HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-08-28, Page 22tOA GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1969
Sees, jumbo jet and elephant
seals on week's trip
Nits. Elizabeth Marin' of
the Coach House Travel Service
was among a party of invited
guests of American Airlines and
Princess cruise. • ist week.
Following a flight to Los
Angeles, she visited the
McDonnell Douglas plant where
the new D.C. 10 jumbo jetliner
is under construct' ')n.
• After visiting the plant, she
boarded the 20,0001on Princess
Cruises Liner, the Princess C`,arla,
for a short cruise to Ensenada
and the once notorious Mexican
penal colony of Guadalupe
Island, now a nature reserve.
The visit to Guadalupe was
one of the highlights of the trip
as the island now abounds in
seals and elephant seals which
could be easily observed t or e
the small boats used to ferry the
passengers from the Cruise Liner
to the island. "
The fathers of universal
medicare undoubtedly hoped
that the federal payment to the
provinces of 50 percent of the
people's medical bills would
result in a , corresponding
reduction in• health insurance
premiums, `thus alleviating the
burden of medical expense on
1pw incomes.
Federal medicare agreements
with some western provinces
leave much to be desired, but
the agreement with Ontario
leaves much more. Ontario has
been allowed to enter medicare
on its own terms, or soit seems,
which is prat ,re°a11y the status
quo. This defection by Ottawa
has put the Liberals of the
Ontario Legislature in an
embarrassing position; it took
the wind out of their sails.
And how ' come Ontario's
medical exemptions for income
tax purposes have been cancelled
when the federal $1.75,000,000
kickback from the two percent
welfare tax has been
appropriated by the Robarts
government for purposes which
presumably have more political
value but are not a direct benefit
to the citizen with medical
Nova Scotia responded nobly.
It has one insurer or agency as
against the . retention of about
150 private companies by
Ontario. It has no deterrent fees
and . no premiums; being
finanded entirely by the federal
p us an increase in
the provincial sales tax.from five
to seven percent.
John Gilbert.
Upholstery Shop
1 lidn't expect to see my
letter., in this week's paper
(Homo and School, August 21)
or 1 would have said it was the
Victoria Home and School
Association that did those things
in the early day's, and which
disbanded a year ago. (No more
worlds to conquer).
t{oy Stonehouse was
principal of the nine room
school and was the pioneer of
vocational training in Goderich.
Another big project was to have
a music instructor for the
schools. It seemed hopeless, but
the members of the Women's
Institute were approached,
agreed to help and the money
was provided.., by the three
groups until the department of
education made grants available
for the purpose.
The other important project
was to have women on • the
school board. Several informal
meetings were held to discuss
the matter and Mrs. George
Johnston (Stanley Street) and
Mrsr-.Grey frorri another section
of town were nominated' and
elected and at the first board
meeting none of the men would
speak to them.
Later they found the women
knew quite a lot about school
boards and as time went on Mrs.
Johnston became chairman. Mrs.
Grey resigned on leaving town,
but Mrs. Johnston is able to see
the results of their labours as we
have had a woman on the board
ever since.
Mrs. J. W. Wallace is still in
'office on the regional board and
I am sure all the women are
proud she is still carrying on the
work inspite of all the
difficu lties.
Mrs. Albert Taylor
(press secretary
for many years)
Work is nearing co'mpletion on• the exterior restoration program
at Knox Presbyterian Church. Workmen of Isbister Restoration,
Waterdown, are seen putting on a base coat of white tremco
texture. A second coat of cemco finish white will follow. The
cost of' the entire restoration program is expected to reach
$50,000, said. Bruce Sully, chairman of the fund raising
committee. -staff photo
Evening reflections on Lake Huron
tOhscrration of a Huron County Editor, /Huron Signalf more than 100 years ago
The sun is sinking in the
waters of the great Lake.
One-half of the glorious orbs„ is
yet visible, and his golden rays
are playing on the smooth
surface of ,the mighty deep.
There is no wind, no wave, not
even ` a ruffle. The eternal
principle of Motion seems.
asleep, and its faint breathings
are almost too faint—too lazy to
raise an undulation of "good
night" to the setting sin.
The eye strains and stretches
far as the power of vision, and
.sees but water -- clear, and
smooth and motionless. The ear
listens, but there is no sofig of
bird -- no hum of bee -- no
whistle of the plover nor scream
of the sea -mew; even the splash
of. the oar, or the hoarse voice of
the ocean child, the mariner, is
not heard.A-11, all is still save the
the Maitland
murmur of
River -- as it warbles forth its
plaintive dirge o'er the -things
that are at rest. How cairn -- how
beautiful -- how full of thought!
Unmeasured heap of water!!
Thou are still, at least thou
seemest so; and yet there is not
in thy vast bulk one particle at
rest! Motion incessant and
perpetual stirs every atom, from ,.
thy lowest deep .up to thy glassy
surface! Thou art ever on the
move, and the cycle of thy long,
long journey endeth not! A
thousand times has thou gone
through the great Pacific and the
Northern seas; mingled with all
oceans, gamboled in every lake,
sped :down all rivers — rode
bubbling in the fleet cafreering
cloud, dashed foaming through
the rocky channels of mountain
streams in my own native land
(Scotland), and here thou art
again; not in repose, but moving
onwards thy perpetual course.
