gP by
singing 0 :Canada with Mrs.
Donald Haines as pianist. Mrs.
Taylor .welcomed • the members
and visitors and thanked
everyone for assisting with ' the
flower beds during the summer
and for painting the letters.
The minutes we're read by
Mrs. Bert Craig and accepted.
Mrs. W. Bradnock gave the
financial statement. A letter of
thanks was sent to Mr. Andrew
Kirkconnell for trimming the
trlees at the Manchester garden.
It• was deckded to hold a bake
sale when the Hall Board holds
its rummage sale on October
25th. The committee to be in
charge are Mrs• Donald Haines,
Mrs. Ed Davies, Mrs. W.
Bradnock and Mrs. G. Taylor.
A report of the recent
Convention held in Hamilton was
given by one of the delegate's,
Mrs:. Ed Davies. Mrs. Taylor
showed some of the pictures
taken at the Botanical Gardens.
Thero m
was in the
P I;�
charge of Mrs. Russel Brindley
and featured accordian solos
played by Peggy Young and
Scottish dancing by Sally Kerr.
The highlight of the evening
was a travelogue shown by Mrs.
Ralph Munro of the Munro's trip
to Europe this spring—Mrs. Bert.
Craig introduced the pictures
and gave a commentary. The roll
call was answered by each
member and visitor telling where
they ,saw the prettiest flowers
this year. The door prizes were
won by Mrs. Albert McFarlane
and Mrs. Donald Cartwright. The
pot luck lunch was served by
Mrs. Frank Raithby, Mrs.
Torrance Tabb, and Mrs. R.
The second meeting of the '
Auburn 1, 4-H club was opened
by the president, Connie Hickey
by all repeating the 4-H pledge.
The_ minutes were accepted_ as__
w read by the secretary, Arva Ball.
The leader Mrs. W. Bradnock led
in the discussion on how to
create a design and the learning
StWches articles were cut out. .
Mrs. Frank Raithby assisted
the girls in cutting out their
4 runners and place .mats. The*
blanket stitch and its variations
was demonstrated and the girls
made their samples and did their
'row of blanket stitch on their
runner. .
They also learned how to pull
• a thread from a skeih, the proper
way of threading a needle and
how to start and finish the
The meeting was closed by all
repeating the 4-H Creed.
* *.*
Auburn No: 2 4-H club met
for its first meeting at the home
of Iheir leader, Mrs. Donald
Haines. The meeting was opened
by all repeating ' .the pledge
followed by the election of
officers led by Mrs. Haines.
• „ The officers etee'cted __were
President -Donna Cha(mtie-y;
Thompson; secretary—Linda
Jefferson; puss reporter—Trudy
The assistant leader, Mrs.
Thomas Haggitt, told the story.
of embroidery and Mrs. Haines
led in the discussion of colour
and colour schemes. The
learning stitches and articles to
be.made .were _also . discussed.
The meeting was closed by all
'repeating the 4-H Creed.
-The second meeting-- of
Auburn 2, Speedy Needles 4-H
club was held at the home of
Mrs. Donald Haines. The
president Donna Chamney
opened the meeting with the 44-1
Pledge followed by the minutes
read by Linda Jefferson.
The roll call was answered by
naming the learning . stitches
article they were going to make.
The girls all cut out their
runners and samples and learned
the ' blanket . stitch with
variations. Mrs. Haines and Mrs.
T. Haggitt demonstrated how to
create a design, thread a needle,
pull thread from a Skein and
how to start and finish a thread
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Slater
have purchased Doran's General
store and opened on Monday,
September 15. ° They have
groceries, greeting cards, gifts
and sundries and will have
specials this weekend. We
welcome the Slater family to the
village. They have rented Mr.
Percy Youngblut's home.
meeting with Mrs. Roy Daer in
charge. `Plans were trade tor the.
T hank offering and other
business was discussed. •
,The meeting was closed by
singing • Grace and a lunch was
served by Mrs, Haines.
Baptist Church
Celebrates 101st
The 101st anniversary of the
Auburn Baptist Church was
observed by holding afternoon
and evening services. The church
was decorated r with baskets of
gladioli and fall flowers and
Pastor Patrick Ferrer of Welland
was in charge of the service.
Mrs. Robert J. Phlllips
presided at the organ. Rev.
Arthur Maybury of Goderich
was the guest speaker. Special
musical numbers were given by
Rev. and Mrs. John Ostrom of
Wingham and Mr. and Mrs.
