HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-10-27, Page 84 Cls istinas Quarter. The rapidly cooling weather is a re- minder that winter is coming and with it the swift appt'oaeh of the holiday sea son. We are now within the Christ- mas quarter and, the few flakes of snow occasionally fluttering through the air brim; with. them snarly pleasant hopes. = § l- — — + § SRYERAL THOUSAND BOYS An GIRLS §_+=§--+=§=- Within a few milers around feel hike. giving an occasional shout in the thought of whet tuay possibly come to fill tate pocket or enrieb the rooms be fora the. year closes. We have thought of them and provided many months ago. Just neer some of the goods are commencing to make their appearance We 1 c n eases of different sizes. will have lots of them this season—our stock is generally pretty full but "BIDE A WEE" and you may look through the door and see counters, shelves and stands literally groaning (as the tea meetings say) with their large display. Dull tunes will not daunt us—the goods will be here, and we hope -=the custom ers. J. C ,ICC. A GREAT }IIT has been made in The Rfiantrie a ek AT Thi Nrom Perhaps there's nothing unusual in this circumstance, for iu one way or another we're constantly making; some happy move favorable to the buyer. But we've au idea that the Mantle Hit is of peculiar interest to a large num- ber of buyers at the present time. The hit consists in part itt the very large assortment of Mantles to be found in this store. Another hit is the beauty and freshness of our new stock of man - ties. Beacity, yes BEAUTY, for no house in the trade can produce or show more perfect fitting or better .appear. ing coats, WE LEAD, hear this fact in mind. What is newest you find with us. We never saw such wonder fug value in mantles. Come and give us your opinion. $5.00 buys from us a Jacket worth at least x$7.00. $6.00 buys from us a Jacket that would be cheap at $S 00. $8.50 is syliat we ask for a regular $10.50, mantle. Some very special lines in mantle snd ulster cloths and sealettes. Some ay that sealettes are too expensive. We don't know the depth of your purse but if you can stand. $6.00 a yard, we will sell you a silk sealette that will knock the wind clear out of any $8.50 sealette in the trade. We make seal ette coats to order, guarantee fit, guar antee trimmings,•what more? We will. give you more value for your money than you ever got in mantles before, Try us. J. A. Stewart. THEY ALL DO T. WHAT? Why ! Go to hear THE FRMLILT5 JllhiIeo Silloi' Monday Evg, Oct. U,'92 —IN— Drew's Hail, Exeter WILL YOTT BE ONE. LOCAL JOTTINGS. Halloween, Monday, October 31st inst. Get it Fixed mindyour that the Big Bankrupt Store is the correct spot for choice millinery at reasonable prices. Stock new; prices close, cies., close. There was delivered at the Mansion 'House on Monday and Tuesday eight large boxes of fruit trees and shrubs comprising 275 orders. The delivery was made by Mr, J. Taylor, of the late firm of Pontey Ps Taylor, nurserymen, of London. Every tree and shrub ap- peared to be in a good healthy coedit ion, giving good satisfaction to each purchaser. This is the largest consign ment distributed in this section for some time and no doubt will give the best of satisfaction. It is beyond all doubt that " vlyetlo Navy" is the favorite tobacco with the smokers of Canada, They obtain more enjoyment from it than from any other tobacco made, and those of thein who have used it long ,enough to test its merits never abandon it for any other brand. The reason for this pI•eferece is that the"Myrtle Navy" is made ef the very finest leaf which is grown and that in every process of its manu- facture the most vigilant care is exer- p g roma cased to reserve the canine a o the leaf. t Do You Know Ch liR 0 Big Bankrupt Store is overstocked with men's aed bey& overkoats, more over 1oats than they 1 non what to clo with: Do you want one or t'o, you can have •, thorn at tory low.pueab. See thorn, Thursday, November 10th,, has been proclaimed Tho-tnl'sgiving Day; Ladies! Call and see Grieve's sea letter before you purchase elsewhere, Hard ware, hard ware, Hardware John E. McDonell, Bissett's old, stand Exeter, Burt:leek rills never gripe, sicken or in jure, They cure Constipation and Sick Headache. Peruse Carling Bros.' change of "ad' in this week's issue.