Thou canst not rest -- thou are
related and united to every drop
- of water on the globe, and
playest thy' part in the great
atmosphere that girds the earth
-- doomed even to circulate
through verdure, vegetation- -and
the veins of living things!
Eternal miracle! Mystery
sublime! Thou arthe . emblem
t mb em
of .the living soul that,, breathes
-and-heaves anrl-Hants/ in -human
kind. The Soul! The infinite
principle of life and thought
dwells alwheres in the human
form the same. .
Men may rear temples .,to a
thousand gods, create
distinctions, and spin spurious
laws,hang starts' and titles on
ambitious fools, and daub
themselves with , feathers,
ermine, long names and flimsy
gew-gaws, till each other's eyes
are dimmed and dazzled with
the harlequin's array. Many
scowl upon each other's want of
pride or pelf, and disagree, and
fight, ` and cut each other's
throat, and stain their hands
with blood, contending for the
shadow of .a thought or some
small gilded toy. But ah! blind
vanity. 'The immortal soul -- the
deathless spark of heaven's
eternal fire,, that throws aside its
"mortal coil" amid the
wretchedness of an alms -house,
or escapes from its emaciated
clay tenement amid the rags, and
filth, 'and famine of an Irish
cabin, will shine as pure, as
bright, ' as precious . at the
judgment throne, as will the soul'
that parted with its dust on bed
of chintz and down; hung round
with tapestry and go o s gold.
Names do not alter ills! The
Souls of king andd beggar are'
alike. The difference rests in
spoons, and knives and forks,
aided by .paint and patchwork.
Alas how humbling! But how
true - how just. When, when will
man thus learn to know his
God? ,
Mrs. Leona Grenier has had
her grandson, Arnold Meader,
visiting, her for ,the summer
months. Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Meader and Mrs. M. Meader,
Detroit, Michigan, have also
been recent guests of Mrs.
Mrs. Frank Riley, East Street,
has returned home from a trip to
England -where she visited
friends and relations. She visited
Surry, Kent and Essex while
there. •
Mr. and Mit. Joseph Griffin
and family of Detroit and 'Miss
Mary Griffin of Montreal were
recent visitors in Goderich.
W. J. Denomme
524. o
$132 • .�
Award for 244hr.
No Mtter How You Figure
LL ,
Is The Place To
Shop For Back To
School Shoes,
It doesn't take a college graduate in
mathematics to figure that it pays to
buy at Ross Shoe Shop for your
back -to -school 'shoes. Shop this
Watch For the
Open House Signs
7:90 P.M. TO 9:00 P.M.
9:00 A.M. TO 12:00
1:30 P.M. TO 5:00 P.M.
Yours from
Valleyfield'�'fadifiidria!"st/t b'ungalow. 3 >✓ozyrbedrooms, all with
•built-in closets. Cheerful kitchen, charming living and dining room.
. M1:::. :.::: •u 1ti f,:{:{{V It:::{:j
What's under an Alco -n Universal Home roof? A fully
'decorated•and fully equipred hone ready fur you to move
right in. You Car) even choilse model ail appliance•-;
and) furniture.
Alcan Univ r;ral 'Homes are nranuf-actrirrd in a plant
under strict quality control, using only the Lest niatenal
such as kiln -dried lumber. Aluminum siding, soffits, fascia
and many, items of trim keep the exterior of your Alcan
Universal Horne beautiful for years.
• There are exterior designs and floor plans to meet
every need and .taste•.All are professionally dreorat4•d it a
variety of colour schemes.
Most models have a built-inrange," refrigerator-, auto-
matic washer and clothes dryer. Some models even have a
dishwasher. All have fully carpeted living rooms and special
cushioned vinyl flooring in the other rooms,
Alcan Universal Homes have a hot water l,Qating sys•
tern, acknowledged as the mast efficient in, the industry,'
with baseboard type radiators, These homes are insulated
to electrical heating standards and exceed National Build-
ing Code requirements. Electrical circus ._and plumbing
systems areal C.S.A. approved before they leave our plant.
All our homes h=ove CP✓1HC approval, and are elenila(e for
NHA and V.L.A. mortgages.
Royal Bank NHA Pro -plant -Inn bl rips_rr are alr-,r.-, a�✓�ll'
able fair the conveneent'flnancin'l of Alcan Ur o'r: rr,:r1 HoHr,.
I'1 sobdi✓ision s.
So sen tilc A,;o: h dl,". Arid col ,1
"of (1`,t_'r lr!1, and ,1
Y,ou can have an Alcan Universal Home put al -
rear, t. zany vrrf n y )r1 .,anL .
• On y,,ur 0,,o! ht.
•„Ura ti J.'.I f . plan lot.
• ()Hi V.L.A. lot,
firrr:drorl ton, .,ay
0 0✓teem) it AIrHtLrrn. And 'Lite
choice 1`• yo,tlr
Homes �'m��,
Phone 524-9662 or 524-6542
s. M