Donald McMillan and family of
Guests and members enjoyed
a dinner ` served after the
afternoon service.
Mr. and • Mrs. Len
Archambault entertained at her
mother's cottage recently. The
guests were Mr. and Mrs. John
Clark, RR 1, Auburn, Mr. and
Mrs. Laurie Duncalfe, Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Williamson
and family of Walton, Mr. and
Mrs. Doug Fraser and family of
Walton, Mr. and Mrs. Ken
McMichael . and family of
Bluevale and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Grainger and family of
Wroxeter. '
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
McDougall visited last week with
,Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Toll, Terry
and Warren at London.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Haggitt
and Mr. Stephihn Haggitt visited'
on Sunday � w'th Mr. and Mrs.
George Haggitt and . family at
Miss Nancy Swan ,was guest
-soloist with - Allan Miller's
orchestra when they played last
Sunday afternoon at Formosa.
X. new P.A. system has been
installed at the Community
Memorial Hall and a rummage
sale -will. be .. held on October
25th to .assist the Board to pay
for it. Anyone wishing to donate
to this sale please contact —
Township of Hullett—Reeve
Hugh Flynn and Councillor Len
Archambault;., West
Wawanosh—Ted Mills, Fast
Wawanosh—Gerald McDowell,
Colborne -Jim McPhee,
Auburn—Jim Glousher, and Mrs.
Frank Raithby, president of the
Auburn WsI. The hall will be
open on October 24th to receive
articles tor sale. Watch for
advertisements in this paper in
the middle of October.
Mrs. George Hamilton
returned last weekend after
visiting with her niece, Mrs.
Harvey Andrews. and Mr.
Andrews at Exeter.
Mrs. Kenneth McDougall
visited her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Toll on- Monday at
Mr. and Mrs. 'Willard Rickert
and Mr. and Mrs. William
O'Krafka of Hespeler spent the
weekend with -.Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Slater, Frank and Joanne,
Mr. Ed - Haines returned on
Sunday to his studies of the
University of Waterloo.
Mrs. Mac Allison of Ailsa
Craig visited last week with ,her
brother Mr. Ben Hamilton and
Mrs. Hamilton. `
Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Coates of flint, Mich. and Mr.
Peter Brown of Windsor visited
last, week with Mr. and Mrs.
Maitland Allen.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Humphreys of Palmerston
visited last Thursday evening
with Mrs. Gordon Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs. Len
Archambault visited recently
with Mr: and-- Mrs Laurie
Duncalfe of Toronto. They
toured the ' new Ontario
Centennial Science Centre which
will be officially opened on
September 27.
Mrs. W. Bradnock and Miss
•Frances. Houston attended the
W.M.S, meeting at Cava
Presbyterian Church last
Thursday evening where Mrs.
Bradnock, was the guest speaker.
Chapter DE
4ar .meetings
The September meeting of
Ahmeek Chapter I.Q,DE. was
held at the home of Mrs. Charles
Gibbons, Huron Road, The
Regent, Mrs. A. Habel presided;
In the absence of the standard
bearer the Flag was presented by
Mrs, H. Clairmont.
Reports of the convenors of
the various departments of the
work of the order were given.
It was decided to have the
finance committee bring in 4ts
recommendations at the
November meeting.
Mis. Redmond introduced the
guest speaker, Miss 'Thompson,
who is liaSon nurse at Goderich
Psychiatric Hospital. She spoke
about her +work at the hospital
and a number of interesting facts
In connection with mental
- Mrs. 0. Straughan thanked
MissThompson for attending
the meeting.
The October meeting of the
Chapter will be held at the home
of Mrs. M • McKee, Trafalgar
Street, pre week earlier than
usual on October 6.
Lunch was served - by the
committee, Mrs. V. Crboke and
Mrs. G. Emersorvissisted by the
Miss L. MacVicar, thanked the •
hostess for opening her home for
the meeting. -
Huron Plowmen's. Association
42nd ,Annuah
and Farm Machinery Demonstration
Saturday, October 4th, 1969
At Par Avon 5
The John Rodges Farm
In Goderich Township, on the corner°of No. 8 Highway and
the Ben Miller road, three miles east of Goderich
Everyone Welcome -- No Admission Charge
Maurice Love, R. T. Bolton
RR 3, Exeter, President . RR 1, Seadorth, Secretary
Certain items illustrated or described are optional at extra cost.
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