—Read J. Griu-g's Christmas announcement in another column. Catarrh in the head is a constitution- al disease, and requires a constitution- al remedy- like Hood's Sarsaparilla to effect a cure, The Young People's Society of Ep• worth League intend sending two del agates to the County Conference to be held in Clinton on Wednesday neat. Summer is warming the autumn red hot as this is being written, but words to that effect are risky, as who knows what the temperature will be when. this is printed. Seaforth is to have a monthly horse and cattle fair, and the council has re- solved to grant $5 per mouth to defray expenses. What is wrong with the Exeter Council? "An open winter is approaching." Thus singers sing who study ground- hogs and die about the weather. An open winter, oh yes. Open all night, the prophets mean. Mrs, Harrison, wife of President Har- rison, died at 1.30 o'clock, Tuesday morning, Her illness was caused by grip, euding with an attack of sub acute pluerisy, necessitating tapping three times. The verdict of the jury on Tuesday eight was that Thomas Wilson and John Burke wilfully, feloniously, and of their malice aforethought, did kill and murder Detective Henry Phair in London on Oct. 13. In the presence of 100,000 and amid the echoes of the largest chorus assem- bled in the city of modern times, the World's. Columbian Exposition was for - malty dedicated on Friday by the dig- nitaries of the nation. Lieut. Colonel Wilson was in town last week arranging for the transfer of the arms and eommand of No. 6 Com• pany to Mr. L. H. Dickson. Colonel Aylmer will make the transfer to Cap tate Dickson this week. Watt f, r the Cosgrove Family under the auspices of the Exeter hire Com- pany L'z't3w's Opera House on Fri day evening; November 4th, Reserved seats at Dr. Lutz's drug store. Popu- lar prices of admission, The insolvent stock of furniture of Walter Andrews was disposed of on Saturday afternoon by John Gill, auct ioneer, the buyers in a number of, in- stances paying higher than retail pric es. The stock realized $304.90. 15 CENTS -- As an in- ducement to new subscribers, we offer the ADVO- CATE and the "Medical Adviser and Farm Ilelp" till the 1st of January 1893, for 15 cents. Send in the names Mrs. Murphy, of Seaforth, has sold her farm on the 5th concession of Hib- bert to Mr. James Doyle, of Seattle, Washington, for $3,000. The farm contains 75 acres, and Mr, Doyle has secured a good investment for the money. The cold weather continues and is. causing much suffering among the poor. Snowstorms prevailed inthe midland counties of England on Mort - day, and in Wales the mountains for many miles look as though in was mid winter. Mr. L. H. Dickson has sold his black mare "Nellie B" to a London gentle man. The price realized, $200, was a good one in the present condition of the horse market She was a beauty though. He has another and better one coming up. An exchange of property has .oc-' curred:between Mr. Wm. Bawden and Mr. Robt, Lang, whereby the f;;rmer gots the latter's residence on Main street and eight hundred dollars, Mr. Lang getting Mr,. W. H. Verity's resi deuce in Exeter North. The total convictions in Huron coun- ty for the last quarter numbered' only 40, Of the offences, four were yiolat- ions of the License Act, and nearly at the rest were assault cases or some. thing akin thereto, The .total fine imposed, including two of $20 each amounted to $98. We are much pleased to learn ' tha at a recent meeting of Flarriston schoo board our old friend,Mr. D. C. Dorranc was re-engaged at an advanced safer of one hundred dollars. This speaks highly for Mr. D's teaching abilities, and we congratulate the Board on se, curing so able a man. The first atilt Conyention of the Xian EndeaTer Epworth League and other kindred societies will be held in Wingham Congregational Churc%1 on Wendnesday, Nov, 2nd, with sessions at 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. .MI churches with or without societies are earnestly invited to send two delegates from their young people. Names to be sent at the earliest moment to Mr. T. Iterotrene, Wingham. Are You Dead1 o rr nt ests? If not, whs not call at the Big Bankrupt Store and leave vour order for a black worsted suit, 118.00 is the price for the best that can be produced, Competition defied; fit guaranteed; trimmings the best, Farmers call on John E. McDenell When in the village, he is selling tin- ware at exceptionally lore figures. 7777n777,7,777.7.777. 771 yi,wa isw.bw A public nteetieg WAS held is the town hall on Friday evening; to discuss the interests of the village. Speeches were delivered by many prominent citizens and members of the council. After the diseuseion a committee ayes uted to deo is saggar a It a the town and, try to secure soirne live industry, iii the Drop prices of Black Cashmeres and Honriettas at the Big Bankrupt Store, Big Bargains for careful buyers. Note—a'75 (Keit Hen riotta for' 62 ecnts,; a 90 oent Henrietta for 72 cents; a 100 coat Henrietta for 82 conte. Do you want .a baa' ain? QIi Monday, before Justices Lewis. and Eitber, Mrs. Dickey charged Win. Cunningham and A, Hodgins with breaking her windows, and other of- fences. The prosecution failed to prove that the boys brake the window, but did succeed in showing that the boys wore out uutil 3 o'clock asps , and that they were in rather a "beery" state. The case was dismissed. Although the precise date of the meeting. of Parliament for the despatch of business has not bean decided upon, it it expected that it will meet mach earlier next session than usual, either on the 12th or the 17th of January. This will doubtless be welcome news to members of both Houses, as it rend Ors the probabilities of having to sit in the stuffy Commons chamber during the "dog days" remote. Colored and smoked pieces of glass were in request all over the village on Thursday, last week, as our citizens were anxious to catch a glimpse of the eclipse of the sun. Although the sky was cloudy the phenomenon was watched wan much interest. The next astronomical phenomenon iu which the gon`eral public may take an interest will be a total eclipse of the moon on November 4th next. Owing to so many matrimonial sere - monies being performed this week we cannot give full details of all. The following will suffice for the present:— Mr. Peter Bawden, of Ridgetown, to Miss Maude Porte, of Lucan ; Mr. Abra- ham Dear•ing,of Stephen, to Mrs.Brock, of Exeter; Mr. Monteith, of Usborne, to Miss Sarah Rowtciiffe, daughter of Mr. Wm. Rowteliffe, London Road. We ex- tend congratulations to all. The following persons follow the Verity Plow Works to Brantford short- ly:—Messrs. Chas. Neil, W. Atkinson,T. Stewart. Wallace Hicks, Alex Davey, Rebt. Webster, Dennis Holleran and family, A. Hoskin and wife, Ed. Dyer and wife; Rich. Eacrett and family, Ben Ruston and faintly, Frank Smale and family, John Ryan and family, Walt Carley and family, Thos Heaman and family; John White and wife. Are You In It? one or the choice new elegant bitting man ties sold at the Big Bankrupt Store. If not, get there kwiek. Remember $8.50 buys a regular $10.50 jacket, better value no live dealer can give you, the Big Bankrupt Store is on top of the pile for quantity, quality and value— $5.00 buys a real good coat at the Big Store. Crediton has some very naughty boys. Midnight depredations are quite common and rowdyism is becoming rampart, The authorities are taking the matter itt hand and mean to make an example of some. of the marauders. Some cowardly blackguards smashed in the windows of a house occupied by a widow lady the other evening, and in another column a reward is offered for information that wi'l convict them. Exeter has a few street tonghs who stand around the corners upon Sabbath evening, and they, too, are being watched with a close eye. , A number of friends and relatives gathered at the residence of Mrs. Haw- kins; Sitncoe-stn, on Wednesday after- noon, to witness the wedding ceremony of her slaughter, Catherine, to Mr. H. W. Jessey, of Elmira, N. Y. The eVent took place about 4 o'clock in the after noon, being performed by the Rev. Fred Halling Fatt, after which the us nalwedding feast was partaken of, The couple left on Wednesday for the U. S., vrhere they intend residing, tak ing with them the best wishes of many in this district for their future prosper ity. We join in extending congratu- lations. -The declaration of a bonus of 1 per cent to accompany the last hall yearly'. dividend prepared the shareholders of the Molsons bank for a favorable re port from the directors on the year's business, The statements of the meet- ing last tseek did not disappoint thorn. On the paid up capital of two millions the Molsons earned a profit of 14 per cent. Out of thin a 9 par cent.. divid end took $180.000; $50,000 was added to the rest, bringing that fund up to $1,150,000, while $50,000 was set aside as rebate interest on current accounts. There is also carried torwaed a sum of 189, 228 to credit of profit and loss These figures indicate that the bank has received a full share from the im • prevenient in tied° noted by the presi. dent in his remarks, and both the man a„ ement and shareholders are to be eengrattiIated on the result of the year's operations, Oa Monday evening last a yery ee- leer audience convened in the Opera Scall to p,itronizc the entertainment under tate . auspices of the Epworth League of the Main Street Methodist church, and all were delighted with the performance of the various parties. whose dames appeared on the program The opening plana solo by Miss Lilly Hardy ,vas good and much appreciat- ed, and although young at the finger board, she will yet melte her marl:. Miss Sara LordBailey was. the mein feature of the evening, and her rend eriug ef the different skeetions showed that she hail thoroughly plastered the mysteries and prineiples of the art, as her lowest whisper Was as distinctly heard as the loudest tones of her voice. She displayed that wonderful versaltie power that can only bo attained by continued practice of the vocal organs. In a word, she is a mistress of her pro- fession, She succeeds because she is natural in all her acting. The rendit- ion of ''Experience of a Genius" was alone worth the price of admission, From grave to gay, from lively to se- vere, she was equally at home. Tho duet by Miss Colley and Mr. Penick, of St. Marys, was acquitted in a credit able manner, and commanded ap• plause; as also did the solo by Miss Colley. It is needless for us to com- ment on the well-known singing pow• ers of our townsmen, Mr. T. A, Brown, as usual he was eneh©red vigorously, and was obliged to respond thereto be- fere the programme could be continued The affair throughout was a success, the only thing being left undone was the rendition of the "Royal Bumper Degree' by Miss. Bailey, which select- ion some were disappointed on not hearing. Varna for reale. The undersigned has several first class farms for sale on easy terns. J. SPAOKMAN, Exeter. ti] auted. Never too late to mend. 5000 pairs of boots and shoes that need repairing to be left at the leading boot and shoe store next door to the post office. 0. Manso. " it nrnenand Scalds:' If you are so unfortunate as to in• jure yourself in this way, we can sug• gest a remedy that will (we speak from experience) soon relieve you of all pain and quickly heal the wound; it costs but 25 cents for the. New big bottle and is sold by all Druggists— ask for Perry Davis' Pain•Killer, A Prize Portrait II This young lady has two brothers and a sister;. each one of whose picture is combined in the above portrait. The publishers of the LADIES' PICTORIAL WEEKLY will give a Fine Ladies' Gold Watch to the person who first can make out the faces of the two brothers and sister ; to the second a Mantel Clock ; to the third a Coin Silver Watch ; to the fourth a beautiful pair of Pearl Opera Glasses; to the fifth a Stik Dress Pattern ; and a valuable prize will also be even to every person who is able to answer this Picture Rebus correctly, until one hundred prizes have been awarded, if there should be that number answering correctly. Each contestant is to cut out the picture rebus, and make a cross with a lead pencil on the two brothers' and sister's faces, and send same to us with five two -cent postage. stamps, for two copies of the LADIES' Prc- TORIAL WEEKLY, our popular illustrated journal. Answer to -day and enclose ten cents and you may win one of the leading prizes. Address, " F" LADIES' PICTORIAL WEEKLY, I92 I{ing St. West, Toronto, Canada. or We have the largest stock of z lack & Co1ored Dress Goods Ever Shown in Exeter. We are showing an Immense Stock German Mantles AT POPULAR PRICES. E. J. Spackman & Co's. SAMWELL'S BLOCK, EXETE1i, .., d411......zny. TrA din g. with ISES ollallts, EXETR. They don't ask k e a rice and then come down O E- 0 ELI 0 EVERY PERSON SHOULD BUY e HIM Raq 's G`"lc.- . irsrS l+l iii 1 ;! Di. It is better than all others. TEN REAS MS WHY: 1.—It will not get out of order. 2.—It is cheaper than any other Can. 3.—It will last five times as long as any ordinary lamp filler. 4.—Because it is non corrosive, as it is zinc and tin. which form a mag- netic action and keep it from corroding. 5.—It will do the work in one-fourth of the time. 6.—It will not soil the floor and shelf. 7.—It never sweats oil. 8.—It gives- you perfect control of the oil. 9.—It is.always neat and safe. 10—It will strengthen the lungs. This Can has been examined by experts and pronounced to be the best they eyer saw. Randy, Zealthy, Bailable and Cheat'. They are wanted in every house where coal oil is used: The fastest selling article in the market. GOBBLEDIEfi & ur efforts to please the Ladies of this vicinity with something neat and stylish in MILLINERY fully appreciated, and careful buyers .ers will 1 a ways find it to their advantage to see th.ro-c h. our stock before invest- ing. ® r ress Coedsstock uscomplete and t Brack Coeds we, have the best values in the Trade. Our Stock of Tweeds and Over- coatings vercoatings emu braces all the newest things in the market and the prices we give you make the sale of an outfit easy. $10.00 BUYS A GOOD SUIT. Some Startlers for Fall Trade : Special Union Grey Flannel 1Oc i6 All Wool 66 66 1 7c Canton 6666 7c All Wool Tweed 30e .A.11 Wool Under Shirt 50c value in lathes' g hosiery & -.loves. 66 66 Si fi SOLE AGENTS FOR BUTTER@f i©VS OELERRATE® CLOVE F TTS % PATTERNS November elineator to hand at A. J. I aTAYnS & CoCos.